Damn it..

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV
" No I don't want!"
" Okay fine on one condition..."
" Saeng ah, you are leaving for Japan next month right?" haraboji asked saengie.
" De.."
" How long?"
" A year."
" Okay so during this period of time, this girl has to come to clean my house everyday. I will give one year break to all my domestic helpers, so all the chores will be done by her. Alone. How's that?"
" Your whole house?! This gigantic house?! It will take me a century to finish cleaning every area of this house..i will need at least one whole week to finish clearing up one room." I procrastinated. He is so  unreasonable.
" Then give up!"
" Ahh.. Fine.. I will clean. But I have to attend school.."
" Come after that. Or you can shift in here with me so I can see your performance everyday. You will come and clean for a year until Saeng comes back.
Everyday you will start cleaning straight after school, a cleaning schedule will be put up for you by Yee min. You must finish those chores for that day before you can do anything you like.." he continued his naggings.
" Mwo? Haraboji..you are being unreasonable here.. This is too much for Gill to take. I just want to pursue my own happiness." saengie voiced out and pulled my hand and prepare to barge out of the house.
" And this blur girl here will not be your happiness. You just have to be with Yee min and everything will be solved. She also doesn't need to clean my house.."
" Haraboji I-"
" Okay fine I will do it. Anyway my parents are always not at home, I got nothing better to do at home too. I will shift in and start cleaning when saengie leaves for Japan." I interrupted saengie and told his grandpa.
" Looks like you still insist on not giving up on Saeng ah? Chowa, see you next month. Don't say I torture you, all three meals will be provided for you. But..
Your phone will be confiscated, and only be allowed to call Saeng once a month. This is to prevent you from getting any closer to Saeng. But Yee min will talk to him everyday."
" I will talk to him everyday!" I screamed.
" No, once in three weeks!"
" Once a week!"
" Okay final, once a month! That's for arguing with me!" haraboji firmly said.
" Kam.sa.ham.ni.da.!! I still got something on, I will get going now. Annyongikyeseyo!!" I bowed slightly, grabbed my bag and trudged out of the house grumpily.
" Gill! Slow down!" saengie shouted from behind and finally caught up with me. He grabbed my hand.
" What! I'm busy! I have to rush my syllabus ahead of everyone so that I won't have to cramp myself next month and onwards. So let go of me. I need to go home and study now!" 
" Listen to me. Why did you even agree to haraboji? You know he is only doing this on purpose.."
"Why are you always asking the obvious? I thought you really understood me?!"
" No now i don't! You know i won't give up on you to like Yee min. So why? You could have just refuse!" We started quarreling.
" So you didn't hear what your haraboji said just now? He said we can't be together unless i agree to it!"
" And you think he will approve of you after one year?"
" I don't bother.. All i know is that i  cannot afford to lose you because i don't want to! If that's what haraboji wants, then so be it!"
" Why are you always like that? You are forever thinking of others and why don't you spare a thought for yourself?!"
" Then go find Yee min unnie. Maybe she knows how to spare a thought for herself." 
Saengie suddenly pulled me into his embrace when I was about to tear. " You jolly well know i don't have any feelings for her right?"
" I know.. But now she has haraboji's support. And she will talk to you everyday when you are in Japan. It's impossible that you won't find your childhood memories back.." I stammered.
" I won't have that much time to talk to her everyday. I'm going there to work, not to entertain her.."
" Anyway she will just have more interaction time with you. And she is a very close childhood friend of yours. When we don't meet each other or don't get to talk, that's where our relationship will start to drift apart. I'm not confident of that Saengie.." 
" Aish... Why don't we just get married now,without anyone's consent and-" he joked.
" Don't even think of that."
" Aish just don't worry then, you really mean a lot to me, and I mean it." he held on to both my wrist and told me as he look into my eyes.
" Yea you better not develop any feelings for her. I'm selfishly telling you this now Kekeke" 
" So are you still going to clean haraboji's house?"
" De! Of course! I can't wait.. Cleaning and clearing things is my forte. Anyway now coming to think of it, it's not that bad.. I get to live in such a BIG house and get free meals everyday..so i SHAMELESSLY agreed Kekeke"
" Hahaha de. Anyway, haraboji health isn't very good. I trust him in your hands to take care of him."
" De I will."
" You better not tire yourself out, I don't want to come back seeing a frail and weak you." he said in his soft, gentle tone and pinched my nose lightly.
" Don't worry I won't. One year isn't that long. Prepare to come back and see an extremely capable me. Hehe"
" De, I will see. Don't miss me too much because i will be the one doing that for you." he bent down and kissed my forehead lightly.
One month passed..
They left for Japan. That's where my chore duty started. One day before, I already packed all my stuffs and shifted in.
I attended school as usual and was dismissed at 3pm on that day. I strolled my way to haraboji's house.
" Haraboji, I'm back!" 
Yee min unnie came out and shoved me a shockingly long and big piece of paper. " Do this by the end of this month. Every month you will have different tasks. Don't try to laze around." 
