Fan meeting

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
" Get up!!! It's already 9am!! We are terribly late! We are going to go there without you!" I heard Jan's yelling from my slumber. 
I fidgeted on my bed and force open my eyes, only to see 4 girls already wide awake,changed and chewing on their bread.
" Now I know the pain of youngsaeng oppa. It's like taking a stroll in hell to wake you up." Vic sighed.
" Argh fine fine.. I'm up. I only heard you calling me up once. What's the time now?" I restlessly scratch my head and tried to comb my hair using my fingers.
" My dear friend, we called you up a million times. 830 then 835..840..845..850..855,9.. It's already 9:05am, and you know how long you take to get's a half an hour ride from here to there. So you better hurry.."
" I totally agree with youngsaeng oppa calling you a pig." Rachel teased.
" Don't repeat what saengie said about all the intervals to wake me up.. And What!! It's already 9:05 now?! My goodness!" I jolted out of bed and ran to take my clothes and dash into the bathroom.
By the time I was ready, it was already 945am. Sigh.. I quickly grab my bag and ran out of the house. Lucky omma agreed to send us at least 15 min to get there..which means, we can all get there on time! On the dot.
In the car, halfway through the ride..
" Argh I'm so excited! Gill! You should wear something nicer.. Hoodie and presentable.."
" What! Doesn't matter, they even saw me in pyjamas before so it's okay. I also wore this super large t- shirt which makes me look like a fool in front of them too. So IT'S OKAY!"
" Whatever..whatever... Whose large shirt was that?"
" Youngsaeng." 
" Sigh, Gill..just talk to the hand." all of them laugh at the fact that I can actually say it like he is just an ordinary person out there.
" Take out your ticket first. Later there will be so many people and so messy that you will not be able to take your ticket out." omma adviced us.
I opened my bag and started digging out for my ticket. After a few rounds of searching and rummaging, " Aish where is my ticket?!"
" Okay I'm going to be down soon!" I shouted from my room to the first floor.
What should I bring, argh just bring the whole bag,don't have time to pack now..
I grab the whole bag, leaving my ticket... my bedside....
" Argh crap! I-"
" Don't tell me you left your ticket at home..."
" at my bedside.." I panicked.
" YOU LEFT IT AT YOUR BEDSIDE?! HOW NOW? We are about to reach soon.."
" Aish.. Er..let me think let me think..ahhhh"
" Gill you are forever like this..super careless and blur! Really don't know why youngsaeng sshii will like you. If I were him, I will not even look at you." omma scolded. 
I look at my friends and panic. 
" Omma-"
" I will only bring you back after I drop your friends there. After that, you take a bus yourself from here. You can just alight after 5 bus-stops, it will direct you right in front of the place of your fanmeeting. "
At least it's better than nothing.       "Ahh okay, kamsahamnida omma."
" Sorry girls, you go in first, I will join you as soon as possible." I apologize to them.
" But you will be late, will the security guard there let you in?"
" Hmm..i guess so. I hope so. Don't worry I have my ways to get in. Bye!" I bid them goodbye as they alight front the car.
Omma drove me home after that then went off to meet ajusshi and ajumma.
I reached home and quickly dashed up to the room, but, only to realize the ticket wasn't at my bedside. 
I frantically search my ticket high and low. I got so flustered. I searched the whole bed, under my bed, my study table, washroom.. It's nowhere to be found!
I quickly took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Vic's number. 
Suddenly, a green card fell out. It was the ticket! So it was in my pocket all along! 
Oh I remember, before i went to sleep yesterday, i already place it in this pocket! Why am i so forgetful!! Gosh.. Now I'm late.. Great..
I dashed out of the house once again. I was lucky this time the bus came just on time. I hopped up the bus, hoping it would just get there instantly,like NOW.
Sitting beside me was two young pretty ladies. "Sigh..we are so near yet so far..  SS501 is in Singapore, but we didn't manage to get the tickets.."
" Ya.. But it's only entitled to 50 fans. Afterall, the fanmeeting is held in a small performance room which can only hold up to about 50 fans..and it's interaction between the idols and fans..i guess we just were not fast enough in the queue to get the tickets. You know, if we manage to get it, we will be like..THIS close to them.."
" Yea..i just miss the chance of seeing my whole SS501 in person..especially my youngsaeng oppa. Ahh.."
" Me too, I just missed the chance of seeing them live too..ALL 5 of them.."
I sat there, not exactly eavesdropping them..but they were talking at their normal volume and were just sitting next to me, so I could hear everything they said. 
Seeing their disappointed faces, I went into my bag and dug out the small A4 sized poster with all of their signatures on it and gave it to the two ladies. 
