Pet store

Another Day Comes

Seungho sits in the driver seat listening to the two younger ones babbling in the back about whatever random thing that pops in their heads. They all spend just about every waken second together so they kind of run out of meaningful stuff to talk about. The most interesting topic today has been what color socks is the best.

He smirks and shakes his head thinking you never go wrong with black.

He looks in the rearview mirror and sees CheonDung shaking his head annoyed “What now?” He frowns slightly.

CheonDung scowls at Mir “He says tomatoes are better than grapes”

“God we really need to get some more interesting topics” Seungho chuckles

“We can talk about the fact that Kei is here” Mir frowns

“I don’t wanna talk about that” Seungho says turning serious.

“Come on. Have you even heard from Alex? It’s been 4 days” CheonDung leans closer and places his hands on Seungho’s shoulders.

“No” He frowns. He hates it. This is the first time in 6 months it has been so long without him hearing anything from her.

“Why haven’t you called her?” Mir pouts

“Me?” Seungho sends him a look “Have you called her?”

“No. But you are her number one and her best friend” Mir says in a firm voice. Seungho sighs “I don’t want her to think I don’t trust her”

“You are so worried about what she might think. Why?” CheonDung huffs “Like there is anything you two don’t already know about each other” He chuckles and looks at Mir who chuckles as well

“Just cut it out. Alex is free to do whatever she likes” Seungho turns a corner

“How can you say that?” Mir frowns leaning forward “Kei is a and he should stay as far away from her as he can if he doesn’t want to have to deal with me” he continues

CheonDung chuckles “I know you try to be scary Mir but you are still just a puppy”

“Am not!” Mir pouts

“Look at yourself!” CheonDung laughs pointing at his face “Puppy all over”

“Hyung!” Mir whines.

“Behave” Seungho just says shortly

CheonDung looks at Seungho’s neck “But still why can’t she just let him go? He isn’t worth ”

Seungho sighs “Can we drop it?”

“Yea yea whatever” The two in the back huffs.

They park and disguise themselves before going out on the street heading for the pet store. G.O. and Joon are busy with their own things. Seungho walks in first and looks around while Mir and CheonDung runs past him in different directions

“Stick together” Seungho tries to control them and walks after Mir knowing he is easily distracted.

“This one, this one!” He jumps. Seungho looks at the animal he is looking at “You do realize that is a guinea pig right?” He raises a brow and looks at the boy.

“But it is soooooo cute” Mir presses his nose against the glass.

Seungho shakes his head “It’s the first thing you saw and beside we all agreed on a cat”

Mir pouts and looks at Seungho. He tilts his head and lights up into a bright smile “That one!” He calls out and sets off. Seungho follows him and looks in the cage “You are kidding me right?” Mir looks lovingly at the creature.

Seungho crosses his arms “It is rats!” He smacks Mir over the back of the head “I said cat not rat”

“I found the perfect one!” CheonDung calls. Seungho looks in the direction, sighs and grasps the neck of Mir’s jacket forcing him with him. He stops next to CheonDung “You two conspired to make my day miserable didn’t you?” he looks at CheonDung who frowns “What?”

Seungho points at the animal “That is a snake”

CheonDung grins “I think she would like a snake”

“Not the point” Seungho sighs and rubs his temples “We said cat. You know. Nya nya” He makes a cat like pose.

“Can I help you?” A female worker comes over and frowns seeing Seungho’s behavior. He closes his eyes shaking his head and puts his hands in his sides “Not my day” He looks at her “Yeah we wanted to look at cats”

“Oh okay” She gestures for them to follow into a back room. The bell by the counter rings “Excuse me” She bows “Just look around”

“Can we take pictures? We are two more who has to agree” CheonDung asks

“Yeah sure” She smiles and leaves them

“She was cute” Mir grins. Seungho looks at the cat in the first cage. It’s very cute with fluffy fur and keeps purring.

“That one!” CheonDung grins. Seungho looks at him “It’s like the cat version of Mir” He looks at the boy “Female and everything” He chuckles and moves on. Mir frowns “I’m a boy”

Seungho chuckles “Yes a boy. That is right” CheonDung laughs getting the point of Mir being a boy and not a man.

