Tag along

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

Every year, still having that Chinese blood flowing in me, it's always a tradition to go for visitings at various families houses. This year was no exception. However this year is different with Saengie by my side, and relatives coming over to my house instead.

Everybody started swarming in. Close relatives, not-so-close relatives, close cousins, not-so-close cousins. Basically, everybody came all at a time.

" Yalin, hello. It's nice to meet you after so long." I greeted my not-so-close cousin. I think I only met her a few times in my life. She is only a year younger than me.

" He..hello. Nice..nice to meet you too." she stuttered. The reason behind it was obvious.

I chuckled. " Come, take a seat." I offered.

We gathered around the living room. Some of us ended up standing due to space constraint.

 " You sit. We stand." Chanel stood up and pulled me to her seat.

" Ahh it's okay, I prefer standing. You are the guests, you should sit."

" And you are the expecting woman. So you should sit."

I glared at them and gave that usual despaired expression. Everybody who are still clueless about it,looked at me, surprise.

" Didn't I say not to reveal it to anyone yet? So many people are here, and now the whole world knows about it."

" Oops..."

" Hmm, I..I shall get the drinks out."

" No! You sit!"

" Saengie, help me with it." I ignored them and pulled Saengie with me to the kitchen.

" I'm going to hide here forever. Anyway, whatever they ask later on, you answer. I'm just going to be oblivious about it."

" De." Saengie smiled and nodded.

As soon as I took my seat on the couch,everyone diverted their attention to me.

" Erm... Don't look at me like that.. Haha I don't know what I should say. Just ignore me, you may continue with whatever you are talking about." I uttered.

" How many weeks old already?"

" Around 10 weeks or so." Saengie answered on my behalf.

" Woah.. Congratulations."

" So what will his/her name be?"

" We haven't thought of it yet actually. Coming out with two names at one go is not as easy as I thought."

" Two names at one go? You're carrying twins?"

I smiled and nodded. " We just knew about it as well."

" Cool! First twins in our family line. Make it two boys, since Eun hee is already a girl."

" Keke de.. Genders don't matter actually, we just hope the babies will be born, healthy." Saengie said.

" Eun hee ah, so did you really open their door yesterday?" Cheryl ask.

She nodded and laugh.

" Mwo? Yah Eun hee ah, you really did that? I was just joking you know..."

" Omma, you told me to. I couldn't get to sleep last night as well."

" So so..did you observe any weird sleeping habits?" Chanel further probed.

I quickly placed my hand over Eun Hee's mouth to prevent her from saying anything.

" Gill, just let her say. Unless both of you really did something..." Yalin chuckled and said.

" We didn't do anything, I was really tired yesterday. Just that this piggy over here keep having her pregnancy illness, ask me a dozen of questions, and wants to have a personal fan meeting last night. So I couldn't get to sleep."

" Gill, you're mean..." they joked.

" No I really don't want to stay up alone. He is the mean one..."

" Eun hee eun hee, so what is your appa's weird sleeping habits?" Chanel ask.

" I just saw appa hugging-"

I immediately placed my hand over again.

" Hugging y-"

" Haha he was hugging his gigantic teddy bear last night." I interrupted.

" Trying to say that teddy bear is you?"

" His stuff toy. Not me."

" Rubbish..."

" Jinjjja."

" Where is the teddy bear? Can we see it?"

" Aniyo. Don't enter our room, it's really messy right now."

" Then bring it out."

" Aish... You girls... Must I really reveal every single thing I do with him to you? It's so stressful..." I joked.

" Gill.." he called.

" Hmm?"

" Wait wait wait. Do you call each other by your names?" my uncle interrupted.

" Ya.. Why?"

" It's time to change. He should call you honey or baby or something else. And you should call him yeobo or dear.."

" It's just a name. Don't have to be so cheeky and mushy. Furthermore, I don't think I will be able to call him that.. I have been calling him Saengie for years.. I'm used to it already."

" That's not true, the way you addresses each other is important in your marriage life as well. It strengthens the bond between both of you."

" There are such things as well? So complicated... I think Saengie is alright, only I get to call him that."

" His fans call him that as well."

" But with an 'oppa' behind. I will always have a privilege over his fans."

" Yup we know that... That's why you can be carrying HIS kids RIGHT??" Chanel and Cheryl smirked.

