Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
Saengie stood there. He looked at me and stunned.. Really stunned. He  gave me that weird look. That ' is it really her?' look. But smiled when he saw the usual me, blushing... 
I stood a distance away from him. The emcee prompt me to stand beside him. I saw his hand gesture, waving his hands to make me stand there.
When I stood in front of him I didn't know what to say.. He was laughing..
" Hmmm.. So you are called Gillian huh?" he bends down and looked into my eyes.
" De... But.. everybody calls me Gill so..ya.. I'm more used to people calling me that.." i stuttered on my words.
The game started pair by pair.. Youngsaeng and I was the last pair.
" So looks like we are just meant to be right?" he teased.
" " my face was fuming hot... And tried to change subject.  
" So how was that kiss just now saengie?" I teased, face still blushed..
"Oh so somebody is jealous here.. Aren't you?" he bend down and ruffled my fringe. 
" Of..course...not..who..who says so.." I replied immediately.
Then, I notice that charm bracelet on his wrist. It was my first gift to him. I stretched out my hand and touched that bracelet on his wrist...
He touched that bracelet, " It is my lucky charm."
I looked down and smiled. 
Emcee: Youngsaeng and Gillian!! Are you both here with us? Got lots to talk? It's your turn. 
Haha we were both living in our own world, not even realizing that that was the 3rd time the emcee called.. When we look at the score board, the leading one was with a score of only 1.7cm of biscuit left..such a tiny piece. I wonder if the pair's mouth did accidentally touch.
The emcee gave us a piece a biscuit stick and the game started. I know I can win this game..easily.. However, something told me I can't go any closer,so at approximately 1.9 cm, I bit the biscuit off. He knew my intention and what I was thinking. He smiled at me and mouth the words " Gillian"
" Gill..." I mouthed the words back, grinning at him.
Emcee: so the winner goes to kyu jong and Kim seu en! *Claps* 
Seu en requested for a hug.
I left the stage.. He was looking at me all the way till I went back to my seat.. 
But..ling kept quiet.
" Okay now we will present the last song-you are my heaven. Hope everybody will enjoy it, kamsahamnida!" Hyunjoong oppa exclaimed. 
The concert ended successfully... Ling and I sat there.
" Hey ling, are you okay? You seemed unhappy.." I asked in anxiety.
" I'm..fine... Let's go.."
I knew what she was unhappy about.. But i couldn't do anything.. Looks like she is going to keep ignoring me.. I just have to leave her alone.. The journey home takes about an hour. Hope she will be alright after reaching home.
When I reached home, another hour later, I received a text. It was from Saengie.
" Gill, I need you to be here now. At the concert hall. Urgent.."
My heart skipped a beat. Did something happened to him? What's wrong? The more i thought , the worse it got. I quickly grabbed my bag and dashed out of the house. 
" Stop! stop! Why is there no taxi stopping here!!??" I cried out in anxiety and desperation.
Finally, a taxi came. " Sorry is it possible if you go faster?" I rushed the taxi driver every 5 minutes . My heart beat like a million times per minute.
It was all quiet and dark in the concert hall.. Everybody left. I took out my phone and started punching in the numbers.. Just then, I saw a row of lightsticks that led me to a particular seat in the concert hall. I followed and sat there and text" where are you?"
Then, a spotlight shine on the grand piano on the stage. Music started filling the whole concert hall.  His beautiful voice started sinking into my ears again.
I sat there, the feelings of anxiety still not gone from just now but at the same time, was so touched by his actions.
Not sure whether my tears were due to being touched or having the fear of losing him,when I read that message just now.
As the song was coming to an end, I stood up and slowly walked towards the stage and went up to where he is.
He smiled at me, tapped on the empty space beside him on the piano seat, and prompted me to sit there. 
" This song is for you. I specially written it." he said softly.
I looked into his eyes and smiled vaguely. "" my voice shivered.
He sensed i was not right and gave me a worried look. I couldn't take it anymore and tears started flowing out like nobody's business. I hugged him around his neck tightly.
" know when I..i received your mess...message just now...." I paused to calm myself down. ", I was so afraid...i thought..thought something might have happened to you..." I cried and stammered.
