Bunny Guk

Another Day Comes

It is sooooo cute” Mir chippers sticking a finger through the door to the little cage they have for the cat.

“Stop scaring it” CheonDung hits him over the head.

“I’m not” Mir says smiling at the creature which is sniffing his finger “It’s so trusting”

“It’s the perfect cat” CheonDung smiles

“Very her” Joon says and looks back at the two on the back seat “It even seems to prefer Seungho over the rest of us right away. That gotta be a sign”

Seungho chuckles and looks at the rearview mirror

“Only thing is it is a male” G.O. says crossing his arms “But I’m still confident it is the right one”

They all agree.

When they get to her place they park next to her motorcycle and spot the guys from B.A.P. coming.

Zelo waves at them. YongGuk is next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles “Already best friends with MBLAQ?”

“It’s hard not to be formal with people around Alex” Zelo mumbles “You should have seen then”

“I have” YongGuk smiles “I know”

“Hey YongGuk I need to talk to you” Seungho runs a few steps towards him. He is sharply followed by Sang Hyun.

“Is that the cat?” Zelo heads over to Mir and the others.

YongGuk nods to the rest of his group who walks over to see the cat as well.

“You are getting her a cat?” YongGuk looks at Seungho

“Yes but that’s not what we wanna talk to you about” Seungho moves a hand to YongGuk’s back leading him away from the others. CheonDung is right behind him.

“You saw Alex today right?” Seungho starts

“Yes” YongGuk nods feeling very uncomfortable thinking about how beaten she looked.

“Well she got that way because she was trying to find the guy who did… ‘that’ to you” Seungho continues

“What?” YongGuk widens his eyes and feels the blood leaving his face making his skin pale.

“Well she ran into 6 guys who had a problem with her while looking for the guys who… you know” CheonDung says

YongGuk looks to him with a frightened expression and scratches his neck. He can’t believe that she is actually looking for those guys. Why would she do that? For him? “6 guys?” he says in disbelief

“Yeah she didn’t stand a chance” Seungho sighs “We need you to tell her to leave it alone. I know they are getting away with what they did but…”

“I don’t want her to get hurt for that” YongGuk cuts him off “That is behind me. I don’t want her trying to find them I want her to be safe” he rambles

Seungho breathes relieved “Good. Tell her that”

“W-what?” He frowns

“I already tried to talk to her and she isn’t listening to me” Seungho crosses his arms and looks down rather irritated.

“But…” YongGuk feels his heartbeat increasing

“It’s your attackers if anyone can get her to quit searching it is you” CheonDung says. Seungho looks to the side slightly and sniffs.

YongGuk looks down. He knows that means that he has to talk to her alone and he really doesn’t feel like he is ready for that. He isn’t over his crush yet so he can’t imagine that will be all that fun especially with that topic.

“You’ll do it?” Seungho makes him snap back to reality

“U-uhm I…” YongGuk frowns

“Come on you have too” CheonDung says impatiently

“Why don’t you want to tell her?” Seungho starts looking pissed

“I will!” He holds up his hands “I will”

“Good” Seungho nods and smiles at the others “Are we ready to go in?”

“Yes” They all say and they head to the building. A guy comes out the second they get there so CheonDung catches the door and they can all walk in.

Seungho gestures for them to be quite as they head up the stairs. He finds a key Alex gave him before she left them from his pocket and when they get to her flat he silently lets them in. As soon as the door opens they hear music.

They silently walk in looking around for her. Seungho grins and pokes YongGuk in the side with an elbow nodding to the couch where Alex is lying. Her legs bent with the feet in the air moving calmly with the music.

YongGuk smiles. Her face on her arms so calm and relaxed with a small smile. He has to swallow when he notice how perfect her shape looks like that. She is really beautiful when she looks like a girl. He sighs and looks down reminding himself that she doesn’t go for idols. He takes a deep breath and tries to look at the apartment but his eyes keeps going to her, the curve of her back, the expression on her face, the little smile, the hair falling over her eyes.

He looks to his left at Seungho who is observing her with a smile. Next to Seungho is G.O. grinning and crossing his arms. CheonDung is looking around with huge eyes. YongGuk takes a second to look around as well acknowledging his loss. He sends a glance to the bag in Joon’s hand. His losing price.

Seungho walks over and sits next to Alex running his hand over her back. She turns her face and smiles “Ani hey”

“We are all here Alex” He looks towards the door. Alex’s smile becomes bigger “Come in come in”

Seungho gets up and Alex jumps up and looks at him “So?”

