Sad memories...

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
I fidgeted at home. I wasn't sure what I did was right or wrong.. I really want to help him..
I was prepared for the worst at home until saengie called me after his event.
I gave a call to ajusshi to confirm the place and time he set.
Saengie came to pick me up. "Gill..aren't you going to tell me who are we going to meet?"
" You will know once you reach there." I smiled. " Saengie ah... No matter what happens, remember that I will always be there okay?"
" De. You sound different today, kwenchana?" he tapped on my head and asked.
" De, de kwen..chana.." Deep down, I was extremely worried something might happen later.
Before entering the restaurant, i let go of his hand, afraid that we will be spotted by his fans. 
Our table was situated in a VIP room, at one corner of the restaurant.
" Youngsaeng oppa!! Your table is there..ah..may I have your autograph? " A young waitress held on to saengie's arm and escorted him to our table. 
He politely greeted her and signed on her notebook. 
" Oh my.. luckily i wasn't noticed. My heart is already beating like crazy..worrying about what will happen later. Can this fan girl stop getting in our way?" I mumbled and rolled my eyes at her.
Youngsaeng's POV
I chuckled at Gill's expression and continued walking towards the room where our table is.
When I stepped into the room, my heart sank. 
The room door closed.
No words came out of my mouth. I just stared at the two familiar faces in front of me. My face started to heat up.
" Saeng.. Saeng ah..." the middle-aged couple stood up and tears rolled down their eyes. 
" Why are you here!! I vowed never to meet you two again!! Why must you appear again??!! I don't know you since I was 10!" I screamed.
" Son..listen to us..jebal.." 
" Don't call me your son. Nobody is your son here.I never have any parents since I was 10." my voice went softer.
I turned my back and wanted to leave the room. Gill held on to me. " Saengie..jebal.. Just for a minute." she muttered.
She clutched on to my hand tightly and turned me around. 
I sat there quietly, hearing the cries from the woman sitting opposite me. I shut my eyes tightly and images of that night started pouring back into my head. 
"Saeng should eat more." Omma started scooping spoonful of meat and vegetables into my bowl of rice. " Appa and omma really have no choice, we want you to be happy." Omma pat my head and cried while she stared at me, enjoying the dinner. "Omma..why are you crying?" I wiped off the tears from her face. Soon,appa came down with a bag pack and pulled me towards the door. " Saeng.. You are such a hassle! With you around, omma and I can't get on with our lives! Get out and never come back!" 
" Omma! Omma! Ap..appa! Open the door! Open! Je.. jebal jebal!" I banged on the door until my knuckles started bleeding. "'s raining..very heavily..I'm cold..jebal!! open the door..i will be good from now on, I promise..appa!! Omma!!" I screamed my lungs out. Tears started to dry out..Energy started to drain off. Still..the cruel door was still shut, tightly.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore. It was just too much for me to take. I turned and left the room without a second thought.
Gill's POV
" Saengie!! Ah..ajusshi.." I did not know how to react to that. " Saeng ah!! " Ajusshi and ajumma cried out. 
I quickly stood up and chased after saengie. 
I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I knew this would happen.. I shouldn't have helped ajusshi.. I scolded myself all the way.
My heart felt like a thousand knife slashed through it. I ran for a distance..and he was nowhere to be found.
At that moment, my instincts brought me to that usual place saengie and I always meet. 
Saengie was there, on the bench, alone.
I stopped and paced myself towards the bench. 
" Saengie.. " I sat beside him and whispered as softly as possible, breathlessly.
" They don't deserve to be my parents..where were they when I needed I meet them again at such an exquisite restaurant.
What are they trying to tell me?....That night, I was so afraid.. No matter how hard I tried to bang on the door or beg them, they refuse to open the door.... It was late at night.. My energy was all drained out.. there was no shelter anywhere..all I had was a few pieces of clothes in my bag.." he paused. 
My tears started to drip and wet the collar of my shirt. I felt so helpless.. He continued..
" My bag..only had a few pieces of clothes. Finally, I found myself cardboards.. It became my shelter me from the rain..i was stranded..stranded on the streets all alone.. But..i went to school as per normal, I got laughed at... People jeered at me for being dirty and smelly.. You know how it felt Gill? Whenever I see people on the streets holding tightly to their child's hand,I would always blame myself for not being good enough for my own parents that they have to abandon me. Since then, my voice was my only hope..i sing on the streets for a living, hoping that people will pass by and take pity on me by dropping a few coins or notes in front of me.. I starve just to save that minimal amount of money I earned to buy myself a packet of rice. But do you know how long that took? I had to sing till my voice was hoarse.. The money that i saved for a whole week was just enough for me to buy a decent packet of rice... " Saengie bent forward and clutched his hands together.. 
That was the first time he showed me his weak side.. I hated myself for not being able to do anything..
" I led that kind of life for 7 years... Everyday, go to school, sing,beg and cry. Until one day when my manager found me.. I started to train to be what I am now from then on.. and eventually found my brothers.. and debut as SS501.. My life wasn't as easy as you may think it is..."
" Maine saengie..miane..." i held on to his hands and looked at him.
He calmed himself down and turned to look at me. He wiped off my tears and pulled me towards his embrace.
" Kwenchana.. This is just a painful memory from my past.. At times, I really will imagine myself forgiving them and accepting them as my parents again.. Now that the truth is out..But.."
" It's okay saengie.. Give yourself time.. I'm sure you will get over it.. Your members must have played a very important role in your life.."
" De..i will..someday I guess. My members treat me like their own, even though I was older than them.. I will never forget my manager too..if not for him, I don't know where will I be now.." he smiled.
I was relieved when he smiled. Like a stone being pulled away from my heart.
I looked at him and smiled. I dried the remaining droplets of tears at the corner of his eyes.  He leaned in slowly and placed his lips on mine. 
"I understand why you are the one for me. You appreciate me for what i am and not who i am. I feel happy when I'm with you, you make me feel a sense of belonging. Now that i found you, I'm never going to lose you.." he said sweetly. 
" Nadul saengie.. Not even myo min unnie can separate us right?" I chuckled.
" Of course" He gently smiled and pinch my cheek. 
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...