Honeymoon (1) : My world

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

Saengie and I settled on the plane, off to our destination. (A/N I'm not going to pen down the specific country they will be heading to. Just imagine it as a beautiful place of your dream, fangirls-free place. Lol.)


~~~ Flashback~~~

" Gill, your twins are already reaching eight months old. Have you planned for your honeymoon already?" Omma asked in curiosity.

" Ani, Saengie is busy. I don't want to leave my kids now."

" Yah yah... Leave your kids with me. Youngsaeng's omma and I will take care of them for the time being. Youngsaeng sii, he will have a short vacation break soon. Don't ask me how I know. Anyway, where do both of you intend to go?"

" Omma.. Why must we always rush through things? We're still young."

" Exactly, who wants to go for their honeymoon when they're aging. Isn't romantic anymore."

" Aish..I know what you're thinking omma, I'm not going to have another one yet. So you will have to wait for a few more years for the 'great' news."

"I'm not saying you have to bear another one soon.. There are always alternatives to it.. You won't get pregnant so easily for the other alternatives."

" Omma omma! Enough enough, I got it. Aigoo.. Fine, I will discuss with Saengie tonight."

~~~ End of flashback~~~


" I'm already missing my 3 jewels.." I sighed.

" This is our honeymoon, don't keep thinking of the kids, they will be fine in our parents hands hmm?" Saengie consoled.

We reached the country and settled everything. Next, we proceeded into our hotel room.

" Don't unpack the luggage now. Come, I'll bring you somewhere. We have to catch the next shuttle bus." Saengie held my hand and pulled me out in a hurry.

" How did you know about the shuttle timings and the places to go? Have you came here before?"

" Ani this is my first time here too. I did a research before coming. Our whole honeymoon will be a pleasant one. I already have the whole 12 days planned out nicely. Just follow me."

" Wow this is going to be fun. So where are we heading to now?"

" Somewhere you will be so in love with, you will even wish to stay at that place forever. The shuttle will  alight us directly at the entrance of that place."

" Where?"

" You will know it once we arrive. You will get a shock of your life, and will keep wow-ing at everything later on."

" Jinja?? Are you going to surprise me with something? Nothing scary and...disfigured right?"

" It will be a beautiful place, I won't try to ruin our once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon. Don't worry."

" Hmm.. Somewhere gotta do with SS501?" I ask in eagerness.

" It's my vacation now, I won't plan anything gotta do with SS501. It feels as though I'm attending my schedules if we go into a place related to SS501. So, just for these 12 days, put SS501 at the back of your mind. For now, it's just ME and YOU."

" De de de."

We board onto the shuttle which brought us to that mysterious wonderful place. As soon as I got down, I stood rooted to the ground, eyes widened in total shock.

~~ Enter to the dreamy world of cotton candy~~   was the sign on the signboard at the entrance.

" Saengie, are we getting in there?" My heart was screaming like crazy inside.

" De, let's go in. There are lots of interesting things in there. Don't get too excited and faint. You will miss out a lot if you do." He joked and held my hand, and we proceeded in.

Like what he said, I just kept aww-ing and wow-ing at everything. The whole street was so pretty and dreamy. Then, we met a mascot, dressed in a bouncy and huge cotton candy suit. I pulled Saengie forward and both of us had a snapshot with that adorable mascot.

" Aigoo everything has got something to do with cotton candy here. Jinja jjang! You're the best!" I laughed and glanced around the street.

He smiled and nodded. " Let's get a cotton candy." He pulled me to a stall. The stall owner politely greeted us and flashed a 20 flavours chart and gestured us to choose a flavour. " We have many different flavours here. You name it, you have it."

" Wow! There are so many variety of flavours here... Which one should I choose. I feel like having all twenty flavours. Keke."

" Hmm, is it possible to make a special one for my wife?" Saengie chuckled and asked the stall owner politely.

