Dream the impossible..


 Youngsaeng's POV
We reached...
" Gill, we reached.. Come on, you rest upstairs okay?" I gently her cheek and tried to wake her up.
She rubbed her eyes and didn't want to wake up. Then she went back to her slumber..
" Sigh this girl..she must be really tired.."
I carried her up. She didn't react to it.. She REALLY is very tired..
" Be careful, take good care of her saeng ah.." omma and abuji whispered and bid me goodbye.
" De, komapda. Have a good night too." I smiled ,then turn and headed up to my dorm.
I didn't have any extra hand to reach for my dorm keys, so I swiftly used my body to pressed the bell, hoping my members are not asleep yet.
The door opened. " Hyung! You are so late! We were all about to sleep, but wanted to wait for Gill to come back.." kyu jong procrastinate in a loud voice..
" Kyu ah..shhhh, she is so tired that I can't wake her up just now.." I took out my shoes and trudged towards my room and placed her down gently on my bed.
" Hyung, don't tell are gonna share a room with her.." hyungjoon came out and asked sheepishly.
" Yah maknae of course not! Kyu, can I share a room with you these few days? I'm letting my room to her.." 
" Sure. I do not have any extra bed, so you sleep on the floor. I'll spare you a pillow and a blanket." kyu smirked. 
" Mwo?! Are you serious? Oh...fine." I sighed.
" Yes..this is called 'sacrificial love'..she is willing to even sacrifice her life for you, I'm sure 'sacrificing' your comfort on a bed ain't that bad right?"  hyungjoon added..
" Hmm.. Looks like both of you don't understand what is love.. There is so much more to" I sighed and smiled slightly..
" Yea professor Heo.. Continue your philosophy of love.. We totally understand that o.k.a.y...." they turn and shoot back at me.
Suddenly somebody knocked on the door vigorously.. 
" Who can it be at this hour?" jungmin came out and asked.
" Beats me.. Hyung, you open the door." hyungjoon shrugged his shoulders and 'ordered' me to open the door.
I walked to the door and slowly opened it..
" is Gillian here? Can I go in and see her?" a couple stood there and asked anxiously in a weird accent.
" Anneyonghaseyo, may I know who are you?" I asked.
" Oh Miane, forgot to introduce. We are her parents.. We got the news about what happened to her and immediately flew back from Australia. Ling told us 
she may be here.. So we came." 
" Ah Ajusshi, ajumma! De, please come in. " I invited them in and led them into my room.
" She is really tired.. Asleep right now..." I told them.
They went up to her and started tearing. They held on to her hand tightly. " Gill.. Sorry... Sorry.. We didn't take care of you.. You must have been through a lot.." 
She is still in her deep slumber.. I stood at the door. " Ah Maine, is she disturbing you here? Wahh this daughter..she really is so clumsy and gullible.. She is like that since young, she believes others too easily, don't even know whether they are good or bad.."
" Kwenchana kwenchana, she is not disturbing me at all. Don't worry." I smiled.
Her parents started chatting with me. 
" I know she likes SS501 a lot.. She plays your songs everyday at home.. Even when she is showering, she sings opening a concert in the bathroom.. Haha this girl.."
" Haha is it? Ahhh..." I chuckled. Seems like Gill didn't tell her parents about us..
" De, she must be thinking, I don't mind getting hurt just to see SS501.."
" Ahh Ani I don't think so, she was just hurt by one of my fans, so it's my responsibility to take care of her now.." i smiled.
" Wahh you are a very different idol.. How lucky can she get? Anyway you are?" her appa smirked and asked.
" Anieyo..ah youngsaeng imnida" i laughed.
" Thanks for saving her youngsaeng shii..cheongmal kamsahamnida. Okay, i think it's quite late now, we will bring her back home." they thanked me.
" Kwenchana she can stay here for the night. She is very tired, i think let's not wake her up.."
" Er but...."  her omma hesitated.
" Don't worry, she will be fine here. Everybody will be in the other rooms, so ya.. We will not come in in the middle of the night and ya..haha" i assured her. I know what she was worrying about. 
" De.. Ani I'm not worried about that. You guys are decent idols. Hmm just feel very bad about having to disturb you all.." she chuckled.
" It's really fine ajumma." 
" De kamsahamnida."
" Ani.. Let me go find a shirt for her and maybe ajumma could help to change her shirt?"
" De okay kamsahamnida! We were so anxious just now that we forgot to bring all her things.." they thanked me profusely.
I opened my drawer and tried to find the smallest shirt I have. 
" Yah yeobo looks like now we know why our daughter likes this band so much..they are really nice and caring to their fans..kekeke" I heard what ajumma told Ajusshi.
" Here, this is the smallest I can find." I passed them the shirt. Ajusshi and I walked out of the room and closed the door while ajumma get her changed.
