ALex has to help out again

Another Day Comes

A few days later Beast’s Doo Joon and U-Kiss’s SooHyun is walking around in the town passing time before a schedule. They are appearing in the same magazine and decided to meet up beforehand to talk. It’s a spread about male leaders of Kpop groups and others like MBLAQ’s Seungho and 2PM’s Teacyeon is appearing as well.

The two has been eating at a small café and stops at a music store to check out who has most fans buying their stuff. They search the racks for their cds talking about some of the other stuff they find.

“Found ours” Doo Joon smirks waving a cd held by two of his fingers. SooHyun smirks “Yeah well found ours as well” He crosses his arms and smirks “And we have a poster hanging here” He nods behind him. Doo Joon looks up and grunts “Bah that means nothing”

SooHyun chuckles “You are just jealous because you know U-Kiss can kick Beast’s any day”

“You got to be kidding me” Doo Joon laughs “You don’t hold a candle to us”

SooHyun walks over in DooJoon’s face with a smirk “Well our rapper wasn’t the one who lost to foreigners on home court”

“Oh so that is how we are playing” Doo Joon gives him a small push “You were there. The guy JunHyung was up against was better than the one Eli was up against” Doo Joon tilts his head back crossing his arms.

“Like hell he was. Just face it Eli was just better” SooHyun returns to looking at the cds. “You heard there had been something going down outside the place?”

Doo Joon steps over next to him “Switching topic huh?” He grins “But yeah I heard. You know who it was?”

“No but you know how rumors is all over the place” He looks up at DooJoon “You know that one Alex left pretty fast”

“Uhm Yeah you are right. I saw him with MBLAQ. They looked very friendly” SooHyun lifts a cd and turn it looking at the back.

“Yeah they are friends it seems” DooJoon looks over his shoulder “That is a great cd you know”

SooHyun looks at him “Yea?” He nods “I don’t know I never been much for this kind of music”

“No? It’s freaking awesome” DooJoon nods and snatches the cd from him with a grin. His eyes scan the track list and he starts humming one of the songs. SooHyun listen bobbing his head slightly.

“IHHHHHH!” the sound of girl screaming snaps them out of their little own world. “” SooHyun puts the cd back and they start moving away fast but without drawing too much attention. “Where did they come from? Its school time” DooJoon looks at his watch.

“Fan girls are crazy” SooHyun just mutters they move around trying to find cover somewhere. They find a corner which is kind of secluded.

“I didn’t know they had this?” SooHyun looks around

DooJoon changes the position of some cartboard commercials and they hide behind it. Doo Joon has a very good view of the store so he looks out searching for the girls “I think we lost them”

“Yeah but they saw us, they are gonna stay here for hours” SooHyun mumbles and turns looking at the cds behind them “Who the hell is Roach?” He looks up “This is all Japanese” He pulls a cd down from a high position “Sendai Kamotsu” He cuckles.

DooJoon turns and looks at the cover “What the hell are they supposed to be?” He grins looking at the cd.

“I have no idea” SooHyun smirks. He puts the cd back and keeps scanning the shelf “Spiv States” he pulls another down looking at it “colorful”

“GazettE” DooJoon pulls another cd down “Those I heard of. They were releasing once we were in Japan. It’s that visual kei thing”

“Oh like the only genre that wears more makeup than us?” SooHyun grins

DooJoon chuckles “Yeah” He looks back out “They look like sharks circling their victims” He sighs and looks at his watch “We are gonna be late if they don’t disappear soon”

“Maybe we should call a manager to get us out of this mess” SooHyun is still holding the cd in his hand.

“Our is with Gi Kwang and DongWoon today he won’t be able to help” DooJoon rubs his neck.

“Yeah I think our manager is busy as well. Then what?” SooHyun looks out the crack at the store.

“Uhm I don’t know. We should call someone from the shoot, maybe they have a solution” DooJoon pulls out his phone “Taecyeon or Seungho?” DooJoon looks at SooHyun who tilts his head thinking “Seungho usually is very good at thinking things through. Taecyeon would probably tell us to just run like the wind and laugh at us”

“Sounds about right” DooJoon grins. He finds Seungho’s number and presses talk. It rings a few times before being picked up.


“Hey Seungho it’s DooJoon”

Yeah I saw what’s up? Aren’t I’m seeing you soon?

“Yeah if a miracle happen” DooJoon mumbles looking out at the store again “SooHyun and I am in a bit of a pickle”

He hears the famous Seungho-chuckle “Oh yea? What now?

Doo Joon frowns “You make it sound like we do that a lot”

Lately people only call me when there are problems. So what can I do for you?

“We were in that music store. You know the big one on the corner and well we got spotted and now we are kind of stuck in the Japanese rock department”

There is a bit of a silence and then they hear Seungho talking to someone else before he returns to them “Just stay put someone will be there soon. Don’t go anywhere okay

“Uhm yeah okay” Doo Joon frowns and then the phone is hung up “How…?” DooJoon looks at the phone

SooHyun chuckles and scratches his neck “I think that was the right one to call”

“Would seem so” DooJoon smirks “But what can ‘someone’ do?”

SooHyun shrugs and they look back at the cds. Some of the covers are pretty weird. SooHun shows a few to DooJoon who takes them and laughs. They both seem to have forgotten that they are stuck.

After 15 minutes DooJoon looks at his watch “How long do you think we have to stay here?”

“Are the girls gone?” Soohyun looks towards the crack. DooJoon looks out and sighs “No. They are still there. Don’t these fans ever give up?”

“No I’m too awesome” SooHyun sighs. DooJoon looks at him raising a brow “You think they are after you?”

