Extra member

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV 
" Dear, you're.. expecting??"
I had mixed feelings over it. Since both of us are busy right now, I'm afraid Saengie won't be too happy about it...
I just looked away and nodded.
" When was it? I mean.. Did you confirm it?" He further asked.
" Today, I felt something was wrong with me when I was doing my rounds in the hospital. I didn't feel well.. So I think I fainted due to that. Of course, I work in a hospital, so i think my mentor brought me for a check-up.."
~~~ Flashback~~~
" Gill, kwenchana? How are you feeling now?" the doctor, who is also my mentor, held my hand and asked in concern as soon as I regained consciousness.
" De de.. I'm fine now.. Aish, should be too much stress these few days."
" Aniyo, it's not because of stress." she said it firmly.
" De?? Don't tell me it's a serious matter or an illness.." I ask in fear.
" De, it's a serious matter. It's a matter of life and death." 
" I..I contracted..some illnesses?" I held on to the her hand tightly. I could feel that my heart just stopped pounding for a second. 
She smiled and shook her head.
" When did yours last came?"
" Ahh? I..I'm not really sure.. But it has been delayed for about 1 or 2 months already.. It should be due to stress isn't it?"
" Do you always feel giddy at times and your appetite for certain food changed?"
" De sometimes, but..for food, I'm too busy to notice that. What is wrong with me?"
" Nothing is really wrong. Just that, a living thing is growing in you." she said it in an extremely mysterious manner.
" Mwo?! Living thing? Do you mean..."
" De, chukahae. It's already 3 weeks due. So during your first trimester, please take care of yourself. If possible, your husband should be by your side for most of the time. Normally, the fetus will still be very unstable in the first few months."
 " De??! I'm pregnant?! So easily?? But..."
" Haha what do you mean by, so easily? You're the first person who gave me this kind of reply when I tell them they are expecting."
" I mean... I don't expect it actually..."
" So, do you want to give your husband a call now and tell him about it?"
" Kwen..kwenchana, I think he is busy now. I will tell him once he comes back home tonight."
" Don't worry too much okay? You have such a sweet husband, he will be happy to receive this news."
" It's not that.. It's just..both of us are getting busier in whatever we are doing, so..."
" Now that there will be a baby coming, things have to change." 
" De.. I got it. Kamsahamnida."
" Okay you may go home and rest now. I applied for your leave. I will see you again next Friday."
" Kwenchana, I'm fine, I don't want to go home yet. And..I can resume next Monday, it will be fine. One week is too long, I don't want to be missing out on so many things. It's a crucial semester this term." 
" Gill.. I know you're fine, but your baby needs rest, he or she is more crucial than anything. Don't worry, you won't be missing out on many things, you're a very bright student. I will tell you the things to take note for next week. So for now, go home and rest. Remember to tell your husband once he comes back
tonight. He should be the first to know about this." 
" Ahh..de..kamsahamnida."
~~~ End of flashback~~~
" So it's confirm right?" he ask again. I'm not sure how is he feeling at that point of time, I'm just worried.
" De, since my doctor says it..so it should-" 
Then, he suddenly pulled me and hugged me tightly. 
" Saengie... Ottokaji? Mianhae.." 
" Ani, you don't know how happy I am right now. Silly girl, I'm more than happy to hear that.. Jinjjja."
" So what should we do now? I don't know what to do in these coming months, I'm actually...quite afraid." 
" Don't be... I will be by your side throughout. I will let my company know about this and will see what can I do. Don't worry."
" Geun de.. Ahh kwenchana, just be as usual. Don't change anything, it will be too troublesome. I can manage, trust me." 
" Andwae."
" Saengie!!"
" I have a responsibility here as well, I can't be possibly following every single schedule I have and come back late at night right?"
" You have to. I mean it. I tell you, as a triple S, I will be really really mad at you for this." 
" You're my wife now, no longer just a triple S. Listen to me."
" I'm going to cry... Don't talk to me." I turned my head away. 
