Broke the news...

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

" Gill, is it is it?!! You're pregnant?!! " Everyone asked all at a time.

"Yes yes yes. I wanted to only reveal this when the babies are more stable. But thanks to him..."

" Oh my goodness!! Is it true??"

" What if I say, no?" I joked.

" Yah, don't joke about this. Youngsaeng sii, jinja?"

" De, but they are only 10 weeks or so." he answered.

" They??"

" De, I'm actually carrying..twins." I mumbled.

" Wow jinja?!!! Youngsaeng sii, you're really something..."

" I'm the pro one. He isn't the one carrying it." I shook my head and said.

" And you are only telling us now?" I could see my parents excitement.

" Appa, I chose not to say it first.."

" Aigoo my dear daughter, you should have told us as soon as you received the news. So how did you come to know about it?"

" I was in the hospital doing my rounds and suddenly felt something was wrong, so when I went for the check, my doctor told me."

" So how did you reveal it to your husband?"

" Erm.. Just..tell him? I was worried about his reaction actually."

" So Youngsaeng sii, what was your reaction like?"

" Extremely shocked. When she confirmed with me, I felt a really special feeling, jinja jinja jinja happy."

" Appa! Omma! So there will be someone to play with me soon?" Eun Hee asked in excitement.

" De."

" Awww... Gill, I thought both of you were soooo busy?" Chanel teased.

" Ahh? Ya we were really busy.. You saw his last few performances as well right? Yeah you should know how busy we are, working.. I don't know how those two babies got in too." I acted blur.

As I expected, now they are curious about the OTHER THING. If not for Saengie being an idol, or rather, their idol, everybody wouldn't make a fuss out of it.

" Nonsense hahaha. So what about..."

" That's personal... Nobody shares about that." I blushed deeply.

" I'm curious!"

" So nobody is going to eat the fruits? I shall take all the pineapples away then."

" No!" Almost everyone shouted.

" Don't try to change the subject. Anyway, youngsaeng sii, are there any changes in my daughter after she is pregnant?"

" De of course, she ah..." he looked at me and smirked.

" She became cheekier. Nowadays, she demands a kiss from me every night before I can get to sleep."

" Hahahaha! Gill! You really did that?"

" Huh? Since when did I demand for it? You did it really willingly." I explained.

" So that means you really ask for that kiss?"

" Erm.. I don't remember doing that.. Yah Saengie, stop embarrassing me." I denied.

" How was that embarrassing? I didn't even mention about you sleep-singing. SS501's songs especially."

" Yah, I did not."

" You did. It's like a walking mp3 player every night."

" Hahaha both of your lives are really interesting. So youngsaeng oppa, how was her singing? Can she make it?"

" It's not that..bad. Somehow, she manages to stop at all my high parts and continues again after that. It's really funny. But still, my dear, your standard is still far from me. You should start off by warming up your voice in your dreams. It helps, jinja. So your voice wouldn't always crack whenever you start singing. Actually, I can give you singing lessons if you want. Your fees will be by my jewels. But.. It's a 12 course lesson. I assure you, you will achieve a voice of an angel then." he turned and teased me.

" Mwo?! You're crazy, two is enough. And we have Eun Hee, means it's three. The most ideal  number already. Anyway, I will stay up tonight and observe what weird sleeping habits you have. Then, I will have it published out."

"Ani, you will be sleeping way before me."

" Eun Hee, I got a task for you. You can just come in to our room today without having to knock. Then observe your appa's sleeping habits. Then, tell me the next morning. Arasseo?"

" De! Hahaha! Appa, you better be sleeping properly."

" I will lock the door tonight."

" Eun hee ah, the key is on the bottom right hand shelf of the living room cabinet."

" Yah! Later when we get back to Seoul, she will forget what we taught her."

" Don't worry, I will re-teach her."

" Oh okay, then tonight, don't ask for that kiss."

" Fine, you will give in to me later anyway.. Don't forget, I'm actually carrying something for you."

" Yah yah yah both of you, stop bickering."

We just ended up glaring at each other.

" Gill, we should go for clothes shopping together. You can't be possibly wearing your S size shirts anymore."

" Kwenchana, I can wear his shirt."

" Youngsaeng oppa's shirt?? Are you serious?"

" Yup. I always do that at home."

" Outside clothes?"

" He knows how to dress me up so just leave it to him. I'm not going to care about what I should wear from now on."

" Jinja... Envious to the max.."

" I envy myself too. Hahaha." I joked.