" Alright, since your husband ask for it, I'll make a special one for you, pretty lady." He started scooping all the flavoured sugar sand and placing it into different compartments of the machine. When the fluff appeared, Saengie and I stunned. It was so colourful, with all twenty different flavors on a stick. It was amazing. I was totally over the moon when he handed me that stick. " Enjoy, this is on me.  Come back again if you like it."

We thanked profusely and left. Before peeling bit by bit off the stick, I took out my camera and took a shot of it. " Perfect, I will insert captions and develop these photos I took for the whole 12 days and mail it to my friends and cousins. They will be jinja envious of me. Keke."

" Don't be too happy yet. There will be more to come." He place his arm around my shoulder and told me.

During lunch time, we entered a 'fluff restaurant'. Even the restaurant was so sweet smelling. The chairs were specially designed to make it feel like cotton candies. It felt like we were sitting on a huge lump of cotton wool. Soft and bouncy.

As expected, the food on the menu are named cotton___. We ordered and our food came.

" Saengie, we won't meet any of your fan here right?"

He shook his head. " I don't think so, even if there is one, they won't know anything about us and she won't be the over-passionate kind."

" You mean, crazy?"

" Over-passionate."

" Please... If any fan were to show up, she will really ruin it."

" Don't worry, there won't be. We purposely chose this country right?"

" De. You're with me the whole of these 12 days, get it? You're not suppose to entertain any fan even if we meet one. You're always toooo nice to your fans."

" De."

After lunch, true enough, *speak of the devil*.

" I think I saw a girl eyeing on you throughout our lunch."

" I can sense it too."

" Hello! I'm your fan. Can I get your autograph?" That girl popped out behind us suddenly.

" Ahh, sure." He took her notebook and signed it. However, I can sense strange stares at me.

" Who is she? Why is she walking so close to you? Wow wow, you must also be that crazy kind of fan." She shot a skeptic smile and glanced at me from head to toe.

" No I'm not his fan. I'm his children's mother, his parent's daughter-in-law. Nothing much actually." I chuckled and shot her back that look.

" You must be kidding me.. Don't be foolish. Saying you are his girlfriend is still acceptable. His children's mother? You are really one brave soul... Funny girl..."

I kept quiet and looked elsewhere, grinning. Her ignorant and annoyed face makes the situation even funnier. It was amazing how i dealed with the situation, i couldn't believe it myself either. I decided not to aggravate the matter and walked away to the nearest shop.


Youngsaeng's POV

" Youngsaeng oppa, don't go so close to her. She is a little crazy."

" Where are you from? Your Korean is fluent." I asked in curiosity.

" I'm a local here, I took up Korean as my third language, that's why I can fluent korean. It's rare to find a fan here isn't it? I may be the only one here."

" Ahh.. I'll get going now. Annyeong." I quickly turned and walked to where Gill headed to.

" Omma." I called out to her.

" Saengie come come, we should get these key chains back. They are so lovely!" She spoke as if nothing happened.

" De, get one for Eun Hee too. Take the purple one. She prefers purple."

She nodded and looked around happily. " My children's omma huh.." I from the back.

" Am I not?"

" You should have said, I'm just an ordinary lady who shares a bed with him every night." I grinned and said.

" Hahaha ahh I should have thought of that. But that's too cruel to her.."

" You have to say things in a more drastic way. I believe she will find me again some time later. I don't want my plans to be ruined."

" Aniyo.. She is a unique fan. It will be so funny to meet her in an awkward manner again."

" You're the cruel one now. Keke. Should we get an ice cream? Cotton candy flavour."

" De de! Of course." She nodded her head like a child. " Oh! We should get shoes for Yoon Eun and Yoon Saeng. Those mini little shoes will be soo cute! Once they learn how to walk, those will be the first pair of shoes they have, we will have to keep those forever."

I chuckled and nodded.

We remained at that street for the whole day, since there were so many places to shop in there.

" Okay it's time to go. It's getting late. We have to catch the last shuttle back to our hotel, or we will be stuck here for tonight." I told her.

" But it's only 10pm now.. Can't we stay a little longer? I don't mind being trapped here for the night."

