Demon thing

Another Day Comes

It goes pretty smooth but very slow. When they arrive at her place she is practically unconscious. When SooHyun stops he feels her slipping and he only just manages to catch her before she drops to the ground.

“Shiiit” He somehow gets off the bike and picks her up and carries her to her flat. He looks at her face seeing movements under the eyelids but she doesn’t have any other reaction.

He gets in to her flat with minor difficulties but almost trips over BangHim who hisses and runs away.

“Bloody cat” he mumbles and brings her to her bedroom. He places her softly on the bed and goes to get a wet towel. When he returns he wipes off the blood from her lip and presses it gently against the bleeding bruise on her cheekbone. She whimpers and turns her head.

“Alex what the hell happened to you?” he mutters not really expecting an answer

“What?” she opens her eyes a little and looks at him.

“You really scared me” he says worried looking at her face.

She closes her eyes again “I did? I don’t.. my head hurts” she rubs her temples

He frowns “Alex are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

“Yes no hospital” she sighs “Been there yesterday”

He frowns “Why?”

Alex sighs again. She looks half asleep “Checking in on my ghost” her voice are lazy and tired

“Your ghost?” SooHyun frowns.

Alex turns her head again “The old Alex” She chuckles dryly “She is trying to kill me”

“What?” SooHyun frowns.

“One of us has to die” Alex keeps chuckling “It’s funny” her eyes opens and closes and she frowns and whimpers “I gotta leave Guk” a tear runs from her eye.

“What?” SooHyun frowns even more “Alex why?”

“It’s not fair” She starts sobbing. SooHyun isn’t sure what to do and pulls her up hugging her. She wraps her arms around him. “I don’t wanna die now” She sobs in his neck.

“You aren’t Alex. You just… have to be more careful” He swallows

“Doesn’t make a difference” She sighs and closes her eyes “Just ask my doctor. I’m ed”

SooHyun frowns “I don’t understand” SooHyun mumbles.

She pushes herself away from him and lays on her back looking at the ceiling “Just leave please”

“I’m not gonna leave you like this Alex”

She closes her eyes “I wanna sleep”

SooHyun takes a deep breath he is getting a tad annoyed. He grasps her arm and pulls her up to a sitting position. She lets out a yelp from shock

“Alex you just got yourself in a bloody fight and when I tried to stop you, you went ing insane and scared the living out of me, then you starts yelling in pain and almost passes out and talks about your past self and your ghost and you can’t just expect me to let it go. I really thought we were friends!”

She shakes her head and keeps shut.

SooHyun sighs “Alex look at me”

She reluctantly looks at him. He smirks “if you don’t tell me I’m gonna call Seungho, and G.O. and YongGuk and everyone else who considers themselves friends of you and then we will all pester you till you break down and…”
Alex puts her hand over his mouth and frowns “Are you threatening me?”

He grins. Alex rolls her eyes and in a shift move throws him on his stomach moving his arms around his back.

“!” He yells and tries to get loose “Weren’t you supposed to be tired and weak?”

Alex chuckles and then sighs “You don’t really give me much choice”

She pulls off her socks tying his arms on his back before lying down next to him and grins putting her hands behind her head.

“Alex!” he whines pathetically trying to free his hands.

Alex sighs “Wonder how long before they will start wondering where you are? Should be enough time to get out of the country” She plunders.

“It’s not funny!” SooHyun wiggles, laying on his stomach with his face turned towards her.

“No one knows you are here” Alex keeps talking completely ignoring his complaints.

“Wonder how long before they would look for you here” she sighs “Imagine them walking in and seeing you tied up on the bed” she chuckles “Quite a vision I suspect”

“Alex come on!” SooHyun yells “Untie me!”

“No” She turns her face towards him “You really wanna know about my ghost?”

He nods

“Fine” She sighs “But you can’t tell anyone else”

“Whatever” he mumbles.

Alex smirks and then looks up at the ceiling “I have to find a way to kill a part of me if I want to live” she looks at SooHyun and explains him everything about her two sides. Her ghost and the fact that her headaches seem to be getting more violent and that her ghost is getting stronger. SooHyun just frowns and looks at her as she calmly talks.

