A year later

Another Day Comes

A year Later Seungho is standing on the roof of Alex’s building holding on to envelope with the letter and photo from the old Alex. He looks out onto the city breathing in the cold evening air “I know you can’t hear me” he turns the envelope in his hands “I’m not quite over you yet even though it has been so long” he smiles a little “Finding out you loved me as well didn’t really help but… I’m glad I found out” he nods to himself “I just wished you hadn’t seen love as a weakness but I guess it wouldn’t be you if you hadn’t felt that way” he chuckles and then sighs “I’m not sad when I think about you anymore because I now know that you weren’t meant for this world and you wasn’t supposed to be with me but you did give me something wonderful” he looks at the envelope thinking about the Alex who was left with them “You gave me more than you know” he mumbles and looks up “Thank you for that”

He takes a deep breath “We gave you a new name” he smiles a little “You were so fond of nicknames so we thought it was a good idea. We call you Ali when we talk of you now. I hope you don’t mind but Alex is the girl who lives in this building so you can’t have that name” he looks up into the sky “I hope you found your peace… I really do”

He steps a bit closer to the edge and looks down at the street “I’m glad you left for good this time… Alex is doing great” he nods “She… went back to her home country for a while to figure out who she is” he chuckles “YongGuk was such a pain for the two months she was gone. He kept calling us asking if we had heard from her and Zelo says YongGuk keept using him as a substitute to hug when he missed Alex too much. He really loves her... Probably more than I loved you so everything worked out” he looks up again “I don’t miss you. What you did… to all of us when you tried to take Alex away is not something I can forgive but… I understand that you couldn’t see another way out. I can’t imagine how it must be being locked up in your own… no, in someone elses head”

He leans on one leg and looks to the right hearing the sound of sirense in the distance “After all that happened Alex couldn’t return to helping in the same way, she said it was too much so you know what she did?” he grins and looks at the sky “After she got back from her trip she started a business. Now she is in charge of a whole group who works with securing celebrities. She is great and everyone loves and respects her. She is making life miserable for some of the more passionate fans as she puts it. They still call her the red devil but she seems to enjoy it. It is funny really… Alex as she is now… she has the same calm auro about her as you did but where you made people feel like they were worth Alex makes you feel like you can do anything”

Seungho sighs and looks at the envelope. He opens it and takes out the photo and the letter “She doesn’t smoke at all anymore, she doesn’t drive like a madman and she doesn’t mock people as much either” He looks up “All the habits that reminded me of you in her is pretty much gone. That is good”

He turns when he hears the door open not far behind him and he sees Alex and YongGuk hand in hand coming out.

He waves at them and they hurry over to him “Sorry it took so long”

Seungho smiles “It is fine”

YongGuk holds up a bag “We got it” He hands the bag to Seungho who pulls out a paper lantern. Seungho turns and kneels.

Alex shutters at the cold and YongGuk caringly moves behind her and wraps his arms around her. She turns her head a little towards him and gets a kiss on the cheek.

Seungho pulls out a lighter.

“Sure you wanna do this?” Alex asks frowning a little.

Seungho nods “Yes. Today is a good day to do it” he looks back at them and smiles seeing how YongGuk is looking so lovingly at Alex who is looking a tad concerned.

Seungho holds up the picture, flicks the lighter so a small flame appears. He moves it under the corner of the picture and starts burning it. When the flame catches on he puts the lighter away.

Alex holds on to YongGuk’s arms and tilts her head looking at the flame eating up the only excisting picture of Seungho and her former self. YongGuk leans his head against hers and breathes deeply and happily.

Alex knows everything about everything that has happened. Seungho wanted her to know about his past with her and she took it well, a little shocked that he hadn’t said anything before but understanding the dilemma Seungho had been in.

When the picture is almost gone Seungho holds it under the letter and watch it catch on fire. He drops the picture on the ground where it burns out. He then looks at the letter as the flame devours the words he has been reading over and over again more times then he can remember. When it is almost gone he lights the lantern with the letter and picks the lantern up, holding it up until it flies out of his hands. He steps back and Alex holds out a hand which he takes and holds tight while looking at the lantern. They all watch it disappearing into the the dark evening.

“Goodbye Ali” Seungho says with his eyes fixed on the small light dot

“Bye bye Ali” Alex waves cutely at the sky. She turns and looks at YongGuk who shakes his head “Sorry I still hate her so I’m not saying bye unless It is accompanied by a well deserved kick in her ”

Alex shakes her head at him

Seungho takes a deep breath “I couldn’t find a better way to see her off than this”

“It was actually very beautiful” YongGuk mumbles.

Seungho shakes his head and grins at him “Actually?”

Alex gives YongGuk an elbow in the stomach “Way to ruin it”

YongGuk frowns and looks down “Sorry”

Seungho sighs “It is okay. I’m glad you agreed to do this with me”

Alex smiles at him “Offcourse” YongGuk nods

“Now let’s go join the others” Seungho sends a last look to the lantern “I’m done here”

Alex gives his hand a squish “I think it was a lovely idea”

“Thank you” Seungho smiles at her. YongGuk keeps his mouth shut. He grunts when his phone bibs and he takes it from his pocket “They are asking where we are”

Seungho nods and they all head down to Alex’s apparment. Seungho walks in first and G.O. runs over to him right away “Finally! Come help me with the food”, Seungho chuckles and walks over with him. YongGuk looks at Alex “He didn’t tell anyone he was gonna do that?”

