Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

" Our dear sister! We are leaving tomorrow. Thanks for accommodating us." 7 of them screamed.

" Ahh so fast?? Please don't leave me alone.."

" You are never alone Gill.."

" Aish.. But..still.."

" Our parents wants us back tomorrow.."

" Ah okay.." I frown.

" By the way, where is eun hee today?"

" In school. Her school reopens today. She will be back later, I have to fetch her. Saengie has some important things to attend to today.."

" She has to go to school at her age?"

" Yeah.."

" Ahh de. So we will meet you outside 'The Wonders Of SS501' shop later."

" De, see ya."



Youngsaeng POV

"You guys have to return back to the company today for a while. You will get a rough outline of what events and what will happen when you guys resume your activities." manager hyung instructed us.

So we headed to the company and our main organiser gave us each an individual outline of the events for the whole year..

" Okay just take note and read through.. So your first event will start 2 weeks from now."

" De kamsahamnida."

" Okay you may leave now."

I took a look at my watch. 4:30pm.. Eun hee will be dismissed at 5pm. I guess I will fetch her from her school instead.

I waited outside the school gate for her. Many parents and siblings started swarming in and waiting.

" Bwahaha eun hee has no parents!!"

" AHAHAHA your parents don't want you! No appa no omma!!"

" I HAVE!!"

" Eun hee ah.." I called her.

" Appppaaa!!" she cried and ran up to me. I carried her up.

" What happened?" I wiped off her tears and asked.

" They laugh at me... They say I got no appa..no omma.." she continued crying and pointed to her classmates.

I squat down and put her down to the ground.

" Don't worry okay? Appa came to fetch you isn't it? Your friends will believe you after today." I pat her head and smiled.

" See! I told you I have an appa!!" she screamed at her classmates.

" Appa? He is your appa?! Then where is your omma?! Ahahaha you got no omma!!" her classmates continued laughing at her.

" Young man, it's not very nice to say that.. She is also your classmate right? Didn't sonsaengnim teach you not to treat your friends like this?" I smiled and told her classmate.

" Ahh Chaesonghamnida I'm late!" Gill came running up.

" Omma!!" eun hee's face brightened up.

" Miane eun hee ah.. I missed the bus just now.."

" See I told you I also got an omma!! We are not friends anymore! Appa, omma, let's go!" eun hee screamed at her friends once again and held our hands and dragged us away.

Gill carried her up. " Aigoo eun hee ah, what happened?"

" Omma, my friends laugh at me for not having parents!" she started tearing again and buried her face on Gill's shoulder.

" Ah? Who would dare to say that to our dear eun hee?!"

" Those nappeun in my class. Omma,I hate them! I hate them!"

" Eun hee ah, don't start hating people. You will feel very tired. Just like me, I hated a group of people before, but I found it so tiring after that..that I decided to just let it go.. So you should as well.." Gill put her down and squat down as she explain to her.

" De omma.."

She smiled and ruffled eun hee's hair.

" Appa.." eun hee stretched out her arms and wanted me to carry her.

I chuckled and carried her up. " Woo appa! I am as tall as you!"

Both of us laugh.

" Wow such a young couple! Their daughter must be very lucky.." those parents of other kids started commenting among themselves.

" Saengie ah..i think we should..run. My sixth sense is telling me that you are getting stalked by some of your fans behind those parents.." Gill turned and peeked.

" Just act normally and pretend nothing has happened. Keep walking.." I told her clamly.

" Youngsaeng oppa!! Is it really you?!" my fans, supposedly, started screaming.

" Hahahaha I told you.." she whispered.

She quickly carried eun hee from my arms and walked as fast as she could until she was way in front of me.

" Oh my..please stop following me.." I mumbled as I increased my pace as well.

" Aniyo I am not." I lowered my voice to the maximum and answered as I ran off from there.


Gill's POV

" Hahahahahahaha!! This is sooo funny!" i laughed till my face turned red.

" Aish..This is so tiring..I think i should just reveal to the whole world about us.." he sighed.

" Don't.you.dare." i chopped up my words and glared.

"  I was just kidding.." he chuckled.

" Hmm i thought you were busy today?" Gill ask.

" I knew you would be late,that's why i came.." i grinned and answered her.

" Miane.. It's the bus driver's fault.. I was just a minute late and he drove away.."

" Haha aniya. I just went back to my company to get my schedule."

" You will be resuming work soon?"

" De, two weeks from now."

" Woohoo! SS501 hwaiting!" I screamed.

" Yah! I just manage to escape from those girls.. They will track your voice and follow again.."

" Hahaha oops.."

Eun hee just seemed to be very amused by the scene just now. 




@ 143prince

Aigoo kwenchanayo unnie ah ^^ Don't apologise, i didn't mind it at all! hehe. Yeah kids revolving around all your live next time keke. Oh ya actually i didn't know what to name those 11 kids. haha so i actually thought of their nicknames first before coming out with some random names.. LOL! Anyway, happy school-ing! :D

@ lonelygurl501

Hahaha yeah! Don't worry, Gill already warned him not to do anything funny..kekeke so you won't ever erase your story ^^ Your story is good so you shouldn't  be ashamed of it :) I think I should be the one feeling embarrassed of mine kekeke. Yours is not a mess! Ahh 2 hours finding? ;)

@ bigbangluv143

Yup i will update everyday if i can:) Yepps that ryeoyoung..haha.. otters? LOL! yeah they are..haha. Woooooohooooooo!! ^^

@ amyra961

^.^ Thanks! Yeah Eun Hee is really a super hyper and active kid... LOL i'm starting to write her as some weird kid hahahaha. The couple..haha ahh they should start quarrelling.. i just don't know how to write that in..so maybe, they will be sweet forever haha. ah i'm not sure also, still planning. haha so yups ;) 

@ ss501mochi

Hahaha yeah Youngsaeng is trying to kill her..hahaha. EEEHHHH i am still waiting for your update! I am reading! So ya..haha hwaiting! <3

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...