Girl's Talk

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
" So... I remembered you saying..normal idol-fan relationship.." Vic nudged me.
" Did I? Oh..oops haha."
" So it's already been a year plus plus with youngsaeng oppa?"
"Yes.. What do you girls want to know?"
" So that scar of yours must be related to him?"
" Erm... It's a long story.."
" We are not rushing for time.."
" Okay basically, I study in an international school in Korea where people there are at their extremes.." I sat up, crossed my legs and told them.
" Example?"
" Like those that study non stop..and those who idolize like crazy.."
" Then?"
" So this classmate of mine, who happened to be a fan of SS501 which i met in Singapore last year during their concert.. She also happen to be studying the same school as me and sitting beside me in class as well.."
" Wow such a small what happened?" they came closer to me and got more curious.
" Hey stay further away. I want to stretch my legs..." i tried to shove them to the other side of the bed.
" Argh hurry just tell us.."
" So she is a super fanatic of saengie..warning every fan girl of his that if any fan get to know saengie personally, that fan will get it.. But at that time, i already know saengie.."
" So i thought she was just joking.. Wait..rewind..i met this girl called belle. She is a nice friend.."
" Okay anyway it's getting draggy..i shall just go straight to the point.."
The 4 of them stared at me and continued listening.
" So one day I was walking down the dark alley to home..then I realize belle was a member of the clique of the super crazy fan. betrayed me and used me.
So that super crazy fan threatened me.."
" What did she do to you ??"
" She bullied me..pushed me..stepped on me.. Pulled my hair..hit me.. I was too weak and afraid to fight back.."
" What?!!! They did this to you??"
" So i got to know an oppa. He is really nice, comforted me and was there for me when I that crazy fan tried ways to get close to saengie and started blabbering nonsense to him saying how much I like that oppa now instead of him..
" OMG it's becoming like a drama.."
" Yea..she threatened me to break up with saengie if not she will hurt him. She kept her penknife on my neck.. I was worried that she meant it so broke up reluctantly..she still wasn't happy and kept hitting me..etc etc.."
" How long did that last?"
" About a whole month of torturing.."
" Didn't youngsaeng oppa know about it?"
" I was too afraid to tell him..afriad that that crazy girl will hurt I endured.. I mean what can't be cured must be endured right?"
Their eyes got watery, hearing about how their best friend was being tortured everyday..
" Don't worry..i'm fine now right? I think I should stop telling you already, if not you guys will flood my whole room."
" Eh eh we are just sad for you..please continue.."
" I ignored saengie for weeks.. Then one fine day I realize that oppa was actually that fan's sister, trying to get close to me to help his sister.. Stupid freak..
He locked me in a freezer truck.. Before I was thrown in there, that fan slashed her long sharp nails deep into my cheek without any mercy, saying saengie will not see anything in me since I lost my beauty.. Then he threw me into the truck and tried to..." I paused and started feeling soury again..
" Gill.. You can stop there if you don't wish to say.." they held on to my hand tightly.
" So after that, he locked me in that truck for days.. Ling was one of their accomplice too.. She felt guilty conscience and went to look for saengie desperately to save me.."
" But saengie was in Japan for a performance.."
" So I waited... Waited alone.. I felt so weak that I thought I was going to die.."
" I finally passed out and when I open my eyes, saengie was beside me. I knew he came to save me.."
" Awww.."
" So ya..that's how I got this scar.." I bluntly smiled.
" Youngsaeng oppa-"
" Saengie took care of me day and night since then..all the way till just before I came here.. He is really sweet.. I refuse to eat my antibiotics and apply the creams for my wounds..he would help and remind me." I smiled as I recalled.
" And?? He went to your house everyday?" they expected something more..
" Nope.. I..actually..stayed at their dorm for a period of time Kekeke."
" What!! You stayed at their dorm??!!! With all the other members????" they screamed in my face.
" Ssshhhh.. Yes. But of course not in the same room la.. Aigoo.."
" Then what happened between you and youngsaeng oppa that period of time?"
" What happened? Nothing happened.. We got along usual.."
