Moving out

Another Day Comes

Another week goes by when Alex can finally move into her new place. It took quite a bit longer because Mei’s former boyfriend refused to move out. But the time finally came that Alex could sit down with MBLAQ over breakfast in their dorm and say she would be moving into her own out.

“Whaaaat? I was getting so used to be woken up by you in the morning!” Sang Hyun pouts and places his glass on the table “So much better than when Mir wakes me up”

“Chang Sun even started sleeping in underwear!” ByungHee says with a huge grin. Chang Sun scowls at him but doesn’t say anything.

“You don’t have to move out! I’m knocking before going into the bathroom now” ChulYong looks at her with his puppy eyes. “Yeah please keep doing that” Chang Sun mumbles.

Alex smiles sweetly “Come on I couldn’t be living here forever anyway. I was only suppose to stay here a few days and now I have been here for more than 2 weeks”

Seungho sighs “I don’t think any of us would mind” he sends her a smile “You’ll be missed”

“God I’m just moving into my own place not back to Japan” Alex chuckles

“So when are you moving out?” Chang Sun frowns

Alex looks at her watch “As soon as I am done here” She grins “I’m getting the key in an hour and then I have to start moving in”

“You didn’t think you could have told us that before? We could have made it more special” ChulYong pouts dramatically

“Again I’m not leaving the country” Alex chuckles

“You want a hand?” Seungho looks at her

“No I have a bet to win remember” Alex smirks “Beside you guys have a lot to do today”

“Right” Seungho nods and smiles “But you can’t carry furniture on your own. You do plan on buying furniture don’t you?”

Alex raises a brow and looks at him “No I’m planning on living like an animal”

“Wouldn’t surprise me” ByungHee shrugs.

Alex laughs and gets a smile from Byunghee “You can’t do all the heavy lifting yourself though” He tilts his head.

She looks down “Kei is coming later. He’ll help me” Seungho looks at her and frowns “Oh that guy” he looks away with a poorly hidden annoyed look on his face

Alex looks at Seungho and just shakes her head looking at Byunghee “I haven’t seen him in over a month at least!”

“I don’t like the guy” Sang Hyun leans back and crosses his arms

Alex grins at him “You never met him”

“I don’t like him either” Chang Sun looks at her. Seungho smiles slightly in his seat and he and ByungHee exchanges looks. “You haven’t met him either” Alex sighs and looks from one to the other “Why are you all against him?”

“Well I have met him” Seungho says

Alex looks at him “He is a good guy!”

“I don’t like him” Seungho leans back and looks at her with a stubborn expression “I think he is a prick”

“Oh for christ sake” Alex shakes her head

“How long is he staying?” Byunghee looks at Alex.

She shrugs “A week or so”

“He is coming today?” Chang Sun asks

Alex nods. All the members of MBLAQ look at each other

“When was this arranged?” Byunghee crosses his arms

“Uhm a week ago almost. He called me and asked if I wanted to see him if he came to Korea” She shrugs

“And he just so happened to be going to Korea?” Seungho shakes his head and huffs.

“Guys come on! You are busy anyway. You don’t have to see him” Alex throws an annoyed hand in the air

“Why wasn’t we told he was coming?” Chang Sun frowns

“It’s none of your business” Alex snarls

“Can’t we cancel our schedule? So we can keep an eye on that guy?” Chang Sun frowns. Seungho can’t help but smile at him. Chang Sun isn’t normally that vocal about what he thinks especially when it comes to Alex.

“You guys are horrible” Alex sighs and pouts looking down at the table.

“And he doesn’t mind helping you move in your new place?” ByungHee pokes his food

“Just stop it” Alex frowns “If you are gonna be like that I don’t wanna talk with you”

“Is he staying at your place?” Chang Sun asks.

“No” Alex looks at him “He is not staying with me. He is gonna stay at a hotel”

“Good girl” Byunghee smiles.

Alex sighs and shakes her head “It was all just messed up you know” She mumbles.

“He messed up” Seungho glares at the table “He won’t get the chance to do that again” He moves his eyes to Alex “You hear me?”

