Marriage?!! What?!

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

So that whole month or two, I had my winter break from school. Eun hee too. Of course, Saengie didn't have that kind of break.


Winter ended...

" Yeobuseyo Saengie? Do you have anything on today?" I gave him a call.

" De, but it's at 8pm."

" Oh..can you help me look after Eun Hee before that? I'm going out with my friends later. I will go and fetch  her back before 8pm."

" De, I will bring Eun Hee out with me then."

" Oh you are going out as well?"

" De, but Kwenchana. I can bring her out to play as well. My friends want to see her."

" Ahh de. Komawoyo."

" Aniya, why are you thanking me? Eun Hee is my responsibility too. So what time are you leaving? I can drop by your place to fetch Eun Hee first and meet my friends after that."

" About 2 hours from now."

" De."

We hung up the phone and went to prepare ourselves.

" Eun hee ah, I'm going out today so you follow appa today okay?"

" Appa? De de!" a wide smile plastered on her face.

" Aigoo you really don't like to be with me?" i joked with her.

" Aniyo omma. I see you everyday so when i get to be with appa, i'm very happy." she tried explaining.

" Ahh..then i should put you with ajusshi and ajumma so when you get to see me, you'll be happy too right?" i smiled and teased.

" Ahh??" she stunned and didn't know how to answer to that.

She thought for a while..then adorably answered , " I can be famous when i'm with appa because i always see many girls asking him to sign some funny papers, so people will know me too."

" Wah wah wah now little eun hee wants to be famous huh? Want me to help you ask appa to sign you up to his company?"

" What is company?" she blurred.

" Hmm just a.. Ahh i don't know how to explain.. Anyway, you little girl, why are you thinking of so many things at your age?"

" I'm 4 years old this year, omma. Sonsaengnim told us that we must have dreams when we grow up. So i can have a dream now since i'm already 4."

" Mwo?! You never fail to shock me at the things you said..when i was four, I think I was still getting my ABCs right.. Anyway so what's your dream?"

I started to have a heart to heart talk with eun hee while waiting for saengie to come.

" I want to be like appa." She treats Saengie like her living god..I think he must have fed her something I don’t know…

" Appa? You want to be singer too?"

" Appa is a singer?" she asked innocently.

I chuckled. " De he is."

" Then I want to be a singer too."

" Then you have to learn how to sing well. Consult appa to teach you that."

" Will I have appa's voice after he teaches me?"

" Hmm.. It's very difficult to achieve a voice like him. You will need many many many years of practice." I .

" Appa will teach me how to sing like him. Then I will have a voice like him very soon. Sonsaengnim said i'm a fast learner, I only need one day to have appa's voice."

" De de de, next time when you become famous, you must tell the whole world that you got a super wonderful omma here. Arraseo?" I laughed and said.

" Omma! How do i tell the whole world? I don't want, I will only tell my friends and appa."

I stuck out my tongue childishly at her. I realize the more I interact with her, the better she gets with her words and I get influenced by her child-like actions sometimes.

" Yeah go ahead and tell your appa how great I am. Remember to do that." I joke around with her.

" Appa already said you are the best some time ago, if I continue telling him how great you are, he won't believe me."

" Waeyo?"

" He will know that you told me to do that. Appa is very smart."

" Haaah I wonder if you would stand on my side whenever you have heart to heart talks with him..aigoo.. Eun hee ah, you want to be a singer right? Then you have to learn how to act well first, so just use your acting skills to tell him." I can't stop laughing when I started to blabber nonsense to her.

" Cheongmalhaeyo? Have to know how to act?"

" De of course. Just like Hyunjoong oppa, he filmed in a drama."

" Ahh..i will ask appa to teach me that too."

" Aigoo appa don't have that much time for you."

" I am appa's eun hee. He will make time for me."

" Have fun asking him then. You have to be polite when you meet his friends later arraseo?"

" De, you taught me that a lot of times already, I will remember."

At that moment, saengie came.

" Annyeonghaseyo!" I formally greeted him.

" De annyeonghaseyo." he smiled and said.

" You will have to teach eun hee how to sing. She wants to be a singer too." I chuckled and told saengie.

" Ahh Jinja? De I will be her manager then. Come, let's go have lessons now. Kaja." he held eun hee's hands and prepared to leave.

" I will be back before 8pm later."

" De, just give me a call. Annyeong."

" Annyeong omma!"

" Ah eun hee! Remember!" I mouthed the words.

" Remember what?" saengie turned and asked.

" Nothing...absolutely nothing...keke" I broke into as wry smile.


Okay so, I went to meet up with my college friends after the long winter break. Although i'm not very close to my college friends, but at least, they are comfortable to be around with. Of course, this is korea, even how prestigious my college is known to be, most of them are into kpop stars, although they studies really hard for their desired grades too. But, any kpop artiste never seemed to be a part of any of our conversation, that is why I feel more comfortable with them instead of my high school friends, I guess. Needless to say, nobody can be closer to me than my 4 friends from Singapore.

We met at around 1pm.

We had a great time together, having lunch, catching a movie etc...

" I never knew there were this side of you.. So different from the usual timid girl I know. Keke." I laughed and told bae im, one of my friends.

" Haha yeah, i'm not usually the timid kind, college was driving me nuts that's why. Hahaha."

" Why don't we talk a bit about ourselves? We have known each other for a year but never really get to know about each other.." yeon gi suggested.

So, we found a place to sit and chat.

" So... Hmm... Let's talk about something else other than school and studies.." they said.

