Not again...

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

Eun hee got along with the other members very well. I wonder how she does that at such a short period of time.. That's the beauty of being so small I guess..


My nose suddenly felt itchy and I kept sneezing.

" Hyungjoon, it must be because you haven't clean up the dorm yet, no wonder it's so dusty and she is sneezing.." kyujong oppa scolded him.

" I think someone must be missing me.. I think it must be jaejoong oppa.." I laugh and said.

" Ah is it? Eun hee ah, come let me introduce you to meet a new unnie." saengie said.

" Who?" eun hee looked up and ask eagerly.

" Taeyeon unnie." he chuckled.

" Okay let's go!" eun hee replied cheerily.

" Okayokay nobody is missing me. Yah saengie ah you always use taeyeon unnie to rebut me.." I quickly interrupted.

" Haha i can't lose to you.. And because you will be jealous when I talk about her. Isn't it?" saengie joked.

" Who says so.. I'm going to look for my leeteuk oppa and jaejoong oppa now."

" Need their number? I have it."

" Hahaha it's like watching a comedy now..sigh if only we have popcorns around." kyu jong oppa stammered between his laughter as he witness us quarrelling.

" Haix saengie ah.. You will start crying if I say I want..lalalalala" I pretended to look away and walked out of the kitchen.

" Crocodile tears right?"

" Nope real ones.. Hahaha"

" Appa, omma, my sonsaengnim told me that if two person starts quarrelling, they will end up being together next time. So why are you two still quarelling? Ajumma told me omma is appa's two don't seem like one.. When i watch my cartoon, the boy and the girl will be very happy and sweet together..i never seen omma and appa sweetly together before..are you really in love with each other?" eun hee said innocently.

" Eun hee ah, of course they can't show their sweet and mushy side in front of you.." Hyunjoong oppa told her.

" Why not?? I won't learn if I don't see right?"

Oh my this girl really three years old? She talks like a mini adult.

" Eun hee ah, you are asking too much, a little girl shouldn't be asking so much.."

" I am three, not small anymore." she held out her three fingers and pout.


During dinner, my throat started to get itchy and I kept coughing.

" Kwenchana?" saengie asked in concern and pat lightly on my back.

" Miane, you guys go ahead. I don't have the appetite now.." I stopped eating. I felt I was going to puke everything out if I continue eating. My head hurts.

" Are you feeling nauseas?" saengie asked.

" De.. A little." I sat there and my eyes were runny. My eyes will start getting teary whenever I catch a cold.

" Are you getting body aches? Having urges? Feel like eating a sour plum? " the rest asked in eagerness.

" I know what you guys are thinking.. I am not pregnant. Aish.."

" Haha how can you be so should go for a check."

" Of course I'm sure, saengie and I know our limits, yah!! We didn't do anything! We've never even step into the same room at night before..please.. Aigoo.. You are thinking too much.." I blushed and said softly. I felt quite ill actually.

" De omma and appa don't even hold can a baby just pop out in omma's stomach? Only mother Mary has that..that's what sonsaengnim told me too.."  eun her started her philosophical talking.

" Gill, I'll bring you to the doctor after dinner."

" I don't want..i just need to rest."

" Sigh as usual.. You don't have a choice. You are going later.."

" Aigoo Gill, just listen to youngsaeng hyung this time. In case you are really pregnant.. Haha joking joking. Anyway ya, you should consult a doctor if not your illness will get more serious."

After dinner, Eun hee, saengie and i had to leave. I apologized to the rest.

" Kwenchana take care!" the rest of the members exclaimed.

" Oh hyung! we will be waiting for your good news!" hyungjoon oppa said jokingly.

" De i will call you to tell you the results.." saengie joked and chuckled.


Saengie sent eun hee back to abuji's house first.

" Omma take care.." she held my hand and said caringly.

" De.. Komawoyo. Sleep tight today." i smiled and answered her.

She then turn to saengie and gave him a slight peck on his lips. " Jalja appa."

" Jaljayo" saengie smiled.

" I will pretend i never see anything hahaha. Wah eun hee ah, you know how much courage i need to gather just to kiss him like that?" i joked before she got down the car.

" You should learn from me then. Both of you should actually start off by holding hands. Annyeong appa, omma!" she got down the car and ran towards ajumma.


I went to consult the doctor, had stomach flu and cough..sigh..

I got permission from haraboji to go back to my own home until I recover so saengie drove me home.

" I guess you won't take your medicines on time right?"

" I will try.. I really hate eating those meds.. It makes me so drowsy.." I said with my super hoarse voice. My throat really hurts.

" Hahaha your voice is really.. Different.. Try singing. Sing.. U R man. I want to hear the Andre Kim version of it." Saengie laughed at me.

" Yahh!! AND I'm going to spoil the whole song. You watch out. I will pass the virus to you and force you to sing. I will see how ANGELIC your voice can get!"

" Ahh I sing from my diaphragm, not from my throat.. So it will still sound the same."

" Whatever..voices all come out from our throats. Diaphragm voices also have to pass through our throats. I can't wait to hear that sweet angelic voice changing to a hoarse devilish voice. Mehrong!"

" Ahh okay you should rest your voice now. Hahaha. So those have to take it. Don't make me worry."

" De I will..i don't want to pass the virus to our little daughter.. Don't you think eun hee looks a lot like you? If you don't mention, people outside will really think she is your daughter."

" Jinja? Is it because of our dimples? Ahh no wonder she looks so adorable..keke"

" Mwo? I know what you meant.. Dimples are just there because there is a hole in your cheek muscles.." I chuckled and said.

" Haha okayokay you win this time. rest well."

" Hmm okay I should get going now. Don't go so close to me, I really don't want to pass the virus to you mr. idol, I can't afford that precious voice to become hoarse. Haha."

" Kwenchana.." he still leans in and give a goodnight kiss. " Remember to learn from eun hee when you are well, so you don't have to muster so much courage in the future." he whispered and smiled.

I blushed. " Jalja.. Don't try to be funny and get so close to yee min unnie. Eun hee will be angry at you." I said before I got off the car.

" More like you will be jealous right?"

I didn't reply and just smiled and got off the car.

Sigh..omma and appa are overseas again.. I'm all alone at home now.

 I don't see ajusshi going overseas to work so often. I wonder what kind of big project they are working on..



Haha so yeps, i will update 5 chapters all at one shot today because i promised someone keke... Hmm so i will reply to all your comments at the end of the 5 chapters :) hope you guys don't get so bored of it..

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...