DooJoon finds out just how good a driver Alex is

Another Day Comes

A week later Beast is on their way to a radio show.

“You heard that Alex is starting to be quite a familiar figure at the agencies?” YoSeob pats JunHyung on the arm “Yeah I heard something like that” He smirks “Not ours though” He looks back at YoSeob who grins “I’d like to meet him”

“No you don’t” DooJoon mumbles.

“What?” JunHyung looks at him with furrowed brows “How would you know if he wants to know him?”

“He is an idiot?” DooJoon mumbles

“I’m not!” YoSeob complains

“Not you fool” DooJoon frowns at him “Alex is”

“You met him?” DongWoon turns in his seat

DooJoon sighs “Yeah I had the misfortune”

“God what did he do to you?” JunHyung laughs “You know I heard he has become quite friendly with a lot of people. You know beside from the fact that he is friends with all of MBLAQ”

DooJoon huffs “Well I don’t like him. He is a showoff, rude and a bully”

“Ah” HyunSeung snaps his fingers “That’s it. He bullied you”

“I’m ing older than him and he has the nerves to act like that!” DooJoon snaps

“Like what?” JunHyung frowns

“Just… Like a ” DooJoon looks down

“How much older” DongWoon frowns

“Uhm 12 days” DooJoon frowns

“Hah that’s nothing” JunHyung laughs.

DooJoon shakes his head and looks out the window of the van they are driving in. There is a traffic jam so they are probably stuck for a bit.

He frowns as he sees a familiar figure walking down the street and he turns his head with a grunt.

“What now?” Junhyung frowns at him.

“Ey it’s that Alex guy!” DongWoon exclaims pointing to the other side of the street where they see Alex walking down the street holding hands with a girl.

“I didn’t know he had a girlfriend!” YoSeob grins

“She is cute” JunHyung leans over DooJoon to get a better look. DooJoon grunts annoyed “Alex isn’t that interesting”

“Yes he is when he can annoy you that bad” GiKwang adds in. DooJoon shakes his head and looks at the others who are all starring at Alex and the girl.

DooJoon sighs and looks out as well. He has got nothing better to do.

They see the couple being stopped by a guy who gives Alex a push. Alex shakes her head and says something. The girl has gone behind Alex.

“What the hell is this now?” JunHyung frowns “Is he really gonna let a guy push him?”

DooJoon frowns

The guy motions at the girl who steps further back and Alex points a finger at the guy.

“The guy is pretty big” YoSeob says slightly concerned

The guy pushes Alex again and gets up in her face. Alex pushes him back and the guy throws a punch which Alex avoids before hitting him once in the stomach with great force sending him kneeling down.

“Damn that was some punch!” DongWoon exclaims

“I don’t think you should piss him off” GiKwang gives DooJoon a nudge. DooJoon’s eyes have gone huge. No way in hell he would think that the joker so easily tamed by Lee Joon would be able to do something like that.

Alex is just looking at the guy couching on the ground. She puts her hands in her pockets and the girl grasps on to her arm. The guy looks up and yells something which just makes Alex laugh. They can’t hear her laugh but the grin on her face in undoubtedly a laugh.

She reaches a hand down grasping the guy’s collar and forces him to look at her. A vicious smirk on her lips as she speaks and then just let’s go. The girl pulls Alex’s arm to get her to leave. Alex smirks cruelly and reluctantly lets the girl drag her along and the two leaves the guy on the ground as if nothing had happened.

Further away they see Alex picking up her phone as the girl puts an arm around Alex’s back.

“” JunHyung grins “I really want to meet that guy”

“Figures” DooJoon sighs. He looks at the guy who is still on the ground “He didn’t even help the guy”

“Uhm that guy started it. Alex was just fending for himself. Why should he help him?” HyunSeung frowns “I think you are being a bit prejudice”

DooJoon scowls at him but doesn’t say anything. The van starts moving again and they drive off.

“There they are again!” YoSeob points at the window. Now the couple is looking quite a bit less like a couple standing next to each other waiting to cross the street. They seem to be joking about something. Alex sends a look to the van and smirks holding up a hand as Beast passes.