" We need approximately an hour to travel back to our hotel, and the last shuttle comes at 10:15pm. There is a distance from here back to the entrance. And.. I don't want to be trapped here."

" De. Kaja."



Gill's POV

I just kept smiling throughout, till we reach our hotel. He can tell too, but just kept quiet.

As I was unpacking our luggage, he just stood at the balcony and looked at the scenery. I stopped whatever I was doing and joined him, secretly.

" Are we going back to that cotton candy street again one of these days?" I hugged him from the back which caused him to startle.

He pulled me in front of him and reciprocated the hug from my back as he rested his chin on my shoulder. " Aniyo, I have planned other places. We already walked down that whole street just now."

" Ahh... De..." I answered back disappointedly.

" Aigoo, don't be disappointed. I promise the remaining 11 days will be as fruitful as today. Hmm?" He landed a kiss on my shoulder and assured.

I nodded in delight. " Ahh that's why you are so different from others. You always have things nicely planned out for me. I don't have to worry about it."

" Of course. This is such a rare alone time together. We have to make full use of it. My dear, I'm actually a very romantic person you know.."

" Keke de de de... Sweet prince." I turned my head, gave a peck on his cheek and smiled. He tightened his hug around my waist and hummed a familiar tune at my ears. I closed my eyes and leaned against his chest.

" Miss those 3 kids? Want to give them a call now?" I ask softly. He nodded and took out his phone and rang ajumma up. I clicked the loudspeaker button.

" Yeobuseyo omma."

" Ahh Saeng ah, how is the place there, nice? It's said to be a very beautiful place for honeymooners. What is your timing there?"

" De, it's nice. It's currently 11:30pm here. How are my 3 jewels doing?"

" They are fine, Eun Hee is entertaining them now. Yoon Saeng really cries a lot."

" De..Can you put Eun Hee to the phone?"

" Appa!"

" Eun Hee, are you alright with your siblings?"

" De, Yoon Eun just kicked me while I tried to tickle her. Hahaha she is so adorable. Yoon Saeng just kept crying, I think he misses you and omma."

" Are they fed?"

" De, just."

" Eun Hee ah.. Try to coax Yoon Saeng de?" I told her.

" De omma. Don't worry about us, have fun. Buy lots of things for me keke."

" De. We got to hang up now, Komawo."

" Jamkan jamkan..Let me speak to Saeng in private." He clicked the button once again and turned off the loudspeaker.

" Ah omma.. De?"

" Make full use of your time there, without having your kids around to disturb you. Get it? Be gentle on her. We were just joking about asking Gill to bear another one now, so ya.. But.. Do what honeymooners do. Don't try to be unique arraji??"

" Annyeong." He hung up almost immediately without replying anything.

I could predict what they were talking about just by his looks.

The night breeze was getting stronger, it sent cold shivers down my spine. I turned around and hid in Saengie's embrace.

" Ahh you're so warm.." I mumbled.

" Hot, you mean?" He led out a sinister chuckle.

I grinned and pushed him away lightly. He laughed and hugged me back tightly. " You're feeling cold?"

" A little..." I was almost shivering.

" Aigoo, pali get in. Don't catch a cold. Change out and go to bed, I'll do the unpacking of the luggage. We have many places to visit tomorrow, so we have to leave as early as 8am." He placed his hand on the nape of my neck and said. I nodded and walked in.

" Jamkan..." He pulled me back and kissed me gently on my lips. He remained his arm around my waist which caused my back to arch backward a little.

" You think I'll let you off so easily?" He smirked.

" So you want to kidnap me in the cold now?" I joked.

" Aniyo. Not today. Jalja."

" I wasn't thinking of anything..."

" Me too."

" So can I get in now, my prince?" 

" After me." He smiled and stepped in first.

" Ahh so much for calling you a prince. What a gentleman..." I joked in a sarcastic manner and chuckled.










I'll wrap up the honeymoon in my next chapter :) It will be sweetness overload, hopefully. Keke. 

So, I'll reply to all your comments on my next chapter. ^.^ 

Continue commenting! I totally love reading them! Thankyu <3

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...