Please remember

Another Day Comes

Seungho feels tears starting to fall again and he shakes his head “No…”

“Alex is here” the manager smirks

Seungho opens his eyes and looks at the manager with a huge question-mark on his face.

“Ani, are you okay?”

Seungho turns his head a little and sees the pale blue-eyed girl in a pair of loose sweatpants and a tank top. The gauge hiding the gunshot wound on her chest and shoulder showing. She only has a loose jacket over her shoulders.

The manager puts his hand on her back and smiles. Behind them is a nurse.

“What did you call me?” Seungho looks at Alex.

Alex frowns, slightly confused “Uhm… ani?”

Seungho steps over to her “Yes you did” He her hair and cheek and looks at her with eyes overflowing with brotherly love.

“You want me to call you something else?” She frowns slightly looking in his eyes

“No never. Always ani.. Only call me ani promise me” Seungho her cheek not sure he believes what is happening.

“O-okay” Alex lets out a short chuckle which courses her a bit of pain making her move her right hand to her chest and frown more

Seungho pushes the manager “That wasn’t funny by the way!!”

Then manager chuckles and looks at Alex “She woke up yesterday. Sorry I didn’t say anything sooner but we figured it was better to give her some time and see how much she would remember” He smiles.

Seungho nods keeping his eyes on Alex. The manager gestures for them to walk further in so everyone can hear what he has to say. Alex’s right hand takes a hold of Seungho’s shirt and she weakly smiles at him. He moves an arm around her as they move over to the others. Everyone looks at Alex who looks down shyly. Seungho frowns and looks at the manager for answers to her behavior.

“We had her checked and we can confirm that only one part of her brain is working now”

Alex pouts “You make me sound retarded” She mumbles keeping her eyes on the ground. Seungho smiles, he is so happy to hear she sounds like herself.

The manager frowns “She has however lost some characteristics. I know it’s too soon to tell if they stay gone but she was asked some questions about ethic and moral and her answers has changed”

Alex keeps holding on to Seungho shirt tiredly leaning against him. He her back caringly and careful not wanting to cause her any pain.

“The doctor said if she used to be a tiger she is now a cat. She is still gonna scratch if taunted but she won’t kill anyone” The manager smiles “But… she doesn’t remember me or the doctor… at all and you are the only one she has mentioned”

“It isn’t my fault” Alex looks to the side

“No no off course not” Seungho hugs her gently while looking at the manager.

“She woke up as if she had just been sleeping and looked around. She was a bit confused and scared and asked were ‘ani’ was. We tried talking to her but she just told us to go get ani” The manager smirks “Just woken up and already barking orders”

Alex innocently looks at Seungho’s chest and Seungho chuckles and her back.

The manager looks at everyone else who has remained silent “She might not remember you but…”

“It is okay” SooHyun nods “It’s not her fault and we will be glad to get to know her… again” He looks around at the others who nod. Zelo sniffs and hugs BangHim a little closer.

“It might come later but we really don’t know” the manager sighs

Alex looks slightly up at all the faces. She frowns and turns her head against Seungho resting her forehead against his shoulder.

“You don’t have to try and remember anything now” Seungho softly says. Alex takes a deep breath “I want to. I just… there are so many people” Seungho looks at everyone and nods “Yea, many people has been here just for you. They aren’t going anywhere”

Alex breathes deeply and flinches at the pain.

The nurse hurries to her “Be careful. You are nowhere near healed yet”

Seungho caringly Alex’s arm and looks at the nurse who seems very concerned. She notice Seungho looking at her and frowns “I didn’t think it was a good idea to take her out of the hospital but she said if I didn’t let her go out the door she would find another way and with the way she looked at me I am sure she wasn’t joking. I know her better than to test that, she is still as stubborn as hell” She sighs and shakes her head.

Alex slightly scowls at the nurse “I don’t like hospitals. They are too white”

“Too white?” Seungho frowns and looks at Alex “You aren’t scared of hospitals anymore?”

“I was scared of hospitals?” Alex mumbles and frowns “Why?”