“You look stunning” he says not taking his eyes off her. Alex laughs “Idiot I mean my place”

Seungho chuckles and looks around “Much better than the place you had in Japan” he nods and kisses her cheek “Now I’m gonna lock you in here so you don’t get in trouble” he jokes. Alex laughs

“Uhhum” G.O. clears his throat. Seungho looks “Oh right” he smiles at Alex “We got you something”

Alex grins “What?”

Mir steps over to her with the cage “A pet” he smiles proudly.

Alex looks stunned “A pet” She smiles huge again “Really?” She looks to Seungho who smiles and nods “So you always have something from us”

She looks in the cage “Oh soooo cute”

Mir places the cage on the couch and Alex drops to the floor next to it and looks like a small child at Christmas. Mir opens the cage and the cat rather quickly moves out.

“See just like her. Fearless little ” G.O. chuckles. YongGuk chuckles as well *Fitting*

The cat and Alex eyes each other out but the cat quickly walks to her lets Alex nuzzle its neck.

“What is it called?” Alex looks up at Seungho

“You decide that. It’s your cat after all” he smiles

“Thanks guys” She the cat which leans his head against her hand and purrs.

“Awww” Zelo exclaims. Alex waves him over and he happily drops on the floor next to her and pets the cat.

“What is YongGuk’s loser price?” HimChan then says. YongGuk grunts “You had to remind them of that?”

“Oh right” Joon gets a huge grin “We got the perfect thing”

YongGuk frowns and looks at him. Seungho grins “Thunder and Joon go ahead”

“Wait? Go ahead? With what?” YongGuk frowns and steps back. CheonDung and Joon grasps an arm each and looks at Alex “Where is your bedroom?”

“What are we doing in her bedroom?” YongGuk asks looking quite scared.

“Don’t worry” CheonDung smirks

Alex points to her bedroom and the two drags YongGuk with them. He sends a desperate look to his friends who are all looking quite amused.

“Well I should get cooking” Seungho claps his hands and looks at G.O. who nods and the two heads to the kitchen.

“Me too” Mir runs after them. B.A.P is busy looking around. Zelo is playing with the cat. Alex is smiling.

“What are you gonna call it?” Zelo asks.

“I don’t know” She tilts her head. Her phone beeps and she pulls it out seeing a text from Mei.

“NO WAY I’M WEARING THAT!” everyone looks towards the bedroom. Seungho, G.O. and Mir laughs among themselves

Alex looks at them and then down at her phone. She opens the text, reads and laughs “Look” she shows it to Zelo.

Sweetie sweetie oh my god you have to read this fanfic I stumbled over. You know by sheer coincident, I wasn’t looking for it or anything. I know you know B.A.P so I think you’ll find it very funny. I’ll send you the link in a mail. Check it out. Favorite paring ever YongGuk and Himchan. Imagine that. Oh gosh you know them, you think it could come true? You know idols, are there any cute couples? Oh I hope BangHim is real. Would be so hot..! Oh I bet YongGuk is just such a rough lover and HimChan definitely has to be the girl.. Uh I’m flipping here anyway see you in two days and you can tell me. Bye sweetie

Zelo looks shocked “HimChan and YongGuk?” He looks at Alex “Like… you know?”

Alex laughs “Oh you really are just a boy” she ruffles his hair making him grin “BangHim…” He sniffs “what an unfortunate mix of names” he chuckles

The cat hits his nose with its paw in that second and both Alex and Zelo look at the cat with big eyes.

“It’s a sign” Alex laughs.

Zelo laughs “You can’t call it that”

“No?” Alex pouts “Would be so cute I think”

Zelo laughs again “Kind of funny”

“It’s my cat” Alex smirks.

“So” Zelo grins “BangHim?”

“Yes” Alex looks at the cat which looks down and up “See he agrees” Alex chuckles.

HimChan comes over and drops next to them on the couch “What are you talking about?”

“We named my cat” Alex grins

“What did you call it? Flutty, kitty, dongydonk?” He chuckles

“BangHim” Zelo laughs.

“What?” HimChans face goes dark “You can’t call it that”

“Why not” Alex grins

“You might as well call it -my-cat then” He crosses his arms and looks at the cat which hisses at him making him move away.

“He likes his name don’t make fun of him” Zelo pouts and pets the cat.

Alex chuckles “We are naming after a very popular paring”

“Paring?” HimChan frowns and scowls at the cat.

“Yes you and YongGuk” Zelo laughs.

“What?” HimChan yells and the cat hisses at him again making him jump off the couch “Devil cat” he mumbles and looks at Alex “What the hell are you talking about?” Alex shows him the text and she and Zelo watches his face go from confused to freaked out “Why would I be the girl?” he yells and everyone stares at him.

