A family picture

Another Day Comes

Seungho runs his tongue over his lip looking at the phone in his hand “Maybe I should try and consider what kind of guy I could accept to be with her…

He sighs and lets his hand drop as he looks around at the people passing. YongGuk do seem to have a certain effect on her. He thinks about the roof and frowns. He can’t imagine how YongGuk must have felt saying the things he did to the girl he is in love with. If he had told his Alex that she would probably have laughed or smirked or just gotten pissed but when YongGuk said it… Alex really looked hurt. She definitely has a heart. The old Alex didn’t care… he closes his eyes and shakes his head “She never cared for me enough to get hurt”

 He sighs and walks back to the two.

“Eh really?” Zico is looking at CheonDung who smirks “Yeah”

“How did she get in your dorm in the middle of the night?” Zico frowns

“Alex can do whatever she wants” Seungho says with a small smile. CheonDung looks at him “What did G.O. say?”

Seungho nods and on his lip. He looks at Zico and then CheonDung “What do you think of YongGuk?”

CheonDung crosses his arms thinking it over.

“YongGuk is freaking amazing” Zico huffs and smirks “Not as amazing as me off course but almost” he grins

Seungho holds a hand in front of Zico’s face looking at CheonDung. Zico pouts “Don’t ignore me! I’m not used to being ignored!”

CheonDung and Seungho pay no attention to him and he just keeps complaining.

CheonDung looks at Seungho “You said it yourself last night. What YongGuk did… might be the best that could happen. She promised to let it go. Maybe… he will give her some peace”

Seungho nods “Which we can’t”

“I’m not saying that” CheonDung frowns slightly

“Are you even listening to me!” Zico whines.

“But you think he is right for her?” Seungho looks at the ground.

“I don’t know. If anyone would know it is you” CheonDung looks straight at Seungho “You know her better than anybody. Better than herself”

Seungho looks up and nods.

“Hallo! Am I invisible?!” Zico starts jumping and waving his arms.

Seungho shoots him a glare making him stand frozen and force a smile “Sorry” he looks down at the ground gathering his hands in front of him and moves his foot around.

Seungho looks back at CheonDung “We can go now” CheonDung nods and they leave Zico.

Zico scowls after them “That’s it?”

Seungho looks back at him “Yeah. You have anything to talk about?”

“Yes” Zico walks over to them “YongGuk isn’t gonna tell her anything. He is all wrapped up in her not going for an idol which I don’t get… Idols are the best” He flashes a cocky smirk.

Seungho just looks at him “Got a point?”

“Well, he wants to get over her” Zico frowns “He says she only sees him as a kid and I really think that is what is holding him back the most”

Seungho nods. He looks at Zico “You think he really is in love with her?”

“Oh I bloody know so” Zico widens his eyes “He bloody cried!”

Seungho frowns “YongGuk cried?”

“I already said he was a bloody mess. You have no freaking idea how bad he was feeling” Zico is almost sounding like he is scolding them.

“Who else knows?” CheonDung frowns.

Zico thinks it over “I know DaeHyun and YoungJae knows because he says they knew before he did and he was gonna tell them all something when they got back to their dorm. I think they know it all”

Seungho nods and CheonDung just looks at Zico.

“Thanks for telling us” Seungho says and turns walking away.

CheonDung follows him closely.

Zico frowns “Ey guys”

Seungho stops and sighs turning his head a little

“I wanna help him” Zico almost yells

Seungho nods “We’ll let you know” then they leave. Zico is left behind scratching his neck “Let me know what?” he mumbles and heads back to the rest of Block B.

Seungho and CheonDung drives straight to Alex’s place.

They head up the stairs and let themselves in.

“I WIN I WIN!” Mir yells sitting in front of the TV playing a game with G.O. who is just kind of poking the remote randomly.

Joon is sitting in the couch smiling. Alex has her head on his lap with BangHim on her stomach. Joon is moving a string over the cat which tries to catch it and stumbles falling back on Alex who laughs.

Seungho smiles and closes the door.

“I’m next!” CheonDung runs over to Mir. G.O. sighs “You can take over right away. I’m out”

CheonDung takes over his seat. G.O. gets up and walks over to Seungho putting an arm around his shoulder “How are you?”

“I’m good” Seungho smiles at him.

“So…?” G.O. nods towards Alex.

Seungho looks at Alex who looks up at Joon who is making big eyes as BangHim catches his hand.

Seungho looks back at G.O. “You talked with the others?”

“No. She hasn’t left this place so there hasn’t really been a time for it”

Seungho frowns “She has stayed here? No favors?”

“No” G.O. shrugs “But our manager is coming by soon” Seungho just nods and looks around. He huffs and chuckles “Looks like a family doesn’t it?”

G.O. looks at the two kids in front of the TV yelling excited. He looks at the two older kids playing with the cat and he looks at Seungho who is smiling happily at the whole scene.

G.O. nods “Yeah it does” He grins and puts an arm around Seungho’s shoulder “Lets join them hubby” Seungho laughs and pushes him away.

Joon looks up at Seungho and grins “Welcome BACK!” He yells when BangHim’s claws digs into his hand.

“Damn!” He yells scaring the cat that jumps off Alex and runs over to CheonDung jumping into his lap and hides. Alex chuckles looking after the cat.

“That hurt!” Joon pouts. Alex chuckles and takes his hand “Big baby” She grins and blows some air on the scratches.

“There, all better” She lets go of his hand and sits up. She flinches a little and rubs her side. Seungho lifts her chin looking at the bruises “You heal fast Alex”

“I know” She smiles “Good to be me huh?”