" No we meant.. How did your relationship grow??"
" Aish..i want to keep that to myself.." I chuckled and look down.
" Ehh Gill... Please..a little bit.." they kept pestering me..
" Ah fine..ask. What do you want to know?"
" What was the sweetest thing he did to you?"
" Everything.. Keke. He wrote a song for me and sang it..he saved me and was there by my side every second during my toughest phase.. He took the effort to take note of the timings I have to take my medicine. He cares for me and understands me way better than my parents..even just by looking at my eyes.. He knows..keke let me show you something.."
I went to my bag and took out the glass box of clay figurines saengie made for me. " He made this.."
"'s soo pretty and intricate! You can see the amount of effort put in.. Wow can you give me that piano?"
" No of course not..that piano is what I like best.. Haha" I laugh and place it on my study table.
" Actually..i am curious about your..*muacks* with him kekeke" Rachel came up close to me and ask me with those innocent puppy-like eyes.."
" I thought you all peeped just now.." I sharpened my glare at them.
" So that was your first ever kiss with him??!!"
" Haha..not really.. Okay since the 4 of you are so close to me, let me share with you something embarrassing.. So.. Once.." I started to blush and stutter.
" So what so what?? Stop pausing!!"
" Erm.. When I was staying at his dorm for a period of time.. He would er.. Ya.. So..."
" Straight to the point Gill..hurry are making us super anxious!!!"
" He would just.. Erm.. Argh I don't know how to say it! Okay he will come and help me apply the cream on my wounds every night.. And before he leave to go to kyu jong oppa's room..he will... lightly give me a goodnight kiss..keke. So..there was once..i walked with him to the door. Then he refuse to let me close it.."
" Awww so sweet? Then??"
" Then he smirk and pointed to his lips and said it's my turn.. Haha eh girls.. stop smiling like an idiot look so funny." I started laughing at their facial expressions.
" Oii don't try to change the topic!"
"Okay said I don't want.."
" You are the real idiot here! Why did you refuse!!"
" Wait..let me finish. So.. He refuse to go and sleep even though they are having an event the next day early in the morning. So I had no choice and ask him to bend down slightly."
" Haha he is so awesome! You are that short??!! Hahahaha..not surprising.."
" Yah! He is tall.. I am not short.."
" Whatever..Still the shortest among us..keke. so then?"
"Then he ah..haix..can't stand him.." i chuckled. " He ask me to tiptoe instead." my friends laughed non stop.
" I tiptoed..and he also bend down slightly and pulled me closer and ya..haha I shall not elaborate..Hahaha. Then..kyu jong oppa came out to get water.. And saw.."
" Saw you two lovey dovey-ing??? Oh em gee that's so embarrassing!!"
" Obviously!! But the next morning we started quarrelling because I couldn't wake up even though my alarm and him tried to shake me up a thousand of times.. So he has been calling me a pig since then.." I gave them that -.- face.
" Both of are really extraordinary couples.. Do you always try to tidy your hair or keep yourself as perfect as possible in front of them? I mean that's what typical fans does in front of their idols.."
" Hahaha nah..i don't bother. I can wake up with my hair looking like a crazy woman and talk to them. Hahaha that's where you need courage in order to do that.. But after a would find it a really useless thing to be trying so hard to be all-so-perfect in front of them." I chuckled.
" You really are one lucky girl... Do you think I will have the chance with hyungjoon oppa too??" Rachel squealed in her merriment.
" Get your korean language fluent first..haha"
" You teach me!! Or you can go seek SS501 to be my tutors! Hahaha since you are so close to them.."
" Ask yourself. I'm gonna shower now."
" Hurry shower!! We still got lots to ask!"
" Argh give me a break...." I sighed and got into my bathroom.
Vic's POV
"Sigh she is super lucky.. How can our ordinary friend be that lucky?"
"No idea.. Her parents must have really saved the world.. But i bet Gill is still keeping something from us.. Just keep asking her questions.. Maybe we can
get to know other members too! Kyaa! " Jan chuckled.
