Troublesome girl

Another Day Comes

Alex’s phone rings and she looks at the screen for a bit. YongGuk looks at the screen as well seeing Seungho’s name. He looks at Alex and frowns a little “You aren’t gonna pick up?”

Alex turns her head and looks at Yong Guk “Huh?... Yea” she nods looking a bit distracted moves the phone to her ear “Ani?”

 “Alex I’m at your place in a sec with Cheondung

“What? But…” Alex frowns and straight ahead.

Don’t tell me I can’t come!” Seungho is sounding very determined

“But” She gets up and walks over to the window looking out. Across the street she sees Seungho and Cheondung walking rather fast towards her building. She looks back at YongGuk trying to come up with some excuse but she can’t come up with anything.

Alex would you please just have some faith in me!” Seungho yells frustrated

YongGuk can hear him yelling through the phone. He gets up slowly and walks over to her flinching slightly at every step.

“I told you to stay out of it!” Alex steps back and frowns. She looks at YongGuk again. He looks out and then at her. She is clearly worried. It’s written all over her face “It’s okay” he mumbles and frowns at the pain.

She has done a lot for him and he won’t let her go up against her friends when she clearly doesn’t want to. He is quite amazed about how much she is doing already..

She looks at YongGuk with a questioning face “I’m sorry”

He smiles faintly “It’s okay”

For a sec it looks like tears are forming in her eyes but she then clears and turns his chin a little looking at his cheek “It looks better already” He nods.

Alex puts the phone away and then looks towards the door remembering that it really isn’t in the best shape. She starts heading towards it intending to open it in advance. She hears steps coming up the stairs and can tell right away that it has to be Seungho and Cheondung.

Hyung look at the door” That was Cheondung’s voice

ALEX!” Seungho yells and in the next the door falls to the floor. Alex crosses her arms and rolls her eyes “Jeez at least it could stand on its own before you came”

Seungho walks over and hugs her tight “Stupid girl”.

Cheondung walks in behind him stepping over the door. He looks at Seungho and then at the door raising it from the ground and somehow manages to get it back in place.

Seungho lets go of Alex and looks at her face. He tilts her head and looks at her cheek “What the hell happened to you this time?” He looks at her neck “For sake Alex” Sang Hyun walks over and looks at her as well “Did you get in a fight with Yong Guk or what?” Alex waves her hands getting some space between them “God you two are suffocating me”

Seungho shakes his head in frustration and spots YongGuk. He frowns and walks over to him with long steps. YongGuk feels his body reacting to the male coming towards him with fear. He steps back and gets a petrified expression that makes Seungho stop. Alex sends a worried look towards them.

Seungho tilts his head looking at YongGuk trying to figure out what has happened to him “You okay?”

Yong Guk nods slightly. Seungho looks back at Alex “You haven’t eaten have you?” She shakes her head “I forgot to buy food”

Cheondung hits her over the head “Again” She scowls at him. “Then its good we bought some on the way” He lifts a bag and walks over to the kitchen.

Seungho sighs “What happened to the door?”

Alex shrugs “Some guy thought the one who lived here before me was still here”

“That’s it! You are finding another place you hear me” Seungho points a finger at her and she nods indifferently and shrugs “I will probably be kicked out anyway” she mumbles looking at the battered door.

“Why did the guy punch a hole in the door?” Cheondung looks back at them

“Oh I did that?” Alex says lifting her right hand. Seungho walks back and takes it in his own looking at the bruised knuckles “You idiotic girl” He drags her over to the table and places her. He looks at YongGuk “You sit next to her I want to look at that cheek”

YongGuk slowly moves over towards Alex who looks at her knuckles frowning lightly. Seungho walks over to Sang Hyun.

Alex stands up and lends YongGuk a hand helping him to sit down in the most careful way to prevent him having any unnecessary pain “He is very bossy sometimes” She smiles sweetly referring to Seungho.