Seungho gently hits her over the head “No more fighting”

“I didn’t promise that!” Alex widens her eyes “I promised I wouldn’t go there but I didn’t say I wouldn’t fight!”

Seungho sighs “Right right” He takes a seat “We saw Zico”

Alex moves onto her knees and turns towards him planting her hands on his thigh and grins “He was scared of you”

Seungho chuckles “He was today too”

G.O. sits across from them leaning back. BangHim has left CheonDung and is now finding rest next to G.O. who scratches it behind the ear making it purr.

“He was hiding behind B-Bomb” CheonDung says before yelling at the TV

Alex chuckles “Really?”

Seungho nods smiling big. He looks down and frowns a little “YongGuk told him everything”

Joon sighs “You know we have been very nice not asking what it is with YongGuk but don’t you think in the light of everything that we should know as much as you?”

G.O. looks at Seungho “I agree”. Seungho looks at Alex “It’s up to you. I think he told the rest of B.A.P”

Alex looks down thinking it over, her fingers tapping Seungho’s thigh. She nods and looks at Seungho shortly before looking at G.O. “Okay” She changes positions so she sits with her legs crossed on the couch.

“Mir and Thunder turn that off and come listen” Seungho says.

The two loudly complains but does as told. When everyone is seated Alex takes a deep breath “Guk was molested after the battle. The ones who beat me up… had nothing to do with it but I met them because I was trying to find the ones who YongGuk. I was gonna cut off their ” She looks at Seungho “I’m still gonna do that if I meet them”

“You have my permission” Seungho smiles and her back.

G.O. frowns “Oh ”

Joon looks down and Mir drops his jaw.

“Good now they know” Alex sighs.

“Wait let us freak out about this!” Joon frowns. Alex shakes her head “No no there has been enough freaking out. You all know and now we move on”

Seungho nods “He told Zico and he said it seemed like he was going to tell the rest when they got home”

Alex nods and looks down frowning slightly. Seungho tilts his head looking at her face “Zico said YongGuk was really distraught”

Alex looks slightly up at him “Really?”

Seungho smiles sweetly and nods “He didn’t mean what he had said to you at all. He was just frustrated”

Alex looks down again and nods silently.

Seungho looks to G.O. who nods softly at him. Seungho takes a deep breath and closes his eyes “Alex I was wondering…”

Alex turns her head towards him. Seungho looks at her eyes and loses the threat *Those damn blue eyes*

“Alex uhm” G.O. makes her look at him instead “We hear people saying you wouldn’t date an idol…”

“What’s wrong with idols?” Joon says cutting in.

Alex looks at all the guys one by one “I just” She pouts and looks down “I’m not looking for a guy. I have all of you”

Seungho smiles and kisses her shoulder “But we are your family Alex. We will still be if you get a boyfriend” Alex huffs “yeah right went well with Kei”

Seungho leans back and looks away.

“We should probably have given him a chance but after what he did…” G.O. says looking straight at Alex “He should have proven to us he was the right for you but he didn’t. He proved he wasn’t good enough”

Alex crosses her arms and leans back “What if I wanted to give him another chance?”

Seungho grits his teeth.

“We would try and do the same” G.O. says firmly.

“What?” Mir frowns. CheonDung covers the boys mouth “He didn’t say anything” he sends Mir a glare.

Alex looks at Seungho who forces a smile “I would too” He leans forward “But only if you are absolutely sure that is what you want”

“Is that what you want?” Joon frowns and looks at her. She shrugs “I don’t know yet” She looks down. “I know he loves me and I know he regrets what he did”

“Do you love him?” CheonDung asks timidly.

“I did” Alex shrugs again “I might again” she sighs “I know him and he knows me and… it would just be easier…” She shakes her head and sighs “He already knows my past and is fine with it”

Her phone rings and she gets up and walks away. Seungho leans forwards gesturing for everyone to lean closer.

“What are we gonna do? She can’t go back to Kei!” Joon frowns

Seungho looks from CheonDung to G.O. and nods.

“She has to hook up with YongGuk” CheonDung says looking at the remaining two.

“What?” Joon frowns.

“He is in love with her and I think she might…” Seungho takes a deep breath.

“You saw how she reacted yesterday” G.O. adds in.

“He is in love with her?” Joon frowns “Then how could he say those things?”

“The reason they were yelling at each other was that we had asked him to tell her not to go after the ones who hurt him” Seungho says with a sigh “She pushed him to his limit wanting him to tell her he had gotten past it. He couldn’t say that and he snapped” Seungho frowns feeling like he is having a realization “She is blaming herself for letting them get away. Her worst fear right now is that they might come back… for… him” He turns and looks at Alex “I think she might be in love with him too”

“How can you know?” G.O. pulls Seungho back down to the others. Seungho rubs his head “Just everything. The way she reacted, she looked like she could cry when he called her that. If any of us had said that…”

“She wouldn’t have cried” CheonDung mumbles.

“You might be right” G.O. snaps his fingers.

Seungho nods determined “Okay we are gonna fix them up. I think everyone who knows her would prefer seeing her with YongGuk and not Kei”

“How the hell are we gonna make her admit to have feelings for Guk?” Mir frowns “She is talking about getting back with Kei. Does she even know herself?”

“I don’t know yet” Seungho frowns.

“We will figure something out” G.O. grins

“Your manager will be here shortly” Alex comes back over and frowns “What are you doing?”

“Nothing” Seungho smiles at her and leans back. Alex looks at all of them sighs, shrugs and drops down on the couch “I’m hungry”

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P