
Another Day Comes

About 20 minutes later their attention is caught by an uproar.

“What are you doing with my girl?!”

The group of idols all turn their heads towards the angry voice and sees Alex and some other guy pushing each other. “Your girl?” Alex huffs “What the hell makes you think she is yours?”

The guys shoves Alex again “Who do you think you are you ing foreigner?”

“Her boyfriend” Alex grins and steps aside as the guy tries to push her again making him stumble forwards. Clearly both of them are pretty drunk. Alex has the bottle of Soju in her hand, it’s practically empty.

“If you had treated her better maybe she would have stayed” Alex mocks and gives the stumbling guy a small push with her foot sending him falling to the side. The girl holds on to Alex’s arm looking a bit scared. Alex empties the bottle and hands it to the girl saying something to her the guys can’t hear.

“He emptied that and still thinks he can win a fight?” SooHyun frowns. YongGuk clenches his jaw, he has a very uneasy feeling about this.

The guy is back on his feet and moves towards Alex who is preoccupied with the girl so she doesn’t see it coming when the guy grasps her by the shirt and flings her over his shoulder with little effort. Alex lands on the floor with crash and a complaint.

YongGuk’s fists tightens as he worriedly looks at her slowly getting back on her feet. Alex then dodging a fist before sending one in the guy’s stomach. “You think you scare me!” She yells spreading out her arms and gets in his face as he groans in pain. Then the guy lashes out at her again but just graces her as she steps back almost stumbling over a chair.

“YAAH!” The guy goes for her again. A fist directly on her lip which causes her to fall back but she quickly retaliates and knocks him over with a chair breaking it to pieces. She runs the back of her hand over the cut the fist gave her lip and looks at it. She starts laughing staggering back “That hurt. ing piece of ”

The guy uses a table to get back up. “I show you how much you can hurt!” The guy yells again and tackles towards her she jumps up on a table but in her drunken state she just falls down on the other side. The guy being drunk as well stumbled directly into 2 other people.

Alex gets up and laughs again. Then a third person jumps in and grasps Alex “ing foreigner” He hisses and throws her back over the table. YongGuk and Eli get up and run over to the fight without thinking it over.

The jealous boyfriend is pulling Alex up by the front of her shirt. YongGuk gives him a shove and Eli stands in front of the other guy who had gone for Alex. “What the hell is your problem?!” The boyfriend yells.

“Cut the crap out” Eli snaps.

“What you are helping the ing foreigner?!” The other guy snaps “You are ing Korean!”

Alex gets on her feet and frowns at YongGuk “When did you get here?”

“You okay?” YongGuk looks at her worried. Her lip is cracked and a fine line of blood tickles down from it. She chuckle “Yea that guy don’t punch as hard as you would think. ing weak”

YongGuk shakes his head knowing that the comment will have pisses the guy further off.

“If there is gonna be more fighting take it outside!” The bartender yells. Alex looks at the boyfriend “Sure” Then she walks towards the door. YongGuk grasps her arm “Alex don’t. You are drunk and you shouldn’t fight at all you know that”

She looks around, her eyes land on the girl and then looks back at YongGuk “Don’t think I’m doing this for my own sake” She roughly pulls her arm away from him and heads towards the door. The boyfriend and the girl follow together with some other people. YongGuk is standing frozen. Eli comes up next to him with the rest “He is really gonna fight him?”

“I’m not sure they are gonna play fair” HimChan frowns. YongGuk scratches his nack shaking his head lightly “No let’s go help” he looks around at the others.  Eli nods looking rather impatient to get out there. SooHyun nods he kind of owes Alex anyway. Kiseop and HimChan look at each other and then at YongGuk “We don’t wanna fight” They both whine.

The other three stare at them “Be men for god sake” Eli shakes his head and YongGuk chuckles “HimChan just pretend it’s JongUp who has stolen your laptop again” He and Eli leads the way out after the others.

Outside Alex and the guy are smack talking each other. YongGuk smirks. Alex is good at this part that is for sure. And off course Alex is completely ridiculously victorious making the other guy even more pissed and that is even though she is quite drunk.

The guy shoves her and Alex stumbles back but then walks up in his face widening her eyes with a nasty smirk on her lip “That’s all you got? No wonder you got no girl”

The guy’s friends makes displeased sounds that their friend is taken that kind of talk. The girl is standing back at the wall hugging herself and looking at Alex with great worry on her face.

The guy pushes Alex back and tackles her. She yells and throws him off but is grasps by two others.

“I think that is our que” Eli slaps YongGuk on the arm and they head towards them. SooHyun takes a deep breath and follows. Kiseop and HimChan are looking at each other “After you” Kiseop gestures with a hand. HimChan frowns “No no after you”

Kiseop clenches his jaw “I call upon the age rule you first”

“” HimChan curses and shakes his head following the others. Kiseop chuckles for a sec before realizing he still has to join in “Argh ” He grunts and follows.

YongGuk pulls one guy off Alex “Yah why don’t you find someone your own size” He growls and the guy looks slightly scared which gives Alex the opportunity to get loose from the other and kick him in the stomach. She looks to YongGuk “Thanks” a grin playing on her bruised lip.

YongGuk smiles and nods. Eli gets pushed back and is caught by YongGuk

“Wah they mean business” Eli looks to Alex who grins “Hey”

“Hey you are here too” She laughs

“Yeah want a hand?” Eli shakes hands with her. She pulls him towards her and prevents a guy from hitting him over his head “Yeah if you help and don’t get in the way” She runs between them over to the boyfriend.

