
Another Day Comes

B.A.P. drops on the floor tired and exhausted “I need a break” HimChan whines

“Me too” YoungJae drops on top of him grinning. HimChan tries to push him off “Too hot!” He yells “Get off me you sweaty bastard!”

YongGuk jumps on them followed by JongUp and Zelo. Only DaeHyun stands back and settles for just laughing at them

“Get off!” HimChan yells.

Alex chuckles from her spot. DaeHyun notice her and walks over and sits next to her “You are still here?”

“Yes” Alex looks at him and sighs “Your CEO was done saying what he wanted to say pretty quick but the guy already left to pick up Kei and I can’t go anywhere until he gets here”

“Why are you ganging up on me?!” HimChan whines and accidently hits YongGuk on the cheek. Everyone stops and HimCHan’s eyes widen while YongGuk moves a hand up to his now sore cheek.

“Shiiiiiiit” HimChan stumbles to his feet and runs. “HIMCHAN!” YongGuk yells and sets after him. He tackles HimChan and sits on his back “Now what does this remind me of?” YongGuk chuckles viciously. He wets his finger with his saliva and moves it towards HimChan’s ear

“Someone help me!” HimChan whines.

JongUp and Zelo run over and tackle YongGuk so he drops to his side. It develops into a small playful fight until they all drop on the floor again “I’m too tired for this” HimChan whines. YongGuk laughs and pats Zelo on the head. The boy has placed it on his stomach. JongUp chuckles.

Alex, DaeHyun and YoungJae walk over with a bottle of water each. DaeHyun has a boyish smile and YoungJae looks like he could jump around from happiness while Alex just smirks. YongGuk looks at them and frowns “What are you doing?”

HimChan looks as well “Don’t you dare” He points at the three who starts pouring the water all over them making all four yell. They stumble on their feet and walks towards the three. YoungJae and Daehyun steps back but Alex just laughs “Already wet, can’t scare me”

“Get ‘em” YongGuk says in his low voice and the three other sets after the two singers. Alex looks after them and YongGuk walks over to her and hits her over the head “Stupid girl” He grins. Alex rubs her head “Ey. No hitting”

“But soaking people is okay?” he holds out his shirt.

Alex tilts her head and looks him up and down “What can I say, you look good wet” She shrugs and YongGuk laughs and rubs his neck. (Just have it in the background)


A voice makes everyone look at the door where a male enters with a big black bag over his shoulder. He has on a pair of loose dark blue jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket. He has on a cap hiding his hair but a bit of blond hair can be spotted around his ears. There are tattoos on his neck and hands. He smirks and drops the big bag on the floor.

“I have only been in Korea for an hour and already you are standing me up for bloody idols” he says in English and grins

“Kei!” Alex steps away from YongGuk who frowns looking at the guy. Kei half run half walks towards Alex who throws her arms around his neck. He hugs her and lifts her spinning her around as she wraps her legs around him.

“Okay I forgive you” Kei grins and stops spinning “God I missed you” He leans his forehead against hers. She smiles “I missed you too" the two look each other in the eyes. Kei sighs happily "I really missed you Alex"

She smiles and hugs him tight "Now let me down so I can introduce you” Kei tilts his head and looks past her “Oh here are other people”

Alex laughs “You haven’t changed have you?”

“Nope not on that front” Kei grins and lets her down. “Fine who are those boys?”

Alex turns “We got Zelo” Zelo raises a hand.

“What’s with Pink and purple?” Kei chuckles in her ear. Alex hits his chest “Be nice”

“Then there is YoungJae, JongUp, DaeHyun, HimChan and YongGuk” Alex continues and the guys lift a hand when their name is called. They are all closely examining the guy. Zelo leans towards YongGuk “He is not what I imagined” YongGuk frowns a bit he would never pass for an idol that is for sure. He is only just about as tall as Alex and well good-looking isn’t really the first thing that comes to mind looking at him.

