First clue

Another Day Comes

Back at the gym the rest of Beast is looking for JunHyung.

“He can’t just vanish into thin air!” DooJoon growls.

Yoseob is looking under benches.

“Why would he be there?” DongWoon rolls his eyes. YoSeob sends him a pout “I don’t know where to look”

“Where the hell is he!” DooJoon yells in frustration. Wooyoung and Nichkhun are working out on some machines close by. No way in hell they were gonna miss this. DooJoon is kicking stuff in anger and grabs Gi Kwang by the shirt “Where is he?!” He snares. Gi Kwang shrugs “I don’t know”

DooJoon’s phone rings and he sees JunHyung’s name “You little where are you?!” He yells into the phone

Hey doonie my favorite victim

DooJoon frowns hard and feels his temper rising even more “Alex” he says in a low voice. All the others look at him and steps away.

“I think she is calling” Nichkhun looks at WooYoung who nods “Look how pissed DooJoon is”

“Where is JunHyung?!” DooJoon breathes deeply

You don’t know? What kind of a leader are you?

DooJoon closes his hand into a fist “Alex this isn’t funny”

Alright. I kidnapped him” she says casually

DooJoon frowns “Repeat that” he mumbles and puts the phone on speaker phone

I kidnapped JunHyung” Alex chuckles “Listen

DooJoon bloody help me! She ing tied me up! Her and Junho. Get me the out of here!!” the desperate voice of JunHyung makes everyone look at the phone in disbelief.

See, he is fine” Alex chuckles “We aren’t at my place so don’t bother go there. We’ll call later” She hangs up.

DooJoon looks towards the two others from 2PM they are laughing at them. DooJoon storms over “Where the hell did she take JunHyung?!”

“We don’t know” Wooyoung chuckles “We was just told to talk to you”

“Yeah this is Alex and Junho only” Nichkhun chuckles as well.

DooJoon shakes his head “Why?”

“Something about JunHyung being a blabber mouth right?” Nichkhun looks at Wooyoung who nods “Yeah telling everyone about her and YongGuk” they both nods at DooJoon “Come on, like he couldn’t take getting taken down a nudge”

“This isn’t funny!” DooJoon’s voice becomes shrieking “Alex is a bully! A bully!” Gi Kwang pulls DooJoon back “Relax she isn’t that bad. She would never hurt him”

“Not the point!” DooJoon starts stomping the ground “Why is she always bullying me?!”

“Uhm you didn’t get kidnapped” Dongwoon frowns. DooJoon walks up to DongWoon staying an inch from his face “Is this not aimed at me, calling me a bad leader and kidnapping one of the guys from my group?”

“S-sorry” DongWoon looks down frowning.

“You really should relax” Wooyoung chuckles. DooJoon glares at him. He looks at the others “We are going to find SooHyun NOW!”

“Why?” HyunSeung frowns. DooJoon starts walking to the changing room “Because he is bloody friends with her and he must know how to talk reason with her”

30 minutes later DooJoon is hammering on the door to U-kiss’s dorm  “OPEN UP OPEN UP!” he yells loudly.

DongHo opens the door. DooJoon grasps his shoulders and shakes him “Where is SooHyun? WHERE IS HE?”

DongHo is looking completely petrified at the angry leader of Beast. The rest of Beast is standing behind him and scratches their neck looking ashamed of DooJoon’s behavior.

Eli comes running and pulls DongHo away from DooJoon “What are you doing?” Eli looks at DooJoon and then DongHo who is hugging him close and still looks really scared. Eli runs a hand up and down his back to comfort him.

“Alex kidnapped JunHyung” Gi Kwangs says and sighs

Eli frowns and looks at him “Seriously?”

“Yeah. DooJoon sees it as a plot against him” DongWoon mumbles and looks at the ground.

“Where is SooHyun?” DooJoon glares at Eli who points to the living-room. DooJoon runs past him.

Eli looks at the others “Is he always like that when he is mad?”

They nod. DongHo steps a bit back “Then I’m glad SooHyun is our leader “

Eli nods “DooJoon is crazy”

“We know” YoSeob sighs.

A yell from the living-room makes them all run in to find DooJoon having pinned SooHyun against the wall “She is your bloody friend! Where would she take him?” DooJoon glares at SooHyun who is laughing hard “She kidnapped him? For real? This is hilarious!”

DooJoon is getting more pissed seeing how SooHyun can think it is all just a joke. He pulls him away from the wall and hammers him back in it “It isn’t funny!”

SooHyun frowns a bit from the pain but is still laughing. He shakes his head “Give me a second”

DooJoon lets go and steps back. YoSeob and HyunSeung force him to sit down in a chair.

SooHyun holds on to his stomach and laughs. He really does his best to control himself but it is so Alex to do something like that and so insane that he is having a hard time becoming serious.

After about 15 minutes he takes a seat across from DooJoon. The rest of u-kiss has gathered in the room. SooHyun looks at Kiseop “Show him that photo”

Kiseop smirks and places his phone on the table. DooJoon looks at it and sees the picture of Alex feeling up SooHyun.

“Yes that did happen” SooHyun chuckles “it isn’t just a rumor”

The rest of Beast gets a look of the photo.

“I don’t know what Alex has done to you but I bet you can’t beat that” SooHyun chuckles.

DooJoon huffs.

“She just kind of makes him blush like crazy taking him by surprise every time” Gi Kwang explains.