Seungho looks at the next cat, slick and long with black fur. He keeps moving looking at all the cats. They are all cute. None of them really stands out though.

Mir is taking pictures of just about every cat saying every single one is the perfect one. CheonDung only takes a few and silently walks around with a curious expression. Seungho stop at one cat which looks tired and couldn’t be bothered looking at him “I know how you feel” he grins at the cat.

“Wahhhh Hyung come see this one!” CheonDung says smiling big at a cage. Seungho sighs and walks over “What, you found a raccoon or something?”

“No look at this one. Seungho steps over hands in his sides anticipating to see some cute little kitten but what sits staring back at him is a very regal looking cat carefully eying him out. It has quite long fluffy fur which is pretty big around its neck making it look like a small lion. It moves the end of its tail and lifts it’s head high.

“Not that one” Mir comes over and frowns “She should get a kitten” He pulls Seungho over to a small completely black kitten with huge eyes. Seungho scratches his neck “I don’t know”

CheonDung is still looking at the cat from before when the lady comes back to them “So can I help you?”

Seungho nods “Well we are looking for a cat to our friend”

“You got a type in mind”

“Has to be a male” CheonDung says. “And a kitten” Mir adds in. Seungho sighs “Please don’t listen to them. It has to have a peaceful character”

“I see” She chuckle “Well I see your friend is finding Buddha very interesting.

“You call it Buddha?” CheonDung grins “It has to be a sign”

“Well Buddha is the father of a litter of kittens. They aren’t here but if you want I can give you some pictures?”

Seungho nods “We would like that” Mir yells “This one is sooooooo cute!” Seungho frowns and looks down wondering why he agreed to do this

The lady laughs slightly and walks out again. Seungho returns to Buddha and nods “Could be the one”

CheonDung smiles.


Later back at the dorm when everyone is gathered Seungho hands the pictures over to Joon and G.O.

“Did you take pictures of every single one?” G.O. frowns looking at the huge amount of poorly taken pictures.

“That is Mir’s bunch” Seungho says finding more pictures “These are mine and Thunders”

Joon moves all Mir’s choices to the side.

“Ey!” Mir pouts

“Was it fun?” G.O. looks at the huge dark circle under Seungho’s eyes.

“You are kidding me right?” Seungho says sarcastically “If they had went alone she would have gotten a rat or a snake”

“But we agreed on a cat” Joon frowns.

“I know” Seungho loudly complains “But it is Mir! And it is Thunder. It was hell!”

“Probably didn’t help that he acted like a cat when the owner came to see if she could help” CheonDung chuckles. Seungho stands up abruptly closing a fist “You really think it’s a good time to annoy me?” CheonDung got such a shock he fell of the chair “” He looks at Seungho with huge eyes.

“God you need your Alex fix” Joon mumbles. Seungho glares at him “What?!”

G.O. leans back and looks at Joon “Choose your words carefully now” He crosses his arms. Joon looks from G.O. to Seungho “It’s just” He looks at the pictures “You are obviously concerned now that Kei is here and you are a bit more short-tempered than usually. I don’t blame you” Joon looks up at Seungho whose glare is at it highest.

“Stop mentioning that guy” Seungho says calmly. He pushes the chair back under the table, shakes his head and walks out. They hear the door to his room slam.

“Should I not have said that?” Joon looks at G.O. who picks up a picture “Probably not” He looks at Joon “But you are right”

CheonDung is slowly getting back on his feet and he sits down. His face has turned pale.

“We should tell her” Mir says.

“That Seungho hates her ex and that he is constantly worried she’ll leave with him?” G.O. looks at him and shakes his head “We don’t own her” he looks at the pictures again “She won’t leave anyway”

“Are you sure?” Joon frowns

“I’m sure” G.O. says calmly

“How can you be so sure?” Mir frowns.

“I like this one” G.O. places a picture on the table. CheonDung looks at it “It’s Buddha” He finds the pictures of the kittens “These are his”

Everyone looks from Buddha to the kittens

“That kitten” Joon points

“Why that one?” ChulYong frowns. G.O. looks and nods “That’s it”

CheonDung looks as well “Yes. Off course”

“Off course?” Mir Looks confused “You really gotta let me know why you are so sure that is it!”