He remembers what she said that day in the park about why she wouldn’t go for an idol. YongGuk huffs “That is supposed to be better than an idol?” he mumbles to himself so no one else hears him

“This is Kei” Alex smiles at Kei who sends her a caring smile. He looks like he could care less about them knowing who he is. His eyes are only fixed on her revealing how happy he is to see her again.

“He is the singer in GunDog” Alex says proudly holding on to his jacket “He travels back and forth between USA and Japan so he speaks fluent English”

Kei nods while looking at her. He didn’t really understand what she said but he had a feeling he should nod.

“What kind of music?” HimChan asks in English.

Kei looks at him “Rock, punk, alternative” he nods and sends another smile to Alex

“Off course” YongGuk mumbles and crosses his arms looking down.

DaeHyun looks at him and frowns.

Kei smirks and looks Alex up and down “God what happened to you?” Their conversation is in English so B.A.P has a pretty good idea of what is being said.

Alex looks down herself. The baggy pants still wet and her big t-shirt as well “Uhm it rained” Alex frowns and looks up. Kei smiles sweetly at her “It’s such a shame that you dress like that with what I know you have underneath” He grins looking at her body

Alex shrugs “I have gotten used to it”

Kei sighs and places his hand on her cheek “You are not dressing like that when I’m here”

Alex pouts “I can’t really help out as much dressed like a girl. Could become problematic”

Kei smiles her cheek with his thump “We’ll figure something out but I am standing my ground. You are not gonna be a guy while I’m here okay”

Alex sighs and thinks it over looking him in the eyes “Fine” She smiles sweetly

Kei smiles big leaning a tad closer “You are still beautiful no matter what you wear though” He gives her a sweet little kiss on the lips lingering in front of her face for a sec.

All Of B.A.P. is staring at them. YongGuk frowns feeling like he just want to yell at the guy that being her ex means he doesn’t get to kiss her anymore but Alex doesn’t look like she minds and instead she grins

 “Still a charmer huh?” Alex teases

“Only with you my love” Kei chuckles and puts an arm around her. He looks at the frowning bunch of people and leans towards her ear “These aren’t the once you dumped me for? Already moved on?”

“You make me sound horrible!” Alex pouts and pushes him away “I can kick your you know”

Kei laughs “I know” He reaches out for her hand and pulls her back to him “I’m okay with it. Kind of a turn on really” He smirks making her laugh.

YongGuk is walking to the opposite wall and picks up a bottle of water and takes a big sip. He doesn’t want to listen to them let alone look at them.

He picks up his phone from his hoodie hanging over the back of the chair. The picture on the background has him distracted for a second before he starts checking mails and stuff ignoring whatever goes on behind him.

DaeHyun looks at YoungJae “So really…”

“Yeah I think it’s safe to say” YoungJae nods

“But when…?” DaeHyun turns so he is facing YoungJae turns towards him as well “Perhaps…”




“Could be”

“God you two are freaky” Zelo stares from one to the other. He points a finger at both of them “How can you know what the other is thinking? And… What the hell are you talking about?!”

Everyone stares at the confused boy. YongGuk turns with his mouth full of water frowning a little.

Alex and Kei look as well. Kei leans to Alex’s “Why is he yelling?”

“No clue” Alex frowns

Kei looks at Alex. He tells her something the others can’t hear

“Ehh honto ni?” Alex widens her eyes and smiles excited.

Kei walks back to his stuff. Alex follows closely holding on to the back of his belt. Kei laughs looking back at her. He bends down to his bag going through it. Alex looks back at the others “His band just released a new song” She smiles huge.

“Oh let us hear it!” Zelo hurries over Alex puts an arm around his shoulder and Kei pats the boy on the head.

“For sake. Little traitor” YongGuk who had been looking turns again looking annoyed and hits his chest hard with a fist. JongUp frowns looking at YongGuk

Kei finds a cd and hands it to Zelo who runs over to the stereo and turns it on. The track There is no other you blast out the speakers.

HimChan has gone over to YongGuk pulling him back to the others.

The music starts playing and Kei wraps his arms around Alex so that he can still see her expression. She nods her head with the music. He moves a strand of her hair with a soft touch. HimChan keeps an eye on the two. YongGuk is sitting on a chair leaning his elbows on his knees, looking at his hands. YoungJae and Daehyun shifts between looking at Alex and Kei, YongGuk and each other.

