His~ Eternity.

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

It was time to enter. I clung on to his arm and waited for the door to open for us.

Everybody stood up and clapped. The smiles on each of their faces were unforgettable. The anxiety in me seemed to slowly fade away as we walk down the red aisle.

The red aisle was like a life journey for both of us. It was the kind of blessed feeling which nothing can replace or nobody can express.

We appointed Yee min unnie and Kyu Jong oppa to be our emcees for the night. Kyu jong oppa will be speaking in Korean language, while yee min unnie will be doing the English translation for my relatives.

We reached the front where our lawyer is. Solemnization, signing of documents,exchanging of rings and lastly,

" Okay, you may kiss the bride."

I blushed a little and looked down as he lifted my veil. He inched in and slowly made a quick peck on my lips. 

Next, the lights dimmed and a video was played.

" This was what happened in the morning. Enjoy." Kyu jong oppa announced.

It showed how the guys did the list of 'forfeits' and the conversations between them.

" Yah if you girls are going to stutter, then hurry let me out.... 5 semitones from G is crazily high..." Even what I shouted from my room could be heard clearly from the video clip.

Everybody chortled.

" Ahh embarrassing much..." I muttered.

" That's for worrying too much about me. My voicebox isn't going to break so easily." Saengie chuckled.

Then, a shocking video clip played after that.

The dressing room we were in just now..

"So there was a hidden camera in there?! I hope I didn't say anything that will embarrass myself."

" You did. Remember the staring? And the flowers, confetti.." Saengie added on.

" You contributed to the conversation too."

Throughout, the guests seemed like they were enjoying the whole video clip. They were laughing and giggling about it.

Hmm, then dinner was served. Saengie and I went to change into another suit again. I changed into an elegant purple gown which flows all the way down to the ground and he changed into a charming white suit.

Then, the same thing repeats. Everybody stood up and clapped as we proceed to the front again.

After leading me to my seat, he walked up the stage, and sat in front of the piano. He cleared his throat and spoke in the mic.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Hope all of you are still satisfied with the dinner. And so now, I prepared a section today specially for her. Gill, listen well."

Everyone diverted their attention to him. Then he started off the tune. It was the same piece, which we composed together. However this time, he added lyrics in and sang.



[Verse 1]

This journey we walked through, 

It wasn’t smooth sailing.

But you were the one,

Who created alternatives and

Added colours to my life.


The one in my life,

I will cherish you.

I don’t know why, but only you,

Seems to be the one.

[Verse 2]

I pondered about our blurred future.

Worried what might happen next.

But an angel spoke,

Accepting me for who I am.


[Repeat chorus]


Time really flies, the time with you shall be etched.

You came from my memory,

Reminiscing the past,

Anticipating the future,

Forever precious in my eyes.


Forever and ever, our love shall never fade.

For eternity,



He ended off the tune beautifully. His sweet and soothing voice rang softly in my ear. It wasn't just the voice, the lyrics and the song.. It was that sincerity he expressed, the thought that processed the lyrics, that precious gift in his heart, especially on this day.

I forced back my tears. I know if my tears were to ever fall, it will never stop. He really has a way to melt my heart. Even some of the girls had tears welling up in their eyes.

The whole crowd stood up and clapped enthusiastically.

He turned his head to my direction and smiled.



Youngsaeng's POV

Finally, the whole ceremony ended. We thanked each of the guest for honoring this occasion and shook their hands as each of them slowly left.

Then, all my friends came up to me.

" Youngsaeng ahh! Congratulations again! The next time we want to ask you out for a drink, we have to seek your wife for permission first right?" Siwon teased.

" Aniya, I don't control him. Just ask him out whenever you want. Just make sure he don't tire himself out or get drunk." Gill chuckled and told him.

" Where did you find such a nice girl? If only WE, idols, can end up like both of you too."

" I found her...in my heart." I faced Gill and said. She blushed and excused herself to attend to her friends.

