YongGuk tells the others what happen that night at the battle

Another Day Comes

“YongGuk!” HimChan runs faster than he thought he could seeing Zico waving his hands in the distance.


YongGuk turns slightly feeling happy seeing his friends all running towards him so fast it looks like they could trip at any second. JongUp reaches him first throwing himself into YongGuk’s chest sending him backwards onto the grass. He grunts feeling all the air pushed out of him.


“Hyung!” JongUp hugs him extremely tight preventing new air to enter his lungs


“Yo dude you are killing him” Zico tries to pry off JongUp “God you are strong” he mumbles but then gets knocked over by 4 other guys. He rolls over the grass “Come on!” He whines and gets on his feet. He looks at YongGuk’s face. He is turning pale from the lack of air


“!” Zico runs over and drags the B.A.P. boys off him one by one “God so heavy” he complains while pushing HimChan off


“I beg your pardon?” HimChan frowns.


“Help me!” HimChan points at YongGuk’s pained face.


“Oh” HimChan gets on his feet “People off him now!” He yells and everyone does as told. YongGuk rolls to his stomach gasping for air.


“, are you guys trying to kill him?” Zico drops by YongGuk’s side his back “You okay?”


YongGuk coughs and nods “Yea” He says in a barely heard dry voice.


“W-we w-were s-so w-worried” Zelo sobs. YoungJae hugs the boy and DaeHyun stokes his back. YongGuk gets on his knees and breathes deeply.


HimChan looks at Zico “Has he said anything?”


Zico nods “Oh boy has he said something” he mumbles. HimChan frowns. YongGuk gets on his feet and looks at HimChan “I have some things I need to tell you guys when we get home” he still sounds a bit out of breath


Zico’s eyes turn huge “They don’t know?”


YongGuk shakes his head.


“Oh ” Zico rubs his neck


“What what?” JongUp frowns.


“Can we go home first?” YongGuk sighs “I’m really wanna go home”


“Yeah off course” HimChan nods and gestures for the others to go. Zelo however jumps over to YongGuk holding on to his arm.


“I’m not running anywhere” YongGuk smiles softly at the younger but Zelo holds on tighter “I’m gonna make sure”


YongGuk looks at Zico “Thank you for coming here. I’m sorry to have brought you into this”


“No problem” Zico mumbles “This kind of puts things in perspective” He rubs his neck “I’m gonna go. Guk my rock don’t be a stranger and become all weird with me now” He walks over to YongGuk and stands in front of him “Uhm you know that doesn’t make a difference”


YongGuk nods “The only thing that defines me is within. No one can take that away”


“That’s some wise right there” Zico grins “Who taught you that?”


“Alex” YongGuk smiles a small sweet smile. Zico looks at him and nods. He pats YongGuk on the arm “See ya later my rock” Zico lifts a hand and walks away. Zelo pulls YongGuk’s arm and B.A.P heads home. No one speaks on the way.


Once back at the dorm YongGuk sits in the couch surrounded by worried faces.


“Now will you let us know?” HimChan asks timidly.


YongGuk nods.


He takes a deep breath and looks at his hands which are gathered in front of him “You remember when Alex brought me back here the first time and we said I helped her out?”


“Yea” HimChan says and the others nods. Zelo is still hanging on to YongGuk’s arm


“Well that isn’t really the whole truth” YongGuk frowns “When I left the club I walked in on some guys who was being… less friendly towards a girl”


“Was that Alex?” Zelo asks.


“Off course not ” HimChan rolls his eyes. YongGuk looks a bit more down “I don’t know who it was. I told them to leave and the girl got away. I didn’t”


“So they beat you up?” DaeHyun frowns remembering how pained YongGuk had looked


“Among other things” YongGuk mumbles and feels shame rushing over him.


HimChan frowns “What else did they do?”


“You really want me to say the word?” YongGuk sends a glance to HimChan who can see the shame in YongGuk’s eyes and he covers his mouth and leans back. “What?” JongUp frowns


YongGuk looks down “I was… violated”


YoungJae who had been sitting on the arm of the couch falls to the floor with a slam.


“Oh ” DaeHyun says looking at YongGuk. Zelo frowns “Violated?”


YongGuk looks at the boy smiling at his innocence “Let’s just say sitting down was quite painful”


The others swallow and an awkward silence spreads throughout the dorm. YongGuk feels Zelo’s hands cling tighter to his arm and he pats the boy on the side of his head.


He looks at his hands again and sighs “Alex found me and chased them off. She carried me to her place, helped me get cleaned up and just took care of me” He thinks back and smiles a little thinking about how she had opened up and told him everything about herself. He has seen how reluctant she was to tell Zico anything so it must have taken a lot for her to open up to him like that. He never thought about it until now. How hard it is to tell people something painful that has happened.


