You shouldn't get that wasted

Another Day Comes

The next morning Seungho walks in the living-room. The others are quietly getting out of bed and Seungho has decided he is gonna wake Alex up. He leans against the doorframe and watch her, a small smile playing on his lips as he looks at her sleeping face. G.O. comes over in his sleeping-wear, hair one big mess and a beard developing on his chin.

“She is gonna have a nasty hangover” G.O. rubs his eyes and chuckles tiredly

“Probably” Seungho grins, sending a look to G.O. “It’s almost a shame to wake her up”

“I know” G.O. scratches his neck “Asleep she can’t get in trouble” He yarns and pats Seungho on the shoulder before walking towards the bathroom.

Seungho nods and walks over taking a seat on the couch next to Alex shaking her shoulder “Alex wake up”

“Nooooooo” She complains and turns. The sweater slides up and the writing on her lower back is shown just a little. Seungho looks at the black inc, he remembers when she showed it to him at the pavilion.

They had been talking about the fox on her arm and she had told him about the other one saying it was a quote from a poem book written by Tooru Nishimura. He said he thought it was depressing.

Just a line to ask you, how are you, doesn’t really matter to me

He sighs and places a couple of fingers on the last part of the sentence.

“Doesn’t really matter to me” He whispers and looks up at her calm sleeping face “Why?” He asks softly “Why didn’t it matter to you? Why didn’t I matter to you?” He keeps his voice low but feels how it becomes higher pitched and he closes his eyes and frowns feeling a tear squish out between his eyelids and slide down his cheek.

He breathes deeply and opens his eyes again wiping the tear away and pulls the sweater down telling himself that he it isn’t the same girl

He shakes her shoulder again, a bit more persistent this time “Alex you have to wake up”

She reaches out behind her and her hand grasps his arm “Too loud!” She whines

He chuckles and leans closer “Alex I’m not loud”

“Yes you are” She mumbles and pulls his arms so she is using it as a teddybear holding it close to her chest. Seungho smiles and removes some hair from her face with his free hand.

“Why weren’t you like this before?” he mutters under his breath

She turns on her back frowning and rubbing her eyes with one hand still holding on to his arm with the other before stretching while making a tired noise. She opens her eyes slightly and looks at Seungho “What’s with you?”

He looks back up “What do you mean?”

“You look pained” She frowns and rubs her temple

He looks at the place the damned tattoo is, the sentence that hunts his thoughts.

“I hate that tattoo” He mumbles. She laughs for a sec but it makes her head hurt and she whines turning on her side and curls together.

Seungho pulls her up “Alex you can’t sleep I need to talk to you”

She pouts and looks at him with tired eyes “You are kidding me right?”

“No” Seungho sends her a serious look “You remember what happened last night?”

She frowns “I remember… I had fun… I drank… I…. Uhm that’s it. No wait I think I punched someone”

“You always punch someone” Seungho shakes his head and touches her lip making her wail at the pain “Why did you do that?!” She pouts moving her hands to her lip.

“You don’t remember being in a fight do you?”

“Oh right” She rubs her head “Fight yes I remember. Someone helped me”

“Eli, SooHyun, YongGuk, HimChan and Kiseop” Seungho crosses his arms. Alex stares at him “Seriously?”

“You think I’m kidding?” he moves a finger to her lip and she waves her hands to stop him “Don’t, it hurts!”

“I bet” he smirks “So that’s it? You don’t remember anything else?”

“Not really” She frowns “Who are they?” her hand ruffles her hair and she looks around the living-room. Seungho laughs and shakes his head “You really should pay more attention when Mir tells you about idol groups”

“He only tells me about the girls. Trust me them I know” She chuckles and frowns when her head is hurting again “” she rubs her temples. Seungho changes his position “come here” He opens out his arms and Alex sits up and leans against him resting her head against his chest and holds on to his arm with a pained expression on her face. Seungho gently her hair.

