Morning after

Another Day Comes

G.O. stumbles out of his room “A new day… great” He mumbles and finds his way to the bathroom. He grasps the knob but it is locked “Who is in there?” He yells

“Calm the down I’ll be out in a sec!” CheonDung yells back.

G.O. kicks the door “I gotta take a leak!” He curses and jumps on the spot “Hurry will ya!”

CheonDung opens the door stepping out with a towel around his waist “Calm down I’m done” He shakes his head and glares at the older.

“Took you long enough!” G.O. jumps past him closing the door behind him. CheonDung dries his hair as he walks back to his and Joons’s shared room. Joon comes out fully dressed “Seungho isn’t up yet is he?”

“I don’t think so” CheonDung shrugs. Mir comes out from the living-room-

“You already up and ready?” Joon frowns at him

“Yeah” Mir is one big smile “I been looking forward to today”

“What is today?” Joon frowns

Mir’s eyes goes huge “You forgot?”

CheonDung chuckles and slaps Joon’s arm “We are picking up Alex’s cat today remember”

“That’s not until the afternoon” Joon frowns “Why is he so exited now?”

“How would I know?” CheonDung frowns

Mir just starts whistling and walks past them.

“You get Seungho up” Joon looks at CheonDung who frowns “Me? I’m not even dressed. Why don’t you?”

“Because I’m older and don’t want to” Joon smirks and walks to the kitchen. CheonDung sighs and walks into his room “At least I’m gonna have pants on. He takes so long to wake” He finds a pair of boxers and a pair of jeans getting them on in a jiff, grasping his phone out of sheer habit and heads to Seungho’s room bare chested.

He knocks on the door. Just a little and not really counting on getting a response. Off course he doesn’t get one. Seungho is such a heavy sleeper. He opens the door and looks in frowning when he sees the light is on. He looks down seeing a torn jacket and he quickly looks to Seungho’s bed seeing Seungho and Alex sitting with their backs to the wall fast asleep

Seungho’s right arm is around her shoulder. She has her legs bent and is leaning against him holding on to his shirt with both her hands. His head is resting on hers. CheonDung smiles a little thinking they look adorable. He finds his phone and snaps a picture. It’s not until then he realizes that the torn jacket has to be hers and he feels worry taking over the happy smile he had.

He picks up the jacket looking it over. It can’t really be called a jacket anymore. He looks at Alex moving closer and silently kneeling next to her. His eyes go to the hands on Seungho shirt. They are stained with blood and all shredded. He swallows and looks at her face seeing the mark that had been red when she woke up Seungho having turned darker and is starting to get a blue taint.

“Oh ” CheonDung mumbles and looks at Seungho. He gently pushes Seungho’s left arm “Seung” He whispers. Seungho tilts his head to the side and frowns.

“Don’t make any big moves” CheonDung whispers and looks at Alex’s face.

Seungho slowly opens his eyes and spots CheonDung “What time is it?” He frowns and rubs his eyes with his left hand

“7:30 am” CheonDung states.

Seungho nods and looks at Alex “She came at 3 am”

CheonDung looks at Alex “She was in a fight again wasn’t she?”

Seungho shakes his head “This was a beating with 6 to 1” he sighs “She was trying to find the guys who…” Seungho looks to the door and lowers his voice “Hurt YongGuk but got recognized by some idiots who has a problem with her apparently”

CheonDung widens his eyes and Seungho moves his left index-finger to his own lips to make sure CheonDung doesn’t yell.

“She looks like crap” CheonDung frowns and looks at her. Seungho chuckles “I bet she’d appreciate you saying that”

“I didn’t mean it like that” CheonDung mumbles and pouts

“What is taking so long?” Joon walks in and stops in his tracks seeing Seungho and Alex.

CheonDung gets up and walks over to Joon

“She looks… Was she fighting again?!” Joon yells waking her up. Seungho glares at Joon who gets pushed out by CheonDung.

Seungho sighs and looks at Alex “Morning”

She frowns “My head hurts”

“You weren’t drunk” Seungho frowns looking at her concerned “Did you hit your head?” he uses his left hand to her cheek.