“Look at it” G.O. turns the picture “Describe it for me” he adds.

Mir looks at the kitten pointed out to him “White fur with grey tail and some on the head. Halfclosed blue eyes… blue eyes” He grins “It’s the blue eyes”

G.O. nods “But 2 of the other kitten has blue eyes as well so why this one?” G.O. adds in a very fatherly tone as if teaching a 5-year-old

“It looks soooo peaceful” Mir Smiles big.

“Yes. Good boy” G.O. chuckles

“I’m telling Seungho” Mir snatches the picture.

“I wouldn’t…” Joon frowns but gets cut off by G.O. who places a hand on his arm and shakes his head.

Mir storms into Seungho’s room finding him sitting in the corner looking at his ipad. He looks up “What?” His tone is annoyed.

“We picked one” Mir beams. Seungho sighs “Come show me” Mir just looks at him. Seungho sighs again and puts the ipad away lifting out an arm “Come on”

Mir happily sits down right next to Seungho who puts his arm over his shoulder and smiles a little. Mir points at the picture “That one. The one that looks like a cat version of Alex”

Seungho looks at it and nods. He finds his phone dials a number.

Mir is just looking at him with a small smile quite excited about giving Alex a cat

“Hello… Am I correct to think you have a litter of kittens? Yes I know it will be another week… yes. Can I reserve one? Oh good. Yes I was given a photo… aha… yes the one with a grey tail… Oh good. Thank you.. My name” Seungho looks at Mir

“Yang Seungho.. Yes thank you” He hangs up “Done” He leans his head against the wall. Mir looks at the picture with a big smile

“You think she’ll leave?” Seungho mutters

Mir turns his face and looks at the worried expression on Seungho’s face. He smiles reassuring and pats Seungho on the leg “G.O. is very certain she won’t”

Seungho sighs. He never liked Kei. Alex had told him about this guy she had found saying she was just having fun. Seungho had to pretend it wasn’t killing him but the more attached she became to Kei the more Seungho disliked him.

Then she moved in with him which Seungho really didn’t like. They had only been together for a month for Christ sake. He had a feeling Kei was gonna let her down. He was right off course.

The first time he actually met the guy was at the hospital. Kei had been away on business and came into her hospital room where he stopped in the door and stared at Seungho. Seungho didn’t care the guy was there. It was none of his concern. He was there for Alex.

He was so pissed at the guy. He knows Alex attracts trouble but he feels that if his guy is supposed to be the guy for Alex he should have prevented her ending up in the hospital in the first place.

Kei had stood there staring for a good 5 minutes and then stormed out without saying hi or checking if Alex was alright. Seungho lost the tiny bit of respect he had for the guy that day and when Alex told him he had cheated Seungho started being disgusted just by the name.

He wasn’t so much angry that Alex had found a new guy as he was that this guy dared hurting her. She didn’t deserve that. Alex might have gotten past it but he sure as hell hasn’t. If it was up to Seungho Kei would never see her again but Alex has a mind of her own.

She said she would never get back together with Kei but he knows she really like the guy so he isn’t sure whether or not she might go back to him.

When she left Kei after he told her what he did she came to Seungho. At least he had the balls to tell her. Seungho clenches his jaw

She didn’t cry but he could tell she was angry and hurt. He held her the entire night. They sat in the couch not really talking. She just held on to him rested her head against him. She fell asleep against his chest. He hardly slept, he just sat there holding her and thinking if he should ask her to come to Korea.

In the morning he asked her over breakfast. At first she seemed shocked but then she had jumped up from her chair and gave him the biggest hug asking why it had taken him so long to ask. It was a happy moment. He told her he didn’t want to make her feel pressured to going which she laughed about it saying she wouldn’t go if she didn’t want to.

He had to ask about Kei. Alex shrugged and said that wasn’t even an issue. Her words were firm but the look in her eyes told him she was hurting.

He looks to Mir “You think she is happy?”

Mir looks at him a bit taken aback by the question. Seungho is such a confident guy but when it involves Alex he always second guess his decisions and choices.

“I do” He nods “She wouldn’t lie to us about that. She never lies, period”

“I hope you are right” Seungho sighs

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P