“She slept sitting on the floor letting me sleep on the only soft furniture” he looks at HimChan “We were woken up by some guy who broke in her door the next morning. Alex and him fought and she…” He takes a deep breath “Those marks on her neck were that guy trying to strangle her. I was so scared but she just kept ticking him off and he went ballistic and held her by in the air”


“It sounds unreal” JongUp looks pale. YongGuk smiles reassuring “I snapped out of my fear and punched him”


HimChan nods and rubs YongGuk’s back “Good”


YongGuk looks at HimChan “She deliberately pushed him to that point where he was gonna kill her to get me to react. She chased him off by making a hole in her door with her fist and yelling at him” YongGuk chuckles “Afterwards she told me her story”


“The crashing and dying and so forth?” YoungJae who stayed on the floor asks


“Yeah” YongGuk nods “Then Seungho and CheonDung came and the whole landlord thing happened”


“They know?” DaeHyun frowns


“Those two do. Not the rest of MBLAQ” YongGuk looks at him.


“Oh” DaeHyun nods.


HimChan frowns and looks at YongGuk “Why are you telling us now?” YongGuk looks back at him.


“I mean I’m glad you are telling us but why not last week or next week?” HimChan continues


YongGuk looks at YoungJae and DaeHyun “I’m sick of hiding it” he looks down “I’m sick of secrets” he looks up at the two singers again “I’m in love with her”


YoungJae and Daehyun nods


“With who?” HimChan frowns. Zelo’s eyes turn huge and he lets go of YongGuk’s arm making the leader look at him “You are in love with Alex?”


“Alex?” HimChan frowns “Seriously?”


YongGuk nods “I think so”


“Oh we know so” DaeHyun says and YoungJae nods and smirks


“But she told Zico and I that she doesn’t go for idols” YongGuk leans back and sighs “And she keeps calling me a kid and look at Kei” he crosses his arms “He is a rock musician, covered in tattoos and well I saw him in a muscle shirt that guy is not weak. No way she would go for me” he pouts


“You are not weak either hyung” Zelo says frowning. YongGuk looks at him “I know… But he… Is just… She wouldn’t go for me” he shakes his head.


“When you say covered in tattoos” HimChan frowns. YongGuk chuckles “I’m talking both arms, the top of his hands, his chest and stomach, the upper part of his back and on both sides of his neck”


“Is he Yakuza?” Zelo asks


YongGuk laughs slightly “No. It’s not that kind of tattoos”


“Wait you saw his chest and stomach?” JongUp frowns.


YongGuk nods “He isn’t shy either”


“But he cheated on her” YoungJae frowns.


“He cheated on Alex?” HimChan mumbles “And she didn’t kill him?”


DaeHyun rubs his temples “This is so confusing when we don’t all know the same things”


“I know. I’m getting a headache” YoungJae pouts.


YongGuk looks at HimChan “She walked out on him. He told SooHyun and I he cried. He wasn’t afraid to admit it. I really really don’t like that guy but even I have to admit that he really loves her. I hate that by the way” he pouts like a child


“You would be so much better for her” Zelo smiles. YongGuk smiles at him “Thanks”


“I second that” JongUp raises a hand


“Us too” YoungJaw says pointing to himself and DaeHyun who has raised a hand. HimChan nods “Do I even have to say I think so too?”


YongGuk grins and looks down “Thanks guys”


“So how do we convince her of that?” HimChan asks. YongGuk frowns “Didn’t you hear me?”


“I had a small talk with her” DaeHyun then says ignoring the frowning YongGuk “Right after she talked with you on the phone”


YongGuk shoots his eyes to DaeHyun.


“I… Uhm I asked how she viewed you”


“And?” HimChan asks. YoungJae hits DaeHyun “Why haven’t you told me?!”


“So many things happened!” DaeHyung frowns


“Just tell us already!” Zelo yells making everyone send him a shocked look. YongGuk chuckles and ruffles his hair.


“Well” DaeHyun shakes his head really quick to get back to his thoughts “She said she knows you are a man but you have the uncertainty of a kid”


HimChan frowns “When the hell is he uncertain of anything?”


YongGuk looks to HimChan and back to DaeHyun blinking a few times really just looking like an innocent kid who doesn’t really understand what is going on around him.


“I blame that on him trying to accept his feelings” YoungJae says with a wise expression “His behavior when Kei came to our practice room…”


YongGuk thinks back “At the park with Zico I was really confused why I couldn’t stop looking at her. Mei came by and they made out which I thought was really annoying” he nods “And when she covered my mouth with her hand to prevent me from cursing when the kids were around I just stared at her” He hides his face in his hands feeling himself getting flustered “God I must have seemed like such a fool”


“Well it sounds kind of obvious” HimChan frowns.


“And yet you didn’t notice” DaeHyun mocks. HimChan scowls at him.


“He was too busy missing Kiseop” YoungJae continues the mocking. HimChan hits both of them with pillows.


“Alex has no idea?” Zelo ask.


YongGuk shrugs “Not to my knowledge”


“She wouldn’t have thrown herself at Kei if she knew” HimChan says


JongUp frowns “How can you know that?”