She rubs her temple “My face, my stomach, my arms, my legs, my back…” She sighs “Just my ghost”

“You ghost?” Seungho tilts his head

She nods “That’s what I have named the headache that keeps coming” She chuckles. Honestly that is what the doctor calls it. He says it is her past self who shows her face. It became so confusing talking about her in past tense and present so they started just calling it her ghost.

Seungho just nods “Why not” He moves a bit “My back is killing me”

She moves back “Oh I’m sorry you must have been sitting uncomfortable”

He smiles “Not that bad. I had good company”

She chuckles slightly “I was comfortable”

“Good” He smiles a little wider.

G.O. comes in followed by all the others “Alex!” He calls and walks over pulling her up and hugs her “I missed you, you crazy little ” He says hugging her tight but not too tight. CheonDung told him she isn’t in the best shape.

CheonDung helps Seungho up.

Joon has his arms crossed and looks at the ground. He is pissed she got in trouble again.

Mir looks at him and then drags him out in the hall “Stop being such a downer!”

Joon scowls at him “She has to stop!”

“I agree but couldn’t just at least be happy she is here and not trying to hide it from us?”

Joon is about to say something more but Mir isn’t done yet.

“Kei is in the country but she is here with us” Mir points at the floor under their feet “She came to us. Don’t make her regret that”

“I won’t” Joon mumbles and then frowns “When did you become smart?”

“I was always smart. I just choose to act like a kid so you guys can feel superior” Mir grins and dodges the hand Joon throws at him.

“Too slow hyung” Mir grins. “I’ll give you slow” Joon growls and sets after him into the living-room.


20 minutes later they are all eating breakfast. Alex is holding an icepack against her cheekbone. She has gotten cleaned up but the bruises are getting darker and are easier to spot, the back of her neck, her cheekbone, her chin and she even managed to get a big fat bruise on her collarbone. She looks dangerous.

“How is the headache?” Seungho asks looking at her indifferent expression

She smiles “Hardly there”

He nods relieved. He looks at the others who are all sending him looks. Alex is too preoccupied with the icepack to notice.

Seungho frowns “Uhm Alex?” He looks at her and she moves her eyes to him.

“Do you have plans for today?” Seungho asks fondling his glass

“No” She shakes her head.

“What about Kei?” Joon asks. Seungho rolls his eyes and looks away

“Can I please stay with you guys today” She frowns and looks down at the table.

Everyone looks at her “Off course!” “Yes yes” “Always” they all say at the same time. Alex looks at them and chuckles “Thanks”

Seungho her back. She cried for 30 minutes before she fell asleep. Seungho cried for another 10 before he joined her. He truly hated that she was crying for that son of a . It broke his heart over and over again to know that she cared so much for Kei that she would cry over him.

“But we have stuff until 4 pm” G.O. then says frowning.

“She’ll come with us” Seungho says determined. The others nod.

“Afterwards then what?” Mir asks

Alex tilts her head “Preferably not something in public. I look like a freak” She points at her face and smirks

“Does it hurt?” Mir pokes the dark bruise on her chin. “Yah YES!” She pushes his hand away. G.O. hits him over the head “Are you stupid or what? Off course it hurts!”

Mir pouts and shrinks in his seat.

Alex punches his arm “Does that hurt?”

“Yes!” Mir pouts even more. Alex chuckles “Now we can be in pain together”

Mir looks at her for a while and gets up and walks over hugging her “I missed you” He says quietly in her ear. Alex pats his cheek “I missed you too”

He walks back and sits. The others laugh softly at him but he doesn’t care and just smiles at Alex.

“You look stunning Alex” CheonDung teases. Alex looks at him and laughs “Yeah right”

“Maybe we could eat dinner at your place” Seungho looks at her “I’ll cook”

She smiles and nods “Sure, sounds great”

Seungho looks at G.O. who smirks “So after a week we can finally see your place?”

“Yes” she nods “I’m done moving in” It took some time because the first furniture I got kind of got ruined. Such a shame after all the hard work Kei and YongGuk had put into placing them” She tilts her head.