Cheondung who had been standing in the door walks over and lifts her legs taking a seat and places her legs over his, pats them and smiles “Kiseop, SooHyon and Eli are from U-kiss. SooHyun is the leader, Kiseop is one of the singers and Eli you met at the battle”

Alex looks at him and closes her eyes a sec to let him know she understands.

“You helped SooHyun that time, remember” Seungho says.

“Oh he is one of the idiots” Alex mumbles. Seungho chuckles “Yes”

“Don’t laugh! It makes your chest shake” Alex whines and hits his arm.

“You already know YongGuk” Cheondung adds “HimChan is also from B.A.P you must have met him at their dorm”

“Oh right that one” Alex forces a smile “I don’t remember seeing them” She frowns “What did I do?”

G.O. and Lee Joon comes in and stands a few feet away

“Got in a fight” Lee Joon starts

“Kissed a girl” G.O. grins

“Got carried home by YongGuk” Lee Joon smirks

“Flashed the room” G.O. chuckles

Seungho raises a brow and looks at G.O.. No surprise it was those things he remembers best.

Alex’s eyes turn big “I did WHAT!” she yells but then her head starts hurting and she whines pathetically.

Seungho chuckles again and hugs her closer “You didn’t flash per se. You showed us your tattoos” He smirks “But we were ten guys who saw it”

“Oh god” Alex groans painfully “I’m just gonna go to sleep and pretend that didn’t happen” She lies back down and turns her back to them.

“Are you really gonna sleep the day away?” Seungho chuckles

“Yes” She mumbles

“I wouldn’t mind sleeping an entire day” Cheondung nods with his arms crossed

Seungho looks at him and chuckles. He looks back at Alex placing a hand on her arm “Alex you can’t sleep all day”

“Why not?!” she mumbles

“We got a camera crew coming here” G.O. sighs.

“Oh right” Alex pushes herself up and frowns “I’ll go” She ruffles her hair and slowly puts her feet on the floor before rubbing her eyes and standing up. Seungho just watch her stagger out of the room with a hand on the wall to support herself.

“We really have to throw her out. She looks sick” Cheondung frowns

“We aren’t throwing her out. She shouldn’t have gotten so drunk” Lee Joon sighs

“She needs to move into that bloody place soon” G.O. frowns. Seungho chuckles and gets up “You’ll miss her when she leaves”

“I know” G.O. rubs his neck and grins.

“Let’s get something to eat” Mir smiles and changes the subject

“We’ll have to hurry you guys need to clean the dorm” Seungho looks at the time.

“Us?” Lee Joon frowns “What about you?”

“Well I’m the leader so I can do whatever I want” Seungho smirks

“No fair” Cheondung pouts

“I didn’t make the rules” Seungho chuckles and walks out.

Soon after they are all joined in the kitchen Alex has a cup of tea in her hands and she is carefully observing how the fluid moves about in her cup as she shakes it gently.

“What are you gonna do today?” Mir asks with his mouth full. Alex doesn’t look up from her cup “I’m gonna go say proper thanks to those guys” she mumbles half distracted.

“Sounds like a good idea” G.O. nods “You ran out on the girl according to them so you might wanna have a talk with her as well”

“I know” Alex nods and takes a sip before placing the cub on the table. She closes her eyes and rubs her temples slightly frowning

“That headache again?” Lee Joon asks

“I think it is just the hangover” She sighs and forces a smile.

“You should see a doctor” Mir wisely suggests.

“No way” Alex mumbles. Seungho looks at her and sighs shaking his head slightly “I know you don’t like going to hospitals and I understand that but you are living way to carefree to not get checked once in a while. I mean. Who knows how your insides much be looking with the beatings you brought on yourself?”

“I’ll think about it” Alex looks at the time and then finishes her tea “I’m out” She gets up and is about to walk out

“Not without saying bye young lady” G.O. says in his fatherly voice that always makes her laugh. She chuckles and shakes her head before turning towards him “As you wish” She walks over and gives him a kiss on the cheek “Can I go now?”

