Bully or not

Another Day Comes

Beast has just been briefed by their manager about the schedule for the next couple of weeks.

“It is durable” DongWoon nods as they exit.

“Yeah” YoSeob nods as well

“Easy for you to say” GiKwang sighs “I have plenty of things to do”

“You aren’t the only one” JunHyung frowns.

DooJoon chuckles “It’s not like you aren’t used to having something to do. Look at it like this the more you have to do the more popular are you”

“Oh yeah” GiKwang smiles.

YoSeob pouts “I don’t agree. I think it means they have to work harder to become popular”

JunHyung gives him a push and he stumbles into a wall.

YoSeob chuckles and pushed him back. HyunSeung is humming a song and doing a couple of dancemoves.

“You know” JunHyung runs in front of DooJoon looking back at him “You been quite silent lately. I know you lost your grandpa but I thought you saw it coming”

DooJoon nods “Yeah. It’s sad but I wasn’t really shocked”

“Then what is with the frowning face?” GiKwang runs to his side

“What are you talking about?” DooJoon looks from one to the other.

“Well” JunHyung smirks “Actually often after you have been talking with on the phone with Seungho or G.O you look like someone died”

DooJoon raises a brow.

“Uhm like someone else died” JunHyung scratches his neck

DooJoon nods. He keeps wondering what it was with Alex and that headache. Alex was spitting blood and the doctor said it couldn’t be nothing and then Alex just says nothing could be done about it. He heard Seungho talk about Alex. He knows Seungho and Alex are close like brothers. Every time he talks with MBLAQ he wonders if Alex has told them anything and every time he hangs up he wonders if he should just tell them but then again he is quite sure he doesn’t want Alex mad at him.

“DooJoon?” JunHyung flicks his forehead. DooJoon frowns “Yeah, no, it’s nothing. Just you know uhm” He frowns. He can’t think of anything. “Oh yeah just that one of Alex’s friends is visiting and Seungho doesn’t like him”

That much he knows. Seungho told him last time they talked about this guy who, according to him, shouldn’t have anything to do with Alex. DooJoon just didn’t understand what the guy did to piss Seungho off. Seungho is such a gentle guy.


DooJoon turns and sees Alex coming towards him. JunHyung and the others stand behind him a tad confused. DooJoon didn’t really say much about the trip to the hospital with Alex. Only that he got there 2 hours ahead of time and that Alex drives like a mad man.

“Alex hey” He mumbles

Alex nods at the others “I’m burrowing your leader” She grasps DooJoon wrist and drags him away. “What the…” DooJoon frowns and looks back at the others who look even more confused.

Alex turns a corner and crosses her arms looking at him as if trying to see his thoughts. She smirks and tilts her head “How are you?”

DooJoon frowns “You dragged me away to ask me that?”

“Yes” Alex nods.

DooJoon laughs “Why?”

“Because I felt like it” Alex shrugs “Oh” She digs her hand in her pockets “I uhm bumped into a girl outside. You should be a bit careful” She retrieves a purple phone and sighs “Why do they always have such nasty phones” she mumbles with an annoyed expression

DooJoon frowns “You stole that!”

Alex tilts her head from side to side “I prefer calling it… giving them a reason to buy a new phone” She laughs and shows him a picture of him smiling big at a girl removing something from her shoulder.

“She works here. There is nothing between me and her” He frowns. Alex chuckles “No need to try and convince me, I don’t care but do you think the fan girls seeing this will be as easily convinced?”

“No” DooJoon frowns looking at the picture. He looks up at her “I know you help but stealing will get you in jail”

Alex laughs “Yea yea” She takes the phone “You wanna keep the picture?”

“No” He frowns “Why would I?”

“Again I really don’t care” Alex chuckles “I’m just asking” She separates the phone and breaks the memory card “Done” She takes the leftovers and stuffs them into her pocket. “Now you can go” She smiles.

He chuckles “That was it?”

“Yes” She nods “I’m not here to see you anyway” she chuckles

“Alex I’ve been wondering” DooJoon scratches his neck “Did you tell Seungho about what happened?”