" De of course." Saengie laughed and answered on my behalf.

Then, his phone started ringing.

" It's okay, just answer your call first." everybody smiled and said.


Youngsaeng's POV

" Yeobuseyo, Yee min ah?"

" De, oppa, I need to ask you something."

" I'm not in Seoul now, can I call you after I get back on Thursday?"

" Ani, this won't take long. Oppa, do you want to go on a date with Gill?"

" Ahh? With Gill? I'm always with her..."

"Aniyo, you have to. Just for this time."

" Waeyo?"

" Ani geun yang.. Kyu oppa ask me out this Sunday and.. I was thinking.."

" You want us to tag along so you won't feel awkward right? Yee min ah, don't tell me you're afraid of him now.."

" Ani, it's just that... The more the merrier. So.. Aigoo, just take it as a  couple kind of thing, de de de?? Anyway I think both of you seldom have a time alone now since both of you are so busy."

" Kyu Jong wants to have a time alone with you, with Gill and I there, it will be even more awkward for both of you."

" Kwenchana kwenchana, yah oppa, you're forgetting me as your dear friend after you get married?"

" Aniya.. Hold on, let me ask Gill first."

I used my fingers and covered the speakers on my phone before I ask.

" Gill, we should go on a date."

" With?"

" Kyu and yee min."

" Waeyo? Just leave them alone."

" Yee min wants us to tag along..for some reasons.."

" Omma, please go, but bring me to appa's dorm before that. I want to play with jungmin oppa."

" In that case, de, should be fine then."

" Ahh yee min ah, de, Sunday should be fine. Make sure KyuJong knows about this, if not he will be upset."

" De don't worry, he won't be upset. Annyeong."



Gill's POV

" Going out on a date?"

" Shopping spree, not date."  I denied.

" Yeah you should go get yourself some clothes, is this youngsaeng oppa's shirt as well?" they pointed to my shirt and ask.

" This is mine."

" Ahh no wonder.. Youngsaeng oppa's shirt won't look...like this."

" Yah, what's wrong with this shirt..it's sooo my style."

" Just to cover up your tummy right?"

I shrugged.

" Oh ya talking about this, hmm since so many people know about this now, I can reveal it to my members already right? They kept pestering me, it's annoying.." Saengie suggested.

" Wait till they ask. Don't tell them."

" Ahh waeyo?"

" Because... I have this strong feeling that the babies are not what they are interested in.. It's the process of it. Get it?" I whispered into his ears as softly as possible.

He chuckled. " De got it. It's just the first time they are interested in, they won't even bother about the subsequent times.." he joked.

" Are you really tired of living?" I pulled back and glared.

" Ani. Interesting life ahead of me.."

" Share the love, what are you guys whispering to each other?" The rest asked.

" Nothing. Just trying to talk some sense into him."











@ Areu501

Yups. Awww thanks unnie! :) Ya totally embarassed! Haha those crazy cousins..aigoo. Hmm that's old folks tales I guess? People say when pregnant ladies eat pineapples when the baby is still unstable or whatsoever, she will have a miscarriage. I don't know..just heard of it LOL. ^^

@ adeloveskyu

Keke yeps ^^ Yup I guess he will hold on to his words? Hahaha. *keke yeps I think so* Haha nah joking.. Hmm.. yeps okay, thanks for waiting :) I appreciate that, chingu! :D

@ bigbangluv143

Hahaha s will know it soon :) Hahahaha me tooo! LOL. Ya her cousins are super crazy.. hahaha. Gosh...

@ amyra961

^o^ Yups he is :) Kekeke Gill is lucky.. :D

@ dandeli0n

Woah you finished all your exams? Yay! haha. All the best for your results! :D Yupyups Eun Hee won't be lonely, will have two to play with her! keke. Boy-girl? Haha hmm.. let's see. ^^ Her cousins are sick in their minds hahahaha. Crazily curious. LOL. 

@ unchangedlove

Yeps twins! haha :D Yeah, Gill will act a little strangely... hahaha. Oooo is it? Ahh that's good, hope my upcoming chapters will be like what you think will happen next, hopefully :) Or, a total different thing will happen? Haha. Nah.. you're not crazy, maybe it adds up to my inspirations too keke :)

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...