Amusement park: This Forfeit?!

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

And to my horror, as soon as the ninth person stepped in, a whole bunch of triple S in that tee came to join the girl who was waiting before the entrance.

" Omo... Please, I just need the tenth non-triple s person...ahhh.." I started panicking.

Then, a man in a normal tee started walking towards the entrance, just before that group of triple S.

" Yayy!!! I will thank that guy later."

Unfortunately, he stopped JUST before the entrance and checked his ticket, and made a detour after that. My heart sunk. That group of triple S emerged as the tenth.

" Woohoo! That is why I love my triple S so much. They really never fail to let me down." he cheered on beside me. Now it became like, they are the idols, and he became their fan.

" said.. More than two.. Indeed there is more than two..but the tenth position is only dedicated to one person.. So only one of that whole triple S got it..So.. it's not counted.." I stuttered and find myself 501 excuses.

" My triple S is considered as one. Like us, fans also always considered us as ONE right?"

" Mwo?? What kind of a rebuttal was that?"

He smiled widely and then walked up to that group of triple S and thanked them, really sincerely. I just stood at my usual position and froze.

" Kaja, you got a forfeit to do." He said it loudly, deliberately, and gestured for me to walk over to his side.

" Ahhh it's Gill!!" those girls screamed in excitement.

I walked towards him slowly and stopped to 'thank' those girls.

" Ahh so what should your forfeit be..hmm...." he kept chuckling to himself.

" Are you that happy to be punishing your fiancée?" I ask slyly with a straight expression.

" More than that. The feeling now is like having my dozen kids right away."

" Yahhhhh!!!!"

Those girls just followed behind us and laugh as they hear us bicker.

" Okay thought of it. You shall do a confidence walk through that haunted mystery again. Alone. Unless you want me to change into something that will embarrass you in front of everybody."

" Ahhh... Kill me now."

" Pali pali, queue up."

" Jebal jebal, I don't want... What is my other embarrassing forfeit then?"

" Dance 'love like this' on that stage over there. I will sing for you and be your judge of the day. Oh, I will invite lots of people to be your audience too." He pointed to that stage, which was the centre of attraction.

" But I haven't even memorized the steps.. I only know how to do that L.O.V.E sign with my fingers. You don't want your fans to start throwing eggs at me right?"

" Then... do a pole dance. There is also a pole on the stage."

" Ahh jinja... Fine, I shall do my confidence walk." I reluctantly join in the queue.

" Saengie know how much I -" I tried to 'sweet-talk' him, which I never done and probably won't, in my entire life, if not for this.

" Don't try. I'm not going to waver my decision." he interrupted.

" Tsk... Okay okay fine fine I will give you your six. Jinja." I finally mustered that courage to say it out.

"No, twelve." he rebut.

" Seven, excluding Eun Hee."

" Thirteen."

" Eight."

" Fourteen."

I paused. This is getting nowhere, the more i say, the more he adds on to his 'wish list'. I guess I really have to go through another round of tour in hell.

I look around me and glared at him sharply.

" Don't look at me like this, hmm, I will be singing for you as you dance so I'm already super lenient. But I suggest you go for your confidence walk. I shall pamper you with another cotton candy later on okay? I will wait for you at the exit." he smirked and said.

I know I can get away with this. He won't bear to leave me inside alone. He will be worried sick.

Then, I thought of an idea. Since he loves his triple S so much, I shall seek them for help.

I turned around and whispered something to that girl when he wasn't looking. She nodded in agreement and decided to help me get away with it.

" Youngsaeng oppa, you're really going to leave your beloved wife-to-be inside all alone? Aren't you scared she might lose her way?"

" I already walked with her once just now, she won't lose her way." he smiled and reply.

" Ahh I suggest you don't let her in. You see, she is so pretty, what if something her inside? Or what if some creature steals her ring? Or even worse, what if she die of shock later? You can't find another Gill anywhere anymore you know.." Actually, I didn't expect her to say to the extreme.

" De, especially that mr disfigured. He will come after me, definitely." I added.

He sighed deeply. " Want to do that pole dance then?"

" Is there other alternatives?"

" Love like this."

" Okay fine, love like this then. But you have to teach me the dance steps now."

" All of it? It will take me hours."

" Then cut it short. Just the chorus." I grinned.

" Ahh jinja... De de come come." He led me into a corner and started teaching me the steps.


After 30 mins, I got it. Just the chorus.

" Wait wait, why don't you dance that ~I need you, you need me~ part too, then when it comes to my steps, you just have to show a really cool expression and do a stunning turn and then lip sync that high part I sing. De?? "

" Cool expression, stunning turn, lip sync?! So that means for that bridge part, I have to split myself into five and do that part of the song altogether?"