" Then cry. I'm still going to do something about it." 
" Yah Mr. Vocalist... Jinja. I will ignore you even if you come back early arasseo?" 
" De arasseo." 
" Heo Young Saeng!! Try that, and I will stay in the hospital longer than needed. Don't have to be so paranoid about it."
" Is this what they call moodswings of a pregnant woman?" he chuckled and joked.
I sighed and walked away. He held my hand from behind. I swung it away. He came forward and hug me from the back instead. 
" Let go..." 
" Okay okay I will TRY not to minimize anything, but you have to give me a call every now and then. Or just leave me a text message."
I chuckled. " De, don't worry, I will." 
" Your moodswings are quite serious, it's just your first trimester." 
" I'm not having moodswings yet. Wait till it gets really serious." 
" It will?" he turned me around, with his hands still around my waist.
" I don't know.. You have to get used to it."
" De." he came closer and kiss me.
" Jamkanman... Don't leak this out yet. You will be the only one to know about this for now."
" Waeyo?"
" I want to reveal this only when the baby is more stable, like around 3 to 4 months.." I pushed his fringe to  the side and smiled.
" De, I won't tell anyone yet. Ahh, I think I can't sleep tonight.. It's so amazing to know that I'm actually going to become a dad of my own child.."
" I'm going to be one soon too.."
" How I wish the next time you go for your scan, there will be another extra life found in there. That will be the coolest thing ever."
" Twins? Dream on. It will be cool for you, but tough for me." 
" It will be easier for you. Then you don't have to keep going through this 9 months over and over again for 12 times." 
" You want to die?" 
" Not now, I have an extra person to take care of now. Can't die yet..." 
" Aish..you're jinja jinja demanding, I'm not your children maker machine. You know how nervous I was on that night of our wedding? My heart was literally popping out." 
" I know that, that next morning you were so shy to even look at me. Hajiman, you should know that on that day of our marriage, I'm no longer just your idol right?"
" That fact won't change. Only one in a million fan gets to marry her idol. And I'm that lucky one in a million. So you will forever be my idol."
" And something more?"
" And... What should I say?" I refuse to say it.
He came nearer and nearer to me and tried to corner me.
" Okay okay. My one and only beloved husband." 
" I was waiting for that.." he smirked and gave me a peck on my forehead.
" Did you check on Eun Hee before you came in just now? I think.. I-" I tried to change the subject.
" De I did. She is soundly asleep so you don't have to check on her another time."
" Ahh de... Anyway, are you still doing the promotion for love like this?"
" De. I'm not sure why either, it's been quite a few months. I think I will start a new promotion next year, so for now, I still have to attend various events on that album." 
" Cool! I can't wait to see the rest of your performances. I have been re-watching the last few performances of that song over and over again."
" I like that one where we performed right beside a soccer field. I think that's the best so far.."
" De! Let's watch it together. Come come. I have that performance saved in my favorites." I held his hand and pulled him in front of the computer. 
" You should sleep now you know.. My baby needs a break." 
" I'm not sleepy yet. Ahh yes yes yes click this, over here. That's the one. Ahhh.." I became excited about watching it again for the trillionth time.
" Yah.. Stop being so crazy... My baby will be in danger due to your craziness over your own husband."
" Hurry hurry click it. This computer is quite laggy, it needs time to load. Reload the page, pali."
He just clicked whatever I told him to. " My dear, how many times have you watched this?"
" Countless. Kwenchana, watch it again. It will be different watching together with you."
" I should never bring you to any live performances of us. In case you get too excited and start jumping. My baby will jump together with you, it's fatal." 
" Yah Saengie, stop worrying about your baby. It's inside me, you can't do anything! Just keep quiet and let me watch in peace."
We started watching the whole performance together.
" See what I meant by, you should smile more often when performing?"
" Hmm, but it will be weird if I start smiling for this performance right? It will be so out-of-concept. Imagine if I start smiling here.." he rewind to that part of his.