“No” Alex looks back at him “Just us”

YongGuk nods and smiles “I see. I guess it is a proper way to finish it”

Alex nods “Yeah. Now he has really letten go of her”

“Nothing of her left” YongGuk smiles against her neck.

“Why are you standing in the door? Come on in” Zelo runs over and grasps Alex’s hand pulling her away from YongGuk and through the room. YongGuk pouts after them.

“So YongGuk” DooJoon gives Alex a quick hug as she gets pulled past him “How long have you two been together?”

YongGuk closes the door and walks over to DooJoon “You know already” YongGuk smirks “Or else you wouldn’t be here”

DooJoon nods and chuckles “Yeah but that isn’t really the truth is it?”

YongGuk shrugs “I have been with her for 1 year 5 months and 18 days. She has been with me for 1 year on this day”

Alex looks back at YongGuk “I said we could just use the day at the club when you confessed”

YongGuk shakes his head “No I don’t want that. Ali was there then and I don’t want her to be a part of our relationship. I’m fine with the day we have now”

Alex’s memory is somewhat back. She remembers things like when YongGuk called her a monster, when he confessed and the whole kidnapping thing as well. When it comes to the other people in her life she remembers Soohyun helping her out and she remembers messing with DooJoon which she has apologized for a million times because she felt she was too hard on him. After a while she remembered everyone but it did take some time and there are lots of black holes in her memory. Everything the old Alex was involved in is completely gone. In many ways she is very much like the Alex they all knew, she still doesn’t take any crap from anyone but she is calmer now and more mature and she takes great honor in solving her problems without violence… not that she can’t kick some if it is needed. She let her hair grow long but kept the badass image because she still isn’t some bloody doll as she puts it.

Zelo has letten go of Alex when Seungho called for him asking him to ready the table.

SooHyun walks over and hugs Alex “Hey honey” She smiles and hugs him back “You came”

“Off course. I’m always gonna be around to make sure I’m here when YongGuk messes up” He jokes and gets hit over the back of his head. His new kick is making YongGuk nervous by joking about stealing Alex away from him.

He and Alex parts and look at the guilty person. “Watch it you” HimChan says looking very serious pointing a finger at SooHyun who chuckles.

Kiseop wraps his arms around HimChan “Don’t anger Himmie by saying stuff like that” He places his head on HimChan’s shoulder.

HimChan and Kiseop has been a couple for 5 months now. It was pretty obvious that they liked each other. DaeHyun and YoungJae had been on to it from before the kidnapping of YongGuk but none of the two would admit to anything.

YongGuk, DaeHyun and YoungJae played the same stunt on HimChan as DaeHyun and YoungJae had done on YongGuk back when he first fell for Alex. YongGuk had taken a seat on HimChan’s right and the other two sat on HimChan’s left. HimChan had been texting Kiseop in the very moment. DaeHyun asked YongGuk how it is like being in love and YongGuk said with a grin that it was like you have found the piece missing from your heart. They asked him how it affects his daily life to be in love. HimChan knew right there that they were up to something but he kept quite. YongGuk said he wanted to call and write her all the time and when she doesn’t answer.. He had leaned closer to HimChan and said he then gets very moody. HimChan had had some crazy moodswings then and he knew exactly what they were implying so he yelled at them to go to hell making all three run away with stuff flying around their ears.

Alex was the one who finally made something happen when she tricked the two. She told HimChan she needed him to look after BangHim when she was out of town for a week. She told Kiseop the same thing. She told them BangHim doesn’t like being alone at night and made both of them promise to sleep there. Then when HimChan showed up at her place he found Kiseop there. Both had blushed liked crazy and HimChan said it was just a misunderstanding from Alex’s side but when he tried to leave he couldn’t get the door open. Kiseop had hurried over to help him and that is when they heard Alex say she would be back at noon the next day and now they had plenty of time to get everything sorted out. HimChan yelled at her but Kiseop just smiled and after a while he confessed to a very flustered HimChan.

“Don’t call me himmie in front of people!” HimChan blushes and pushes Kiseop away. Kiseop chuckles “Come on!” he hurries after HimChan who walks away from him.

“I guess the bat thing really did bring them together huh” SooHyun mumbles and Alex chuckles “I still don’t remember that”

YongGuk comes over and places a hand on her waist “You never did so that doesn’t matter”

“I remember being told you carried me home” Alex smiles and turns towards YongGuk who smirks “I’ll carry you anywhere” he moves both hands around her back and she slides hers around his neck.

“Now it is getting WAY to sugary for me” SooHyun laughs and walks away.

