Chain of reaction

Another Day Comes

“Alex I’m not going anywhere!” YongGuk yells. Seungho sighs “Guk you have been banging on that door for an hour now”

He leans his head on his hand and flips through the channels

“I don’t care I’m not letting her leave!” YongGuk growls and hits his forehead against the door.

Seungho sighs again “She is a murder suspect who will be thrown in jail if she leaves her place. She isn’t going anywhere right now”

YongGuk glares at Seungho, walks over and hits him hard over the head “Why the hell are you just sitting there watching tv! Don’t you realize what is going on?!”

“Ey!” Seungho glares back at him holding on the spot YongGuk hit “I know this is serious but I don’t see how banging on that door is gonna give me anything other than a headache!”

YongGuk opens his mouth to say something when he notices something on the TV “Look” he jumps over the back of the couch and lands next to Seungho who frowns and looks at the tv as well.

“It is just the news” Seungho says shaking his head.

“Yeah but I think our problem is just about to get bigger” YongGuk points at the screen

Seungho sighs and looks at the screen where a snapshot. “Uhm yeah that has to be Alex” Seungho mumbles looking at the redhead on the picture. Her hands are being cuffed behind her back. It is a quite bad shot and looks like a still from a clip. You can’t really see Alex’s face because her hair is in the way.

The text under the picture says Supposed deceased motorcycle racer arrested in Seoul

“Uhm Alex you may wanna see this!” Seungho yells.

YongGuk huffs “Like that is gonna make her come out”

The door to her room opens and Alex looks out at the TV making YongGuk grit his teeth and he closes his fists so tight his knuckles turn white.

At MBLAQ’s dorm ChulYong’s eyes have gone huge “Guys guys guys guys GUYS!” He yells keeping his eyes fixed on the screen “COME NOW COME RIGHT NOW!” he keeps yelling and Chang Sun, ByungHee and Sang Hyun come in almost stumbling over each other.

“What?!” ByungHee hisses.

Chul Yong points at the screen “LOOK!” He yells and the others freezes “” Chang Sun frowns and walks over taking a seat. Sang Hyun follows him and ByungHee crosses his arms and shakes his head looking at the TV.

A few months ago this channel broadcasted a show about a supposed dead motorcycle street racer…

“SooHyun I think you should see this” Eli tugs on SooHyun’s sleeve.

DongHo swallows “Isn’t that Alex?”

SooHyun frowns and looks up from his phone to the TV. They are at a show where they are gonna perform later but they got a lot of waiting and are just waiting for time to pass.

“Oh ” SooHyun runs over to the TV and turns up the volume. The rest of U-kiss moves closer

Last night however the before mentioned racer only known to most as X was spotted in down town Seoul….

HimChan is storming into the livingroom at B.A.P’s dorm. He takes the remote away from Zelo “Hyung I was watching that!” Zelo pouts and crosses his arms. JongUp sighs and looks at HimChan.

“Not anymore” HimChan says with a serious frown as he changes the channel. “DaeHyun and YoungJae get in here!” HimChan yells.

The two shows up a second later and stares at the screen

The driver now confirmed as being Alex, the promising female street racer, was arrested last night after a fight with a man well known to the police ended in disaster….

Beast is in a meeting with their manager when the door is opened abruptly.

“Turn on the TV now!” the guy says and runs over turning it on himself. They got a TV so they can watch live shows or go over performances.

“We are in a meeting” Beast’s manager frowns.

“Did you know Alex was a race driver?” the man asks as he flips through the channels

“Well yeah”

DooJoon moves his head “She told us”

“Did she tell you many people think she is dead?” the man finds the right channel and steps back

A good source who was present at the event says Alex was trying to calm the guy down but then he started yelling that he was gonna kill her. The two fought and in the end Alex stabbed him in the neck.

“Oh oh oh oh ” Zico repeats over and over again staring at the screen

“That is…” B-Bomb frowns.

“Yes it is” Taeil nods

“Oh oh oh !” Zico stands up and walks towards the TV “This is not good. Not good”

The police has so far refused to give a statement about what happened but fact is that Alex was removed from the scene in handcuffs and the man on his back in an ambulance headed towards the hospital. We tried to get an answer from the hospital and an employee said the man was declared dead an hour after arrival.

Junho is staring over Taecyeon’s shoulder “Oh no” he frowns and looks at Nichkhun and WooHyun who hurries over. They all watch the news with furrowed brows.

Why Alex has been hiding in Seoul is still unknown but according to a source she is has quite a reputation for being someone you don’t wanna make mad. Alex’s whereabouts at this moment are unknown but we will follow the case closely.

“Alex killed a man?” Sang Hyun looks at ByungHee completely distraught

SooHyun shakes his head “Oh no. This isn’t true… it can’t be true!” He stands up and yells

“S-she k-killed someone?” Zelo turns pale and lashes out catching YoungJae’s arm pulling him closer and looks at him with big eyes.

“You got to be kidding me” DooJoon frowns and stands up with his hands on the table

“OH HOLY ING !” Zico yells and holds on to his head.

“Oh no” Junho shakes his head and close his eyes.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P