
Dream the impossible..





Gill's POV

The sixth month..

If this goes on, I can guarantee I can't pass my college admission exam, I would just doze off every night after barely revising half a chapter.

I cleaned exactly half the house. I'm going crazy.. Seriously. It's either the 10 domestic helpers didn't do their job at all, or everyday before I come they will deliberately mess up the whole room. Sigh...

" You still have the time to think whether you want to let me have oppa. It isn't too late yet."Yee min unnie popped out behind me and said.

" Never... Miane UNNIE."

" You really look like a pre-school student.. Are you sure you are of eligible age to date?"

" I'm even of legal age to get married now." I ignored her and continued with my chores. " Miane I'm busy here, please excuse me." I tried to chase her away in a polite tone.

I survived this whole 6 months. The next 6 months will be the same as well..  I hope.

Why would anybody have a house with a size of a shopping mall? Is he too rich that he don't know where to dump his money?

Saengie is doing well in Japan. They are getting popular there too.

Anyway, I did not clean up to haraboji's standard, thus, he punished me by not allowing me to call from now onwards..all the way till Saengie comes back.. All I could do was take it in and wait.


Another month past...

Suddenly, the door bell rang.

I scurried to the door and to my surprise, I saw ajumma and ajusshi.

" Ahhh ajumma, ajusshi!" I ran up and hug ajumma tightly.

" Poor thing, how are you? Heard from Saeng you are here, did abuji mistreat you?" ajumma asked in concern.

" I'm..i'm fine. Just tired from school.."

" Ahh poor girl. Do you want to go home? I can help you persuade him."

" Aniyo kwenchana."

Yee min suddenly came out and greeted ajusshi and ajumma.

" Ah Yee min ah! Did you meet Saeng? Where have you been these years?"

" Ajusshi,ajumma! I went abroad to study, Haraboji have taken really good care of me. And de I met Youngsaeng oppa, we talk on the phone almost every once a week. Keke" she turn to me and gave me a sly smile.

" Ahh.i see.. So Gill, so how? Do you miss Saeng?" They diverted their attention to me.

" I will be lying if I say no.." I look down and sighed.

" Don't worry, he called us when he had free time and updated us. He is worried about you so I decided to come down and visit you here." ajusshi consoled me.

" Gill have you finished what you are suppose to do? If not you better get going. Make sure you clean somewhere not visible to ajusshi's and ajumma's sight .." Yee min unnie whispered into my ear and said harshly.

" Ajusshi, ajumma, I'll talk to you later, I'm kinda busy now." i hurried to the kitchen and take the broom and climb up to the highest floor to clean.

That day, i made dinner for 3, plus 2 people. " Yah Gill! PALI! I'm hungry!" haraboji shouted from outside.

" De give me a few more minutes! Anyway Haraboji, i would rather you call me a maid, I'm not used to you calling me Gill." i said that loud enough for everybody to hear.

" Yah abuji, don't address her as a maid! It's not very nice.. I'll go help her out in the kitchen." ajumma offered to help.

" Yah! Don't bother..she can handle it herself. Sit! If she can't handle such simple stuffs, she can't be with  Saeng!"

Once haraboji says something, nobody will dare to defy,not even his own daughter.

I smiled and brought the dishes out to the dining table. As usual, i will eat at a corner of the kitchen. Ajumma pulled me out to the dining table and gestured me to sit beside her. This time, haraboji didn't say anything. I chuckled at how haraboji was for once, speechless.

" Haraboji, aren't you going to scold me and order me to go to the kitchen to eat?" i ask in a teasing tone.

" Yah! Just concentrate on eating!" haraboji reprimanded. I saw a slight smile pulled at the corner of his lips.

" So how's my cooking today ajusshi? Haraboji always claim that I never put in much effort to cook a proper nice meal for him."

" It's delicious!"

" Hear that haraboji? Ajusshi said it's nice.." I sheepishly smiled at him.

