At last...

Dream the impossible..


Youngsaeng's POV
" No, you can't tell them so easily! All our efforts would be wasted!" Ji Ho ran up and cupped his hand on myo min's mouth.
" You better tell me where is she now!!" I held on to his collar and pushed him towards the wall.
" Never!! You will never find her! She is a pain in the ! Useless.. She thinks she is so noble..she is stupid! There is no use finding her!" he cursed. 
Steam fumed inside me. Time was running out, Gill can't hold on any longer.. 
I uncontrollably gave a punch on his face and demanded him to say. 
" Yah hyung stop! He won't say like this.." all my members held me back.
" Just call the police.." kyu jong took out his phone.
" Ji ho ji ho!! I don't want to be locked in jail!! Please..just tell them!!" she became desparate and begged.
I cupped my hands around his neck." SAY IT!! YOU DON'T WANT MYO MIN TO CLEAR UP AFTER YOU, SAY NOW! I WILL STRANGLE YOU I PROMISE! " I shouted.
Suddenly, Ling appeared from behind and brandished a penknife on myo min's face. " One more NO and I will slash this across . Pass me the key now." Ling demanded and threatened ji ho.
" Dongsaeng!! Ji ho!!! Help!!" myo min screamed.
" Fine fine!! Please don't hurt my sister!" Ji Ho yelled and dug out a bunch of keys from his pocket. " Next block." He mumbled.
I snatched it across. " ARE YOU KIDDING? WHICH ONE? THERE ARE 10 KEYS HANGING HERE!!" I shouted in anxiety.
" Hyung hyung we do not have time to quarrel anymore, jungmin, hyungjoon and i will guard here. Hyunjoong hyung and you get to that truck now!" kyu jong rushed me.
Hyunjoong and i immediately ran off. The truck was nowhere to be found.. We decided to split up and find.
I ran to every single corner and search. At that instant, i spotted tiny drops of blood which traced the way  to a tall and rusty truck. It stood far down the narrow alley.
I dashed across as fast as I could. I fumbled on the keys and tried every single one of them.. " Which one is it!! Why is nothing fitting into the lock!! Please!!" I tried my best to calm myself down.
Finally, a key fit into the lock and I pulled open the door roughly.
A girl laid inside.. Motionlessly.. Tears welled up my eyes. The truck was freezing.. Cold enough to kill a person.
" Gill Gill!! Wake up! I'm saengie!!" I shook her face. Red fluid slowly ooze out and stained my hand. 
I carried her and got off that truck. I ran as fast as possible to the nearest hospital. 
" Jungmin.. Inform the rest. I found Gill.. In the nearest hospital now.." I called him as I waited outside the emergency ward.
" Hyung.. How is is she now?" they ran up to me and asked breathlessly.
" I don't know..still inside.." I looked down.
" Don't worry hyung.. She will be fine." kyu jong came beside me and comforted me.
After a few minutes, the doctor came out.
I rushed up to her. " How is she??"
" She is fine for now. She is running quite a high fever and has suffered severe shock and dehydration. Her emotions are very unstable now..We treated her numerous wounds too.. There is a fracture on her right arm. But don't worry, this girl, she has extremely strong will. If this happens to the others, they will just give up. She continued to live on.. Because of you young man. However, she is still unconscious..will be awake only tomorrow." the doctor gave a pat on my shoulder and smiled.
" Oh young man, she has quite a deep cut on her left cheek so I did a few stitches on it. It will leave a scar, she may not be able to take it.. So..i believe you should know what to do..don't stay for too long, she needs ample rest. Only 1 person is allowed to stay." 
" De kamsahamnida.. Kansahamnida.." I thanked the doctor profusely.
All my members went in for a little while to see her.
" You all go back and rest first, I will take care of her tonight.. Komawoyo for helping me today." I smiled slightly.
" You get some rest too, we will help you explain to manager Kim." they gave a slight squeeze on my shoulder and left.