DooJoon sniffs and looks at the table. SooHyun chuckles “You got it easy then”

“Yeah you have no idea how embarrassed SooHyun was when she forced him to sit in his boxers. Didn’t help when he jumped over her for the pillow” Eli grins and sits next to SooHyun who blushes a little “You have no idea how exposing it feels to sit in your boxers in front of that girl”

Eli chuckles “She was planning on getting a view you know” SooHyun nods “Yeah I know” He grins “Made YongGuk extremely insecure to know that she has had her hands on me” He stretches his arms over his head “That was fun”

DooJoon calms down a bit. He looks at SooHyun who puts his arms on the table “Then there was the whole picture thing which was her helping Kiseop get revenge. Eli get covered in green slime for the same reason”

Eli nods “Yeah that was disgusting”

SooHyun chuckles “Once she tied me up. That was kind of scary. That girl is crazy strong” he smiles and looks at DooJoon “My point is that she does these things but she never means anything bad by it. You should consider it an honor that she keeps bullying you” SooHyun leans back in his chair “She doesn’t bully everyone”

“Doesn’t bully me excepts when it is revenge for others” Eli smirks

“Yeah? It doesn’t feel like something to be proud of” DooJoon mumbles. SooHyun laughs. DongHo chuckles “Alex is really nice. She is mostly the one driving me around when I have a busy day. She always makes sure I get something to eat and if I’m tired she will make sure I get a break. Once she started arguing with the producer of a show. I got to sleep for 30 minutes because she kept the crew busy”

Kevin nods “She was around one time we recording and I was doing horrible and our manager was yelling at me. Alex started saying the song was crap and got into a loud argument with our manager putting the whole recording session at a hold”

“I remember that” Hoon smirks “She threw a water bottle to you just as she started saying it was crap”

“She didn’t actually think it was crap” SooHyun smiles “She just wanted to give Kevin a break”

“Like the time Kiseop had problems with the choreography and Alex said the whole thing was ridiculous. She made the choreographer so mad he dragged her to the CEO to complain” Eli smirks. Kiseop nods “Yeah the others had time to help me and when they came back I had it down”

DooJoon looks around at the guys who all have nothing but praises to say about her.

YoSeob clears his throat “She did actually help me out once at a variety show” DooJoon and the rest of Beast looks at him.

“I hadn’t slept at all because I had been so worried. She was there with Joon who noticed and asked her if she wouldn’t help. I’m not sure what she did but the power in the entire building went. Alex dragged me to a dressing room and told me to take a nap and that she was gonna make sure I wasn’t being missed. An hour later Joon woke me up and no one ever knew I had been sleeping” YoSeob explains.

SooHyun smiles at him. He is proud of calling Alex his friend. Most of the time. That ghost of hers still scares him. She has told him about how she sometimes feels like she can’t recognize her own eyes and he has to admit he sometimes sees the change. He gets a feeling of bitterness from her every once in a while. He hasn’t told her but he has a theory that her ghost might be bitter about being locked up like that.

“Why haven’t you told us about that?” DongWoon frowns at YoSeob who shrugs “Because DooJoon gets weird when we mention her”

DooJoon sighs and rests his head on his arms.

“Mir did tell you not to be so concerned about her bullying you” Gi Kwang pats DooJoon on the back.

DooJoon’s phone rings and he pulls it out “It’s her again” He mumbles and puts it on speaker phone

“Honey is it true you have kidnapped JunHyung?” SooHyun chuckles

SooHyun?” she starts laughing “Aw how cute they went to you. Yes honey I got him right here

“Alex gives us him back” DooJoon says looking at the phone

Nah where is the fun in that?” Alex chuckles “Who is there?

“All of U-kiss and the rest of Beast” SooHyun says “Alex is he still there?”

JunHyung say hi to people

Hi people” a sighs is heard from JunHyung “Alex could you at least untie my hands? I promise I won’t go anywhere. Please

The members of Beast chuckles “JunHyung is begging?” HyunSeung looks at Gi Kwang who bites his lip.

Hmm no. You should not blabber so much

I already apologized for that!” JunHyung sounds whiny

Guys don’t worry we are taking good care of him” Junho’s voice is heard

SooHyun frowns “Junho?”


“Why are you there?” SooHyun feels a slight jealousy. He considers himself Alex’s best friend aside from MBLAQ and YongGuk and he doesn’t like that she is doing pranks with Junho and not him. He shakes his head and moves back realizing that he is actually jealous.

I’m helping” Junho chuckles. SooHyun pushes out his jaw and scowls at the phone. DooJoon looks at him and covers his mouth so the others can’t see his grin

If you guys wanna find JunHyung you have to play our game” Alex then says “First clue. Visual Kei

“How the hell is that a clue?!” DooJoon frowns.

“Alex you gotta give us more than that” SooHyun sighs feeling kind of down now.

Sweet honey you are practically in my head. Now read my mind” She hangs up.

DooJoon smirks at SooHyun “You are jealous she is with Junho right now aren’t you?”

SooHyun scowls at him “No”

Eli gives SooHyun a push “Yes you are”

SooHyun closes his hands into fists “She is my best friend why didn’t she ask me to be in on this?” He pouts and hides his face in his arms making everyone else laugh.

“You would think you were her boyfriend and not just her friend” Dongho grins. Kiseop chuckles “HimChan says YongGuk is really needy when it comes to Alex. I think she just has that effect on people”

SooHyun leans back “She does” he sighs “YongGuk is the worst but MBLAQ are needy as well” He grunts and hits the table “When the hell did I become needy!”

The others laugh again.

“We should try and figure out that clue” Gi Kwang changes the subject.


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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P