" That's quite true... Hmm, then ya, you shouldn't. Okay okay, forward back to that part where we stopped."
He clicked to the other video instead.
" Yah!"
" Watch this first, my fans made a birthday video for me. I haven't got the chance to watch this yet." 
We watched quietly. Then, I scrolled down to view those comments. 
-Youngsaeng oppa, sengil chukahae, you will forever be the prince in my heart.
- Ahh sengil chukahae my dear hubby. Stay cute forever! :D
" Mwo?! My dear hubby? Woah Saengie, looks like there's a third party huh.." I gave him that deathly glare.
" If you start reading all the comments, you will realize that there are quite a number of 'parties' out there too." he chuckled.
" Aish... I don't want to have to share." I pouted.
" Since when did you have to share?" 
" Since I read those comments a minute ago." 
He just smiled and pinch my cheek.
" In the future, I will have to share with this baby as well. Your attention will be entirely diverted to this child."
" Tsk tsk tsk..don't tell me you are going to be jealous over your own child..."
" Ani..aniya. Just stating the fact." 
" I won't neglect you. You will always be my priority."
" Wait till he or she is born."
" Do pregnant ladies always have so much to worry?"
" Jinja, I love your fans." I just rambled on anything.
" I love them as well."
" Good, so don't even think about not turning up for any schedules. Arraseo?"
" I'll try to.."
" Aish.. I give up trying to persuade you. Jalja. Happy finding your parties. My baby needs to sleep, so I'm going to bed now." 
So yeps, chapter up again :) Thanks to all your comments! Happy reading! :D More surprises awaits ^^
@ bigbangluv143
Haha yeps she is :) Woah he is, hmm the other members, don't know yet :) Yay thanks! Yeah imagine his child with his smile and voice. WOOO! haha. Anyway dongsaengie, so sorry, I don't think I can end this story before chapter 90.. hmm *failed author* here.. so ya, i don't know at which chapter I will end this story :( 
@ amyra961
Haha really? Oh I didn't realise my title made it so obvious LOL. Haha yup he is :) Jungmin.. yeah, but you will see the power of Eun Hee hahahahaha. Nah joking. Thanks for your comments :D
@ Areu501
Hahaha yeps this chapter confirms it :) Yeah Saengie will be :) Ya the review is a killer LOL. Hmm the double HJ will have to think of a solution themselves. But they will manage to get a fan so yup :) everyone willhave their reviews well written :) Thanks for your comments! :)
@ dandeli0n
This chapter confirms it kekeke :D Yups you're right! ^^ Everybody will be. Nope he can't tell everyone yet ^^ Lol okay okay I won't end it so soon, since I itchy fingers went to craft this scene out, I guess I have to talk more about it? Hahaha. Komawoyo! 
@ forever2323
Haha yups :) Everyone is happy :D Thanks for your comment! ^o^
@ lonelygurl501
Yups, I guess so.. Haha kidding, yup she is. Woo yay glad you're liking it :) Hmm no, totally not, Gill won't really bear so many for him hahaha. Awww thanks :) Yeah I hope so as well, hope there will be a tune to it. Haha. ^^
@ unchangedlove
Baby Gill, baby Saengie.. hahaha the way you say it is so cute. Haha Saengie is trying to persuade her still..hahaha. Yeps anticipate~ Keke. Thanks for your comment! ^^
@ adeloveskyu
Awww new reader. ^^ Thank for your comment. Glad you like the couple :) Yeah indeed, Yee min is a nice girl :) Seems like you're an avid fan of KyuJong keke. Yeps my next chapter will be on KyuJong and Yee min :) I decided to dedicate a chapter and elaborate more on them. Enjoy reading! :D
@ SHINeeluvsME
Yups hehe. Little gillsaeng..haha you phrase it so adorably. ^^ Hmm..funny or sarcastic.. Haha you'll find out ^o^ Thanks for anticipating, I will try to update more often :D 
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...