I sat beside her and held on to her hand. " Why are you so silly? Why must you do this to protect me? I don't deserve this..i really don't.."  
I look at the number of bruise, cuts and a cast on her.. My heart sank. 
I held on to her hand tightly and my eyes closed for the night.
Youngsaeng's POV
The next morning, I woke up before her and went to the washroom to wash up. 
When I came back, Gill was awake. She had a mirror on her hand.
" Go away!! I don't want to see you in this state now!!" she screamed as she hid under the blanket and cried.
I ran up to her and pulled off the blanket. I hugged her tightly. " Gill.. Gill listen to me. You are the most beautiful girl I ever seen.. I don't mind how you look..
That scar, we will overcome it together alright?" 
" You are lying.. It will be permanent on my face! Forever! How will people see heo youngsaeng next time with a girl who has a long and ugly scar on her face? They will laugh at you! Just go away now jebal!!" She cried and pushed me away.
" Why are you still thinking about me now when you are the one getting hurt? I don't deserve this Gill.. You have done too much for me.Spare a thought for yourself.. I don't care what will people think of me... What it matters is you now! What it matters is you are okay.. And nobody will say that you look ugly, I won't allow that..hmm?" I look at her and wiped off her tears as I sat on the bed.
" Of course you deserve this Saengie..Saranghaeyo.." she calmed down and whispered.
" Nadul..saranghae.." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.
" Next time don't you ever risk your life for me is that understood? Otherwise, I am not ever going to be able to forgive myself.." I stared into her eyes and said.
" So you want me to see other people hurting my perfect idol and not do anything about it? I can't do that saengie.. It will hurt more than the pain I suffer.."
She said in her soft,gentle tone.
" Nothing of that sort is going to happen again.. I promise. I will be by your side, forever.." 
" Even when I go to the toilet? You will be by my side too?" she joked and laughed.
I smiled and pinch her nose. 
" Gill..please..don't leave me ever again.. I can't bear to lose you.. You mean more than what you think you meant to me.. Way more.. No matter what you become, you will always..always only be the one for me.. Don't you ever push me to other girls again.. I don't want.." 
She nodded and hugged me tightly.. " Saengie.. Where is myo min unnie now?" 
" She is in the police station now..  Getting interrogated. She went overboard.." I told her.
" Please get her out and let her lead a normal life.. She just loves you too much and went out of her mind. She is ill, she needs a psychiatrist to treat her..
Cannot blame her.. The others too.. Get them out. You will help me with that right?"
" You are too kind dear.. They led you in this state and you can just forgive them so easily? "
" Just promise me that... Please.. Please... Saengie? Hmm?" she shook my hand and pleaded.
" De.. De.. Where can I find such a girl in this world again?" I went closer to her and asked.
" Don't have to find..she is just in front of you right now.." she smiled shyly and blushed as she said..
I flashed a smile and ruffled her hair. "And you..belong to me..only me. Hahaha. I'm not going to share." I held her hand and said.
" Ahh it's early in the morning and the both of you are so mushy.. I feel like puking.." jungmin and the rest came in with a basket of fruits. 
" There is something called..KNOCK.." I glare at them.
" Miane..forgot. Keke. So Gill, how are you?" they asked her.
She tried to hide her scar by subtly covering it. " De, I'm fine. Kamsahamnida for coming to save me." she mumbled.
I held on to the hand covering the scar and put it down. I shook my head and mouthed " don't worry."
" Ani, we have to thank you instead. We would have lost a member without you.. And furthermore he is our main vocalist.." jungmin said innocently.
" Yah jungmin ah what are you talking about? So are you trying to say Gill should actually do this to save youngsaeng?" hyungjoong hit his back and scolded.
We all laughed. We know this wasn't what he meant. " Ani..Ani.. This is not what I meant.. I meant.." Jungmin tried to explain.
" Kwenchana. I understand." Gill smiled and replied.