1st month: Guest room on level 1, 2 toilets on level 2, 4 rooms on each level (3-6) respectively, cook dinner, wash dishes. Mop the floor for the entire house.
The worst thing was, haraboji will check at the end of the month.. How am I going to finish cleaning up by the end of the month? It's crazy.. Each room in this
house,including the toilets, was the size of my room X10 at least!
It's just the first day, I told myself I shouldn't be complaining. I smiled and thanked her for that list.
I know she was jealous of me and doesn't like me so whenever she sees me, she will portray herself in her tip top condition and rolled her eyes at me. I don't really care..
I rolled up my sleeves and head towards the guest room. Everything was strewn all over the place, everywhere was in a mess. Was it deliberate? Argh whatever...
I cleaned up the whole room. I tried to recite the lines of my textbook while cleaning, good way to revise my work.
Finally after a strenuous day, i finish cleaning up the guest room. ONLY the guest room. It was already time to cook dinner. Dinner wasn't that bad, i only have to cook for a table of 3. 
Yee min unnie came in. " So what have you cleaned up today?"
" The guest room on level 1."
" That was slow.. Sigh you really think after a year, haraboji will approve of you? Continue to dream."
I smiled and held it in. " Okay dinner is ready. I'll call haraboji out."
" Save that trouble, i will call him out." she nudged me and stomp out of the kitchen.
I took my share of dinner and sat down at a corner of the kitchen to eat. " Yah maid! Cook something nicer next time!" Haraboji shouted from the dining table.
That's how haraboji addresses me. Now that i compare, piggy sounds nicer than maid. 
" De! Chaesonghamnida haraboji." 
After dinner, i quickly wash the dishes. It was already 9pm. I have to start on my homework. Science high school is no joke, everything is so much more difficult to understand.
" Haraboji, i will continue the chores again tomorrow. I have to start on my homework now."
"Before that , pass me your phone."
" Ah i promise not to call saengie. Can i keep my phone with me?"
" Aniyo."
I reluctantly pulled out my phone from my pocket and placed it on his hand. Before that, i deleted all the messages from my inbox and sentbox.
The next day, i rushed to school and rushed back to haraboji's house after that. " Chaesonghamnida, i was dismissed late today."
" I don't care, your job is to finish doing all the chores by the end of this month. I'm not sure how you are going to do that if you always reach here at this timing." Yee min unnie started off with her sarcastic remarks.
It was the last day of that month, and I'm still left with 2 rooms to clean..great..
" How's your cleaning? Haraboji will be checking everything after dinner today at 10pm."
" I'm almost done. Still left with 2 rooms."
" And you know how big those two rooms are. All the best... Anyway, just for your info, i know oppa since i was 2 years old, so i knew him earlier than you, i understand him better than you do.."
" Cheongmal? That's nice. You are such a sweet girl, still remember his everything..not bad.." i replied. 
At 10pm, i was done. Haraboji went to inspect and as I have expected, nothing was considered clean to him. I sighed in despair. " Okay,I will close an eye this time and let you pass for the first month."
" Jinja?! Kamsahamnida!" I tug on his sleeves and screamed in happiness.
" Let go of me." I laughed and quickly let go of his sleeves. 
" So can I give a call to Saengie now?" Haraboji reluctantly handed me back my phone. I quickly ran up and hid in my room.
" Yeobuseyo! Saengie!! Finally.. it's been a month!" 
" Hahaha so how are you? Did haraboji torture you?"
" Not really, i already cleaned up one-twelfth of this gigantic house. There will be a new list of chores for me tomorrow..Your childhood friend is really demanding..."
" Yee min? Keke. Really? That's not the Yee min i know.."
" Of course she doesn't show her demanding side in front of you... But actually she can be very nice.."
" Yes i know haha. I've known her since i was 3 years old."
" Yah yah why did you say exactly the same thing as unnie today? I don't want to listen to the repeat of this.."
" Ahh de de. Endure a little longer okay? I will be back very soon. My schedules are getting tighter each day.."
" De. Take care, especially your voice, please remember not to work so hard. Okay I will hang up now, haraboji is knocking on my door already. Anneyong"
" De anneyong piggy." 
I opened my door and wasn't shock at all to see Haraboji and Yee min standing at the door. I returned my phone to him and went back to revise my work.
Everything was as usual.. Loads of chores, bang on revision every night etc, listen to Yee min unnie's sarcastic remarks.
Two months past...
Three months past..
Four months past...
Five month past.....
Anyway after this i will be on a hiatus until 14 NOV..so sorry. 
Woohoo thanks for that comment! updated :) continue to leave a comment and support :D sorry i needa go on a hiatus..
@ Jungsaeng
Argh!!! No worries i LOVE long comments! Sooo happy! hahaha. Sorry for the wait again. I'll be on a hiatus..Miane. Pleae don't stop commenting and reading and blablabla okay? haha. oh ya hehe it's not taeyeon haha sorry to disppoint you.. Hmm it will be complicated if it's her haha. Please write your story! i'll read it FOR SURE!  <3
Unnie! kekeke updated! woohoo your fic is awesooommmmeeee! so you got your solo dvd already? :D
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...