Home Sweet Home!

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
I sat in between omma and ajumma in the plane while appa and ajusshi sat on the other side.
" Ajumma, have you gone to Singapore? I can take you around if you haven't." I leaned towards her and asked.
" De I went before,for a business conference. It's a beautiful place there." she smiled.
" De I miss Singapore so much..oh ya ajumma, please don't tell omma about saengie and I.. If not she will come pestering and disturbing me.. I will tell her when the time is right.. Okay?" I whispered to ajumma when omma was sleeping.
" Haha de de don't worry I won't.. So what will she do if she knows?"
" She will keep asking me about Saengie and will keep persuading him to faster marry me away.. She can't wait to see me married off and get out of the house..really can't understand omma.. I thought all mothers will not bear to see their own daughters being married away.."
" Hahaha really? If that's the case, I don't mind letting her know too.. I want to have a daughter in law soon.." ajumma teased.
" Ajumma..don't tease me already.. I'm not at the age of getting married yet.. And I don't want to.. Saengie and I just dated for a year plus plus..hmm have to wait for another...a lot more years before we can really decide...He is very busy too.."
" Hahaha okayokay.. Don't rush, just get all your studies done first.. Your omma isn't trying to chase you out of the house, just can't wait to see her only daughter finding her own happiness and be with the one you truly love. All mothers in the world are like this.. They hope for the best for their children..I'm no exception..keke" ajumma chuckled and explained to me.
" De Kekeke. Anyway I'm not really sure if he still wants me after that many years.." I giggled and blushed.
" You don't trust him enough? If he doesn't, then I will turn into the super ridiculous mother-in-laws like those in dramas.." ajumma laughed.
" I trust him..haha just wondering.." I laughed back.
Soon we reached... 
I came out of all the custom checks etc..
When I came out, I saw a super big crowd,banners everywhere.. " SS501 is arriving in 1 hours time!! Can't wait!!" all the fans squealed.
" Ajumma, this is how I met saengie back then Kekeke..." I whispered to her and chuckled.
" So you were one of them there right? Wow so you must have been very special that Saeng noticed you among so many fan.."
" Ani..i just happen to fall when he passed by and so he helped me up.."
" Ahh...so are you going to join those fans now?"
" Ani, i don't need to..i can meet SS501 anytime i want..keke" i smirked.
Ajumma laughed. " Omma where are we going now?"
" Home of course.. Put down our things and introduce your ajusshi and ajumma to places..then they will be coming over to our place to have dinner. You will do the cooking today.. I'm busy.."
" But I'm meeting my friends..."
" Ask them over..we can have dinner together.."
" De..." I sighed.
After taking ajusshi and ajumma for a tour around Singapore, we decided to go home, it was getting dark.
" Home!!! FINALLY!"
I quickly whipped out my phone and ring my friends.
" We are on the way now!!" all of them shouted in excitement.
Suddenly, I heard a door bell.
I rushed to the door and flung open the door. " Argh Jan,Vic,Johanna,Rachel!!" I hugged them tightly..
" SISTER!! I miss you so much!! How have you been?"
" Fine!" I laughed and invited them in.
I pulled them up to the second floor  to my room immediately and we gathered around the bed.
They gave me a very concerned look.. I know what they were thinking.
" You all are wondering about this right?" I pointed to the scar on my cheek.
" Yes what happened? But don't worry, you are still the prettiest among us haha" they were all worried.
"Haha you flattered me.. This.. is my obstacle of love.." I chuckled.
" Wahh Gill..speak up. Who?" They nudge me.
" Ah..er.. Just..an extraordinary person in my life." I just grinned and shrugged.
" Wah wah wah so you not telling us ah??"
I smiled and look away. " He is from Korea..it's no point even if I tell you, you won't get to know or see him right?"
"Hey girls look at her room!! So many kpop magazines!!" Rachel screamed and told the rest.
" Since when did you all got into kpop? I thought you all are only into English pop only..."
" Who say.. We grew to like it soo much after you left to Korea. Haha. You are so lucky, is it possible if you get autographs for us?"
" Which one do you like?"
" Snsd taeyeon and sunny, SHINee ki bum,lee jin ki and SS501 Youngsaengie!" Jan squealed.
" I like SS501 hyungjoon oppa! He is so cute! And the trio! Youngsaengie KyuJongie!! And dbsk, mblaq,SHINee.." Rachel screamed.
" I like mblaq leejun, b2st Gikwang, IU, suju ryeowook,donghae and and of course the SS501 trio haha..plus hyunjoong oppa and jungmin oppa!" Johanna chuckled.
" Hmm for me.. I am only devoted to my one and only SS501! Did you all see youngsaeng in the remix version of U R man? I almost fainted.." Vic shyly said
All of them squealed and agreed to her.
" So I guess all of you are going to the fanmeeting tomorrow?" I grimaced and asked.
" Yup of course!! We queued for hours to get those tickets.. I'm sure you have the ticket and is going too right?" they chuckled and waved their tickets at me.
" Yup, but my ticket isn't with me now.."
" Huh? Then who is it with now? You will not be allowed in if you don't have the ticket Gill!"
" Hmm okay wait, let me give a call.."