" Ani, I will sing the whole part out for you. You just have to do the dance to my part. You saw how I done it before right? So, your criteria of passing is to do it even cooler than me. Make sure you make all my fans squeal too.Understood?'s 6th June today, end it off with a-Hyunjoong oppa, sengil chukahamnida, on stage."

" No, I haven't seen how you do it before." Obviously, he knew I was lying through my eyes.

" Then let me show you how I did it." he took out his phone and showed me one of his live performance as he forward it to that part. 


" Saw that? Do it. I'm curious how you would pull that part off." 

" So you lip synced during that performance?"

" Aniyo. I did it live. What I meant was, you lip sync to it while I sing for you later. Unless you want to try singing that high part yourself. Anyway, just do it cooler."

" Are you kidding me?? How am I suppose to do it cooler than you? That's totally impossible."

" I'm giving you a chance to shine without even having to go through auditions after auditions. Now it's your comeback. Hwaiting! " Looking at his expression, he is really anticipating. I shouldn't disappoint him.

" Can you demonstrate once for me, like.. right now? Just that bridge part." I ask like a typical fangirl.

" If I demonstrate now, you will have to do it double the standard I expect. And I'll make sure I'll demo it way better than the ones I perform on stage."

" Okay okay then, don't."

" I will demonstrate once for you AFTER you perform as a reward. So now, go go. The stage is waiting for you. Hwaiting! "

" I have stage fright."

" It's time you overcome it."

So, I dragged my feet all the way till I reach the stage. Along the way, many fans followed behind. Great.... He didn't even have to do the invitation.

" Pali pali pali!" he rushed.

Finally, I reached the stage. He stood at the audience position. Everybody started swarming in.

" Okay so she volunteered to dance my comeback song on this stage today. Please give her lots of support." Saengie told everyone in the audience and chuckled.

" Mwo? This is my forfeit! I didn't volunteer! "

" Once i start the song, there should be no NGs or mistakes, understood? If not, you have to sing it yourself. Perfect it, it's easy to pass, under my hands." Saengie spoke like some really demanding manager.

I just kept looking down. Everybody was eagerly looking at me. Triple S, fans from..nowhere and him.

" Love, 네게-" he started singing immediately, without any notice or warnings . Obviously, i wasn't ready.

" Jamkanman jamkanman! Miane miane, again.. again. Once more."

" Why don't you try singing as you dance? It's okay if you have mistakes then. I will lower the standard of passing."

" Yahh!! Andwae, you sing. Don't raise your standards."

I felt like dying. The audience were anticipating. He laughed and started again. I planned to just scrape it through with small and not obvious steps, but thinking about his expectations, better not. There is a pole behind, I better not risk it.

I looked down all the way while TRYING to reach his standards. Then, it came to his part of the bridge. " Cool expression..Stunning turn..lip sync..." Those words just flashed through my mind.

Even how embarrassing it was, I still did it. The audience laughed and clapped enthusiastically. I ended off with a birthday wish for Hyunjoong oppa and immediately ran down the stage to the nearest restroom, to hide.


Youngsaeng's POV

I saw the effort in her to live up to my expectations, or rather, anticipation. She was so sporting.

She came out of the restroom, face totally flushed. She covered it using her hands and looked down.

" Daebak, it was really cool. You passed." I chuckled and gently removed her hands which were covering her face.

" Komawo. Can you dig a hole for me to hide? Now, I'm not sure how to face the world when I walk out later."

" It was really awesome. You know it's hard for me be singing loudly without a mic. I actually did that forfeit with you."

" Ani, that, you volunteered. Aish..I wonder what happened when you came with Taeyeon the other time. Did you also make her do these kinda thing too? Pity her..."

" I can't do anything. She isn't afraid of that haunted mystery. She goes around scaring those creatures instead. Also, she is a singer, so she doesn't have stage fright. Everything was too easy for her. So, it was more fun coming with you."

" Of course, so you could come out with this kind of forfeit for me. Jinja... Let's go ride that euphoria-xiety." she smirked and said.

" Is that revenge?"

" It's not."

" I.. Actually..I.."


Gill's POV

He stuttered. Teasing him was way easier than I thought.

" Okay okay. You are scared. I know that. Keke. Wanna bet on another thing again?" I must have gone crazy to ask that again.

" The next forfeit you have to do if you lost, is to agree to whatever I ask for. And you know what LITTLE THINGS I want. So are you sure you want to continue that bet?"

" Korean guys..aish, oh will I also need to wash your feet each time you come home from work?"

" I won't ask you to do that. I will treat you like a princess."