" Wahh Youngsaeng sii, since when you became so mushy? It's making my hair stand at the back of my neck." Taeyeon grinned and nudged me.

All of us had a great laugh.


Gill's POV

" Thank you for making the day so memorable for me, by planning the lists of forfeits and being my bridesmaid. I haven't got a chance to thank you guys yet." I gathered my friends and cousins and thanked them.

" Gill, we're going to miss you." Vic came up and hugged me.

" Silly girl, come and visit me anytime you want. Oh, if SS501 is going to Singapore for an asia tour or an autograph session, I will make sure I keep myself free and fly back to Singapore to visit you girls too."

" De, remember to do that. Bring along your kids next time as well." they nudged me lightly and smirked.

" De, Eun Hee haven't been to Singapore before. I'll bring her along with me next time." I feigned blur.

" And you're going to just leave Eun Hee's siblings at home all alone?"

I cleared my throat and ignored that question.

" Yah! We are serious about that. All the best."

" I don't want to have one so soon. Maybe a few years later. I'm still young. Let me consider..."

" What's there to consider? You're not willing to?"

" Ani... Yah! Lower down your volume, all his idol friends are still here. Hmm.. Honestly..I'm afraid.." I whispered.

" Pabo... What's there to be afraid of? You're already his wife, no longer just his fan, my dear Gill." They told me in a serious tone.

" But...he is still my idol. Still everyone's SS501 member.. Actually it's not that.. It's just... Just..."

" I should have a talk with him regarding this." They threatened.

" No! Okay okay let nature take its course. I will see how things goes.. Don't worry, I'm not going to reject him or whatever..." I said it as softly as possible.

Before they could say anything, I cut in. " Wait, don't even think about it. Not today..."

" Today is your wedding! Aish, whatever.. It's up to you." they gave up persuading me.

" You girls are getting old, haha you sound like those really traditional grandmothers persuading their grandchildren to have kids."

" It's for your own good." I heard omma's voice from behind.

" Omma, hold on. I need to attend to other guests first." I made an excuse to 'escape' from there.

" Gill, they're leaving already. They got schedules to follow tomorrow." Saengie pointed to his friends and told me.

" Ahh de, thanks for coming." I bowed slightly and bid them goodbye.

After that, he turned and walked towards omma.

" Saengie saengie, we shouldn't go there first, let's go entertain your fans." I pulled him along with me.

After that, both of us went up to haraboji. As usual, I will cling on to haraboji's arm playfully.

" Harabojiiii, thank you for coming." I thanked in a cheery tone.

" Nonsense, it's my grandson's wedding, of course I have to attend. Furthermore my dear Yee Min is the emcee for tonight." He still held his pride up.

" And because your dear granddaughter in law is me, isn't it? Ahhh blablabla I know you meant this, you just don't express it out."

Haraboji looked at me in disbelief and shook his head.

" Saeng, my heart attack is going to relapse because of your wife. Please do something about it." He 'fake coughed' and mumbled.

" Hahaha haraboji, this time I'm on my wife's side." Saengie uttered.

" Mwo?! Aish.. Even my grandson is standing on your side. Aish..." Haraboji can be a little dramatic at times.

" I know I know, don't be too happy, it's not good for your health as well." I further teased.

" Heo Youngsaeng! This pig here is too much! Make sure she can bear adorable and chubby great-grandchildren for me to play with, or I won't let her off."

" De haraboji, leave it to me." Saengie whispered.

" Yah yah yah you're suppose to be standing on my side today, don't give in so easily!" I raised my voice a little.


Anyway, all of us took a group photo and everybody head back to their own homes, including us.

Finally, we were back to our own home. That perfectly designed house.

" Eun Hee ah, it's late already so stop lazing around, take a shower and go to sleep. I already prepared your pyjamas, placed on your bed." I told her nicely.

She obediently followed my instructions.

Then, Saengie and I quickly put down our stuffs in our room and head to the kitchen and took out something from the fridge.

