Third Clue

Another Day Comes

“What the hell is that?” DooJoon frowns

“What is the next clue?” SooHyun frowns

DooJoon sighs “You special bad girl breakdown” SooHyun shakes his head “Makes no sense” They all walk out to the others and tells the next clue.

“Does that mean anything to anyone?” SooHyun looks around. Everyone shakes their heads

“That is a lousy clue” Hoon huffs “It could be anything”

Dongho and Gi Kwang a talking among themselves. Kevin walks over and joins them.

“Next time ask her who the clue is directed at” HyunSeung crosses his arms and sighs.

“Try calling her and ask who it is aimed for” Eli nods at DooJoon who does as told.

No way you have found it yet” Alex chuckles

“Alex you have to give us more than that” DooJoon sighs.

Hmm let me think about that… no” She laughs “It isn’t that hard. Oh from now on every time you call and don’t have a note I’m gonna add another clue in the other end

“Alex this is cruel” DooJoon pouts.

“Give it to me” SooHyun holds out his hand for the phone.

DooJoon hands it over with a sigh.

“Alex this is really hard” SooHyun says in the phone “You gotta give us more than that”

Honey, trust your friends. You’ll figure it out” she hangs up.

SooHyun frowns and then looks around at everyone “Someone has to have an idea. Alex said to trust my friends. Someone knows something”

Gi Kwang gives Dongho a nudge and Kevin pats him on the back. DongHo looks slightly up at SooHyun “Alex sometimes comes up with riddles when we are driving from place to place to get me to think about other stuff than work”

Everyone gathers around DongHo who rubs his neck “I’m not saying I know what she is talking about here but she ones told me a line which made sense in itself but which was a mix of words from song from one of our albums. She asked me to guess the album”

SooHyun grins and walks over kissing his forehead. DooJoon chuckles.

“Okay then, so we now know Alex likes riddles” Eli claps his hands “I did not know that”

SooHyun chuckles “Don’t look at me I didn’t know either”

“So what can we do with this line?” AJ adds in.

“You mystery shock break down” YoSeob says

DongWoon suddenly jumps “I got it!” he yells looking very exited.

“Then let us know” DooJoon frowns

“Well I think it is titles from our albums” DongWoon grins. YoSeob smirks “Yahhhh! ‘You’ is from Fact and Fiction”

“’Bad girl’ is from Beast is The B2st” DongWoon grins at YoSeob

YoSeob grins wider “’Special’ is from Shock Of The New Era”

“And ‘Break down’ is from Mastermind” DongWoon finishes of and the two is practically dancing with excitement.

DooJoon laughs and covers his eyes. HyunSeung chuckles “It does sound about right to me”

SooHyun nods “Yes now we just gotta figure out it that means your dorm or your agency”

DooJoon looks at him and sighs “How do we figure that out?”

“I think it is the dorm” DongHo says looking thoughtful “If it had been the agency she wouldn’t only pick Beast songs”

“Dorm it is” SooHyun nods and they take off towards Beast dorm. They had gotten U-kiss’ mini buss because they are so many people. It is a bit cramped but they are actually having a quite good time.

Back at Beast’s dorm they all look at the building and frowns “Now what?” Kiseop crosses his arms “It’s not like she could get in”

SooHyun chuckles “Alex could if she wanted but she is with Junho and JunHyung so she didn’t distribute the notes”

DooJoon walks in and returns shortly after with a note “It was under the door”

“What does that say?” DongHo looks curiously at DooJoon who smirks and turns it around “It say Go DongHo

Everyone laughs and DongHo blushes slightly. DooJoon looks at SooHyun “You call her this time”

SooHyun nods and calls JunHyung’s phone.

Didn’t I say it was easy?

“It isn’t that easy Alex” SooHyun grins and shakes his head

What did the note say?

“’Go DongHo’” SooHyun says and sighs

Good. Next clue is: I’m not someone you forget! You may wanna make a call to figure that out


Alex hangs up and looks back at JunHyung “At this rate they won’t take more than a few hours”

“Hours?” JunHyung whines and struggles again to get free “I’m stuck like this for hours?”

JunHo is flipping through channels “I’m bored”

“Well you can go help Wooyoung and Nichkhun put out the notes” Alex chuckles. Junho chuckles “I can’t believe they agreed to do that”

Alex walks over to JunHyung but looks at Junho “They are doing well. Actually it is better you stay. Soon I will have to go and place one myself”

Junho frowns and looks at her “I’m not sure I like being left alone here”

“I’m here too you idiot!” JunHyung yells and glares at him. Junho laughs “You are tied up so it doesn’t count”

Alex places a hand on JunHyung’s shoulder “You’ll be fine as long as you stay in this apartment but I wouldn’t recommend leaving this place. I mean it. Do not leave” She looks at JunHyung who huffs “How am I supposed to go anywhere. I’m tied up” He sends her a glare. She ruffles his head and kneels in front of him “You need anything?”

JunHyung frowns “I’m thirsty”

Alex nods and stands up walking over to the kitchen “Water or cola?”

“Water is fine” JunHyun is still frowning. This is the first time he sees her actually being nice like that. She walks back with a bottle of water and helps him drink it being careful not to pour more water in his mouth than he can swallow.

“Anything else?” She smiles sweetly. JunHyung smiles and shakes his head “You really know how to mess with people’s heads”

Alex chuckles and places the rest of the water on the table.

“Alex tell me something” JunHyung relaxes in his chair. Alex looks at him “Sure what?”

“Why are you after DooJoon like that? It really creeps him out”

Alex laughs “I don’t know. It just kind of happened. Now I can’t help but wanting to make him look all embarrassed all the time. He looks adorable after I bully him” She looks at Junho and throws him the phone “When they call you just confirm and tells them the next clue. I should be back before the call after that”

Junho grins “I’m your man” he chuckles.

Alex smirks “Sorry but that is YongGuk” She laughs and winks before heading out.

Junho looks at the door closing and walks over and drops on a chair next to JunHyung poking his forehead.

“What are you doing?” JunHyung frowns. Junho chuckles “You know she was close to putting DooJoon in that chair instead of you”

“Why didn’t she?” JunHyung scowls at him.

JunHo leans back in his chair “Well because you were the one telling everyone about her and YongGuk she decided on you instead”

“I didn’t know it was a secret!” JunHyung pouts.

Junho chuckles “I don’t think it is. She was just really bored”

JunHyung looks at Junho “Can’t you free me?”

“Are you kidding me? I’ll end up tied to that chair if I do that” Junho laughs

“I’m not gonna tie you up” JunHyung mumbles

“Oh I don’t think you would but Alex would” Junho ruffles JunHyung’s hair getting quite a glare in return







Still dedicating chapters to Seunghooppa xD


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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P