“I can agree on that” Cheondung calls out getting smacked over the back of his head by Seungho. Seungho walks back over to Alex and YongGuk. He couldn’t help but notice the pained expression on YongGuk’s face and how he seems to be retreating from him. He looks at Alex who is holding on to YongGuk’s arm as if to comfort him. In a attempt to hide just how worried he is he looks around in her place ”You don’t even have a chair in this dump” He shakes his head and sighs “Are you going back soon to Japan soon since you won’t buy any bloody furniture?”

“No” She smiles sweetly. Seungho looks at her and then covers her eyes with a hand “I’m mad at you don’t think you can get on my good side like that” He can’t help but smile a little though, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by YongGuk who then looks down at his hands.

“Uhm” Seungho clears his throat “Yong Guk I better start with you okay”

YongGuk nods and pulls the beanie of. He messes a little with his hair doing everything to avoid looking at Seungho.

Alex gives him a slight nudge making him look at her shortly. She smiles reasuringly at him nods. YongGuk nods once and then takes a deep breath before looking up at Seungho who patiently waited for YongGuk to seem ready.

He somewhat hesitantly turns YongGuk’s face and examines his cheeks “What the hell did this?”

“A wall” YongGuk mumbles. Seungho looks at him and runs his tongue over his lip. He has decided he isn’t gonna ask about the big thing Alex wouldn’t tell him. If she is keeping something from him she sure has a good reason. She usually does although he always finds out in the end. A few times he really wished he hadn’t found out.

He uses a wet piece of cloth to clean YongGuk’s cheek and then puts some ointment on. YongGuk is tense as hell and Seungho hurries to get it over with. Then he switches his attention to Alex. He moves her hair away from her cheek “So this is from a...?”

“Fist” She says like it’s nothing.

“Great” Seungho sighs and puts some ointment on. Seungho then looks at her neck “And this?”

“A pair of hands that tried to strangle me” She says bluntly. Seungho frowns and looks at her “WHAT?”

YongGuk stares at the ground.

“Don’t yell” She hits Seungho over the head. He drops on his knees and looks at her “You could have avoided it getting to that couldn’t you?”

She rubs her neck a bit “Uhm… Well he threw me into a wall! I got mad” she shrugs

Seungho sighs. Then he looks at her hand. “Well this must be the door then” She nods. YongGuk hadn’t notices that from her wrist up her arm it’s covered in gauge but now he can’t help but stare at it.

“Why are you still hiding the tattoo Alex?” Suengho looks at her arm.

“I don’t know” She mumbles “Reminds me of not remembering”

“It’s a shame to hide it” Seungho says softly as he puts ointment on her knuckles. He looks at YongGuk “You’ve seen it?”

YongGuk shakes his head. Seungho looks at Alex “May I?”. She nods.

He starts removing the gauge revealing a tattoo of a fox. It’s shaped in a curve and stretches from the start of her upper hand with the front paws and the head and almost reaches her elbow with the tip of its tale. It looks like it is painted on with a brush with black lines, grey shading and just a few red details. Between the head and the tale is a bare space where a few lines are written in Kanji.

“Those are new” Seungho trails his finger over the written words. “Nobody but me. Not for anybody else. Nobody else’s way. Nobody else’s dream” He reads out loud translating it to Korean. He looks at her face “Really?”

“I felt like that was who I was. From what I gather from those people I just did what I felt like” She is looking at the tattoo “I wanted it to be the last thing from that life”

Seungho nods.

YongGuk is staring at the tattoo “That’s wicked!”

Alex smiles at his excited expression. Seungho chuckles and stand up with his hands in his side “So you two any other bruises I need to look at?” YongGuk and Alex looks at each other. Seungho raises his brows and walks away “I give you some time to think it over” He walks over to Cheondung who is cooking.

“He isn’t gonna ask what happened?” YongGuk whispers. Alex shakes her head “Doesn’t seem like it”. YongGuk looks down at the floor. Alex sends a look to Seungho and then back to YongGuk “You do have a few on your torso maybe he should take a look”

YongGuk frowns and looks down “It’s embarrassing” he huffs “But then again it probably can’t top that you saw me in the shower. I didn’t know you were a girl!” He blushes and hides his face in his hands.