" Yah Gill ah, why didn't you speak up and tell us when you are being tortured by them? You know how worried we were when we received the news?" kyu jong asked in a harsh tone.
" Miane.. I was too afraid.. I'm afraid if I seek you guys...unnie..unnie will find out and hurt you all.. You all are idols.. Your fans need you..I'm just an ordinary's okay if they hurt me...but not you all that point of time, I didn't think much..just very scared..." she stuttered as tears welled up in her eyes.
" Silly girl.. you are not ordinary anymore.. You are one of us now..all of us need you..We will not stand aside and not do anything when you are hurt..get it?" all my members hugged her and consoled her.
"Ahh.. Ouch.." I saw her in pain as she held on to the wounds on her arm.
" Guys, you are pressing on her's hurting her!" I quickly  told the members and pulled their hands away from her.
" Mian..miane!! " the members apologized.
" Hmm..i'm so ugly many bruises on my body.. Sigh... Will these ever go away?" she blamed herself and rub her wounds, trying to make it go away..
" Don't worry you are the prettiest girl. It will go away when you get married." a person suddenly came in and laughed.
" Manager Kim!! " I quickly stand up. 
" Ah manager? " Gill quickly tried to stand as well.
" Hey don't worry,just sit down. Youngsaeng ah.. Why didn't you tell me about this? How long already?" manager Kim smiled and asked.
" Miane,'s not allowed so we kept you in the dark.. Almost..a year.." I bowed and apologized.
" Chaesonghamnida!!" Gill apologized as well, she was worried.
" Ani, I won't ask you to give up on such a nice girl.. She sacrificed for you..I was in love before too..i know how that feels. Youngsaeng ah.. But you should at least let me know right?" he pat on my shoulder and said. 
" Jinja? Manager Kim? De, I will let you be the first to know in the future! Kamsahamnida!"
" Even if I disapprove you will still carry on with this relationship secretly right?" he mumbled.
Everyone laughed. " Of course, youngsaeng almost went crazy when they were forced to break up previously..he locked himself in his room all day and kept getting the wrong tune when we had our vocal trainings..forgetting the lyrics etc..he got all the wrongs steps when we were practicing our dance as well!!"
hyunjoong laughed.
" Yah must you say everything out??" I uttered in embarrassment.
" No wonder.. You were so not yourself during that period of time.. Anyway, anneyonghaseyo, Kim sok bong imnida, SS501's manager." he introduced himself to Gill.
" Anneyonghaseyo. Gillian imnida. You can just call me Gill." she smiled and shook manager's hand.
" So where do you come from?You can speak very fluent Korean." manager asked.
" I come from Singapore. Haha kamsahamnida. It's not very fluent yet..still receiving lessons from no..youngsaeng oppa. Keke" she blushed and laughed.
" Ah..i see. You really love youngsaeng alot isn't it? I have never seen a girl who can even sacrifice her life for him.."
" Huh er..De.." she answered shyly. 
" Yah manager Kim are asking too much.." i  grinned.
" Why can't i ask? Don't forget I'm your saviour youngsaeng ah.. " he replied with a smirk.
" You always use that as an excuse.." i blamed.
The whole ward's atmosphere was liven up. I know Gill still feel awkward and depressed..but at least she is smiling now.
Gill's POV
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and opened it. When i saw who was coming in, those memories flashed back.
I held on to saengie's hand tightly and hid behind him.
" May i come in?" Ling asked politely.
" De please come in." saengie invited her in.
" Saengie, i don't want to see her.. Get her out. She is definitely with myo min unnie. They are coming after me again.. Pali..pali!!" i cried.
Saengie held on to my hand tightly." Gill Gill listen to me, she will not hurt you anymore..she was the one that came to look for us to save you." saengie whispered into my ear.
" Gill ah..are you okay? Cheongmal cheongmal Mian..miane.." Ling looked down and apologized. 