Alex and YongGuk don’t notice because they are way too busy looking all lovingly at each other. JunHyung pushes DooJoon’s arm “How can they still be like that after a year? More than a year”

DooJoon chuckles “You and Hara are like that as well and you have been together even longer”

“No no… Don’t get me wrong I love Hara but those two still look like they just confessed. Hara and I are normal in love” JunHyung smirks and looks at the two “Who would have thought that YongGuk would hook up with the person who at a rap battle told him he could her which by the way makes no sense because she doesn’t have one!”

DooJoon laughs and pushes him. Zico throws pillow at YongGuk “Stop being such a perfect couple” Mir places a hand on his shoulder “You are just jealous”

“I’m not jealous. I’m perfectly fine with Mei breaking up with me” he crosses his arms and pouts.

“Yeah looks like it” Eli mocks and pushes his arm making Zico scowl at him. DongHo and JongUp send each a look and laughs.

YongGuk grasps Alex’s hand and pulls her away from everyone else but they get stopped by Joon “You can’t go now YongGuk. It might be your anniversary but this is our we-got-Alex-back-day”

“We aren’t leaving. I just want to talk to her…” YongGuk scowls at him. Joon pushes YongGuk away and hugs Alex “He is treating you good right? I’ll kick his if he isn’t”

“He is” Alex chuckles and kisses Joon’s cheek. YongGuk impatiently crosses his arms and looks down.

“Alex!” CheonDung who had just entered her place comes running over to her and joins the hug. YongGuk rolls his eyes and sighs “Great” he mumbles

CheonDung kisses Alex’s cheek “Happy Alex day!”

Alex laughs “Alex day?”

“Yeah no matter how you turn it this day is all about you so I call it Alex day” CheonDung grins big.

YongGuk looks towards the kitchen where he makes eye contact with Seungho who nods “Joon and Thunder get your butts over here and help out. This is a lot of food” Seungho calls out

Joon and CheonDung let go of Alex “On the way” they exclaim and walk over to the kitchen. YongGuk smirks.

“What?” Alex pokes his shoulder. YongGuk holds out his hand and she takes it and gets led over to a more desserted part of the room. She frowns a little “You are not breaking up with me now are you?”

YongGuk frowns hard “Hell no!” He pouts big “Why would you think that?”

Alex shrugs and gives him a kiss “What is it then?”

YongGuk takes a deep breath “Uhmm I… Close your eyes”

Alex frowns “Why?”

“Don’t question me, just do it” YongGuk complains

Alex sighs and closes her eyes “Fine”

YongGuk looks towards Seungho again and then looks at Alex “I… wanted to give you something for our anniversary but I didn’t know what it should be because I wanted it to show how much I love you so it couldn’t just be anything…”

Alex opens one eye seeing him blushing like crazy. He quickly covers her eyes with a hand “Don’t!”

Alex chuckles “You look so cute”

YongGuk sniffs and removes his hand “Fine if you wanna ruin it” he digs in his pocket and pulls something out. Alex frowns and looks at the simple necklace with a ring in it.

“I’m not asking you to marry me” YongGuk says frowning hard with his eyes on the ring “I’m just promising you that I will someday”

Alex stares at him in disbelief “Y-you…Y-you w-what?”

YongGuk looks up now seeing her all flustered. He smiles and her cheek. This was the reaction he was hoping for, Alex is so hard to surprise. He gives her a quick kiss and looks her in the eyes “Alex I learned that it is important to say how you feel before it is too late and I love you so much that I know that down the line I want to marry you. We both know now isn’t the right time so I’m just saying that I love you that much and promise you that I will ask you to marry me some day. I already asked Seungho’s permission” YongGuk gestures towards the kitchen.

Alex looks at Seungho who sends her a smile and she then covers her face in her hands shaking it from side to side.

“Will you receive my promise?” YongGuk steps a bit closer looking at the necklace wondering if all this was too much. He looks up at her and frowns a little. Her shaking her head was not what he was hoping for. He sends a nervous look to Seungho who is looking just about as nervous as himself.

YongGuk had brought it up about a month ago when B.A.P and MBLAQ were visiting Alex. YongGuk had asked Seungho if he could talk to him and they had went to the roof where YongGuk, shaking with nerves, had rubbed his neck and told Seungho what he had planned.

Seungho had been a bit surprised off course and before he could say anything YongGuk started blabbering about how he thought it was important that Seungho had okay’ed it. Seungho had stopped him by giving him a hug. He told YongGuk that he thought it was a great idea and that if he needed any help he should let him know.

YongGuk looks back at Alex.

“Off course” Alex removers her hands and throws her arms around his neck “I love you, off course I will” YongGuk’s smile widens to the point where it feels like his cheeks are gonna split in half and he hugs her tight “I love you Alex” he says in her ear and kisses it.

He gently pushes her a bit back and holds up the necklace “Please wear this then”

Alex nods and lets him put it on her. When he has secured the lock behind her neck he looks at the ring resting against her chest “Perfect” he looks up at her “Just perfect”







Yush yush yush xD I finally finished the reupload. I hope you guys enjoyed it and please don't forget that the storie of Alex, YongGuk, Seungho and the rest doesn't end here. So click on the link and see what happens next. I can promise you one thing, it is a choice you won't regret ;)



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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P