HimChan shrugs “Friendship 1-0-1 if you know your friend has a crush on you, you don’t make it worse by being all over you boyfriend/girlfriend in front of them”


“Oh so that was why she was so pissed” DaeHyun frowns. YongGuk breaks out laughing. YoungJae frowns “What did you do?”


DaeHyun rubs his neck “A friend of mine may have told me she had a crush on me and I may have hugged the girl I liked in front of her” He blushes “It was like 2 years ago”


HimChan laughs. YoungJae hits DaeHyun over the head “How dumb are you?”


“Me?” DaeHyun frowns “Who the hell are you to talk? You broke up in a sms”


YongGuk keeps laughing. Zelo shakes his head “There is no honor in breaking up like that”


YoungJae pouts “I’m being lectured by the youngest Idol in Korea”


YongGuk hugs Zelo “What the hell would I do if I didn’t have you guys to laugh at”


Zelo grins.


“So what do we do about Hyung’s love problem?” JongUp says.


“Well first task would be to find out if he stands a chance” HimChan says crossing his arms.


YongGuk frowns “I don’t…”


“Aish shut it” YoungJae cuts him off. YongGuk frowns and crosses his arms looking like a child who has been told to stay quiet while the grownups talk.


“Yeah you are getting into it whether you like it or not” DaeHyun smirks.


YongGuk feels a ton lifted from his chest and he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath ondering what he would do without these guys.


Not long after YongGuk goes to bed. He is completely drained. The remaining members of B.A.P talk in the living-room.


“He was ?” YoungJae says once again trying to comprehend what YongGuk had said.


Zelo has tears in his eyes “Poor Hyung”


HimChan sighs and hugs the boy again “YoungJae stop saying that word. You are upsetting Zelo”


“But he got rap…” YoungJae is cut off by DaeHyun who covers the guy’s mouth with his hands “I think we all know now”


“How many were there?” JongUp frowns. HimChan sigs loudly “Let’s not think about that anymore”


“How can we not?” JongUp looks at HimChan.


“mmngnhgmn” YoungJae tries to say something but DaeHyun has no intensions of letting him speak.


“Our leader got ” JongUp looks distraught. Zelo is starting to shake and HimChan tries to sooth him.


“Alex cried” DaeHyun then says. YoungJae widens his eyes and looks at him. “mngmnhm?”


“What?” DaeHyun frowns at him. YoungJae removes his hands “She can cry?”


“Apparently” DaeHyun shrugs.


“You made her cry?” HimChan frowns.


“Uhm I guess” DaeHyun mumbles and rubs his neck “I just tried to figure out what she defined as a man. I tried to ask what she fell for in that Kei guy…”


“What did she say?” YoungJae almost yells getting schussed by all the others “YongGuk needs to sleep” HimChan hisses


“Sorry” YoungJae scratches his neck.


“Well I think the main point was that she felt like she didn’t have to be strong all the time” DaeHyun says looking very thoughtful.


“What does that mean?” HimChan snaps.


Zelo pushes him “You are stupid if you don’t know”


HimChan widens his eyes at the boy “You know?”


Zelo crosses his arms and pouts “She wants to be a girl. She wants to be able to relax and know that her guy is watching over her. Like she does for all of us and so many other idols”


“Isn’t Seungho doing that?” JongUp frowns


“I guess” Zelo nods and tilts his head “But he might be worrying too much. You saw him today”


“Oh yeah” DaeHyun nods vigorously “I never ever gonna piss of that man. I swear to god I was sure he was gonna kill me”


Zelo continues “And Seungho is like her brother. It isn’t really the same thing. I think because Seungho is taking care of her she wants to come of strong to him so he won’t worry too much. I don’t think she realizes it has the opposite effect” He crosses his arms and tilts his head.


YoungJae smiles at Zelo “When did you become so smart?”


Zelo smiles proudly.


“Right well” HimChin scowls slightly at Zelo “YongGuk can’t be there for her all the time”


Everyone sits silent and thinks it over.


“He took charge” DaeHyun stands up “Hyung just have to stop being so awkward around her. He has to show her that he is a man!”


YoungJae stands up and looks excited “Right!”


Zelo pouts “Wouldn’t the first task be to figure out if she actually has any feelings for him?”


DaeHyun and YoungJae scowl at him “Buzz killer”


“She has” HimChan huffs “She gotta. You really think she would be so upset it I had called her a monster? Or if it had been Zico?”


“Zico would have gotten smacked” JongUp mumbles.


“You would probably too” DaeHyun grins at HimChan


HimChan scowls at him.


“So what now?” Zelo looks at the others.


“I’m gonna sleep now” HimChan stands up


“What?” YoungJae frowns


“You guys are forgetting that we have less than a week before we have a comeback. We don’t have time to deal with getting YongGuk to man up”


“Oh” they all sigh.


“Let’s sleep and think this over okay?”


They all nod and go to bed.


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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P