Seungho laughs “It’s not important”

Alex shrugs but it hurts her and makes her frown hard. She looks at all the people again.

“We can take you into another room and people can come in when you are ready” Seungho tries asking

“Nah I want to do this now” Alex frowns and steps back.

“Alex do you remember my real name?” Seungho asks. She looks at him shortly and frowns shaking her head. She looks down shamefully.

Seungho breathes deeply “It’s okay. I just wanted to know. It’s Seungho by the way” He smiles.

“Seungho…” Alex repeats tasting the name. She shakes her head “I can’t…”

“It’s fine Alex” he kisses her forehead. “Names aren’t important” He gently places a hand over her heart “I’d rather be in here…” he moves his hand up and places it on her head “…than here”

Alex smiles and snuggles into another hug. Seungho is smiling widely. The others are smiling as well but all of them with the fear that she might not remember them. If Alex could forget Seungho’s name… will she have any clue who the rest of them are?

Alex breathes deeply and turns her head looking at everyone. No one really has the nerves to look her in the eyes afraid to look too hurt if she doesn’t remember them. Only Zelo who can’t help it look straight at her.

Time seems to be passing very slowly and Alex looks frustrated “I…. I don’t know”

Seungho comforts her “It’s okay” he looks at everyone who nods. Off course they are hurt she doesn’t remember but they can’t really blame her.

Alex moves her hand to her chest “I’m sorry… I don’t remember your faces but…” she rubs her temples.

“Not a headache” Seungho says suddenly scared. Alex shakes her head “Just a lot of impressions”

She looks up again and fixes on the cat “That is my cat”

Zelo nods and walks over to her. Alex BangHim who purrs and leans its head into her hand. A sniff from Zelo makes her look up and she sees the boy fighting not to cry. She smiles at him and wipes away his tears with her hand.

“Alex…?” Everyone turns and sees YongGuk in the door. He looks like he is seeing a ghost.

Seungho hurries over to him “Guk she is okay but… She doesn’t seem to remember much” he keeps his voice low. Alex is still focused on Zelo who smiles back at her somewhat forced.

YongGuk is just looking at Alex feeling like crying “She is okay?”

“Yes” Seungho smiles faintly. YongGuk changes focus to Seungho “She… doesn’t remember?”

“We aren’t sure how much she remembers. She only remembers me as Ani. She forgot my name and doesn’t seem to remember any of the others” Seungho explains. YongGuk nods “She is okay”

Seungho pats him gently on the back. YongGuk look down “I… I can’t talk to her”

“Why not?” Seungho asks frowning. That was not what he was expecting.

“If she doesn’t remember me…” YongGuk sends a glance at Alex “I don’t know what I would do”

Seungho crosses his arms “I didn’t either”

YongGuk shuts his mouth and looks at Seungho “Sorry I didn’t mean to…”

“Nah it’s okay” Seungho smiles “I’m a happy man. The girl I love, dead as she might be, evil as she might have been, loved me and my brave baby sister who almost died is alive and remembers me”

YongGuk nods.

“Ani…?” Alex has come over to Seungho who smiles at her. He sends YongGuk a look “Man up”

He looks back at Alex and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek “Try and remember him… it is important”

Alex nods and watch Seungho walk away. She turns her head towards YongGuk who had been looking at her. He looks down to the side trying his best not to cry. He breathes deeply hurting his rips and puts his hand over his side.

“Are you hurt?” Alex asks looking at his hand.

YongGuk feels a tear run down his cheek *She doesn’t remember what happened* he shakes his head “I’m okay”

“Bull ” Alex mumbles

YongGuk lifts his eyes and locks them with hers. His heart flutters and he just want to puts his arms around her.

A tear escapes his eye and Alex removes it with her thump. She looks like she is really thinking hard about who he is which is really painful for YongGuk to watch. He closes his eyes and breathes calmly for a second before he swallows and opens them again. Alex tilts her head letting her eyes slide down his neck to his chest and back up.

