Was this planned as well?

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV

" Wait for me outside." I received a text message from Saengie when I was about to tell him that.

I walked out, not surprisingly, omma and appa were already there.

" Oh omma, your event ended? Just nice, same timing." I pretended as if nothing had happened.

" Ahh..d..de. Same timing. Such a coincidence. Can we go now?" Looks like she is also pretending as well.

" De.. Ahh okay, kaja."

" Not waiting for your.. Ahem..not waiting for anyone?" Appa asked sheepishly.

" I came alone, who am I suppose to be waiting for?"

" Oh..er..your-"

Then, Saengie came out and addressed my parents politely.

" Only in my dreams..isn't that right, omma?" I pointed to Saengie and grinned as I answered sarcastically.

" You believed me didn't you? Aigoo, can't continue that act anymore, how am I suppose to cook up a story when there is a ring on your finger now? Anyway it wasn't really an act actually, it's for a purpose."

And to my surprise, suddenly, ajumma,ajusshi, my four friends,two cousins,Ling, yee min unnie and Eun hee appeared behind them.

I got a shock.

" Wahh Saeng, handsome! I never seen my son so cool before!" ajusshi flashed his thumbs up and pat Saengie's shoulder.

" Ahh aju..ajusshi, ajumma.. So everyone of you here were inside the concert hall the whole time? So I was the last to know about this?" I stuttered and asked.

They nodded.

" Gilllllll!!!! I can't believe this!! Our best friend is getting married to our idol!! This is just the coolest thing that happened in my life! I probably will report this to the Guinness world record." My four friends shook my hand vigorously and screamed.

" You girls are over-exaggerating. Hahaha. I have to renew my membership..just that, this will stay with me for a lifetime, and.. I'm willing to." I blushed slightly and said.

" De, I'll make sure you won't regret this." Saengie placed his arm around my shoulder and smirked.

" Aigoo wait wait wait, don't say all your lovely dovey things in front of us please, both of you are making us jealous."

" Omma..you are forgetting me." a little hand tapped me on my waist.

I smiled and carried her up. " Eun hee ah.. Komawo, for that video clip just now."

" Bogoshipoyo, omma.. Can you bring me home tonight? I'm really bored with appa."

" Aigoo Eun hee ah, you will be with both of them. Anyway both of them will be living together." Omma added.

" Omma!! Not yet! Not yet!" my face turned into a dark shade of pink as I flustered.

" Soon. Youngsaeng's omma and I will choose an auspicious date for you."

" Ahh don't have to rush.. I am just-"

" Don't remind me about your age. It's just a number. Everything lies here." Omma pointed to my head and said. "And... Youngsaeng is a really good son-in-law, if you wait further, you will just lose him. I don't want that to happen."

" Aniyo, I already set my eyes on her, it won't change. So kwenchana, really don't have to rush." Saengie smiled and said.

" Saeng, don't try giving all the excuses saying you got work and she still has to finish her college studies... You don't want a wife yet, I want a daughter in law." Ajumma said sternly, yet in a joking manner.

" Ani omma, I got myself such a beautiful fiancée, of course I would agree to it, but can't we choose the date ourselves? I'm afraid if you choose, it can even be held next week." he chuckled and said.

" De, omma, nothing earlier than December." I added.

" Don't worry, we will have it all settled for you. Kaja."

" Jamkanman... Saengie, are your members still inside?"

He nodded. I ran in and thanked them first before I leave.

" Okay, let's go." I clung on to Ling's arm, which made her startled.

" What? Can't your best friend hold on to your arm?" I chuckled and told her. Both of us knew we already long forgotten about that incident.

She smiled. " Why not you just cling on to youngsaeng oppa's arm?"

" I will be with him for the rest of my life, aigoo just let me follow you now. Keke."

" Yee min unnie, not leaving?"

" Aniyo, i'm waiting for someone."

" She is waiting for Kyu." Saengie whispered to me.

" Ahh looks like i lost a rival? Keke. Okay, I'll pretend i don't know anything. Annyeong!" i mouthed the words and chuckled.


As usual, ajusshi refuses to let Saengie drive. Hmm, it's quite amazing how all of us can fit into that car.

Nobody asked where we were heading to. Everybody was just too engaged in their own conversations.

Suddenly, the car came to a halt. Ajusshi turned around and handed Saengie a pair of keys.

Both our parents then pointed to the house in front. " Advance marriage gift from 4 of us."

" Mwo? Was this part of the plan as well?" I asked.

" Ani, I don't even know about this." Saengie was shocked too.

" Aish, stop asking and get in. Hope both of you will like it. The furniture are already built in for you. You will be shocked when you get in. Go in."

" Ahh? Ani, we can't accept it..it's too-"

" Don't turn down our gift. We really walk the whole Seoul trying to look for a suitable and convenient estate for both of you. It's not as if both of you are staying here tonight, just go in and take a look, see if you like it or not." Appa added.

" Ahh we.."

" We will get angry if both of you continue hesitating."

" De de.. Cheongmal kamsahamnida!" Both of us thanked profusely.

" So, Saeng ah, you will accompany my daughter-in-law home later right? Unless, you are keeping her..here. Keke." Ajumma asked the obvious and teased.

" Ani, I won't. I will kidnap her, wait for that ransom call." Saengie joked.

" De kidnap her... You will be the nicest and most caring kidnapper in the world. Tomorrow's news headline: Fiancé  kidnapped fiancée on the day of his proposal. Funny isn't it?"

" Very. Aigoo omma, don't worry, I will make sure she steps into her house safely later. I promised to take care of her."

" De, Eun Hee will stay with us for another day then. Happy exploring the house! Annyeong!"

" Omma..." Eun Hee answered sadly.

I chuckled. " I will bring you back tomorrow okay? Pinky promise?" We interlocked our pinkies and smiled.

" Wait, Gill, come come." Jan whispered something into my ear.

" Mwo? In your dreams.. Keke. I will carry yours first." I blushed and replied.

We got off the car and bid the rest goodbye and proceeded into the house.











@ bigbangluv143

Dongsaengie! Keke komawoyo! Yepyeps! Haha oh and thanks for that :) Sigh..it was quite a short trip this time anyways. lol. Happy reading ^^

@ Areu501

Ahh you flattered me. I was merely crapping everything out haha. I have to learn from you instead :) Thanks for waiting :) 

@ unchangedlove

^.^ Sorry for all the tragic scenes. Yups! :D Thanks for that compliment too :)

@ SHINeeluvsME

Yups she agreed hehe :D Ahh babies? Hmm.. hahaha er.. i shall see to that :) I didn't rate this story, so i won't really write on that. But.. let's just see how it goes, i'm still planning for my upcoming chapters :) Komawoyo! ^^

@ lonelygurl501

Awww dongsaeng :) Yups finally! I finally got to write till there too..lol. Yeah i won't ever write things into a dream again, because i just failed at pulling it back, seriously. I shall be good and listen to my teacher keke. LOL! Wahh jinja? thankyu! I'm glad you like it :) love ya! Oh oh..yup i enjoyed ^.^

@ dandeli0n

Yay i'm jinja jinja jinja glad that it made you happy too :) Haha it's okay, just feel free to comment on anything :) Oh.. me too me tooooo, dongsaengie! Komawoyo! ^^ 

@ shocobee501

Haha yeps, it's not. Really? Awww thanks a lot, really happy that you liked it. :) Yeps, hope you had a wonderful christmas and same to you too! Happy new year ahead! ^.^

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...