“You can’t give him a kiss without giving me one can you?” Seungho fakes a pout. Alex rolls her eyes and sighs “So possessive” She chuckles and walks over sitting on Seungho’s lab “I’ll be a good girl Ani” She gives him a quick peck on the lips before sending G.O. a mocking smirk “Now I’m out” and she jumps off and runs out the door grasping her jacket on the way.

“NO FAIR!” G.O. yells after her. Seungho is chuckling in his chair. G.O. crosses his arms and shakes his head “Why are you always number one?”

“She only does it to mock you, you know that” Seungho grins.

“Nah she just like him the best” Cheondung says with his mouth full. “Swallow before you talk!” G.O. snaps at him and the others laugh.

Outside Alex takes a deep breath of morning air and smiles. The fresh air soothes her head and she is actually happy that she got up. If MBLAQ were around she would never get any peace anyway and she wants to proper thanks the guys from last night. Maybe if she sees them she will remember what happened. She scratches her neck as she passes a corner seeing some high-school girls chattering. She walks close by them and smirk hearing them talk about MBLAQ. “That kind of girls” she mumbles to herself.

It always amused her how their fans would be all giddy over them. She stops in her tracks hearing one girl saying that MBLAQ had visitors last night.

She pretends to get a phonecall and moves her phone to her ear talking in a low voice while fixing in on what is being said.

“I saw it” A girl says. “I took a picture with my phone” She beams.

“We wanna see!” The girls exclaims. Alex smirks and turns in a quick motion “!” She yells and lashes out with her arm “What the do you mean!” she yells in the phone and walks forward, eyes on the ground trying to look like she isn’t paying attention to where she is walking. She knows the girls are starring at her.

“I said ing no!” She yells again moving a hand to her head in frustration and steps to the side bumping into the girl. She stumble and moves up a hand looking shocked “Oh s-so sorry” She turns her head and sends the girls a look.

“I’ll deal with this later” She hisses in the phone and puts it away before looking at the girl “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you like that” She places a hand on the girls arm “Are you okay miss?”

“Y-yea” She nods and looks at Alex’s blue eyes with her own now huge brown once. Alex smiles apologetically “My friend was just… Oh I must have sounded like an idiot yelling” She shakes her head and frowns “God no one should speak such foul language in front of girls. I hope you will forgive me” Alex looks at the girl with pleading eyes

“O-off course” The girl blushes and the other girls giggle behind her.

Alex sighs relieved “Oh I’m glad” She takes the girls hands in hers and smiles “Please have a good day. A pretty girl like you should always have good days” with that Alex nods and turns walking away in her original intended direction hearing the immediate sound of higschool girls being all girly and annoying.

She smirks to herself “It’s almost sad how easy girls are to fool”

Her head starts acting up from the yelling and rapid movements. She sighs rubs her temples tiredly “ing hangover” she curses and turns a corner pulling a pink phone from her pocket. It is covered in stickers and weird stuff hanging. Pictures of MBLAQ and Lee Joon in particular.

“Who has a phone like this?” She chuckles and goes through the pictures and there she sees a picture of 6 people outside MBLAQ’s dorm. She recognizes G.O. right away standing next to a tall blond which she figures is YongGuk. She tries zooming in and sees herself on YongGuk’s back “So he did really carry me home” She chuckles “Damn”

She sends the picture to her own phone and then looks a bit more through the girl’s pictures. There are a ton of MBLAQ, some scans from magazines, some taking at events and some of the boys coming in and out of the dorm. She frowns slightly “I have to be more careful”

She scratches her neck and huffs “How can they stand being watched all the time like this”

She puts the phone away arriving at the parking-lot where her motorcycle is parked. She finds her key and releases the helmet chained to the wheel. She stands back up and closes her eyes in a frown. The feeling of wanting to throw up curls in . She spits on the ground and tilts her head back looking into the sky “” She whines and waits for her nausea to retreat enough for her to be able to do anything without throwing up. A woman passes by and the scent of her perfume is sickening. Alex scowls after her suppressing an urge to tell her that she could make cows pass out with that smell.

She takes a deep breath, puts on her helmet and gets on the bike. She puts the key in the engine and takes off slowly. Today is not a day for fast movements.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P