" Pali, it's 11:30pm now. We have to prepare everything before Eun Hee comes out." I rushed him.

We placed everything on the table and got everything ready.

" Jamkan, let me change out into something comfortable first." I told him.

" Aniyo. Don't do that."

" Ahh waeyo? This gown is so heavy."

" Don't... You look very pretty in this gown. Don't change out first, I won't have a chance to see you in this gown after today."

I smirked and nodded.

After 15 mins, I went up to Eun Hee's room and called her out.

" Eun Hee, come out for a while. We prepared something for you." I stood at her door and informed.

As she walked out of her room, down to the living room, Saengie lit up the candles on the cake.

Then, we started singing a birthday song for her.

She ran towards the table and stood on the chair. " Appa..omma, is this my birthday cake??"

" De. Pali make your 3 wishes and blow out the candles before the clock strikes 12."

" My wish is to have appa and omma by my side forever." She said it in an adorable manner and blew out the 4 candles.

" Sengil chukahae Eun Hee." Saengie and I smiled and gave a peck on either sides of her cheeks.

She smiled widely and admired her cake. It was a 3-dimensional teddy bear cake that sat upright.

" Eun Hee ah, let's eat the cake tomorrow okay? It's late already, I'm afraid you will be down with a cough tomorrow if you eat all these chocolate cream now."

" De omma. I want to eat teddy's head tomorrow."

We nodded and went to pack up as she skipped back to her room to sleep.

After packing up, I turned around quietly and sneaked into the music room when I felt someone held my hand.

" Didn't you tell Eun Hee not to laze around just now? You too, go take your shower. It's late hmm?" Saengie bend down a little to my eye level and said softly.

" Please, just a little while. I miss this room."

He gave in to me and opened the room door for me.

This room never fail to fascinate me.

I played a random note on the piano and the scene where Saengie played and sang just now flashed through my mind. I smiled unknowingly.

" You know, it's kind of scary when you start smiling to yourself suddenly." Saengie stood beside the piano and teased.

I chuckled. " I thought of something..."

" The scene where I played and sang just now?" He hit the bull's-eyes again.

I widened my eyes and look at him. " I think.. I shall take my shower now."

I quickly exit the room and entered our own room. I opened a drawer and started looking for something comfortable to wear.

" Dear, that's my drawer, your's is on top of mine." he said.

" Oh ya.. Hmm in that case, can I wear your shirt today?"

" Waeyo?"

" Keke nothing much.. Just feel like it."

" De just take any one. It's all not of your size anyway. Don't take that blue one on top, I'm wearing that tonight."

I happily 'ransack' his drawer. " Ahh so these are what idols wear at home. Interesting.."

" It's just normal plain tees. You can find those anywhere outside. Nothing special." He chuckled and said.

In the end, I put everything back in place and took out that blue tee on top. " This one looks the best, can I wear this?"

" Yah.. That's the one I was referring to a minute ago. You take the white one beside it."

" But I like this one..."

" Aish.. De, anyway it doesn't really matter what you wear tonight actually.."

" Mwo?! I'm going to have this blue tee on throughout the night. You will take the white one. Mehrong."

I took whatever I need and walk into the bathroom.

" Jamkan.." he turned me around and gave me a sudden kiss on my lips.

" Don't take too long..."

" Waeyo?" I ask in a suspicious tone.

" Because... I need to use the bathroom as well."

" De." I smiled and replied.

Half of my time inside the bathroom, my heart was racing unmomentarily.

After I showered, dried my hair and removed my make-up, I went into Eun Hee's room to check on her.

She is still not asleep. I went forward and sat on her bed, beside her.

" You can't sleep?" I her hair and ask as softly as possible. She nodded subtly.

I took out a storybook and started reading a bedtime story to her.

" Eun Hee ah, remember to knock on our door if you need us in the future arraseo? Oh, and you have to wait for us to open it for you. That's basic courtesy."

" De. I got it."

Then, slowly, she drifted to sleep.