" Here this is for you, I got their signatures on the poster. It's real signatures. I didn't forge it. Hahaha. So ya, here, don't be too disappointed." I smiled and gave them the poster. I mean, afterall, I can get their signatures as easy as I want.
" Are you sure you are giving it to us? But it's so hard for you to get their signatures. It's not so nice if we take it right? You don't like SS501 anymore?" they were stunned.
" No worries.Nope, I'm still their huge fan. But just that, I accidentally heard the conversation between the both of you so I thought that you girls might want this more than I do." I replied them with a smile.
" Oh.. Thanks a lot! We were so waiting for this. Now we can go around telling people we got their signatures and they will be so envious of us. Keke" they kept thanking me profusely.
" Both of you are sisters?"
" Yep we are. The super crazy-over-SS501 sisters. Especially her, everyday you will never fail to seep her admiring her youngsaeng oppa on her phone. She has lots of pictures and videos of him..haha. Youngsaeng oppa is her ultimate bias." the elder sister teased the other.
" Hey stop teasing me! You are no better, jungmin oppa everyday.." they started teasing and laughing at each other. " What about you?"
" Me? I like every member except heo youngsaeng. He is so childish, keeps on calling people a pig." I laugh.
" What! Noooo! I saw every single video of his and I'm certain I didn't miss any video out, he didn't call anyone a pig..but i definitely wouldn't mind him calling me that." that saengie's fan started convincing me.
" Hahaha oh is it? Okay Kekeke." 
" So you have to really like youngsaeng oppa okay? He is really awesome. I think everybody fell in love with him even more after he performed the remix version of U R man. That small solo part of him, that heartbeat thingy...argh!!!"  she shook my hand and got excited. I chuckled, a fan of his teaching me how to like him, looks like i really need to LEARN.
" Argh I have to alight at this stop! Nice to meet the both of you, hope to see you soon, if we are fated. Bye!" I stood up and rushed out.
It was already 11am. I ran towards the place and got stopped by the security ajusshi. As expected.
" Hey young lady, where are you trying to go?" he pulled out his arm and tried to block the entrance.
" Going inside?" I answer the obvious.
" The fanmeeting already started. You are late young lady,by an hour! No latecomers will be entertained."
" But I have the ticket! See!" I wave the ticket in front of him.
" So what? Look at the terms and conditions behind. It states, be punctual." 
" But-"
" No buts, you just have to wait for your next chance young lady."
" Wait. I am SS501's friend! Really! I mean it!"
" You are crazy..That's what every fan girl will say.. I also can say I am the uncle of a member inside.." the security ajusshi was so sarcastic.
I took out the book the members made for me as an evidence. He took a look at it and hesitated.
" I am not crazy! So, believe now?! So now I am running late, can you please let me in?" I was pissed.
" On one condition.."
" Are you kidding? Okay, what?"
" I will you in, to make sure you don't create a havoc inside. You look blur, later you trip over all the chairs and create a scene.."
" I will be careful, and I am not blur. Thanks for that 'compliment'.. I can get in myself. Please.."
" Take it or leave it." the security ajusshi grinned and rolled his eyes at me.
He left me with no other choice. " Fine... I will get in with you. Grrr..." I glared at him.
" Sorry, this blur girl is late, so should I just kick her out?" that security ajusshi embarrassed me in front of them and everyone. Everybody turned and stared at me. All 49 of them plus the 5 on stage.
I quickly used my bag and covered the side of my face that was facing them. " I told you I am their friend!" I whispered and gave him an uneasy look.
" Now she is crazy,saying that you guys are her friend." that security ajusshi raised his voice and further embarrass me.
" Gosh.. Saengie will tease me again later..." I rolled my eyes at him, my bag still at the side of my face, blocking their view from me. Suddenly, everybody
broke into laughter.
" It's okay, it's understandable that she is late, just let her get to her seat." Saengie said and chuckled.
" Here here!!" my friends shouted softly for me. That security ajusshi continued following me to my seat. " Hey you can go out and do your duty now. Thanks for that.." I whispered and replied sarcastically.
I sat down, uneasily. Everybody turned back to look in front. 
" Wow Gill you are really late. I bet you will get teased by them later. " Johanna whispered.
" Ssshhhhhhh!"
" Okay so now before we go on, like what the other fans did just now, can that girl who just came in give a slight introduction of yourself?" hyunjoong oppa asked. 
" Was that deliberate? Hey Vic, you all did that just now?"
" Yes we did.." she laughed.
I reluctantly stood up, looking down. " Er.. I am Gill. Miane, for being late."
" So what was the main reason you are late?" they purposely ask that to tease me.
" I-" before I could answer, my four friends interrupted and shouted, " She overslept! It's so difficult to wake her up, like taking a stroll in hell.."
Everyone laugh. I saw saengie nudge kyu jong oppa and whispering something to him. Must be teasing me again..