She gives him a push “I didn’t look!” She pauses “Much” She scratches her neck and looks down grinning and slightly blushing. YongGuk chuckles embarrassed.

His smiles vanishes and he slowly turns to look at Alex “How do you think they would react if they knew what happened to me? Do you even know?” He frowns slightly realizing he doesn’t know what she saw.

She bites her lip keeping her eyes on the floor “I know”

He rubs his neck. *So she saw it happen, great*

“Don’t look so down” She places a hand on his back it a few times. It calms him a bit until she hits a sore spot and he jerks forwards too fast, moving a bit in the wrong way causing a whole other round of pain. Alex quickly pulls him up into a standing position. He cries out in pain. The pain is so bad his vision blurs and he is thankful for Alex’s hands holding on to him. He covers his face with his hands trying to hide the tear running from his eyes.

Seungho and Cheondung looks from the kitchen with huge eyes, shocked.

Alex looks towards them “Do you have anything numbing?”

Seungho checks the things he brought. “Muscle relaxer” He hurries over with a jar. Alex is getting YongGuk to the madras on his stomach. YongGuk hides his face in his arms trying to relax. Alex takes the ointment and sends Seungho a look. He turns and walks back to Cheondung who is staring. Seungho turns the boy around and sighs.

Alex lifts YongGuk’s shirt revealing his back. He gets a horrible flashback to when the big guy did that and starts shaking badly.

“I’m sorry” Alex says in a low and soft voice. She gently starts rubbing the ointment on his lower back. “It hurts” He yelps. She continues relentlessly making sure she gets every part moving as low as she can make herself go. She lowers his pants a bit just reaching the top of the crack. YongGuk jerks feeling something getting that close to the violated place. “It’ll help” She reassures. He nods and bites his lip as she gently messages his lower back.

When done she pulls his shirt back down and the upper part of his back. He turns his head and lets her remove a tear from his cheek. She looks over at Seungho whose head is hanging low and then back at YongGuk. She sighs deeply and Yong Guk can see she is upset.

Seungho helps Cheondung with the food “What do you think happened?” Cheondung asks and looks at him. Seungho shrugs “Don’t ask”

He shouldn’t be thinking about anything but what has happened to YongGuk but the only thing in his mind is that he wants Alex to move. He wants her out of this place. This isn’t the first time people have come to find the guy who lived here before. He didn’t want her to move in here in the first place. She could afford a hotel. Hell he would rather pay for her to stay at a hotel than here but she has a mind of her own.

She still has a mind of her own.

Back before the she lost her memory she also had that I’m-doing-it-my-way thing. So restless and yet always at peace with herself. The peace was what had captured him about her back that day when he felt like and she offered him a cigarette. She was so reckless and carefree. She never asked his name, in fact from the day they met and to the accident she never knew who he was. Not to his recollection anyway. She had given him a nickname that he could never pronounce but he knew the sound and it would make him look up every time. He smiles faintly

He found his peace in her. She truly didn’t care about status. Thinking back she didn’t really care about that many things and if he had been in a better place in his life he would have stayed clear of her. She was so self-destructive.

But once you got in her life you never wanted out again. He could see it in all her friends. Something about her was just addicting. She was never one to call or invite but her friends didn’t seem to mind. He didn’t mind.

He never thought a girl who wasn’t a girlfriend would ever come so close to him but that’s just the way with Alex. He did have feelings for her. He could never quite figure out why he fell for her. She was so destructive and really didn’t seem to care about anyone... but once in a while she was so sweet and if it hadn’t been for her he can’t even begin to guess where he would be today.

They did have a thing going. At first it was a joke, she tried to see how far she could push it like she does with everything. She had shown up at his hotel in the middle of the night with a huge grin. It was the first time he ever got a in a hallway in a hotel with his friends only a wall away.

After that they kind of started something. Friends with benefits she called it. Alex made it very clear that she did not want a relationship with him. That didn’t stop her from having with him though, but that was very Alex. Staying independent and just taking what she wanted

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P