After a while, ajumma came out. " Aish she is like a dead pig.. Extremely tired, don't even know that I was changing her just now.." ajumma laughed.
They apologized and thanked me again and left.
" Yah hyung,was that Gill's parents?" hyungjoon asked.
" De.."
" Hmm okay I'm going to sleep now. Don't forget we have another vocal practice tomorrow at 11am. Remember, if not I will be singing way better than you already. Kekeke" he teased.
" Jalja.." 
Everyone went to sleep. I went to the kitchen and get a glass of water. Before I enter Kyu's room, I opened my room and checked on Gill. I placed the glass of water by her bedside in case she needs it in the middle of the night.
Gill's POV
"Haha Gill is so gullible! She trusted me so much thinking I could be her only friend.."
" Jebal don't hurt Saengie! I will do it..i will.."
"You all..pretended and toyed around with my feelings..first is belle,then Ji Ho oppa, are you going to drug saengie next...." 
"My darling will not see anything in you now!! Hahaha!" 
" Stop, please stop unnie!!"
 " Ji Ho ah, do anything you want to her and remember to lock the truck after that..remember to lock..remember to lock.." 
" Argh please stop!! Ji ho oppa stop! Jebal! I don't want!"
" Open! Open!! Jebal jebal!!"
Those memories taunted me. It haunted me. It etched in my mind forever..
Youngsaeng's POV
" Jebal stop! Ji Ho oppa!! Stop..i don't want!!" I saw Gill struggled in her sleep as she mumbled.
Bead of perspiration started trickling down her forehead.. She clenched her fists and grab hold of  the blanket.
" Gill Gill don't are fine now." I quickly shook her up from her torturous dream.
She was crying..crying very badly. She opened her eyes and sat up. She breathed very quickly and her face and hands turned pale white.
I quickly hug her and pulled her close to me. " Everything is fine now..everything is fine now.." I whispered and pat her back. 
She just kept crying and held tightly on my sleeves. 
I held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. " Be honest with me.. What did Ji Ho did to you?" I asked in a soft and serious tone.
She looked down. " He..he..carried me into the truck...and..went close to me and...kept..kept..kissing neck...Then he..he wanted to..." she stammered in tears..
Tears rolled down my cheeks, malicious fire fumed in my eyes. I really want to give that freak a punch on his face again. I quickly hugged her back and stopped her from saying.
She has been crying for 15 mins. I let her cry till she feels better. 
" Kwenchana? Better now?" I asked in concern.
" De..much better.komawo..." she sniffed and mumbled.
I pulled out a tissue and wiped her tears. She bluntly smiled.
" Miane.. Had a nightmare just now.." she looked down and apologized.
" Ani kwenchana..." i smiled and comforted her.
We kept silent for a few minutes. She didn't dare to go back to sleep.
" So you have been here all this while when i was asleep?" she asked.
" Ani, I came in to check on your fever. Then sat here for a while to make sure you were okay."
" Ahh.."
She suddenly came and hug me tightly around my shoulders. " Komawoyo..." she said softly.
" I will be here... Always. You will not be facing it alone now..hmm?" i wrapped my arms around her and comforted.
" De... I think I'm alright now.. Cried long enough.. You better go back to sleep, you have a vocal practice at 11am right? It's already 5am now..i will be fine." she pestered me to go back to sleep.
" Ani, don't worry about me. Come dear, lie on the bed and close your eyes." I laid her down on the bed and covered the blanket over her. I held on to her hand and sat beside her all the way till she falls asleep again.
Gill's POV head hurts..
I reached for my phone and was still half asleep.
" Argh!! It's already 930am!! And i got a major exam today at 10am!! How how? I'm so gonna be late.." I instantly woke up.
" Gosh gosh I'm so dead.." I quickly got out of bed and ran to the living room.
All 5 of them were around the dining table, having breakfast. 
" Argh saengie!! Why didn't you wake me up??!! I'm late for school and I got a major exam at 10am today!!" I ran up to him and panicked.
All the members started laughing. 
" Hahaha look at her, her shirt is all the way till her's like a dress, and it's so large on her.. She looks even smaller like that hahahaha." jungmin stuttered as they all laughed.
Saengie stood up and smiled. He placed his hands on my shoulders and said," Look at your puffy eyes today.. You still want to go to school?" 
" De!! I have to, I already skipped school for quite a few days and I can't miss the exam today! it determines the course I will be going..and there will be no chance of retaking .. if I miss it, means that's it..."
" Don't worry. We have it all settled. You..just stay here and rest for another day.."
I looked at him,puzzled. " It's settled??" 
" De..don't need to know how we did it, just rest for another day and go to school tomorrow to take the exam okay?"  He assured.
" Jinja?" I asked again.