“He knew it was us!” YoSeob yells

“Relax he couldn’t know” JunHyung chuckles

HyunSeung grins “Nah he probably just noticed us staring. That isn’t the same as knowing it was us”

They get to the radio studio and their time passes like it does most of the time. After the DJ on the shows says farewell they are led to a meeting room by their manager.

“What now?” DooJoon asks looking at the manager who is looking uneasy “Just a sec” he mumbles and looks at the time “She should be here now” He mumbles rubbing his neck and looks at the door.

The door is opened in one fast motion and Alex steps in “Sorry I’m late” She mumbles and bows for the manager. Her eyes goes to DooJoon “You” She lifts a bag “Change” She throws the bag to him.

DooJoon frowns “What? Why?” Alex looks at the manager “You haven’t told him?”

“They just got out” the manager scowls at Alex who huffs

“Idiot” She shakes her head “When were you planning on telling him and why are they all here?”

“Don’t interfere with my job!” The manager snaps at her.

“Then do it right!” Alex widens her eyes and points at DooJoon “I said change!” She looks at him with very determined eyes “Don’t make me do it for you because I will”

DooJoon looks at the manager who looks down “You need to go home. You grandfather is in the hospital. Alex is gonna drive you” He looks up at DooJoon who frowns “Seriously?”

“Change!” Alex snaps at him “It’s a ing 5 hour drive and you want to get the as fast as possible”

DooJoon hurries out and Alex glares at the manager “You should have called me sooner. I have other obligations”

“I didn’t want to…” The manager starts sounding rather irritated

Alex cuts him of “If you called me when you were first told 4 hours ago he might have a chance to make it in time” She huffs and crosses her arms “You know what” She gets a devious smiles on her lips “I’m gonna get him there in ing three hours”

“How is that possible?” The manager frowns “The 5 hours was based on you pushing the speed limits”

“I’m not a ing ex-racer for nothing. Today I’ll prove that” Alex chuckles “It’s gonna be fun”

The manager looks a bit scared.

“You used to race?” JunHyung asks

“Yes” Alex sends him a look and frowns “Have I seen you before?”

“Yes I’m JunHyung. I was at the battle”

“You lost to K” Alex smirks

“Yes” JunHyung shrinks and mumbles

“Who are the rest of you?” Alex frowns.

“You don’t know?” The manager scolds

“No I don’t” Alex sends him a glare “I don’t bother learning the names of people I don’t know”

“That’s harsh” YoSeob pouts

Alex looks at him “Yeah? Well I don’t really care”

She looks at the door which is being opened again by DooJoon. “Ready?” She looks at him.

He nods looking rather distracted.

Alex bows quickly for Beast and then heads out dragging DooJoon with her by his wrist.

“Why are you driving me?” DooJoon asks confused. He stares at the hand around his wrist.

“Because I’m the fastest way for you to get there” She sends him a smirk “Ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle?”

“Yeah ones” He frowns

“Hmm okay. Well just trust me okay. If you don’t you will have a terrible drive”

DooJoon huffs “Trust you? Why would I trust you?”

She stops looking at the entrance door to the building “ I forgot all your bloody fans” She changes direction and drags him over to a door. She tries to open it but it turns out to be locked

“What now genius?” DooJoon mocks

“Not a problem” Alex smirks and pulls a something from her pocket.

“What are you doing?” DooJoon looks at the lock. It clicks and Alex opens the door with a sly grin.

“You can’t break in!” DooJoon frowns

“Shut up” Alex shakes her head and drags him in locking the door behind them

“What now? There aren’t any exits in here” DooJoon crosses his arms and huffs

“Be quite” She mumbles looking around

“I don’t know what you think you are doing but shouldn’t we be going?”

“God do you ever shut up” Alex mumbles and walks over to a window. She opens it and looks down “just 3 meters” She nods “Good” She turns and looks back at DooJoon “Afraid of heights?”