When she is done she sits up “I should probably tell MBLAQ and Guk but… I don’t know what to say. It is hopeless so what could I possibly say to make this okay? The only descent thing would be to leave YongGuk”

SooHyun rolls onto his side “You can’t leave him because of this”

“Why not?” Alex just looks ahead coldly

“Well firstly you don’t want to” SooHyun smirks “And secondly… you don’t want to” He chuckles. Alex raises a brow and pushes him sending him rolling to the floor with a loud bang.

“ YOU ALEX!” He yells. She chuckles and crawls to the edge of her bed looking down at him “Did it hurt?”

“Bloody yes it hurts!” He whines “You meanie meanie meanie stupid freaky pathetic excuse for a person”

Alex chuckles and starts poking him.

“Stop it!” He yells and jerks to the side

Alex just keeps poking.

“Alex why are you so cruel?” He pouts and catches her hand with his legs.

Alex laughs and rests down on the bed “Thank you for getting me home and listening to me and… for being my friend”

“I won’t be your friend much longer if you don’t bloody release me” he mumbles.

Alex nods and jumps of her bed releasing him. He smirks and catches her holding her in a hug “You are not dumping YongGuk and you are not leaving. I don’t care if you don’t tell them anything about your ghost but I know now and I’m gonna help you find a way to get rid of that bloody ghost of yours” He smiles and hugs her closer “I’m not losing one of my best friends to some bloody girl who was stupid enough to get herself killed”

“Ey that’s me you baboon” Alex pouts. “No” Soohyun chuckles “That is not you Alex”

Alex smiles slightly and sighs “Thank you”

SooHyun grins “So no more nonsense about leaving YongGuk”

“You know he’d punch your if he walked in right now” Alex smirks. SooHyun chuckles “I know” he lets go and she stands up and helps him up as well.

“So” SooHyun puts an arm around her shoulder and they walk to the livingroom “We are gonna visit your doctor to tell him about that demon thing you did”

Alex chuckles “Demon thing?”

“Yes it was bloody scary” SooHyun takes her jacket and hands it to her.

She sighs and puts on her jacket “What happened to BangHim?”

“You know it is a stupid name for a cat” SooHyun frowns and yells in pain when the cat attacks his leg. Alex laughs and picks up the cat “He likes his name”

“Stupid cat” SooHyun mumbles and rubs his leg.

BangHim purrs and glares at SooHyun. Alex chuckles and the cat lovingly.

“That cat is the damn spitting image of you” SooHyun mumbles “Look sweet but will scratch your bloody eyes out if you don’t watch out”

“Or insult him” Alex kisses BangHim who is still glaring at SooHyun. He points at it “That right there is the devil in fur”

Alex laughs “So I’m a devil as well or what? You say my cat is a spitting image of me”

“The bloody ghost is a devil that is for sure. How the hell could Seungho be friends with her?”

Alex puts down BangHim and watching him run away. They head out.

Alex is still thinking about what SooHyun said.

He looks at her face “What are you thinking?”

“Huh?” She looks up and shrugs “Seungho and her… He was in a bad place and she was… at peace” she stops and looks at SooHyun. She huffs “ironic really. She had too much peace and I can’t get any because of her”

SooHyun just looks at her. She hands him the keys to her bike “I’m not feeling well. Would you mind?”

He looks at the keys “Are you just gonna make fun at me for my lousy driving?”

She laughs “Would I do that?”

He smirks “Yes”

Alex starts walking putting the keys in his hand “I won’t now” She smiles at him “Promise”

He nods.

He drives them to the hospital and they doesn’t have to wait long before she can see a doctor. He looks at SooHyun and frowns “Boyfriend?”

SooHyun shakes his head and smiles “Just a good friend”

Alex is looking rather anxious in the chair across from the doctor who looks at her caringly “Want some relaxers?”

