Show what you got

Another Day Comes

They all sit and chat with the kids playing around.

“Don’t your parents miss you?” Zico waves off one of the boys who has found it funny to stick a finger in his ear

“Oh right I’m babysitting them” Alex chuckles “Their parents well be here any moment”

The girl who had found her place in Alex’s lap is staring at YongGuk “You rap” She suddenly says. Everyone looks at her a bit surprised. YongGuk smiles “Yes I do”

The girl starts humming the melody for Never give up making YongGuk widen his eyes and flash a huge smile “That’s it”

Alex looks at him with a big question-mark

Zico looks at her “You don’t know it?”

Alex shakes her head “No”

“You should show her” Zico grins. YongGuk rubs his neck “I don’t think so”

“Why not? I want to hear” Alex smirks

“It’s not your type of music” YongGuk looks down at his hands.

“Dude come on” Zico grins “Don’t you have the instrumental? I can do Zelo’s part”

“You can?” YongGuk frowns. Zico laughs “Yes off course”

"That is given?" Alex frowns

"As I said" Zico smirks at her "I'm freaking awesome"

"Dial it down with the God complex" YongGuk chuckles

“Please” Alex looks at YongGuk blinking her eyes and smiles sweetly making YongGuk all flustered. He chuckles and pulls her beanie down hiding his eyes with his hand.

Alex chuckles and the girl moves her beanie back up “Bear be nice to Husky” she points a finger at YongGuk shaking it like a mother scolding a child. YongGuk chuckles and pats Alex on the head “Sorry”

Alex laughs “You can show me that song and I’ll forgive you”

YongGuk sighs fishing his phone from his pocket he looks at the background picture for a sec. Eli had sent him the picture of him and Alex and HimChan had changed it in the taxi so it had become his new background.

He tugs on his lip and clears his throat looking up at Alex who is talking with Zico. YongGuk takes a deep breath and finds the instrumental track and then looks back at Alex.

“Oh wait” She pulls a couple of skull shaped mini speakers “This way the quality of the music will be better” She grins and takes YongGuk’s phone attaching the speakers to it.

“So you do Zelo?” YongGuk points at Zico who nods and grins

“I can do him” Zico flashes his signature cocky smirk.

“I don’t think Zelo would appreciate that” Alex laughs to herself. The two guys look at her not sure what is so funny. She laughs a bit more seeing their expressions and hides with a hand. YongGuk catches on and shakes his head “Alex that is so wrong”

Zelo widens his eyes when he realizes what she meant “You are twisted”

Alex just keeps laughing. YongGuk shakes his head and chuckles. He sends her a look wondering how she can always be so relaxed

“Alright” He can’t help but smile big and shakes his head as he looks at Zico and presses play.

Zico chuckles at Alex. He enjoys cockiness in others. Alex matches him well in that area and he quite enjoys it.

He sits and waits while the music starts. When Zelo’s voice should have started he starts rapping, hands flying in the air and the famous cocky smirk plays on his lips. YongGuk nods his head with the music.

YongGuk takes over doing his thing. A playful smile on his lips as he sends a glance to Alex “Do what you like and luv what you do” He smirks and points at Zico who grins and throws another hand. During the chorus both guys sit banging their heads up and down in big motions

Alex chuckles

I’m back in the school back back in the scholl…” YongGuk starts again moving like he did when performing. The kids mimic his movements. The girl claps happily. Alex looks to Zico when his part starts again. Zico starts with the hands again and the smirk that could make any girl drop on the spot. Alex has a huge smile bobbing her head with the music.

Zico looks at her rapping to her as charming as he can, spreading out his arms and then forms a heart over his head.

YongGuk takes over again and Alex turns to him. He smiles at her and holds a hand to his heart overly dramatic and smiles big.

He touches the girl’s nose with the tip of his finger making her giggle. Alex looks at the girl and smiles.

Zico is bouncing his head looking at one of the boys who mimics his movements.

At the next chorus they all sit clapping with the music and leaning from side to side. Alex is holding the girls hands clapping them together. YongGuk ruffles a boy’s hair.