" Heyhey sweetie, don't cry, I'm okay here right?" he comforted me and wiped off my tears.
" I was afraid of losing you... But that message really sound like it." i looked away from him and said as softly as possible.
Saengie turned me around. He lifted my face up and  leaned in to me " You are not going to lose me and neither am i going to lose you." He swipe his thumbs across my face gently to dry my tears.
Our eyes met, making me blush. He smiled. His face came nearer and nearer and placed his warm lips on mine. It felt so assuring. My lips moved to the rhythm of his. 
" So i guess this compensates that peck on that fangirl cheeks just now. " He gave a mischievous smile.
Finally, i smiled. " Kwenchana, but I just got to know that girl.. Her whole room was filled with you. You revolve around her was so extreme..i was just worried that she will be too happy just now and...ya.."
" And?? Do something to me or hug me and not let go?Well..fangirls...but..she looked quite pretty.." saengie purposely said that..
" Er.. Ya... That's...quite true...." i sadly replied. 
He pinched my nose slightly and laughed," Just admit that you are jealous. I don't look out for pretty girls.. I go for someone who appreciates for who i am and the girl i like will be the most beautiful to me..." He whispered into my ears and gave another peck on my cheek.
" Have you made wishes during your birthday?" he asked.
" Ani, didn't celebrate my birthday this year so didn't wish.." i replied.
" Then make 3 belated wishes now!" he said eagerly.
I cupped my hands together and closed my eyes. " Firstly, i wish that everyone i know will be healthy and happy always! Secondly, i wish success in everything the people around me and i do... " Thirdly, i shall keep it to myself.." 
When i opened my eyes he waved a bag with a nicely wrapped present inside in front of me. " Open it , you will like me even more haha."  
I slowly tear off the tape.. When i saw what was inside..i got a shock.
In the transparent glass box sat small clay figurines. There was a grand front of it sat a boy and a girl.. Surrounding it was filled with beautiful flowers on the base of the box.. Every single detail of each figurine was so carefully shaped and moulded.. 
I found a card that sticked at the side of the read,
Sweetie! Happy belated belated birthday! Sorry for the late present.. I wanted to make it as perfect as possible before giving it to you. Hope you like it, like the way you like me, my girl :D 
(My second letter to you)
I blushed at that card and smiled. " Who is your girl?" i teased as i walked away from there.
I felt a pair of hands that hugged me from the back. " Who do you think it is?" he teased back.
I didn't answer, but just smiled and touched his hands, which are still around my waist. " Komawoyo.." don't know what got into me, I mustered the courage and gave a really quick peck on his lips and wanted to run away after that. 
He held me back. " Let me teach you how to do it..." he grinned and placed both of his hands on my face, and leaned in again. Before I could even answer, he already planted his lips on mine. 
" Get it?"  he teased. I widened my eyes and was starstrucked literally. I touched my lips and looked away. 
" stole my first kiss...Nappeun..." My voice got softer as I said that.
" Jinja?? Nobody chased you before? That's sad...." He joked.
" I'm the most popular girl in school... It's just that.. those guys I dated didn't make that move..." I rebutted back senselessly.
He chuckled and slightly flicked on my forehead.
I held his hand and pull him to the piano with me. I started playing a familiar tune and asked " can you sing this once more?" 
The tune went on as I played. " Love,of my life...can you feel my love for you..." he sang softly beside me. It was the most beautiful song... I wished the song would never end. He then started to play the piano together with me according to the tune while he sings. It became like a duet.
As much as I refuse, the song came to an end and I clapped for him. " Heo youngsaeng! Heo youngsaeng!" i mimicked the fans during the concert just now softly and laughed.
He smile hugged me tightly and rested his chin on my shoulder.
After a while, i tried to release that hug but he tightened his grip." I'm so tired..let me rest awhile.." he sounded really exhausted. 
After half an hour , I tapped on his back. " Hey saengie, it's already 4am. Your members and manager are going to get worried if they don't see you for the whole night.." 
" Ahhhh, come on, let's go, I will send you home." he stretched out his hand and smiled.
" Ah it's okay, you should go back and rest, I can go back on my own. Don't worry." I held his hand and replied as we walked out of the concert hall.