“When?” Alex frowns as she thinks it over “I haven’t been in fights when you were around”

“You fight a lot?” DooJoon crosses his arms

“I don’t mean to” Alex looks down “But yeah”

DooJoon shakes his head “I’m talking about the hospital”

“Oh” Alex looks up and frowns “I haven’t, there is no reason for it. You haven’t said anything have you?”

“No” DooJoon frowns as well “I just have a feeling he should know”

“I’ll cut your of if you do” Alex says looking dead serious.

DooJoon looks at her a bit scared “I won’t!” he clears his throat desperate to stop her from starring at him like that “I heard you had a friend visiting?”

“Oh Kei” Alex nods “Yeah he is visiting”

“I hear MBLAQ isn’t too keen on him” DooJoon raises a brow

“Yes” Alex smirks “I don’t get it though” She shakes her head “I mean he is my ex but still…”

“Ex?” DooJoon frowns. He is still convinced Alex is a dude.

“Oh right you don’t know yet” Alex laughs seeing his expression

“You are gay?” DooJoon raises a brow starting to consider if he has misjudged Seungho’s preferences.

Alex laughs seeing the confusion in his face.

“But we saw you holding hands with a girl” He points back towards the others with a thumb

“Oh right that is sort of my girlfriend” Alex nods enjoying this way too much

“But your ex Kei is a guy?” DooJoon points at her.

“Yes” Alex nods laughing at him

“So you are biual?” He frowns

“No” Alex chuckles.

“Then I don’t get it!” DooJoon throws his hands in the air. He grasps her wrist and drags her back to the others who frown seeing them coming their way.

“You guys gotta help me” DooJoon says stopping next to them “I’m completely confused” He shakes his head “Okay here it is” He sends Alex a look “Alex has a sort of girlfriend” He looks back at them “But the friend we heard about visiting her is not only a dude but Alex’s ex as well”

“You are gay?” JunHyung frowns

“No” Alex shakes her head

“But” JunHyung scratches his neck thinking it over. DongWoon is pointing his fingers trying to figure it out with HyunSeung joining him by pointing at his fingers. YoSeob sticks out his lower lip and frowns while GiKwang raises a brow and looks Alex up and down. DooJoon throws his hands in the air “See it’s confusing”

“No it’s not” Gi Kwang smirks.

Alex meets his eyes and chuckles “You figured it out?”

“Yes” Gi Kwang nods with a certainty to it. DooJoon scowls at him “How could you figure it out?”

“It’s simple” Gi Kwang smiles.

DongWoon is holding all his fingers up and looks at GiKwang. HyunSeung is holding on to 3 of DongWoon’s fingers still not quite keeping up. YoSeob looks at them and frowns “How is that helping you figuring anything out?” he mumbles and looks at DongWoon and HyunSeung

“It’s not really” DongWoon looks at him and shrugs.

JunHyung slaps GiKwang on the arm “Then tell us!”

GiKwang looks at Alex “May I?”

“Yeah” Alex nods “Quite a lot of people already know”

“They do?” GiKwang steps a little closer and crosses his arms. DooJoon frowns and grumbles silently to himself for missing out on something.


“So it isn’t a secret?” GiKwang frowns.

Alex tilts her head and crosses her arms “Well it is sort of but… It’s kind of hard to explain. I lived with MBLAQ for a few weeks imagine if their fans knew...”

“Oh” GiKwang chuckles “Would have gotten messy”

“What is it?” DooJoon yells being very sick of feeling left out. YoSeob pouts “You are mean GiKwang”

JunHyung punches his arm “Tell us now”

HyunSeung is still holding on to DongWoon’s fingers both looking at the others.

“Fine” GiKwang chuckles “Alex has to be a girl” He grins and looks at Alex who nods.

“I knew you were too cute to be a guy” JunHyung exclaims. Everyone looks at him quite strangely

“What did you say?” DooJoon frowns.