SooHyun is fighting of a guy who is a bit more experienced within the art of fighting. He stumbles back seeing a fist aimed directly at his face. Alex tackles the guy sending him to the ground. She gets back up and pulls SooHyun back “Don’t let them near your face dude” she flicks his forehead “Think!” She points to her temple.

He sees a guy coming towards them behind her and moves her out of the way and kicks him. “L-like that?” SooHyun stammers. Alex laughs “Good one” making SooHyun chuckle a little.

“” Alex gets yanked back and thrown against the wall. SooHyun gets a kick to the stomach and is incapable of helping. Alex holds up her arms to fend herself off while 3 guys hit her. YongGuk gives HimChan a push and the two jumps in. HimChan punches a guy in the face, it is a really good punch. YongGuk chuckles “I knew you had it in you” Alex kicks off the last guy and grins looking quite beat up. YongGuk sends her a smirk “Done yet?”

“ no” She grins and then they both head back to the others. HimChan is looking at his fist “That hurt!”

Kiseop comes over to him “You hit someone?” HimChan pouts and looks at him nodding.

“You okay?” Kiseop looks all worried.

“My hand hurts” HimChan whines getting petted on the head by Kiseop who comforts him.

“YAAAAAAAH!” A guy comes towards them with a bat. The two huddles together in a hug with frightened expressions. “What now?” HimChan sounds extra whiny. “I-I don’t know” Kiseop sounds just as whiny.

Out of nowhere Eli comes running pulling the two out of the way. The guy misses and starts hitting randomly around him with the bat. Eli does his best to keep the two scared guys out of the way.

“Dickhead!” Alex yells and walks towards the guy with the bat, her arms spread out and a nasty smirk on her bruised lips. The guy stops and looks at her, he then raises his bat to swing it at her but SooHyun grasps it from behind. The guy turns and stares at the idol who shakes his head “You shouldn’t play with this. You might hurt someone”

The guy frowns and looks back at Alex who punches him in the face sending him falling to the ground where he stays motionless. “ a punch” SooHyun widens his eyes looking at Alex who staggers back barely managing to stand on her feet “God I’m too drunk for this” She mumbles and rubs her temples.

She looks at SooHyun “Give me the bat” SooHyun hands it over and Alex drags it over the ground towards the others who steps back “This is how we play?” She smirks and moves the bat up resting it on her shoulder

YongGuk, Eli and SooHyun are smirking behind her. Kiseop and HimChan are trying to calm each other.

“Get the out of here” Alex growls and the other group takes off. Alex sighs and drops the bat on the ground.

The girl who had been standing by the wall runs over throwing her arms around Alex neck. Alex being drunk and tired falls on her back with the girl and curses. “Mei for sake” Alex whines.

The girl sits up straddling Alex who pushes herself up with her arms so she is facing the girl “Don’t jump drunk people!” She complains looking pathetic. The idols move towards them.

“You did it Alex!” the girl cheers

“Did what?” Alex mumbles with drowsy eyes. Her drunken state catching up with her for real.

“You beat Danny” The girl cheers again adjusting Alex’s beanie “Oh right” Alex nods and then sighs “Good”

YongGuk and Eli is pointing fingers and laughing at HimChan and Kiseop who is pale and looks like frightened bunnies. SooHyun looks at Alex and the girl.

The girl whispers something to Alex who looks over to the girl’s ex-boyfriend who is scowling at them. Then Alex looks back at the girl and smirks. She lifts a hand to the girl’s cheek and guides her face closer before tenderly pressing their lips together. SooHyun lashes behind him catching a shirt and gives it a pull as he stares at the two on the ground.

The girl moves her hands to Alex’s neck and the kiss deepens, lips being parted slightly and the girl in particular seems to want more.

“” YongGuk mumbles looking at the two girls. He looks away feeling his cheeks burning. That is a hot kiss and just the fact that he knows its two girls is just too much and he looks at the others to distract himself clearing his throat. He looks at Eli who is smirking as he looks at the two. HimChan is biting his lip and frowns. Kiseop is just plainly staring. SooHyun turns and looks at the shirt he got a hold on. He looks up at the face seeing YongGuk which gets him laughing “Why are you blushing?”

YongGuk blushes even more hearing him say that and grunts, looks down and crosses his arms. He sends a small look to Alex as he gulps. Alex is looking in his direction and is laughing. The same does the girl.

YongGuk turns and shakes his head blushing hard. It doesn’t help that he now knows Alex noticed him blushing in the first place. He hides his face in his hand and grunts unhappily. HimChan moves over to him with a big smirk “Who is the ert now?” He chuckles. YongGuk sends him a glare.

“Let me get up now” Alex says to the girl who gets off and helps Alex up putting Alex’s arm around her shoulder to stabilize the drunken foreigner.

“Guys this is Mei. Mei this is guys” Alex chuckles drunkenly.

“How drunk are you?” Soohyun looks at Alex who shrugs and looks at Mei who smiles at her “Alex is very drunk” Mei lovingly pats Alex’s cheek.

“I’m very drunk it would seem” Alex laughs and staggers a bit back. She looks back at the once she had just been fighting. They are moving off. Alex nods and sighs “I’m out” She starts walking away digging her hands in her pockets.

Mei runs after her “Alex you haven’t even thanked them for helping!”. Alex stops in her tracks and rubs her neck. Mei grasps her arm but gets pushed away and then Alex sets off in a run.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P