" You want me to leave you alone to go home herself at this time? Not possible." he insisted.
It took about an hour to reach home. I soon fell asleep in his car while he continued driving..
" Gill.. we reached already.." he woke me up.
" Haaaaaaaah" I yawned. " ahh I'm so tired... Komapda" 
He looked at me and started laughing. " You talk in your sleep."
" Ah.. ? What did i..i say?"
He leaned in and and only leaving an inch away, " saengie oppa, saranghae... that's what you said.." he imitated me. 
I quickly look down and whispered under my breath. " Oh my..why did i say embarrassing... Er..saengie, your concert was beautiful..." i tried to change subject as i felt my face heating up.
He gave that usual grin and gave a last assuring kiss on my lips for that day. " Goodnight sweetie. Have a good night's rest, don't dream of me too much.." 
" Goodnight saengie.. You too, have a good night's rest. "  I laughed.
It's already 530am in the morning..i trudged up the stairs to the 3rd floor and laid flat on my bed straight after. I was too tired to think of anything. 
School is starting in a week's time.. Must change my sleeping habit soon.i sighed.
Hyunjoong POV
I got up from my sleep to get a cup of water.. Before that, I would practice my daily habit, to open every member's room and check on them.. 
Youngsaeng? Where could he be? 
I didn't take much notice and just walked towards the kitchen, without even switching on the lights. I was too lazy to do that.
The door suddenly croaked open.. Thief!! I exclaimed. 
I grabbed the nearest broom and waited. When the footsteps got nearer, I ran all out and hit him with all my might! " Get out!" I screamed at my hoarse- night voice.
" Hyunjoooong ahhh! Its me,Youngsaeng!!!" he stumbled to turn on the lights. 
" Ahh Youngsaeng.. Miane.. I thought it was a the way, where were you the whole night?!!" I asked in anger.
" No..nothing ..just went out to get some fresh air..." 
" Ya..ya.. Go and get fresh air..until now? 530AM!!?! Hurry shoot, where were you?" 
" Really nothing! I'm tired, I'm going back to my room to rest." youngsaeng quickly ran into his room,avoiding the question.
The next morning..
Youngsaeng POV
" Yah heo youngsaeng wake up now!! " I heard leader's scream. 
I searched for my phone under my pillow. " What is wrong with you! It's only 730am and you are waking me up when there isn't any schedule today!!" I screamed back.
" You better explain to me what happened yesterday night.. I am the leader and I have the rights to know." 
" I already told you I went out to get some fresh air! How many times must I repeat myself?" I laid back onto my bed.
" are not telling me right? Hyungjoon! Kyu jong! Jungmin! Come in now!!" he shouted for the rest of them.
When I heard him calling them, I know it's a must say or must die. They will force me at every expense.. Afterall, its better to just tell 1 than to tell all 4 of them at once.
" Okay fine fine I tell you. Kyu,joon,min! Get back to your rooms! Ahh hyunjoong..i was with a.. friend last night..."
" What friend? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Gayfriend???" hyunjoong asked ridiculously.
" Friend..who is a girl.." is all I could answer..
He paused for a moment and stared at me with those usual sharp glare. " Okay.. Got it." he then stomped out of my room.
I'm doomed..i thought. I couldn't care much and went back into my slumber. 
I went down to have my brunch..apparently, it's already 12pm when I woke up.
Suddenly 4 pairs of them turned and stare at me.. 
" Tsk..tsk.. Hyung, you're cheeky huh?" jungmin went on, spouting all that usual teases.
I pretended not to know or hear anything and walked into the kitchen to get my food.
"Hyung...hyung...heh heh heh is she pretty? Have a picture of her?" hyungjoon suddenly popped out beside me.
He pestered me all the way till I got my food and got out of the kitchen.. " Haix..should have just lock him in the kitchen." I thought.
" NOOO I don't have anything!" I replied maknae,annoyed and rolled my eyes at leader... 
" Hey guys, stop teasing him already.. Let him eat by himself and continue daydreaming about her, don't worry youngsaeng ah..i will assure manager kim won't know about this.." hyunjoong smiled widely. And they all left me alone there...
How annoying can they get? I sighed deeply...
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...