Zelo and JongUp are banging their heads to the beat of the music happily.

YongGuk sends a quick look up at Alex running his tongue over his lips and he then leans back in the chair looking in the opposite directing scrunching his nose.

DaeHyun looks at YongGuk while YoungJae looks at Alex and Kei. Kei is mouthing the words of the song and Alex smiles contently.

When the track stops Kei looks at Alex “So what is the verdict?”

“Awesome” Alex smiles at him and he gives her a quick peck on the cheek smiling big.

She looks at the others asking them in Korean what they thought of it.

“I think it’s awesome!” Zelo grins and JongUp nods softly.

“It was good” HimChan smiles slightly. YongGuk is walking away and Alex frowns after him. DaeHyun and YoungJae look at each other and DaeHyun then clears his throat “Yeah I have to admit it’s not something I usually listen to but… really good”

Alex translates to Kei who smiles and bows his head thanking them for their comments. He looks back at Alex “Maybe we should get moving if we are gonna get any furniture in before it goes dark”

“Go ahead I’m just gonna say bye” Alex smiles

Kei looks back at the idols and nods once “Don’t take too long” he gives her a kiss on her cheek and heads out grasping his bag on the way just before the door he turns and looks at B.A.P. “Bye people” He calls in English. Everyone except YongGuk returns the greet. He has turned his back again pretending not to hear. Kei frowns and looks at Alex “Did I offend him in some way?”

“No I don’t think so” Alex mumbles looking back at YongGuk “He is a nice kid I’ve never seen him act like that before”

“I see” Kei nods “Well it’s not like being disliked by your Korean friends is anything new for me” He smiles at Alex and walks out.

Alex walks over to YongGuk and gives him a hard push in the back so he spills water down himself. He looks down and sighs before turning “What?” He growls in a low voice and scowls slightly at her.

Alex pokes a finger at his chest “Firstly you know you don’t scare me. Second, that was ing rude” She crosses her arms “What the hell did he do to cause you to act like a ? I mean even Seungho was nicer to him and he made it very clear that he doesn’t like the guy!”

“He didn’t do anything” YongGuk mumbles rubbing his chest “I’m just…” He looks at her and sighs “Sorry I was… thinking about something else” He rubs his neck.

She shakes her head looking pissed and motions to leave but YongGuk stops her “You seem to really like him”

“I do. I missed him a lot” She looks at YongGuk over her shoulder “I missed talking about Japanese music with someone who loves it as much as me”

YongGuk takes another sip “You… think you would wanna go back with him?” he looks at the bottle in his hand.

“No” She shakes her head “I’m couldn’t leave here”

“Couldn’t leave MBLAQ” YongGuk mumbles

“People are being strange today” Alex shakes her head and sighs “Seungho was weird as well when I left. I’m happy here in Korea I have no reason to go back”

“But Kei?” YongGuk looks at her.

“What about him?” Alex sighs impatiently

“You two…” YongGuk mumbles and looks down rubbing his neck.

She smirks “He is going back to Japan alone. He knows that. If I was gonna be with him I wouldn’t have left him in the first place”

“People change” YongGuk mumbles

“I know” She smiles faintly “In the blink of an eye” She snaps her fingers and smirks looking at him “You would like Kei if you gave him a chance he is a great guy”

She pats him on the shoulder and leaves waving bye to everyone. He can tell she is still annoyed with him even though she tries not to show it.

YongGuk looks after her “If he can make you smile like that he has to be a great guy




I want to take a moment and remind the ones who already know and tell the ones who don't that Kei who is here Alex's ex is based on K from Pay money to my Pain who is the reason I started this story and was my inspiration for Alex. He died last year on Dec 20 of a heart attack at the age of 31. He was an amazing singer and a good guy and the world suffored a great loss. GunDog is the band he was in before he started Pay Money To My Pain. No he wasn't the most handsome guy but I love him and he was amazing and totally the type Alex would fit with..

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P