" So what do you normally do at home?" I initiated the question and asked them.

" I watch music bank every single day! Haha. Listen to music, surf the net etc.."

" What about you?" they directed their questions to me.

" Me? Hmm i have an interesting life.. I live with my little.. cousin. So ya, i spend most of my time with her at home.. Answering her weird and funny questions everyday.."

" Awww, that's so sweet. Your cousin is 4 years old this year right?"

" How do you know?"

" Just a guess... Keke. You can be a kindergarten teacher next time. So motherly.."

" Ani.. If I want, I won't be majoring in my biology and chemistry subjects now hahaha."

" So do you have a boyfriend now?" Everyone asked each other.

" Ahh? Why this sudden question?"

" We are already 20. And..keke just curious."

" Ahh, do you have?" I redirected the question to her.

" Waiting for one hahaha."

" That's a lie haha, you wouldn't be asking if you don't have one."

" Ahh.. You saw through.. Not officially together yet, but we like each other." foo mun blushed and said.

" You?? What about you? I'm curious about yours." all 3 of them started anticipating.

" Haha waeyo? Er..."

" Not sure, we just got this feeling that you will have an awesome one, since your actions are so gentle and princess-like sometimes."

" Ahh? Er... If you think it's a yes, then take it as I have one. If you think it's a no, then just take it as I don't have." i chuckled and told them.

" Then it's confirm a yes."

I just smiled.

" So foo mun, when's your ideal marriage age?" bae im ask her.

" Ahh anytime if the time is right I guess..." she blushed and said.

" Woo I want to be married off at 21. Keke." Bae im said gleefully.

" That's provided both of you are ready for it right?" yeon gi teased.

" Of course. Gill, what about you?"

" Me? I never thought of that before.. I couldn't imagine it too. I don't think it will be so soon.. Both of us are tooo busy with our own stuffs."

" Think about it now. You have to start planning for your future. "

" Hmm... But i'm not even sure whether it will be even possible for us to get married."

" Why not? Isn't it normal for a stable relationship to end it off with...marriage?"

" Um..our relationship isn't as simple as you should i say that... I.. Just..."  I had to think of how to twist my words in such a way it won't be too obvious.

" Aigoo... Why are you stuttering?"

" Ani..just..i'm afraid there will be an earthquake at my house if ever… we decide to get married." I chuckled and said.

" Why an earthquake?"

" That's just how it will turn out. I have to see how he propose first hahaha nah, just kidding, Erm..i just couldn't imagine."

" Ahh.. What if he proposes to you this year?"

" This year?? Quite impossible...really..."

" Both of you can just be engaged. The whole wedding ceremony and procedures can even be done a few years later. So you can't reject him arraseo?"

" Haha is there anything you are trying to dig out from me? Ahh but i never seriously think of it before, how would i know what my reaction will be...Even if he really did mentioned it, it was just as a joke. The time is still not right yet, at least for him, it's not."

" Aniya, not trying to dig anything out from you. You are too extraordinary sometimes, we couldn't read what you are thinking. Who knows if you will just give a straight 'no'.. You seem too innocent too, so we are teaching you..keke."

" I guess i'm just too influenced by my little cousin, but the things she says are so..not her age. She leaves me speechless. Aigoo." I tried to change the subject.

" Aww that's so cute. Ahh! Time flies, it's already 7pm! Do you all have any curfews or anything?"

" It's already 7pm?? Oh so sorry girls, I have to go now, we can have more outings like this more often! So yeps, thanks for everything today. I will go off now. Bye!" I smiled and left first.


" Yeobuseyo? Saengie ah, so where should I fetch Eun Hee now?"

" Jamkanman.."

" Eun Hee ah, we have to go now, omma is waiting. Heys guys, i gotta go for my schedule now, see you again." I heard saengie told his friends.

" Ahh? Your wonderful girlfriend is coming to fetch Eun Hee now? That's soo fast, can't she stay a little longer with us?"

" I have a schedule at 8 later, and Eun Hee has to attend school tomorrow. Next time, I'll bring her along again." I just waited for him to bid goodbye to his friends.

" Ah de, I will be going off now, so I will just drop Eun Hee at your house now?"  he told me.

" De, I will be home soon. Are you going to be late for your schedule? I can meet you somewhere more convenient for you actually."

" Aniya kwenchana, I will be able to reach my venue on time."

" Anyway, was that jaejoong oppa just now?? It sounded like him!"

" De, it's him. Want me to pass the phone to him?" he teased.

" Aniyo! Someone will be jealous if I talk to him.."

" I'm not that petty.. Haha okay so, see ya."


Youngsaeng's POV

I hung up the phone.

" Bring HER along too, the next time we meet." the rest grimaced.

" De I will." I chuckled.

" Oppa, byebye." Eun hee waved.











@ YSotter1103

Hehehe yeah. Haha yups thanks! hope this chapter is okay... :)

@ bigbangluv143

Awww sweetie :) Yay glad your entire view of Saengie changed kekeke. Yups komawoyo! I will, but just let me blabber with whatever i want for another chapter and i will get down to the plot kekeke.  

@ lonelygurl501

Hehe yeah so cute >.< kekeke. Ahh hmm that depends on whether a sudden weird thought comes to my mind and i'll itch to add it into this But thanks for supporting those craps too LOL. 

@ amyra961

Yups wooz! Haha. Aww thanks for supporting throughout! :D

@ dandeli0n

Haha yeps:) Kamsahamnida! ^^ I will update another one tomorrow, promise :) 

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...