JunHyung rubs his neck and looks a bit flustered “I mean uhm I met Eli the other day and I saw picture of you on YongGuk’s back”

“Oh that” Alex smirks “Cute right”

“Very” He mumbles and looks down.

“What am I missing now?” DooJoon whines loudly.

Alex sighs “Some time ago I was out and got drunk, got in a fight and YongGuk carried me home on his back. Eli took a picture of it” Alex nods “I can’t remember but I have been told”

“Let me get this straight” DooJoon steps in front of GiKwang crossing his arms and looking defensive. “You are a girl. So that very very intimate moment you shared with Lee Joon?”

YoSeob and GiKwang look at each other and frowns “Intimate with Lee Joon?”

Alex laughs “Well to set things straight MBLAQ is my family. Nothing ual about it” She smirks “Not much anyway”

DooJoon swallows remembering how close she was to him. He frowns and shakes his head “How could I not have known? I had my arms around you on the bike!”

“You were scared less” Alex chuckles “You wouldn’t have noticed if it was Jennifer Lopez you were hugging”

JunHyung chuckles and gets a glare from DooJoon.

“So this sort of girlfriend?” HyunSeung steps closer. His hands still holding on to DongWoon’s fingers and pulls him along. DongWoon frowns and shakes his hand trying to get HyunSeung to let go.

“Yeah well I’m just playing her boyfriend to help her split from her ex” She nods “He is quite thickheaded”

“The guy you punched?” YoSeob tilts his head.

Alex frowns “Which time?”

“You punched him more than once?” DooJoon frowns

Alex lifts her shoulders and huffs “He is very thickheaded and besides I punched plenty of people more than once”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” DooJoon crosses his arms. Alex smirks “Oh well someone has to do the dirty work. God forbid you boys would get your hands dirty”

“I know how to fight!” JunHyung frowns. Alex tilts her head and looks at him “Really?” She looks him up and down with a definite mocking smirk.

JunHyung frowns looking like he is about yell

DooJoon chuckles “Stop messing with my guys”

Alex looks at him and one end of her lips curl up “Fine” she grasps him quickly pinning him against the wall and places her face in front of his biting her lip “You are so much more fun to mess with”  she chuckles and gives him a kiss on the cheek before stepping back.

DooJoon, shocked about what just happened, slides down to the floor. Alex laughs “that is 2 – 0 for me”

DooJoon glares at her “That isn’t nice”

“No but it is fun” JunHyung laughs.

“So that is how she bullied him!” YoSeob looks at DongWoon who nods “Must be”

“Look at him” HyunSeung chuckles “You look pale hyung are you okay?”

DooJoon curses getting back on his feet. He scowls at Alex “You are a bully. Guy or not you are one big bully!” He crosses his arms.

Alex chuckles “Yea yea”

“Oh Alex great you are here already” one of the people working at CUBE comes over. Alex bows deeply and greets him “Yes I got your call”

“Great great” he looks at Beast “Don’t you have something to do?”

Alex looks at them “Oh I just wanted to hear how DooJoon was after you know how he lost his grandpa. It has to be so hard” Alex makes a pained expression. DooJoon looks at her. Her eyes are actually becoming watery. He frowns looking at her getting a concerned expression himself.

The man clears his throat “off course” He looks down “Uhm G.NA is ready in a second” He swallows “Uhm I’ll get her” He turns and hurries away. Alex sniffs and smirks “er”

DooJoon frowns more “You faked it?”

Alex looks at him and shrugs “He annoyed me. It made him leave didn’t it?”

DooJoon laughs “God”

“You are shameless” YoSeob grins. Alex shrugs “I do what I can” She smirks and bows “Excuse me I have to act bodyguard” She digs her hands in her pockets and walks away.

“Yah! Alex” DooJoon calls.

Alex turns walking backwards

“Don’t be a stranger” He smile a little

Alex turns again and sends then a peace-sign over her shoulder

“So He-she isn’t that bad after all huh?” JunHyung smirks at DooJoon who sighs and looks after her “I’m not sure yet” he looks at JunHyung “But let’s find out”

The others nods and they all leave in the opposite direction.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P