“YongGuk helped?” Joon frowns “That guy is everywhere around you these days”

“I went by their agency by sheer coincidence and HimChan stopped me and asked if I didn’t want to say hi to the others” Alex explains “I was about to go pick up Kei when their CEO called for me so they sent someone to pick him up. He met B.A.P and YongGuk… well he was a towards him” she sighs

“I like YongGuk” G.O. grins. Seungho sends him a smile

“He came by later to apologize for it” She chuckles “Kei made him help”

“Whimp” G.O. changes his attitude and huffs

Alex smirks “B.A.P locked him out of their dorm and said he couldn’t come back in until I had written them and said he had been by my place”

“He saw your place before us?” Seungho frowns

Alex nods “I gave HimChan the address”

“Has he seen your new place as well?” Mir pouts

“No” Alex sighs just YongGuk… and SooHyun”

“SooHyun?” Joon frowns “Alex what the hell. Are you replacing us?”

“No” Alex frowns. “I would never. I’m marked remember” She chuckles and points at Joon “You still owe me money” Joon crosses his arms and looks away.

“But just to get back to point. Your furniture was ruined?” Seungho looks at her

She nods “Uhm I had some unwanted visitors”

“Who?” They all ask at the same time “Just Mei’s ex and 4 of his friends. I wasn’t home. Thankfully I had hidden my cds away so they were safe” She smiles

Seungho raises a brows “Alex what if he comes back?”

“He won’t” Alex smiles “He is very stupid and I put up camera’s who got everything which I gave to the police and he is currently in custody until he is going to court” She nods proudly.

“Look at that. You do know how you solve a problem without throwing your life on the line” Joon smirks

Alex chuckles and nods “I listen… Sometimes”

“How did you know he might be coming in the first place?” CheonDung frowns

“I have contacts” Alex nods. Seungho looks at her “You got a lot of contacts?”

“Who are your contacts?” G.O. adds in.

Alex sighs “Just people who found out it was better to be with me than against me” She shrugs and sniffs. She runs a battered hand through her hair and tilts her head “I’m very convincing” She chuckles. The guys feel the hairs on their necks stand.

“You are really scary sometimes” Mir mumbles and rubs his arm looking to G.O. on his right.

Alex chuckles “You don’t get anywhere by being nice all the time”

“Mir seems to be doing pretty well” Joon teases making the others chuckle. Seungho finds his phone and starts texting something while the others joke around about if Mir could get by on just being a cutie.

“You know the fans think I’ve become very manly” Mir straightens his back and smirks

“Yeah on stage” CheonDung grins. G.O. nods “They know you are still just a puppy off stage”

Mir pouts.

CheonDung feels his phone vibrating and pulls it out from his pocket and frowns when seeing Seungho’s name as the sender. He lifts his eyes and looks at the leader who is smiling and joking with Alex pretending to poke her bruised cheekbone.

He looks down at his phone again and leans back so Joon on his right can’t see. He opens the text.

We need to talk to YongGuk. Maybe he can convince her she should let ‘that’ go.

CheonDung looks at Seungho who sends him a quick glance and CheonDung nods once and stuffs the phone away. Seungho smiles a little and looks at G.O..

“We should probably get going” Seungho says and the others nods. He looks at Alex “Uhm what are you gonna wear?”

Alex scratches her neck “Yeah I should probably go home and change”

They nod.

“We’ll drive you” CheonDung smiles but Alex shakes her head “No I’m taking my bike” She gets up “See you later”

“You aren’t gonna stay away?” G.O. looks after

“Promise” She smirks and heads out.

She walks out closing the door behind her and grunts in pain holding her ribcage “Why the hell did they have to use a bloody bat” She sighs and walks out. She gets outside and is stopped by 2 girls who frown when they see her bruises.

“Were you just in MBLAQ’s dorm?” One asks. Alex frowns “Who?”

“They live in that building” the other narrows her eyes at Alex who just shrugs “I’m just doing as told. I had to drop of something at this address. You got more questions or can I go, honestly I have better things to do” She crosses her arms and looks pissed. The girls move away and Alex walks past them and smirks “ing stupid girls

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P