" De de you just have to wash up and join us for breakfast." he turned me around and pushed me into the bathroom to wash up.
I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. " Ahhh..swollen eyes.. "
I quickly used water and splashed it on my eyes,hoping it will get better. 
" We have it all settled.." I recalled and smiled unknowingly as I was brushing my teeth.
I came out of the bathroom and walked towards the dining table to join them.
" Kamsahamnida.." I smiled and thanked them for helping me settle in whatever ways.
" So how was your night? Did you sleep well?" hyunjoong oppa asked.
" Had nightmares here and there was okay.." I smiled and replied.
" Oh wait, saengie, disturb you last night, did you even sleep?"  I got worried that saengie did not have enough sleep because of me.
" De I did. Don't worry." saengie held my hand and smiled.
" Ahem..ahem..what were you two doing last night that youngsaeng hyung didn't even get to sleep?" hyungjoon oppa asked in a sheepish tone and smirked.
All the members suddenly stared at us.
" ANI WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" saengie and I yelled." Omg..what is hyungjoon oppa thinking of?" I looked away and blushed..
" Yah..hyungjoon ah! We didn't do whatever you are thinking.. I just went into my room yesterday night to check on her fever and to make sure she is alright.
So she is worried that I didn't sleep because of taking care of her.. That's it. Aish... " Saengie replied annoyingly.
" You sure? You two didn't do anything? Then why is Gill blushing like a tomato?" jungmin added.
" De de de we did a lot of just sitting beside her to make sure she is fine, console her when she is crying.." saengie rolled his eyes and said sarcastically..
" Then??" they were trying to dig out something more, thinking something really happened..
" Hahaha aigoo you guys stop teasing them. Pali get up and get ready to go.." hyunjoong oppa rushed them.
" De.." all of them dispersed back to their own rooms to get their things prepared.
Saengie held my hand and walked towards his room. " Will you be fine alone here?" 
" De I will.. You go for your practice, don't have to worry about me." I smiled.
" De, here, I already placed a set of clothes on top of my drawer. That is one of the smaller shirts i can find.. Keke. So, anything just give me a call okay? "
" De, komawoyo." 
He grabbed his bag and kissed my forehead before he left.
 "Annyeong" all of them waved.
"Hmm.. I'm all alone now..what should I do..." I sighed.
Give a call to omma...
" Omma, chigum odikayo? Kekeke" I know she doesn't like me to converse with her in Korean but i purposely did that.
" Gill ah.. I am going back to Australia now." she replied back in English and laughed.
" Ahh... I thought you were there?"
" De I rushed back when Ling told me what happened to you. Then I was relieved when I know you are with SS501, they are taking very good care of now I'm going back there to finish my project." 
" Oh... De.. annyeong. Take care."
" Annyeong"
" Haix..why is my parents always traveling around? They don't even have time for me.. I feel even closer with ajusshi and ajumma." I thought and sighed.
I went back to saengie's room and packed the bed.
I picked up the set of clothes saengie placed on top of his drawer.
" Ah it's so huge..'s a guy's shirt..of course it's huge.." I smiled.
Suddenly, something struck my mind. I looked down at the shirt I'm wearing. " I wasn't wearing this before I came here... If I'm not wrong..I was wearing my uniform..And now I'm wearing this.. Nobody came... Don't tell me... ARGH!!!!!!!!!.." 
I screamed like an idiot in the room and dashed out to the kitchen to get water. I gulped down mouthful of water anxiously..
My face was brick-red and my heart was thumping like nobody's business.. 
" This cannot be..this cannot be...but it must wonder jungmin oppa and the rest was laughing at my shirt today and Saengie didn't say anything... Ahhhhh!!!"
" I'm going crazy I'm going crazy.. What should I do now...." I paced up and down the house a thousand of times.
I calmed myself down and decided to shower to forget about that.
When I came out of the bathroom, I started to pack myself with things to do to forget that incident. I didn't even bother about the fact that I have a cast on my hand, I just did all the things like as though both of my hands are functioning well.
I washed the dishes, sweeped the floor,mopped the floor,wiped the table, packed the member's bed etc.. 
It's already 7pm..
Finally.. I cooked dinner..
I didn't feel a single pain on my fractured arm.. Maybe the thought of the shirt overwhelmed me that I couldn't even remember the pain.
The whole dorm was cleaned and dinner was done. I sat down on the couch and watched my favorite music bank. The repeated one.
" Okay now, SS501 U R man!" the emcee announced.
" Argh!! Don't let me see saengie now!!" I quickly switch off the TV and ran to saengie's room. 
" How am I suppose to ask him when he comes back later? Or..should I just pretend that I don't know and don't ask him?" I pondered was so embarrassing..  
It's 9pm...
Suddenly I heard footsteps and their voices. 
" OH EM GEE..." 
:D  ^^
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...