She nods “I’m not stupid”

Seungho sighs and smiles at her “Let us know when you are done moving in. We’ll throw a party”

“You don’t have time for that” Alex looks at him with big eyes “I know your schedule remember”

Seungho stands up and gives her a kiss on the cheek “We always find time for you”

She looks at him and smiles “I know” Then she turns serious “You are in a hurry. Your manager will be here soon and you all have so much to do” She looks at Chang Sun “Take a shower”

Seungho chuckles and ruffles her hair “Who will keep the guys in place when you leave?”

She looks back at him “You do know I talk almost daily with your manager. I’ll know when you are slacking and then I’m going to make you regret it” Seungho chuckles and moves to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

“Then maybe we should just slack and Alex would come running all the time to scold us” Sang Hyun grins

“No if that was the case Rain would break out of the army to kill us” ByungHee whacks him over the back of his head.

“I can’t take a shower with Seungho out there!” Chang Sun complains all of the sudden

Alex shakes her head and gets up gathering her things.

“You know you haven’t given us the address yet” ByungHee follows her to the living-room. He leans against the doorframe and watches her pack her stuff.

“I know” She just says indifferently

ByungHee sighs “Are you gonna give it to us?”

“Yeah” She scratches her neck and looks around.

ByungHee crosses his arms “Today?”

“Maybe. Most likely not. I won’t risk having you drive Kei away” She grasps her bag and walks over giving him a kiss on the cheek “See ya” She heads back to the kitchen and gives all the guys a kiss on the cheek. Seungho gets out just in time to hear the door close “Is she gone already?” He frowns

“Yeah you missed out on getting a kiss” ByungHee pats him on the shoulder. Seungho looks utterly unhappy and sighs “How could she forget me?”

The others look at him and then go about with what they were doing. Seungho sighs “I’m gonna go out and meet the manager. Hurry up will you” He puts on his jacket and walks out closing the door behind him. He leans against it for a sec.

*She is just moving into her own place*

He has gotten used to having her around in the morning and when they come back in the evening. She always knows how to make them laugh no matter how tired they are. Off course if does come with an extra portion of worry when she has a new bruise she can’t or won’t explain.

He really doesn’t like that Kei is coming. Him of all people! And on top of everything Alex forgets him. He slams his head back against the wall and sighs


He looks up and smiles when Alex comes at him and throws her arms around his neck. He hugs her tight “I thought you forgot me” He mumbles in her neck

“I could never forget you” Alex grins holding him close

“Alex” Seungho mumbles again holding her tighter than ever

“Yea?” She chuckles at his behavior

“Please remember me” he sighs

Alex frowns slightly “Ani you okay?”

“Just promise me you’ll never forget me” His eyes are fixed on the floor behind her.

Alex moves back and looks at his face. He looks down and clenches his jaw.

“Seungho why would I forget you? You mean more to me than anyone” She smiles sweetly. He looks at her eyes “I do?”

“Off course” She gives him a peck on the cheek “Don’t be so silly ani. You know I love you” She pats him on the cheek, grins and leaves. He looks after her and sighs “Why couldn’t you have said something like that to me 7 months ago” He vigorously rubs his temples “Without the ani part. For sake” he curses and hits the wall.

ByungHee comes out “I thought you went out to meet the manager” He frowns seeing the expression on Seungho’s face “Don’t be that upset that she didn’t say bye you know we’ll see her soon anyway. We’ll scold her for it then” ByungHee teases.

“She came back” Seungho sighs and looks down. ByungHee puts an arm around him “It’s one of those days huh”

Seungho nods and starts walking out.

“You nervous Kei might convince her to go back?” ByungHee frowns

“No… maybe… I don’t know. If anyone can it will be him. Am I crazy for doubting her?” Seungho looks at Byunghee

“Well yes and no. No because well she is not that stupid and yes because I also know how blind she can be” ByungHee scratches his neck “She is our baby sister. I’m gonna kill him!” Byunghee whines making Seungho chuckle “Yeah. Our baby sister” He looks down and nods “Just that” he smiles slightly.