" Ahh.. Hahaha okay. Expected.." jungmin oppa replied in English and laugh.
I sat down, trying to fake a smile. 
So the fan meeting went on smoothly with them performing a few lines of their songs. Soon, it was the last segment, question time.
" Jungmin oppa!! Do you have a girlfriend now??" a fan raised her hand, stood up and ask bravely.
Jungmin oppa was shocked by what she ask. " Ahaha, no I don't have."
" Yay I still got chance!!!" that fan shouted and cheered happily. 
" Youngsaeng oppa, do you really like taeyeon unnie? I think you two look good together!" each fan got more courageous in asking their questions.
I looked down and started playing with my fingers. I wasn't expecting to hear what I like.
" Ah, no I just admire her, I don't like her, we are just good friends." he replied calmly.
" Jinja? Then do you have a girlfriend now?" she continued asking eagerly,hoping she will also have a chance. 
My heart suddenly increase it's speed. 
" Ahh.. I..don't have one. But I rear a pig, a really lovely one, that pig is really precious to me, so I regard that piggy as my girlfriend. So is that counted as a yes?" 
" Hahaha that piggy is really a lucky pig. So you can rear a pig as a pet in Korea? So cool! I want to keep one too!" that fan squealed in delight.
My friends laughed so hard.             "What's so funny!?" I turned and stare at them.
" Ahh Gill ah, youngsaeng oppa is really funny. I am having trouble breathing, dying from laughing."
" It's totally not funny..." i looked away.
" Hyungjoon oppa! Would you mind going out with a girl who does not speak the same language as you do?" a fan sitting beside us asked.
" Woah..i wanted to ask this.." Rachel squealed.
" Ahh if that girl is nice and I can get along fine with her, then language doesn't matter." hyungjoon oppa replied with a smile.
" Okay so now time is running out, let's have our last question. Shall we get Gill to ask a question? On the fact that she missed out the first part of our fanmeeting." hyunjoong oppa invited me to ask a question.
" Ahh me again?" I turn to look at my friends and sighed.
" Er..i want to ask youngsaeng oppa. Er.. Youngsaeng oppa, how do you treat your piggy? You know pigs can fly, she may just fly away anytime." I glared at saengie.
All of them chuckled. " You mean my piggy?" saengie ask mischievously.
" Yes of course, how many do you have?" I fake a smile.
" Haha I only have 1..hmm my piggy won't fly away.. I treat it very well. My piggy love me too much that she won't bear to fly away." saengie laugh.
" Ahh.."   my friends just kept laughing, gosh..
" Wait last question! Are you all going shopping around Singapore? All of us can bring you around." all the fans shouted in excitement.
" Ah.. Haha we have to go back to our hotel to settle something today. Miane." 
The fan meeting finally ended, with my friends all having tummyache due to laughing.
" I really envy you Gill.." they stammered between tears. Tears from laughing.
" What..envy that I became his pig? I just tend to oversleep..isn't that everyone's problem?"
" Ahahaha stop reminding me of that. I'm really having trouble  breathing, stop..hahaha. But you really are one.. Everybody has that problem..but nobody has it so serious.." 
" Sigh he is so confident that his PIGGY won't fly away.. Just wait and see.. I'll make it fly." 
" Let's go." I clung onto their hands and walked out of the fan meeting place. 
" You are really angry?" Vic ask.
" Let's go.." I refuse to answer that question.
" Are you going to meet youngsaeng oppa later? If you are, please bring me along! I wanna talk to the other members."
" I am not. Didn't you hear hyungjoon oppa just now? They need to go back to their hotel to settle some stuffs."
" Just give him a call to ask!" all of them shouted and pestered me.
" Shhhh their fans are still here. Wait. He will call me later." I shush them up.
We boarded the bus and decided to just go back home first to put down our belongings. The bus was packed with fans from just now.
Then, my phone started to ring. " What!" I answered the call and almost raised my voice 
" Gill ah, it's me."
" Ah omma chaesonghamnida, de?"
" Hmm youngsaeng's parents and us were deciding to have dinner together. Youngsaeng shii will be here as well. Ajusshi already informed him. Your 
cousins aunties and uncles will be joining us too. So just bring yourself here, we will meet you at the 'Beach road' restaurant at 7pm tonight"
" De anneyong!" 
" Hmm girls, i got something on tonight,have to leave by 630pm,which is..4 hours from now."
"Oh okay, can we go stay at your house until 630pm then? We got nothing else to do.."
" Ya sure! I also have to sort out some stuffs. Oh ya, i still haven't given you the things i got from Korea! Remind me once we get home later." 
We chit-chat, do our own stuffs etc and soon it was 630pm. I bid my friends goodbye and changed into a set of more presentable clothes. 
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...