Her right hand moves up to his face touching his cheek gently. He leans his face into her hand feeling how his heart beats faster *This is my Alex… I just hope I’m still her YongGuk*

Alex steps a little closer and her right hand is moving down landing on his chest. She looks at her hand and then closes her eyes.

Everyone else seems to have stopped breathing. They are just watching YongGuk and Alex. Seungho is frowning and mouthing prayers hoping she remembers YongGuk. He knows how painful it is to look in the eyes of someone you love and see that they have no idea who you are so he is impressed that YongGuk hasn’t burst into tears already.

YongGuk looks down at her hand wondering if she can feel how fast his heart is beating. He wants to reach out and touch her but he is afraid how she would react and he still has the image of her dead body in his arms playing in the back of his head. He doesn’t really remember much of it but seeing her now he remembers how terrified he was when he couldn’t feel her heartbeat.

YongGuk closes his eyes tight and clenches his jaw. Thinking about the moment he was sure he lost Alex is just unbearable.

Alex who had been focused on feeling his rapid heartbeat looks up and sees how distraught he is looking. She feels her own heart breaking by the sight. She really can’t remember him but she can tell he really cares for her and she is sure she wants to be near him but…

YongGuk covers his face with his hands “I can’t take this” he shakes his head and then removes his hands looking straight at Alex with tear filled eyes “I can’t lose you, not after all we have been through Alex” YongGuk closes his eyes and tears start falling down his cheeks.

Hearing him say her name Alex’s eyes widen and she remembers. She remembers hearing him cry, remembers hearing him telling her not to leave him, remembers him saying he loves her.

She moves closer to him and lifts his chin with a sweet touch from her right hand, just enough for her to lean in and kiss him. She closes her lips around his upper one and then moves back.

YongGuk has stopped crying and is just staring at her feeling like he did when he had kissed her the first time. His heart beats like crazy and his stomach is full of butterflies “You… Y-you kissed me” he points a finger at himself and blinks a few times. He moves closer to her “You kissed me!” he starts smiling “You did… You kissed… me!” he takes her face in his hands “Tell me you remember me”

Alex smiles and places her right hand over his left “I remember you Guk”

YongGuk looks up at Seungho “She remembers me!” he looks back at Alex “You… You” he just smiles and kisses her never wanting to part his lips from hers.

Seungho takes a deep breath and chuckles when he can hear everyone else in the room does the same.

Zelo leans against Seungho who smiles and his back. Zelo is also Alex’s brother after all. SooHyun leans back in his seat and sighs happily, DooJoon and JunHyung bump fists, Eli gives DongHo a nudge and Dongho smiles and crosses his arms. JongUp, DaeHyun and YoungJae shake hands and nod at each other. HimChan pushes YoungJae and chuckles. Sandara is hugging CheonDung so close he is starting having trouble breathing. Mir is hugging Joon’s arm and G.O. puts his hands behind his head and nods, Junho makes a call to the others to tell them she is awake and Mei is covering Zico’s mouth making sure he isn’t gonna say something stupid.

The manager and the nurse smiles at each other.

Having to break for air YongGuk and Alex part but he keeps her cheek “You have no idea how happy I am right now” he says

Alex smiles and places her hand on his chest “I know”. YongGuk looks down knowing that his heart is beating very very fast and she must be able to tell because to him it feels like it is busting out of his chest. He chuckles and looks up at her eyes “Alex…”

Alex smiles sweetly and locks with his eyes.

YongGuk’s own smile becomes bigger “I love you Alex. I love you more than anything and I wanna be by your side as long as you want me there because without you… I’m just a boy who raps but with you… I’m a man who can take over the world. I’m gonna show you and tell you how much I love you every day for the rest of my life because life is just too short not to so don’t ever leave me”

“I won’t” Alex leans closer to kiss him but YongGuk stops her

“Promise me” He says with a crocket smile

“You are so needy” Alex teases “But I love that. I promise you YongGuk. I’ll stay with you”

YongGuk smiles and kisses her again.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P