“Alex what are you doing to the boy?” Seungho chuckles. Alex grasps the phone and runs over to the kitchen

“Don’t show them!” HimChan follows her. She hands the phone to G.O. and grasps HimChan by the waist holding him back so he can’t reach the phone. The rest of B.A.P comes over as well and G.O. reads the whole text out loud making everyone except HimChan laugh.

“I wouldn’t be the girl” he mumbles. Alex leans towards his ear “But you would do it or what?” his face turns red “Hell no!” he struggles to get loose “My god you are strong” He curses and tries to pry her hands of him.

“We gotta show the rest this” G.O. chuckles and walks to the bedroom with the phone. He walks in and closes the door behind him. A few seconds later they hear YongGuk


Alex laughs. Seungho looks at her and raises a brow “So why the need to torture them by showing that?”

“I named my cat BangHim” She grins.

Seungho starts laughing. Mir as well together with B.A.P. Only HimChan doesn’t seem to be finding it funny. He crosses his arms and pouts “I miss Kiseop” he pouts

Alex gives him a hug and kisses the side of his head “Cheer up”

“Yes in a few seconds I can promise you someone is gonna be more embarrassed than you” Seungho grins.

HimChan looks at him and frowns “More embarrassing than having my friends AND our seniors reading a text that says I would be the girl in a relationship with YongGuk?”

“Yes” Mir chuckles. Alex is looking very interested now “What is it?”

“Alex, BangHim got away from me!” Zelo yells.

Alex looks at the cat which is running around and Zelo who is scratching his neck.

“BangHim come here” Alex lets go of HimChan and kneels. The cat stops in its tracks and runs towards her.

“Well look at that” Seungho chuckles and scratches his neck.

“It seems to have accepted the name” DaeHyun chuckles and looks at HimChan.

BangHim gets to Alex and lets her pick it up. Seungho smiles and Mir finds his phone “I want a picture” He grins and looks at HimChan “You have to be in the picture”

“No way! That cat is the devil” HimChan frowns.

Alex chuckles and steps towards HimChan. BangHim eyes him out. HimChan eyes it out as well.

“Oh that’s an awesome picture!” YoungJae looks at the picture Mir takes.

“People are you ready?” G.O. comes out holding the door behind him

“I’m not going out there!” YongGuk yells. G.O. wiggles a finger in his ear “Is he always so loud?”

“Only when he is really mad” JongUp grins.

“Let me introduce” G.O. opens the door completely and CheonDungand Joon drags out YongGuk “Bunny Guk!” G.O. grins and claps his hands as YongGuk is being forced into the living room wearing a baby pink bunny suit. Complete with the huge hanging ears and a cute little tail.

His face is bright pink as well and he hides his face in his hands “This is mortifying” he whines

“Aww how cute” Alex grins and hands BangHim to DaeHyun

All the guys laugh. Alex walks over to YongGuk and takes his hands removing them from his face and looks at him with a sweet smile “You look adorable”

He grunts and looks down. Alex moves her arms around his neck giving him a hug “Cheer up bunny” She chuckles. YongGuk sighs placing one hand on her back and relaxes a bit wishing she would never let go.

She moves back and point at the cat “Meet BangHim” She chuckles. YongGuk looks even more miserable than he did before  “You didn’t really call it that did you?”

“Yes she did” HimChan pouts with his arms crosses and scowls at the cat.

YongGuk sighs “Great”

“Let’s take a picture” Zelo calls out “Alex needs a picture with B.A.P”

“Not while I’m dressed like this!” YongGuk pouts.

“Please” Alex holds on to the front of the costume and smiles sweetly. He looks at her and swallows “Uhm” he looks down and nods once “Okay” He mumbles. Joon chuckles and pats his back. CheonDung finds her Polaroid camera.

“Why polaroid?” HimChan frowns a little.

“Well that way there is only one sample of each picture and you don’t have to go to a shop to get them” Joon smiles.

“Clever” HimChan nods.

“Come on!” Zelo yells and everyone gathers around YongGuk and Alex. DaeHyun is still holding BangHim as they all pose. YongGuk forces a smile.

“Thanks guys” CheonDung says when done taking the picture.

“Ah Hyung You gotta see this” Zelo grasps YongGuk’s wrist dragging him to the table by the couch and points at the picture of him and Alex “It’s so cute” Zelo grins. YongGuk looks at the picture and chuckles. The rest of B.A.P comes over as well. Alex is looking at the picture CheonDung took. “This will go in the table” she smiles and waves it as it is being developed.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P