I’m back in the school back back in the school…” YongGuk starts again this time he tries to show the kids how he does the head thing. When the break comes he looks at Alex “Here people would start dancing”

Alex nods “Then let’s” She grins and stands up throwing the girl in the air and catches her again. YongGuk and Zico gets up with the kids and they all start dancing around probably looking like fools to those who can’t hear the music but they don’t care. They have fun. YongGuk highfives the girl and then starts acting all macho with Zico and the boys. Alex and the girl laugh at them.

When the track stops they all sit back down laughing.

“That was great” Alex smiles big. YongGuk looks down and smiles. Alex turns to Zico “You are good”

Zico beams proudly “I know”

“But Guk is still better” Alex smirks and YongGuk laughs looking at Zico who shakes his head “I’m gonna make you change your mind”

“You are welcome to try boy” Alex chuckles. The girl whispers something to Alex who hands her the lollipop. Ariel walks over to Zico and hands it to him. He sighs and smiles “Thanks” The girl smiles big and hurries back to Alex “What about bear now?” Alex says quietly. The girl looks at YongGuk and then Zico who smiles “You could give him a kiss on the cheek” Zico suggest. YongGuk laughs and shakes his head. Alex chuckles and looks at YongGuk

“Only if Husky does too” The girl then says making the three stare at her. Zico laughs and drops on his back. Alex chuckles “Really?”

YongGuk bites his lip and grins. The girl nods

“Why don’t you kiss a cheek each at the same time” Zico has gotten back up and is grinning big pointing a finger at YongGuk who frowns at him “Why are you talking?”

Zico just keeps grinning.

“Okay” The girl then says. YongGuk looks at her “What?” She walks over in front of him and points his left cheek “I kiss that” Then she points his right “Husky kiss that” Alex laughs along with Zico. YongGuk is turning a mild shade of pink “It is okay, there is no need” He tries.

The girl suddenly looks sad and she crosses her arms and looks at Alex “He doesn’t think I’m sweet” YongGuk lifts his hands “No no no no you are very sweet”

The girl keeps pouting and looks at him. YongGuk sighs “You are very very sweet” He smiles as charming as he can. The girl lightens a bit. YongGuk looks to Alex not sure what to do but she just shrugs.

YongGuk takes a deep breath looking down and then lifts his eyes to the girl and starts making funny faces before grasping her and hugging her tight “Cutest girl in the world” He laughs and places her back. The girl is blushing now and hides her face in her hands “You are weird” she says and looks at him between two fingers. Alex and Zico are both doing their best not to laugh. YongGuk sends both of them a quick glare.

“Okay then” The girl walks over to his left and then motions for Alex to come. YongGuk hides his eyes and chuckles. Alex laughs and moves to his right.

“I count!” Zico says happily YongGuk glares at him “Gee great thanks”

“No problem” Zico smirks and YongGuk looks down as the countdown from 5 begins ending at 1 and he feels the small lips of the girl on his left cheek and the soft lips of Alex on his right making his heart skip a beat and his cheek burn. Alex laughs as she sits back at her spot and looks at Zico “You took a picture?”

Zico grins “I had too. Look how cute” He shows her his phone “Aww” Alex says sounding very girly “So cute” Zico laughs and then looks at YongGuk “Dude wanna see?”

YongGuk clears his throat “No I’m good” He scratches his neck and looks to the side.

The kids suddenly take off and Alex waves at some women who waves back and then leaves with the kids.

Zico unwrappes his lollipop and pops it into his mouth “That was fun”

Alex nods. Zico picks up YongGuk’s phone which was still on the grass. His lips curl up into grin “What is with your background?” YongGuk frowns and looks up “Eli took that” he mumbles. Alex frowns and leans towards Zico who shows her the phone. She frowns “Is that me on your back?”

“Why is that on your background?” Zico chuckles. YongGuk sighs “HimChan put it there”

Alex takes the phone “When was this taken?”

