Autograph session

Dream the impossible..

Youngsaeng POV

We are all in the dressing room preparing for the autograph session.

Will she be here? A sudden thought popped in my mind.

Why am i so nervous? This isn't the first time i'm going for an autograph session... but why do i feel that pinch of eagerness in me?

At first, the first thought that striked me about that scene was, her really at-a-loss expression. I found it amusing at her clumsiness. Howeevr when things started to settle down in the hotel yesterday, I realised, my mind was only focused on that scene. Am I being too paranoid?

There is three more hours to the start of the autograph session... I tried to brush that off my mind and calm myself down, but to no avail..


Jungmin's POV


"What's wrong with him? He has been like this since yesterday... I wonder what's bothering him.." I mumbled to myself as I observed Youngsaeng hyung.

Just as i approached him, manager hyung interrupted. It was time for our briefing.

I put that question on a hold and concentrated on the more important briefings first.


Gill's POV

Today is the day where i can meet him again, hopefully, he won't recognise me as that careless girl from yesterday.

I woke up early in the morning at 6am and started planning for my letter. 



A singing angel touched down and I believe it was none other than you. Youngsaeng oppa, your beautiful voice really soothes my nerves.

I'm a great fan of yours.. It has been an honour to know of an amazing singer like you. 

 Each time i hear your songs, the sadness in me somehow...was swept away.

Hmm...The lyrics of your song are so meaningful. Each and every single word have a meaning to it and I'm so privileged to be your fan :)

Ah...of course, not forgetting your looks too ^^ Especially that cute dimpled smile. Eveery fangirl of yours must have mentioned in lots of times isn't it? I wouldn't want to be the exception! :P

Oppa, hope you'll continue to produce new and nice songs. HWAITING!! As long as there is a day of Heo Young Saeng, you'll never lose me as your eternal supporter.

Signing off,



The contents of the letter seemed wrong, I checked over and over again to make sure all the korean characters was written correctly. At last, I placed that letter into a specially designed green envelope with a special handmade charm bracelet  accomapnying the letter. Then, I got it sealed it with an otter sticker.



Ling's POV


" Gill !! What should i prepare?? Im so nervous... I'm afraid i would stone and not be able to talk to him!!" 

I paced myself up and down the room the room continuously.

Soon, I decided to write a letter to him. In a hurry, I abruptly rushed through the whole letter without putting much effort to it.

I'm so gonna shake his hand before Gill...



Let's welcome SS501 up on stage!!

* Claps claps screams sreams *

Emcee: Hello! Hope you had a good time in Singapore!

SS501: Hello everybody! We are 더블에스오공일! ( SS501) Thanks for coming to support us today!

Emcee: Okay before we start, let's ask all the members, what is the most memorable thing you remembered after arriving in Singapore?

Hyunjoong: The cleaniness!

KyuJong: The food!

Jungmin & Hyungjoon: The pretty girls here! HAHAHA!

Youngsaeng: The airport incident...

Emcee: Airport incident??

Youngsaeng just smiled shyly..

Emcee: now i'm sure all the fans here understand what they found most memorable in Singapore. Do you want  to leave a memorable memory for SS501 through this autograph session too??

Fans: YES!!

Emcee: Okay, so let's the autograph ession commence! Please line up. Don't worry all the fans here will have a chance to interact with them. Each of you will be given a bonus of three minutes with them!


Gills's POV


Everybody was  fighting to be the earlier ones in the queue. As such, Ling and I were separated.

She managed to be the front few people whereas i'm being pushed to the LAST ONE in the queue.

Oh no... Why am i the last one... Will they be rushing to go back and not talk to me? A typical fangirl thought strucked me.


Ling's POV

Where is Gill !? Is she the last one? How do i pull her to me, I'll be out of the queue which meant that i must be the last ones too...

Better not... This also meant that I will get to shake Youngsaeng's oppa's hand first!! 

It may even be a blessing in disguise without Gill by my side.


Gill's POV

I fidgeted when my turn was nearing. I saw Ling went up and shook hands with each of them so confidently.  She even managed to talk to the memebrs for a few minutes!

" Don't she get nervous? How did she muster that courage?" I muttered under my breath and grinned. 

Finally it was my turn...

I got my signature by the first four members. Now the last one.. Youngsaeng oppa..

"Ottoke ottoke??" i mumbled.

I held the envelope tightly in my hand as i approach him...



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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...