After the dinner, as usual, all of us will go out for a walk. Chanel and Cheryl clung on to either sides of my arms.

" We just watched the love like this performance online yesterday. The one they performed beside the soccer field." They started fangirling.

" Really? I watched that a thousand of times. Pretty cool isn't it?"

" De, super. Anyway, so when was it?"

" When was what? The performance?"

" Erm..your twins."

" I knew about one of them 2 months ago, and only realized it was twins just yesterday. So-"

" No no no, we meant.. How was the whole process like?"

" Pregnancy? Horrible. Jinja. I can't sleep or eat properly and-"

" Gill! We meant THAT!"

" What?!"

" THAT!! You should know what we are driving at.."

" I can tell you anything except THAT.."

" Just one word."

" Waeyo? That's not suppose to be shared, imagine you sharing about yours in the future, embarrassing isn't it?"

" But.. We want to know everything about our idol... And because your husband is not an ordinary guy.. All the more we are curious."

" All the more, you girls shouldn't ask. Okay I tell you. Just, something happened on one particular night after our marriage and a month later, babies started appearing inside me. Get it?"

" Yah I am a year older than you and Cheryl is the same age as you. So we aren't underage to ask about it." Chanel ranted.

" So what do you want to know?"

" Who made that move."

" Of course it's him. Okay that's it."

" How do you feel at that point of time?"

" Jinja.. Erm..nervous? Yah stop asking."

" How is oppa?"

" Do you girls want to ask him instead? I really can't say it out. Nobody talks about that." I know they wouldn't dare to even talk to their own idol.

" Just one word to describe!"

I sighed and whispered into their ears. "Not telling you."

They started begging, which caught everyone's attention.

" Ahhh ssshhhh, jinja.. it's just.. Your dearest Youngsaeng OPPA! Nothing else." I blushed.

" Gill, what about letting your mother know?" omma came from behind and asked.

" No! Ahh saengie... Can you help me with this? Your babies are getting pestered as well." I turned to face him and sighed.

" Aigoo, what do you girls want to know?" Saengie placed his arm around my shoulders and ask them.

" Erm... Er... We..we're just curious...about...Er.. Youngsaeng oppa, how was she on that night?"

I got a shock when they asked that. Since when did they become so bold...

" Haha nobody ask that... It's a thing between Gill and I only." He laugh.

" Just one word."

" Kyeopta."

" Awwwww... Gill..."

" Don't look at me. I'm not telling you anything."

" Sigh.. Alright..." They gave that disappointed expression and turned away.

" Fine okay, just one word..Gentle. Fullstop. That's the most I can say." I said it as fast as possible.

" Hahahaha okay! Got it!"

" Yah! What's so funny? Stop laughing." I blushed deeply.

" Expected. It's Youngsaeng oppa."

I looked away and smiled shyly.

" So just one shot and it hit the bullseye?"

" Yah! Enough..."

" Hahaha okay okay fine fine."

" Erm... Saengie, I feel like eating candy floss now."

" Where am I suppose to get you one now?"

" I don't know, just get it."

" Youngsaeng oppa, you have to go and look for one."

" She has very weird urges. That day, she suddenly felt like eating a mangosteen flavoured ice cream. Where am I suppose to vomit an ice cream with that weird flavour out?"

" Hahahahahaha Gill, what kind of ice creams are those? Your babies have really weird taste.."

" I want a candy floss now... won't disappoint me right?" I just kept pestering. Anyway, I don't expect him to really get me one.

" I got a candy here, it will taste exactly like candy floss. Take it as it is." He tried to please me in whatever ways he can.

" De Komawoyo."


That night in Singapore...

" YOUNGSAENG OPPA! You did a FANTASTIC job today. KAM.SA.HAM.NI.DA!! " I thanked him sarcastically. 

" You ask for it..."

" I really didn't want to break the news to them yet.." I was seriously annoyed by it. 

" You insist on eating that pineapple, and I got worried for my twins. Of course I have to use whatever ways I can to stop you. They are still so fragile now."

" Your twins are going to be fine and well in me..."

" Of course, they are my jewels. They have to be fine and well."

I sighed and paused for a long while.

" Saengie... What if one day after giving birth to your twins, you get so bored of me?"

" Then dump you and throw you aside? You think I will do these kinda things?"

" Ani..just a random thought."

" Don't think of that. I won't be." He whispered into my ear.

" De."

" I really love you. I don't marry you just because I want kids. Even if you can't bear one, I will still be with you, forever."