“You got to be kidding! You don’t want me to jump out of that window?” DooJoon snaps

Alex chuckles “Normally I do like to kid but I wasn’t now”

“I’m not jumping out the window!” DooJoon shakes his head.

“Suit yourself. Meet me out the back” She climbs out the window and jumps. DooJoon runs over and just sees her land and stand up “Hurry will ya” She starts walking away.

“Wait!” He calls out and she stops and turns. DooJoon curses to himself as he climbs out “ it’s far down” He mumbles and takes a deep breath.

“Don’t worry I’m here” Alex calls up

“Not really comforting!” He calls back and then jumps. When he lands a couple of hands helps break the fall but he doesn’t get a chance to realize it before he is being dragged along again.

They turn a corner and stops at the big motorcycle he had seen outside the music store. She hands him a helmet and gets on the bike herself putting her own on “Move it boy” She snaps. He is about to complain when she turns the engine on and makes a lot of noise so he just does as told

“Hang on tight”

DooJoon is only holding on to the sides of her jacket “I’m good” he mumbles

“Suit yourself” Alex laughs and takes off on the rear tire. She drives like that a few meters before she lets the front wheel slam onto the ground and the bike slingers a sec before straightening up. DooJoon yells and holds on tighter as the speed keeps increasing to a point where he fears for his life.

Alex has no intentions of going easy on him and drives in and out between cars with a careless attitude, passing so close DooJoon is fearing his arms are gonna be ripped off if he doesn’t hold them close. He already moved his arms all the way around her waist too scared to realize how small it is.

The speed keeps increasing. They get out of the city in no time and head out on the less busy roads which only makes Alex driver faster.

At one point a police car sets after them. DooJoon can hear the sirens but Alex shows no signs of wanting to slow down and instead makes more reckless decisions to lead them off track. After a few miles the sirens dies out. DooJoon is praying to whatever god he can think of begging to survive the drive.

Once they get to the hospital grounds where they were headed for Alex slows down and parks a little away from the entrance

“Get in then” She barks but doesn’t get a reaction. She looks down seeing the hands tightly wrapped around her. She forcefully removes them and gets off before she removes DooJoon’s helmet. He looks like he is in shock “Dude snap out of it!” She gives him a push. DooJoon swallows but still stares at nothing.

“Don’t make me drag you in there!” She snaps and looks up at the hospital. She starts feeling uneasy “I don’t like hospitals. Don’t make me go in there” She tries again sounding more pleading. Still no reaction. She grasps her head and walks back and forth sending scared looks at the building.

“!” She yells and then pulls DooJoon of the bike. He lands on the ground but makes no attempt to get up.

“ing idiot” She pulls him up and drags him towards the entrance.

Her heartbeat increases by the second as she gets closer to the big doors leading in to the hospital. She keeps looking back at DooJoon whose face is stuck in a stunned frown.

She closes her eyes and forces the door open. She drags DooJoon to the counter asking the way and starts dragging him down the hall


Alex stops and looks seeing a woman coming their way. She turns and looks at DooJoon “Great someone who knows you” She places DooJoon against a wall and slaps his cheek “ing snap out of it!” DooJoon stares at her moving a hand to his cheek “You slapped me!”

“This is my number call me when you know when you are going back” Alex swallows and moves towards he exit. DooJoon grasps her wrist about to yell but stops feeling her tremble. He looks at his hand and looks up at Alex who is turning pale and looks like she is going to be sick “You okay?” He frowns

“I need to get out” Alex pulls her wrist from him and starts walking, she bumps into a doctor who looks at her and frowns “You need help?”

“NO!” Alex snaps and runs away almost tripping. DooJoon stares after her. “Is he scared?”

“DooJoon you made it!” DooJoon’s mother hugs him close “We didn’t think you would be here for another 2 hours”

“My ride was fast” he mumbles “Is grandpa okay?”