ByungHee gives Seungho a kiss on the side of his head making the older guy lash out “YAH! Cut that out you ert!” ByungHee laughs “Do you hope she’ll remember about you two?”

Seungho stops and looks at him “No… I don’t know” He sighs “Do I want the Alex I was in love with… Yes I would be lying if I said anything else but Alex isn’t her anymore”

ByungHee nods silently

“I just… !” He yells and hits the wall “She wasn’t in love with me anyway why can’t I move on?!”

“Well having a girl who is looking exactly like her walking around is probably not helping and you know.. hugging her and holding her and so forth”

“G.O!” Seungho frowns “It’s not the same girl I know that”

“No but I’ve seen you” ByungHee crosses his arms “That tattoo on her back, you are not exactly a fan why not?”

“Because every time I see it, it reminds me off the other Alex” Seungho sighs

“She might come around” ByungHee tries to calm him

“She sees me as her brother” Seungho snaps and looks at Byunghee “You should have heard her! It’s not that I’m complaining, I love what we have but sometimes… God what I wouldn’t give to have one more talk with her before that happened. I wish I had told her how I felt. Maybe…” He feels his eyes burning and looks down “I could never do anything that might risk what we have now” He sighs “She would never be able to look at me the same way if she knew she and I had been that intimate”

ByungHee nods “I know” He leans his head against Seungho “I can’t imagine how hard it is on you”

Seungho shrugs “Most of the time it isn’t. I don’t mind just being her brother and friend, in fact I prefer it like this cause now I know she actually cares about me but… I’m just selfish, I don’t wanna share” He chuckles slightly. ByungHee grins “You know she is MBLAQ’s girl. Let’s just makes sure it stays that way”

Seungho holds out a hand “Deal. You and I G.O. we’ll make sure Alex knows where she belongs” ByungHee grins and takes his hand “Deal”

”The others still don’t know about Alex and I do they?” Seungho frowns


“You promise me you never tell anyone” He points a finger at ByungHee

“Dude I promised you that 500 times already you and I are the only ones who knows and that is how its gonna stay as long as you want” ByungHee sighs

“Knows what?” Chang Sun and the others join them.

Seungho glares at ByungHee who frowns “Uhm the surprise for Alex in her new place”

“We want in on that. What surprise?” Chul Yong grins.

Seungho crosses his arms and looks at Byunghee “Yeah what surprise?”

ByungHee rubs his neck “Uhm it is… uhm… We buy her a pet”

Seungho chuckles “A pet?”

“Oh that is a great idea” Sang Hyun claps his hands “So she’ll always have something that reminds her of us”

Seungho chuckles and looks at Byunghee who has a relieved expression and smiles foolishly.

“So what kind of pet should we get her?” Chul Yong smiles “A dog, bird, cat, fish?”

“Not a fish” ByungHee frowns “Those are boring”

“A cat” Chang Sun says looking like he really thought it over

“A cat?” Seungho looks at him “Why a cat?”

“Because I saw her with one some weeks ago and she looked so happy” Chang Sun says. ByungHee smirks at him “You off all people notice that” Chang Sun rubs his neck and looks slightly embarrassed “Just because I’m not like all of you around her doesn’t mean I don’t care as much” His words becomes a slight mumble.

ByungHee looks at Seungho who smiles and nods “A cat it is”

“Let’s go now!” Chul Yong happily exclaims

“No we have schedule today but the when we have some time we go find one okay?” Seungho pats ChulYong on the head.

Chulyong nods. Sang Hyun pouts “But Joon is always busy with variety shows when he isn’t training with us and G.O. has that drama when will we find time?”

Seungho sighs “Okay well then the three of us who has time will go look at cats and take some pictures and then we’ll decide as a group deal?”

“I think that sounds like the best idea” ByungHee nods

Chang Sun nods as well “I like that”

“Great later today then” ChulYong grins

“Do you even listen to me?” Seungho puts his hands in his sides “I said we are busy today” He shakes his head and they head out.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P