We laughed at our own wishful thinking.. And waited for her to come out of the bathroom.
" Eh girls,shall we use her phone and send something to youngsaeng oppa?" I grinned and reached my hand for her phone on her study table.
" But we don't know Korean!"
" There is something called Google translate.." 
" Oh ya..okay okay. Hurry before she comes out. Kekeke "
" Okay first..let me go to her message..where is that?? Argh just anyhow click.." Then, I accidentally clicked on her pictures and saw a picture of her and SS501. We scrolled down and only saw 2 pictures of youngsaeng oppa and her.. pathetic...
Anyway, we tried clicking on every button and finally located her message button. Luckily, we know how to read his name and found his contact. We Google translate: Saengie you! I'm already missing you now..Sleep well tonight and can't wait to see you tomorrow! But..  I can't sleep without your goodnight kiss >.<
We spent such a long time trying to punch in those characters in her phone and just before Gill comes out of the bathroom, we quickly click the send button, then deleted that message from her sentbox and put it back to the usual place on the table.
Gill's POV
" What's with that cheeky smile on your faces.." I hung my towel over my shoulder and dried my hair.
" Nothing..keke. Come sit here, we still got lots of question we haven't ask yet." they pulled me to the bed.
" Ahh just had a nice shower in my own bathroom! So cooling.." I stretched my hands and said.
When they started bombarding me with questions again,I heard vibrations from my phone. " Oh..sorry wait, I have a message."
I walked towards my study table and heard gigglings behind. 
It was from saengie. I eagerly open up the message to read.
" Very funny huh girls... What did you send to him?" I turned around and stare at them.
" What did he send back to you?" 
I showed them the message, totally forgotten that they don't know how to read it.
" What does that mean?"
" He said, love you too, but I guess that message was not from you right?"
" What!! How did he know?!"
" I told you girls he knows me, one look at that funny message and he will know it's not from me. Keke. So shoot, what did you girls send to him?"
" Ahh..nothing we just send.. Love you! That's it.." they stumbled.
I shot out my two index fingers and threaten to tickle them. 
" Ahahaha okay okay we show you what we sent him..we show you hahaha." they finally admitted and showed me the words they Google translated.
My face heated up when I read it.. It's so mushyyyyy!! I couldn't possibly have sent that..
" Yah! I w..won't send this kinda thing to him.. It's so.. So.. Embarrassing! How am I suppose to see him tomorrow?! " I cupped my hands on my face and squealed.
" What's so embarrassing? It's so sweet. Wanna call him to see how he feels now? Come on call him! I want to hear the voices of the other members too..please!!"
" You girls are so annoying! Haha. No I'm not going to do that. They need to rest, they have to get up at 6am tomorrow and get ready for the fan meeting. I don't want to disturb them now.. Aigoo we can still see them tomorrow right?"
" But it will be different if you call them now instead of us seeing them tomorrow. It will feel much distant tomorrow, like only keeping an idol-fan kind of relationship."
" Go sleep girls. Don't blame me if you can't wake up tomorrow. We have to be there by 10am so we must get up latest by 830am. And it's already 1230am now.. So..goodnight!" I pulled my blanket over my whole body and closed my eyes.
" Gill wake up! We still got lots we haven't ask.. Get up!"
I didn't want to wake up. Just kept closing my eyes and telling myself to ignore them and have a peaceful goodnight's sleep.
 I held on to my phone tightly in my hands and wander off to my dreamland, leaving my friends still chatting among themselves, saying how excited they are to meet them that they couldn't sleep.
haha yups he is always cuteee hehehe. You know, your comment never failed to make me smile ^^ You're just too awesome haha. Maybe i should add in more of the other members in my story haha! i'll try.. i tend to sway things to Saengie hahaha. Thanks for loving this fic kekeke
hahaha so happy that i have a new reader :) sorry about this crappy chappy! and yup! I AGREE WE ARE YOUNGSAENG BIAS TO THE MAX! hahahaha. glad that this fic gave you the hope haha. Hope you can really meet him live one day! :D Thanks and continue to comment and support:) Kamsahamnida!
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...