“No it’s only a matter of time at this point but the doctors are in there right now” His mothers looks at him sad but proud and happy that he came “Is your friend okay?” She looks past DooJoon but still holds onto his arm “He rushed out a bit fast”

“I’m not sure” DooJoon frowns

“Maybe you should just go check up on him quick while the doctors are in the room”

DooJoon frowns. He does kind of wanna know what got into the guy “You sure?” He looks at his mother who smiles “Just hurry okay”

DooJoon nods and heads after Alex out the hospital. He looks for the bike and finds Alex sitting on the ground pretty close by hiding her face in her arms. He walks over and crouches down next to her “You okay?”

Alex gets a shock and stares at him. He is speechless seeing marks of tears on her cheeks. She wipes her face quickly “Shouldn’t you be in there?”

“The doctors are in the room I had to wait anyway so I wanted to see why you ran out” He mumbles and looks closely at her.

“I don’t like hospitals” Alex just says coldly “Get back in I don’t need your pity”

“Pity?” He frowns “I’m trying to be nice here!”

Alex stands up and looks down at him “No need” She moves to get on her bike but DooJoon roughly pulls her back shocked himself that she was so easy to pull. She lands on the ground “What the hell?!” She yells at him.

“Stop being such an idiot!” DooJoon snaps

Alex frowns and holds onto her head with a pained expression. DooJoon starts looking scared “W-what is happening?” He stammers moving towards her

In the next second Alex yells and grasps onto her head tighter. DooJoon stares at her twitching in pain. He snaps out of it and starts calling for help. A doctor showing up for work comes running and kneels next to her “What happened?”

“I don’t know!” DooJoon grasps his head “I-I pulled him and he fell but he didn’t hit his head”

Alex pulls her beanie off and turns onto all four spitting out blood “What the…!” DooJoon starts feeling sick.

Alex calms a bit and sits on her knees wiping with the back of her hand. She moves her other hand into her hair, her face contracted in pain.

“Look at me” The doctor says and lifts her face towards him. She jerks away from him “NO!” She yells and crawls back.

“Hold him” The doctor looks at DooJoon quickly nods and goes for Alex holding her arms.

She trembles but doesn’t resist. “Can you tell me where it hurts?” The doctor examines her eyes.

Alex closes her eyes tightly shut and frowns “H-headache” she stammers.

“I need to get you in” The doctor tries to get her up

“NO!” Alex shakes her head “no hospitals” She glares at him.

“I need to have a look at you” The Doctor steps towards her. Alex grits her teeth. A small line of blood runs down the left corner of . She looks at the hospital “Do I have to?”

“Yes” The doctor says “You are spitting blood that is not normal”

DooJoon is in a state of shock. He can’t believe Alex can be that scared of hospitals

Alex looks at the doctor “I… I…” She frowns “Fine. You’ll probably have to strap me down” She mumbles as DooJoon let’s go and the doctor helps her up. He takes hold of her arm and nods at DooJoon to do the same.

“When was the last time you got checked?” The doctor asks.

Alex shrugs “just over 2 months ago” She mumbles looking at the building. “Why were you getting checked?” The doctor asks

“I got shot” She says shortly like it’s completely normal. She grunts when her head causes her more pain. “I had a crash 7 months ago, I died went in a coma and woke up remembering nothing” She huffs “Started a new life where I got bloody shot”

DooJoon is looking completely ridiculous with an expression of disbelief and confusing. No wonder Seungho and Lee Joon acted like that. Alex is… Not human

“Which hospital?” The doctor takes a firm grip on her arm so she won’t run away.

“The main hospital in Tokyo and one in Okinawa” Alex jerks back but the Doctor and DooJoon doesn’t let go. “How long have you been in Korea?”

“About a month” Alex starts sounding more and more petrified



The doctor motions at some of the hospital guards. DooJoon frowns seeing how the two big guards take hold of her arms. She looks so scared, not scared of them but at the whole place. She starts trying to step back and her face contracts in pain.

Wasn’t Alex supposed to be scared of nothing?

“Alex should I call Seungho?” DooJoon asks following the guards dragging her away. She shakes her head “I’m gonna ing kill you if you do” She sends him a last angry glare before the doctor places a hand on DooJoon’s shoulder “No further. Here is my card, you can check in later” With that DooJoon is left alone.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P