Haraboji didn't reply. He just concentrated on eating. After the meal, he suddenly stuttered, " Today's food was.. a bit..a bit better than yesterday's...go wash the dishes now."

" Aigoo haraboji, just praise me if you want, I'm all ears to listen to those compliments hahahaha." I laughed and skipped to the kitchen.

" Are you sure Saeng will go for this kind of girl?" I heard haraboji ask ajumma in a dubious tone.

" Of course! You can ask him again if you are not convinced.." I joked and replied back.

" If you interrupt again, I'll make sure you clean my house for another year!"

" De de de..i'm washing I'm washing..hear the tap running?"

" Aish this girl..getting bolder each day, she treats me like her friend now.."


Eighth month....


Ninth month ...

Now, at least three quarters of the house cleaned..please don't mess it up again.

I'm taking my college admission exam in a month's time and I'm only halfway through my revision. Great...

" Gill ah, Oppa and his band are doing so well in Japan. Heard of the news yet? They attained the top in the oricon chart!! It's on TV! Woo! But sadly you don't get to watch it.." Yee min unnie blabbered all her sarcastic words again.

" Thanks for telling me then. I totally..don't have to watch it. I can sense it..." I rolled my eyes and walked away.

" Whatever... Just keep denying!!" Yee min unnie shouted. I didn't really bother, actually, I was already used to her sarcastic remarks to a point where, I found it quite hilarious.

" Yah! I'm so much prettier than you! I doubt my oppa will see anything in you once he is back..both of you haven't talk for very long already right?"

" Oh ya... Thanks for reminding. Hmm why am I the uglier one but AM the one with Saengie? I thought it's suppose to be you unnie?"

" You just watch and see.. He is coming back soon. Let's have a battle then."

" Battle? Don't have will just be wasting your time."

" I won't! Let's see who will impress him once he comes back and see who will he desire to see first. Okay, deal. I'm quite confident this time , I get to talk to him every once a week at least.. AM getting closer to him.."

I just kept quiet and continued with the laundry. 











Wahahaha i just broke my promise! erm.. this week i'm free. so yup, i guess i'll just update today. Hmm, this cheers me up. Anyway, Thanks soo much for waiting!! Also.. i'm especially thankful to Jungsaeng, 143prince,lonelygurl501,YSotter1103 ,bigbangluv143! You guys really made me happy just by your beautiful comments! Anyway, this is a really pointless chap because.. today is not a really good day for me. but haha hope the next few chaps will be awesome to you!


@ Jungsaeng

Thanks for counting down and waiting! keke and..i really appreciate all your super long comments! haha love it! anyway, i promise the next few chapters will be more interesting! Something ia gonna happen i guess..haha. Anyway, continue liking and i look forward to your comments! :D


Unnie!! Thanks for waiting!! your long comments are awesome as well! Haha it's kinda funny when i comment on your story saying jaeyoung should be with ys and you comment on my story Gill should be with ys hahahahaha. anyway, kamsahamnida for chatting with me that day! more interesting updates will be soon!

@ YSotter1103

Ahahaha really glad you like it! I didn't expect to have new comments and new subsciber when i was on a hiatus. kekeke so thrilled! weee haha. your comments are really nice ^^ glad it made you giigle and the best thing is, can relate! wahaha. so, yup, thanks for waiting! :D


Heyheys komawoyo!! i'm really glad this story inspired you, in some way? hahaha. hmmm, i can't promise to give an update by tomorrow, but once 15 NOV comes, i will update as many times as i want! haha so hope you will continue reading! look forward to the upcoming crappy chapters hahaha. Thanks for waiting! :)


Oh my gosh, you read three times?! AHHH THANKS A MILLION! hahahaha you don't know how happy i am to read your comment right? hahaha. argh really really appreciate it! so yup, hope you continue reading and commenting! :D Nicer (i hope) chapters will be coming! keke

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...