“You were asleep” YongGuk mumbles reaching out for the phone “Eli thought you looked cute so he took the picture send it to me and Himchan made it my bagground. I’ll change it” He tries taking his phone but Alex moves it away “It is cute” She looks at YongGuk who just stares in her eyes for a sec not sure what to do or say.

Alex finds her own phone “I want this” She starts sending herself the picture. YongGuk sits back in his spot and looks down trying to figure out what is happening to him.

Zico looks over Alex’s shoulder “You want the one I took?”

“Yes please send me” Alex smirks and looks at his phone. Zico sends her the picture. Alex jumps when a phone rings. It’s MBLAQ’s Mona Lisa.

YongGuk looks at her but she just shrugs “It’s not mine”

“Not mine either” Zico frowns. Both looks at YongGuk “Right, you guys have my phone” he frowns and shakes his head "Why would I use a MBLAQ sound anyway?"

“Oh right” Alex grins and then pulls the pink one from her pocket she looks at it “Hmm”

“Where did you get that?” Zico takes it and looks it over.

“Some girl” Alex mumbles “I should do something about it”

“Why do you have that?”

“She had a picture of you guys bringing me to the dorm. I couldn’t let her have that” Alex takes the phone which stops ringing. She starts taking it apart.

“You can’t just destroy it!” YongGuk frowns

“Oh no?” Alex looks up at him removing the memory card from the phone and snaps it in two “Ups” She smirks and takes the sad leftovers of the phone and gets up walking over to a trashcan and throws it out. Zico throws YongGuk his phone.

YongGuk looks at the picture on the background. He sniffs and looks at Zico who picks up his own phone looking at a text he just got. YongGuk move his eyes to Alex who comes back over she keeps standing and looks down at them “I’m gonna take off”

“Already?” Zico frowns

“Yeah” She nods once

He jumps up and grins “We’ll walk you out” He looks at YongGuk “Won’t we?” He looks back at Alex

Alex nods “Nice of you” She crosses her arms and looks at YongGuk who nods and gets up

The three heads out the park Zico and Alex chatting while YongGuk walks behind them looking at the ground frowning slightly.

He looks at Alex’s back. The baggy pants and the oversized leather jacket covering the slim but curvy figure, the beanie covering her red hair. His eyes move to Zico. He wears a pair of relatively tight jeans and a leather jacket as well with a beanie covering his blond hair. They look like two guys even though Alex is smaller. He rubs his neck and frowns looking back at the ground. “No way” he mumbles

“Yah Guk are you with us?” Zico calls

“Yea yea” YongGuk says back forcing a smile. He looks at Zico’s grinning face which turns back looking ahead. YongGuk takes a deep breath and looks at Alex

“So Alex do you miss Japan much?” Zico looks at her. She thinks it over digging her hands in her pockets “Yes. I do”

“Do you wanna go back?” Zico asks again

YongGuk looks from one to the other frowning lightly.

“Maybe” Alex shrugs “Depends on so many things”

“Like what?” Zico turns walking sideways looking at her

Alex sighs “Not telling you”

“Why not?” Zico frowns

“Because you bug me” Alex just says and looks back at YongGuk “I’m out” She grins and throws a hand sign before turning and taking off in a run. YongGuk sighs.

Zico frowns “What did that mean?”

“Means you ask too many questions” YongGuk walks over and pats him on the shoulder with a small smile.

Zico shrugs “So ‘it’ just takes off?” YongGuk chuckles “Stop calling Alex ‘it’. And yeah, Alex…” He looks after her seeing her walking far away “is running from her past” He looks at Zico “Which she doesn’t have”

“Makes no sense” Zico frowns.

YongGuk smirks “No it does sound far fetched doesn’t it?” He grins and gives his phone in his pocket a squish







Yah!!! Hey people :P I'm really trying to update this story fast because I want to update the sequel!! I'm completely loving what is going on after all of this and I want to share it but I should finish this first.. For those who haven't read the original xD I hope you can keep up. I know I update like 3 to 4 chapters at the time :P

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P