“Depends on how long I have to stay” She mumbles and runs a hand up and down her arm

“Well that depends on why you are here” The doctor smiles “So I guess you need some”

SooHyun frowns. Alex looks at him “I don’t like hospitals”

“He doesn’t know?” The doctor frowns. Alex shakes her head looking at her hands.

The doctor readies a needle and explains Alex’s whole medical past and her fear of hospitals. SooHyun looks at Alex feeling sorry for her and at the same time he is a bit offended that he didn’t know any of this. He frowns “You haven’t told Seungho this? Or YongGuk or anyone else?”

“No” She looks down feeling the affect of the relaxers.

“Why not?” SooHyun raises his voice a tad. Alex leans her head back and glares at him “Wouldn’t make a difference”

“Maybe not to you but it does to us” SooHyun crosses his arms and looks at the doctor “Aren’t she supposed to have someone who…”

“I have” Alex says and sighs “MBLAQ’s manager has all authority over me and my fate” she looks at the doctor who nods.

He looks at SooHyun “We report to him about everything concerning her health on her own request”

SooHyun breathes a bit easier but still doesn’t see why she doesn’t want them to know.

The Doctor smiles at Alex “So this YongGuk he mentioned. You have been reluctant to talk about that ‘friend’ of yours”

“What friend?” SooHyun frown “She has lots of friends. Don’t get why though” He chuckles expecting Alex to push him but she just keeps looking uncomfortable “Wow you really don’t like hospitals” He moves his chair closer to her and takes her hand. He looks at the Doctor “YongGuk is her boyfriend”

“Ah good so you decided not to listen to your head” The doctor smiles big.

SooHyun frowns “Uhm huh?”

Alex looks at SooHyun “It seems my ghost has a problem with either YongGuk or the fact that I..uhm”

“Are in love with him?” SooHyun frowns. Alex nods and sends the doctor a shy look.

“You talked with someone about her lovelife?” the doctor asks. Alex nods “I talked with the only one who I still know who knew her as well”

SooHyun looks at her “Seungho?”

She nods “He says she had a ‘toy’ and that he was in love with her but that she either wouldn’t see or really just didn’t like him back. Apparently their relationship was purely physical” Alex mumbles and looks at SooHyun and then the doctor “How could she not know a guy she was sleeping with was in love with her?”

“You didn’t notice YongGuk was in love with you” SooHyun frowns. Alex blushes

“Whenever she tried thinking about how he reacted or how she reacted to him her ghost acts up” the doctor explains. SooHyun frowns “How the hell are you making this work?” he looks at Alex.

She sighs “I just don’t think” She looks down “When he is around I just go with…” She shakes her head “I’m feeling like a fool here could we talk about something else?”

An hour later they walk out. Alex is drained and is holding on to SooHyun’s arm so she won’t stumble too much.

“What do you wanna do now?” He looks at her

“Drop dead?” Alex looks at him. He shakes his head “Nah doesn’t sound too appealing”

Alex laughs.

“What about shopping?” He looks at her again.

“You don’t have anything to do today?” Alex raises a brow and looks at him. He shrugs “Nah nothing important” He smiles at her “Well except for making sure my friend has a good day”

Alex chuckles and looks at the ground.

“So shopping?” He moves his head so he can look at her eyes.

She sighs “Yeah yeah whatever”

Another couple of hours passes and Alex stops and looks at a pretty random store with tons of completely pointless things. SooHyun looks in “Wanna take a look?”

She just walks in without answering. SooHyun shrugs and walks in behind her.

He looks at some necklaces and some batches and then looks over her shoulder “That collar would look good on that little devil of yours” He chuckles.

Alex grins “BangHim?”

SooHyunn shooshes her “Don’t say his name loud in public. What will people think?” he looks around.

Alex looks at him and laughs “I’ll buy this for you” She holds up a keychain. SooHyun takes it and looks at it “It’s nice but why?”

She takes it from him and walks over and pays. Outside she hands it to him “As a thank you”

He looks at it and smiles “Thank you”

Alex chuckles and gives him a push “er”

He laughs and pushes her back.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P