" I will mark those words. " I laugh and said.



Soon it was getting dark.

That day went on smoothly.

Of course, there are exceptional cases like his beloved fans walking past me and started humming 'love like this' just to tease.

We went to the shops in the amusement park to look for a gift for Hyunjoong oppa. Then, we chance upon 'The Wonders of SS501'.

" They also have a shop here as well. Woah I didn't know that, I thought there was only one. I think they just opened this not long ago." Saengie was shocked.

" I didn't know too.. Kaja, let's go in."

" Ani, there will be nothing inside for him. Don't tell me you are gonna get his own merchandise for him. That will be a bit awkward." He chuckled and told me.

" We can get him.. Your merchandise then. Heard of HYUNSAENG?" I teased.

I didn't wait for him to reply and walk into that shop.

" Hahahahaha, come here, look at this." I laughed and told him.

It was a heart-shaped photoframe with Hyunjoong oppa and saengie's picture on it.

" I shall get this. Hyunjoong oppa is going to like this so much." I picked out that photoframe from the shelve.

" De de de get that frame. I look nice in that picture anyway." He said it so sarcastically and went to look around the shop. The salesgirls and customers just kept squealing and followed him around.

" Why don't you get this? This is more presentable as a gift." He pointed to an underwear with his face on it. Everybody burst into laughter.

" Hahaha imagine.. Hyunjoong oppa really wearing it... Hahahaha." I stammered between laughter.

" Yah!! Don't even imagine it... Why did they even print my face on an underwear and sell it...Aish.. I need to talk to the person who made this."

" Saengie ah, why don't you get one for yourself? You know those people who write names on their underwear to indicate that it's theirs? You don't even have to write, your face is already there." I continued laughing and said.

" Ahh no thanks. Agashi, if a fan were to buy this back, remember to tell that person to only put it for display arraseo? Don't wear it! I don't want my face to be facing anyone's ." He told that salesgirl in a jovious way and shook his head.

I continued looking around the shop.

" Omo! This looks exactly like you! Woah! It's a 100% similarity, I found your long lost dongsaeng! I'm going to marry this toy!" I picked out an otter plush toy and held it beside his face to compare.

" This toy is so adorable. No wonder it looks like me... When you officially become a member of my family, there will be a piggy plush toy here, which will look exactly like you too. I'm going to get that. Jinja." 

" Hmm now coming to think over, pig and otter, they don't really have a linkage right? How did we even end up together..." I whispered softly.

" Fate brought us together. Even a giraffe can be with a monkey if fate existed between them."

" Hahaha your funny analogy. De, I do believe in fate too. Okay be serious, I really need to get something for Hyunjoong oppa."

" Why don't we get in to that haunted mystery again and try stealing those mask away from those people inside. Hyunjoong likes things that are related to aliens, so I think that mr disfigured really looks quite alien-y to me."

" Andwae. Aigoo, I'm not going to listen to all your nonsensical ways on how to get him a gift. I shall be serious."

" There is nothing you can get for him here. It's the wonders of SS501 here. You wouldn't want to receive something about yourself right?"

" Hmm that's quite true. Then shall we see if there is a 'Wonders of SNSD' here? I think he likes snsd too. Oh, I forgot, you will like that shop too."

" Aniyo, there isn't wonders of snsd here. Our shop is called soshified." a lady from behind told us.








Yeps so.. I had a great laugh while writing this too. I feel dumb. LOL. Hope you had fun reading every line of this ~ Hahaha.


@ forever2323

Yeps updated! Thanks for reading! 

@ hanakiss501

Haha yeah, she was trying to hold her pride in front of Youngsaeng but falied. Haha. Teasing couple.. lol. Hmm yup, I will keep updating! :D

@ dandeli0n

Hahaha yay! Have fun reading like how they had fun in the amusement park too LOL. Yups, they won't ever stop teasing each other. That's how they interact kekeke. 

@ Areu501

Oh that ninth person, he is just a random guy haha. Mr. disfigured? Mysterious creature from that haunted mystery :) Yup, he was the one holding tightly to Gill's hand tightly, that's why youngsaeng told him to let go haha. :)

@ lonelygurl501

Mysterious creature from that haunted mystery :) Haha. So I guess this chapter answers all your questions ^^ Happy reading! :D

@ Green_Pea501

New reader~ :DDD Thanks for reading this long and crappy fic hahaha. Looking forward to your comments as well ^o^

@ YSotter1103

Welcome back! Miss your comments haha. :) Their wedding..hmm..yups I don't know when yet. Keke. Anyway, yep I answered your question :D Thanks for waiting! ^.^

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...