“Well it is obvious” SooHyun crosses his arms and smirks. “Oh my friend you are dreaming” Doo Joon grins.

“Are we really gonna go into that again. U-Kiss is just better” SooHyun smirks and gives DooJoon a push. DooJoon widens his eyes “That’s just stupid to think. Beast is the best and the sooner you accept that the better” he smirks back.

“The sooner both of you stop arguing about something so ridiculous the sooner you can get out of here” Seungho pops in with a huge grin. He is wearing a beanie and big framed glasses.

“Seungho Hyung” DooJoon smiles. SooHyun smiles as well “Nice of you to come and get us!”

Seungho nods and smiles “No problem”

“But what about the girls? Are they gone?” Doo Joon looks out. Seungho pulls a couple of beanies from his pockets handing one to each “No they are still there but they are distracted”

SooHyun removes the hat he was wearing and replaces it with the beanie “With what?” DooJoon puts his beanie on and looks at Seungho who has his arms crossed looking at the cds “Uh Dir en grey” He takes a cd from the shelf. He looks at DooJoon for a sec and then looks at the cd again“Alex is distracting them. I didn’t know you could get this band in Korea” He holds up the cd

“You know that band?” SooHyun frowns looking at the cd. Seungho smirks “Yeah.. It’s Alex’s favorite band. Heavy metal” He puts the cd back and looks out “Come on we gotta hurry” He steps out and the two others follows him closely “You said Alex is distracting them?” SooHyun looks at Seungho frowning.

“Yeah look” Seungho nods towards a big group of girls surrounding a guy with bright blue eyes and red hair messily sticking out under a beanie. “That’s Alex?” DooJoon frowns “But he is bloody good looking!”

Alex has a cocky smile and has pushed her shoulders forward to make herself seem bigger and more masculine. She looks like a feminine guy and with her blue foreign eyes and her white skin and gentle face she is quite stunning. Her body type isn’t as petite as the Korean girls thanks to her European genes and with her chest strapped in and a loose blouse and pants made for males she could easily go for a guy. Put her ability to lower her voice and her behavior and careless attitude on top of that and she is like every girls dream for an exotic bad boy. And she knows what girls want to hear being a girl herself. They hear the girls giggle as Alex says something.

Seungho pats Doo Joon on the shoulder to make him keep walking.

SooHyun looks back “He didn’t look that good on stage” Seungho chuckles but doesn’t say anything. He looks back at Alex. She really is beautiful, even as a guy. Seungho smiles and gestures for the others to hurry up.

Outside Seungho takes out his phone. Alex sent him a text with one single word Bastard

He chuckles and looks back inside. Alex sends him a quick look and then returns to the girls. Seungho waves for the others to follow.

“Are we just leaving him with them?” SooHyun frowns looking back at the store. Seungho nods “Alex can take care of himself and we are gonna be late if we don’t hurry. Praise yourself lucky Alex had the time to help” He turns the corner where the car Taecyeon is sitting in. “This is like a whole rescue mission” DooJoon laughs. Seungho gets in next to the driver seat “Just come on” Taecyeon looks at Seungho as the other two get in “Seriously that is Alex’s motorcycle?”

Seungho chuckles “You still on that. I’m telling you that is Alex’s motorcycle”

“What wait when what?” DooJoon asks curiously. SooHyun looks around and spots a dark red beast of a motorcycle parked a few feet away “That one? The ing awesome one right there?” He looks at Seungho who sends a look back to him running his tongue over his lip. He looks at the bike and nods “Yes that is Alex's”

“!” DooJoon frowns “That is a nasty beast. I would look hot on that”

Taecyeon chuckles “I don’t actually think you could beat how Alex looked on it” Seungho chuckles looking down at his hands. Taecyeon continues “I swear to god when he took off his helmet and ruffled his hair before putting on the beanie I stopped breathing for a sec and I’m not gay”

Seungho laughs out loud and blushes slightly. He couldn’t agree more and Taecyeon only saw her in those big clothes. If he had seen her back before the crash when she wore that fitted clothes he might just have started drooling.

Taecyeon looks at Seungho “And the smile he sent you when he called you ani didn’t make it any better” Seungho grins.

He sends a look to Taecyeon “Am I gonna have to keep an eye on you? I’m very a very protective guy you know” He sends Taecyeon a smirk. Taecyeon laughs “Aish I’m not into guys. Had he been a girl you might have a problem” Seungho shakes his head and sighs. *Okay so Taecyeon is NOT gonna find out* he sends a look to the beastly guy next to him and frowns.

DooJoon pats him on the shoulder “So you and the guy are close huh? Yet none of us had ever heard of him”

SooHyun smirks as well. Seungho looks at Taecyeon “We should get moving”

“Don’t try and sneak out of this” SooHyun gently pushes the back of Seungho’s head.

Seungho sighs defeated “I haven’t known Alex that long. We met in Japan and became friends” he shrugs thinking back again. He isn’t really that happy about being forced to remember back on that.

“And he suddenly just decided to move to Korea? Come on you sound like you are close with him”

Seungho nods “Let’s just say we went through some things together. But all off MBLAQ considers Alex a part of the family so it’s not just me. Now can we drive?”

Taecyeon nods and they take off..

Seungho looks out the window and sighs. His thoughts go back to the day after the incident in the hallway. He had woken up thinking it had been a dream but if it had we would probably had woken up with a and that wasn’t the case. He was completely unfocused all day and the manager was pissed. Seungho hadn’t been that popular with him anyway and they had been arguing very loudly to the point where the manager told him to leave.

Seungho decided to call Alex who completely emotionless had told him to come to her place. It ended up being a pretty good day.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P