"Do i look like i'm okay to you?" i cried and yelled. I close my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself down. I said softly, "Give me some time Ling.. I don't wish to see you now. Go away..." i turned away.Tears rolled down my cheek as I recalled the the past incident.
" I think you should go first, wait till Gill is better, we will inform you again." kyu jong oppa whispered to her.
She turned and left the ward. 
" It's okay now.. She left." Saengie turned and hug me. 
I kept crying.. It was just too painful for me to take.
" She just stood there and watch when unnie threatened me..unnie kept hitting me..but Ling just watched... She is my best friend..i treated her as my sister..
But..she didn't do anything..she went to join them instead...I cried for help hoping she will stop her..but she just watched...i don't know if i can trust her..everybody was using me..." I mumbled between tears.
Saengie pulled me closer and tighten his hug.. Hyungjoon oppa started tearing as well when he heard what I just said. 
Saengie wiped off my tears gently. He is so gentle, afraid that he will hurt me. He is so gentle..a gentleness that I never experienced for was brutality and roughness for that past few weeks..
After a few moments, I began to compose myself and calmed down.
The doctor came in. " How are you Gill? Wow lucky girl, you have SS501 to visit you. Come, let me check on your wounds." she smiled.
" Miane,I need to draw the curtain." the doctor politely ask them to wait at the side.
She pulled the curtain which went around my bed and checked on my wounds. " Wah Gill ah,you are so brave. Hmm, your fever has gone down a little and your wounds are slowly healing, how do you feel now?"
" De, I'm fine kamsahamnida. But, it's still quite painful here.." I pointed to the whole of my left arm."
" Yea those need time to heal, those cuts are quite deep.. Haix, who will be so brutal to the poor little pretty girl here...don't worry, those will heal completely over time." she gave a pat on my head and smiled.
" Okay done!" she open and draw the curtain. " When can she be discharged?" saengie asked.
" I will do a check on her again later. If her fever has gone down and she is okay, she can be discharged by tonight." 
" De kamsahamnida!" 5 of them bowed slightly.
" Ah now I have to endure the screams of your fans outside again.. Haha. Your fans are really...passionate.Lucky this is an individual ward, if not they will disturb the other patients.." the doctor joked.
Everybody laughed. 
" Is your parents overseas again?" saengie asked.
" De..wae?"
" Hyung, is it okay if Gill come to our dorm for a few days? Nobody is going to take care of her at home, I will be worried." saengie asked manager Kim.
He nodded. " Just make sure you remember to go for your vocal and dance practices..I'm not going to remind you.."
" Ah..ani..kwenchana I can manage myself at home..i will call Saengie if I need help.." I was surprised at what saengie asked.
" If you will do that, you won't have those wounds already. So okay,settled! You will come to my dorm tonight." saengie turned and told me.
" Ah..ha ji man... You..I..." I stammered on my words.
" Ah Gill ah just agree to it, we all welcome you with open arms! " Hyungjoon oppa spread out his arms and laughed.
" Is it really okay?" I asked them with those innocent looks.
" What do you think?" Saengie tugged my hair behind my ear and winked.
" De kamsahamnida!" I smiled happily and thanked.
" Okay both of you continue your lovey dovey moments. We are going for the practice now. See you tonight Gill." hyunjoong oppa teased.
" Then what about saengie? He don't have to go for the practice?" I ask.
" Doesn't matter, he can skip one. Today is vocal practice. He already has amazing voice, one practice doesn't really makes a difference. Permission granted by me!" manager Kim praised Saengie.
" Why don't I hear all these praises when Gill is not around? Wahh hyung ah.." saengie joked.
" Yah! Just concentrate on taking care of your beloved girl. That praise was just to make Gill happier, not really praising you actually.." manager Kim joked sarcastically.
" Anneyong!!!!!" saengie chased them out and laughed.
" Hahahaha manager Kim is really jovious!" I laughed so hard.
" De he is always like that.. Teasing me. But if there is no him,there won't be me now,he is a super nice man. I even treated him like my own abuji." saengie said.
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...