After a while, Saengie finished bathing and came in to check on Eun Hee as well. " My little princess is already sleeping so soundly.." He smiled and look at her.

" She just slept, give her a goodnight kiss." I told him and chuckled.

He bend down and lightly pressed his lips on her forehead. Then, he held my hand as we stood up and returned back to our room.

" My shirt is too big on you." he laughed.

" Aniyo, it's just nice." That's totally not true at all.

As soon as our door closed behind us, he turned around and hugged me gently around my waist

" Saengie.. I won't get antis tomorrow right?" I reciprocated the hug and ask in an innocent manner.

" Ani.. You will have a new fan club created instead. I will start the ball rolling, and soon, you will have the same number of fans as me." he assured.

I grinned and tightened my hug around him.

" Dear..."

"Hmm?" I pulled back a little and faced him.

"Do you have anything on tomorrow?"

" Tomorrow is Sunday, I don't have to do my interns on Sundays."

Then, he lifted my chin and pressed his lips against mine. It was that familiar warm and ever loving one.

He slowly released and grinned when I started blushing again. "Don't worry, I'm not going to go any further than that today. You must be really tired after a long day isn't it? Let's go get some sleep now. Kaja" He bend down and caressed my cheek.

We walked towards the bed and sat on it. I paused and thought about it for a moment before answering.

" Saengie...Kwen..Kwenchana... I'm..I'm fine." I softened my volume as I answered.

He chuckled. " Can you do me a favour?"

I look at him and puzzled. Then he came forward and whispered something into my ear.

" What if.. What if Eun Hee needs us later? She can't open the door if I lock it."

" Anyway, she can't come in without our consent right? And furthermore, she knows she has to knock."

" De..." I went forward to lock the door.

Next, he laid me down onto the bed. "Leave it to me. I'll be gentle, I promise."

And so...

That night, I gave my all to him.


~Let me walk with you and take care of you for the rest of your life.. For eternity, Saranghae.~










Sorry for such a long chapter. So..Yeps, end of the wedidng chapter :) Hope you guys enjoyed it ^^ Oh, hope you also read the lyrics of the song, I took quite a long time to craft out those lyrics myself..but it kinda failed. Oh well... Anyway, do leave a comment on this chapter as well :) 


@ YSotter1103

^^ Honeymoon? Hmm.. Haha I will probably add that in my final chapter :) Let's see how it goes. ^^

@ Areu501

Haha yeah I'll probably add that part into my last chapter to end things off nicely :) See how it goes :) Yups, finally married..after so many trials.. Woah it was like a real one? Keke komawoyo! :D 

@ bigbangluv143

Wahhhhh! Yups!! :DI wrote it all :) Haha it's okay about the caps, glad you were anticipating it ^.^ 

@ amyra961

Haha yeah agree! They left a table for all of you readers too! Hahahaha. keke yeps okay thanks ^o^

@ lonelygurl501

Yupyups finally! Yup, forever..really glad I finally wrote till this part haha :) Yup, I try to add in some funny things here and there so their wedding won't be that boring. Her friends are really insane haha, but in a nice way :D Agree! Superb voice! Keke I will have end it sooner or later.. But no worries, I hope the next few chapters will be a good one ^^

@ dandeli0n

Wow Thanks! Haha ^o^ Ya those bunch of crazy friends.. It's kind of linked as to why those 5 reasons were chosen hehe. Some are just random. LOL. Honeymoon..yeps I will add it in into my final chapter probably :) Keke I'm not going to leave Eun Hee out anymore :) Hope to at least mention her in every chapter:) 

@ unchangedlove

Woohoo so happy to see your comment again! :D Yay thanks! :) Yup their wedding, I finally wrote it all lol. Honeymoon yups, in final chapter probably ^^ Woah! 3rd Nov 1986 is exactly Youngsaeng's birthdate hahaha.I didn't realise that! You're so observant! Cool!! Same to you, happy new year! ^o^

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...