I whipped out my phone and started dialing... Hmm he must have settled down by now..i think should be able to call now..
" Wow I don't understand a single word in your phone..it's all in Korean..so who are you calling now? Put to loudspeaker! I wanna hear.." all of them started to press the loudspeaker button on my phone.
" That person who has my ticket..okay wait sshhhh..the line got through " I laughed.
" Yeobuseyo? My ticket!" As usual i would converse with him in Korean.
" Yah there is something you should be saying before asking for the ticket.."
" Please.." I chuckled.
" Hey Gill who is this? He sounds so familiar... Please speak English..we don't understand.." my friends pleaded me.
" Sshhh... I can't hear him.." I shush them up.
" So your girlfriends are beside you? Hmm about the ticket, just let the security ajusshi thinks you are crazy.." he laughed.
" Yah yah yah! Not funny.."
" I'm in the hotel now.. Lots of fans downstairs..let me think how to get down first.."
" Even if you manage to escape, you won't know the direction here right?"
" Maybe I should just tell my fans that I'm going to the pig sty now to see my piggy.. They will let me off like this.. About the direction... I will get there eventually.."
" Yah Heo Youngsaeng I AM NOT A PIG! Stop calling me a pig! Pabo..Hope you get lost along the way.." I screamed his name, totally forgetting my friends were beside me..
Suddenly, all of them stopped whatever they were doing and turned to face me. " Gill..you are kidding right?"
" De.. I am kidding of course.. I just love heo youngsaeng too much that I even call this friend of mine as his name..haha.." I looked away and quickly cooked up a story.
They got more curious as to what I was talking about on the phone and stick their ears to my phone to hear.
" Ehh girls, I can't talk when all of you are sticking your ears onto my phone.."
" Ahhh I just love Heo youngsaeng too much and..." saengie mimicked me and teased..
" You are hearing things..seriously.. Anyway is it really okay for you to give me the ticket now? I can actually just... Just.. Hmm.. Get it from you tomorrow..Don't risk.."
" I will have to go off by 6am tomorrow and will be in the venue throughout..so it's impossible for me to pass you the ticket tomorrow.."
" Argh just kidnap that security ajusshi so I can just get in without my ticket..why is my ticket with you in the first place..ahh.." I sighed.
" Hahaha you are really funny.. Hmm.. I have to get that ticket for you right? So of course it's still with me.."
" Gill!! What are you guys talking about? Translate! We feel like we are just listening to aliens talking.." my friends pestered me.
" I will get there in 20 mins without anyone spotting me.. Just wait and see."
" De.." I hung up the phone.
" I only understand what is De,ajusshi, chingu,yah and pabo in your whole conversation.. When did your korean get so fluent? So what did you guys talk about? And he has a very unique voice..i heard it somewhere before..." my friends laughed.
" Oh he is just coming to pass me my ticket in 20 mins time. And he always calls me a pig..grrr... Hmm of course you girls heard him somewhere before hahaha.." 
" Pig?? Lol!! So is he the your boyfriend?"
" Ani..not.. I don't have one. " I stammered.. I know I just contradict what I said earlier..but argh whatever..
" Haha oh ya quite true, which boyfriend would be able to tolerate his girlfriend calling him the name of the idol she likes? Hahaha"
" De..obviously..haha. Later when he comes should I invite him in for dinner? Anyway his parents are here too..but it's kind of weird.." I mumbled under my breath softly.
" Of course just invite him in! I want to make friends with a Korean! Maybe he can teach me how to speak that language too!" my friends heard what I said.
" You girls will faint..." I laugh.
" Faint? Is he very very handsome then?" their eyes suddenly brightened up.
" Very...hahaha, I assure you, you won't regret knowing me as your friend after that..kekeke" I smirked.
I shared with them about the experience in Korea and did a lot of catching up. Suddenly, the bell rang.
" I will get it!" I screamed. " You girls stay in the room."
" Why? I'm following you.."
Sigh.. Guess it's okay if they know. I ran down the stairs and get to the door. I hurry opened the door and immediately closed it behind me, leaving my friends in the house.
" Wow you really get here fast.. How did you know the direction here? My house is the hardest to locate.. " i ask saengie and looked around to see if he was getting stalked.
" Don't worry, none of them followed me..i have my way.. And i told you i will know how to get here eventually piggy..it's because it's the hardest to locate that explains why i don't get stalked.." he teases again and took out his sunglass.
" De de de you are the smartest, can even come here with just a sunglass without getting stalked..Erm..saengie ah, ajusshi and ajumma are also inside, come in and stay for dinner." 
" I have to go back to the hotel early today..if not my manager will find out.." he put his hands on my shoulders and said.
" Just a simple dinner, won't take long..furthermore my parents are curious to know the son of ajusshi and ajumma..and manager Kim is too kind to be angry..it's me.. Not any other fangirls.. Keke" i pout.
" Alright alright.." he smiled. 
" Ahh jamkanmanyo, once you get in, you will be glued by 4 other fangirls.. Hahaha"
" Your girlfriends? I just manage to escape from the whole crowd of girls downstairs the hotel.."
" Kekeke.. Just act like we are ordinary friends..anyway they won't understand a single word we say.." i chuckled and slowly opened the door.






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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...