" De." I was touched by what he said. I guess this is just a pregnant kind of thing, having random thoughts, worrying about all sorts of things.

I look at him and smiled cheekily.

" Don't look at me with those eyes. Just ask if you want." he chuckled.

" You mean that goodnight kiss? You must be kidding.. Who says I want it. In your dreams.."

" Okay then. Jalja." He pulled the blanket and prepared to sleep.

" Ehhh oppa jamkanman.." I intentionally called him that.

He sat up again and smiled.

" What?" I know he was just feigning it.

" Ahhh Saengie..."

" You have to ask for it." He further teased.

" But... You know what I want..."

" In my dreams?"

" Ani..." I looked down and mumbled.

"Come." He pulled me closer and lightly pressed his lips on mine.

" My dear, can I sleep now?" he ask. I'm aware that he is tired, but I don't want to be staying up alone.

" No wait. Don't sleep first, I'm bored, let's talk. I want a fan meeting now."

" Aigoo, just go to sleep. Come,be a good girl, sleep." He caressed my cheeks and said in a coaxing-Eun-hee way.

" Can you sing now? I need a lullaby to put me to sleep."

" Now? My voice is sleeping already. Tomorrow okay? I don't feel like singing now."

" Wake your voice up. Please..."

" Ahhhish.. What song do you want to hear?"

" I believe. Just the chorus."

He cleared his throat and gave in to me. Halfway through the song, he suddenly stopped.

" Jamkanman, I think I sound really bad now. My voice is dying at this hour."

" Yah don't stop. It's nice. Continue."

" I will sing the whole song out for you tomorrow, promise. Just go to sleep now okay?"

" De... Jalja." I answered disappointedly and laid down on the bed,facing away from him.

" Can you face me?" he mumbled.

" Waeyo?"

He just turned me around gently so I could face him.

" So my twins can face their appa." he said softly.

" Aish, your twins again."

" Aniyo, the person carrying them is more precious to me."

" Whatever..."

" Jinja, you're all precious in my eyes. Like my greenpeas."

" Saengie..."

He looked at me with those tired eyes and waited for what I'm going to say next.

" You're the best."

" Kwenchana?" He thought there was something bottling up in me.

" Haix.. What did I do in my last life to get such an amazing husband? Did omma and appa really fought for independence?"

He chuckled. " Amazing isn't it? I thought so too... I am the first among my members to marry the person I love, with the consent of my manager and fans.. Jinja.. I'm the luckiest person on earth."

" Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" I ask the most ridiculous question...again.

He nodded. " Aish, everything is true, nobody is dreaming, you love me, I love you, my twins are here, Eun Hee is here,everything... So don't worry too much, just get to sleep. I will entertain you tomorrow okay? We have to wake up early for your new year visitings tomorrow." He cuddled me in his embrace and closed his eyes.

" De... Jalja."










So yup, another bunch of crazy relatives hahaha! Happy reading! :D


@ dandeli0n

Yeah he..broke the news..accidentally haha. Keke yup twins! Yay congrats to them as well LOL. Awww happy to hear that from you dongsaengie. keke. Hope this chapter and the next few chapters will be as enjoyable as well :D

@ bigbangluv143

Yups *pats on your back* too LOL. ^^ Haha yeah, hopefully not.. Ya he just have to say it out...accidentally. Darn. hahahaha. The members.. kays *got the hint*. ^^ They have to know it sooner or later anyway haha. :)

@ shocobee501

Wooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhhh thank you! hehe. Yups the twins. Cute! :D Awww your comment is forever so sweeeet keke. <3 Yeps I will keep updating and hope it will still be still lovely to read ^o^ Thank you once again! ^.^

@ adeloveskyu

Yeah Jungmin is lucky this time round..naughty Eun hee hahaha. Yuppies twins :) Ahh the double HJ, actually I already got passed that part, hmm but they will sure get nice girls :) Hehe sorry for not mentioning them. Yups, I will still write on Yee min and kyujong, though my emphasise is still on Saengie and Gill. They will have a chapter together :)

@ amyra961

Hahaha yeah, Gill got upset about it.. but oh well... keke :) Ya he is reallllly happy. Gosh.. what to do..hahaha. :D

@ Areu501

Yeah Eun Hee is getting so playful hehe. Jungmin really tried his best trying to take care of her haha. Poor Jungmin.. Yeps twins! :D This chapter reveals how crazy the relatives can get hahaha. ^^

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...