YongGuk and Zico

Another Day Comes

Once the kids are out of sight she removes her hand and looks at it. It’s pretty bloody “Great” She sighs and looks down herself considering what to do about it. She places the cigarette between her lips and opens her jacket using her shirt to dry her hand and tug the collar up and presses it against her neck.

She takes a drag and removes the cigarette while looking around.

She starts walking again and sends a look up to the kite which is no flying proudly in the wind again. A smile forms on her lips as she looks back ahead and blows out some smoke, after having been walking for another 15 minutes without luck she sits down on a bench and looks at some kids playing.

She looks to her left and sees a group of guys playing ball, her eyes follows the ball passing between their feet. When one gets his beanie pulled off accidently and hurries to get it back on she knows she found her target. She stands up and walks over sticking one hand in her pocket and flicking her cigarette with the other letting another round of smoke seep into the air.

She stops and leans against a tree watching the game. Her eyes follow YongGuk who roars with his deep voice when he scores a goal and high-fives the ones from his team flashing his gummy smile. He talks with one of the other guys for a sec. Alex narrows her eyes thinking the other looks familiar.

She tilts her head thinking that has to be Zico

YongGuk and Zico runs around on the grass shouting to each other being the most dominant players on their team.

“Gukke!” Zico raises a hand and gets a ball shot from YongGuk who changes direction and heads to the other side of the track.

Zico sends the opposite team player a mocking grin and makes a sharp move getting around him with a cocky remark about being slow and he tries to score but the keeper gets the ball. Zico loudly complains and YongGuk hits him over the back of the head “You are too cocky”

“It works for me” Zico chuckles and watches the ball being kicked back in the other direction. YongGuk pats him on the arm and runs after the ball “I’m free!” He yells.

Zico grins and sets after him.

YongGuk headbutts the ball and gets tackled by one from the other team sending him to the grass with a thump. He rubs his chest “Damn that hurt” He frowns as the other guy gets up and runs after the ball “It’s okay I’m fine!” He yells and shakes his head cursing the guy to hell.

Zico comes over and reaches down a hand “You fall hard big guy”

YongGuk takes his hand and gets helped up “Thanks” He dusts himself off. Zico dusts some dirt off his behind making YongGuk jump “YAH! Don’t touch my !” He yells. Zico widens his eyes and then laughs “Someone is a bit touchy”

“I just don’t like people grapping my rear” YongGuk mumbles and crosses his arms

“Come on you two the game is still on” A guy pats YongGuk on the back. “We are winning aren’t we?” Zico grins and runs with him.

YongGuk frowns and rubs his back “I’m out” He yells

Zico just waves a hand and keeps playing. YongGuk sighs and walks away from the others. He moves the hand that had been rubbing his back a bit further down and frowns. He still hasn’t forgotten how that guy had touched him back there.

“You okay?”

He looks up and sees Alex. A smile emerges on his lip without him realizing it.

“You looked good out there” Alex raises a brow and smirks.

YongGuk rubs his neck and looks down “Thanks”

He looks back up watching her take another drag before putting the cigarette out against a tree.

“You don’t have to put that out for my sake” He mumbles

“I shouldn’t smoke” She just states and lets the smoke seep out.

He tilts his head and looks at her neck “What happened now?” He frowns

Alex feels the scratch on her neck. It stopped bleeding “Oh this is actually nothing” She smirks “I helped some kids get their kite down from a tree. I haven’t been in trouble…” she narrows her eyes thinking her day over “No, no trouble”

“I see” YongGuk steps closer and looks at her face “You look horrible”

“Well thank you” She raises a brow “I have a ing hangover” She closes her eyes and leans against the tree “Thank you for helping me yesterday… and carrying me home” She looks down and frowns “I hope I wasn’t too much of a bother”

“Not at all” YongGuk smiles and looks down feeling a tad embarrassed.

“It was nice of you” Alex says looking uncomfortable. YongGuk looks up at her again “Uhm… It’s not that it isn’t nice seeing you here but uhm . . . Why are you here?”

“I’m out thanking all of you for yesterday” Alex crosses her arms and looks to the side “I’ve been at U-kiss’ dorm and yours. You are the last one” She sighs “God I’m tired” she rubs her eyes.

YongGuk looks around “There is a bench over here” He gestures and he and Alex walk over to it where she takes a seat and leans her elbows against her knees. YongGuk suppresses a desire to her back in order to make her feel better.

“So… you saw Eli and them?”

Alex nods “You know who is in U-Kiss?”

“Yeah” He nods

“Could you tell me who the other 4 are?” Alex looks back at him

“Off course” He leans forward as well and searches their pictures on his phone “This is Aj” he shows her a picture. Alex nods “He was the one… The very tall one”

YongGuk smiles and nods “Yeah”

He finds another picture “This is Dongho”

“He was cute” Alex says “Looked at me like I was crazy” She chuckles making YongGuk chuckle as well

“Hoon” YongGuk shows another “And Kevin”

“He was shy” Alex points at Kevin.

“What did they say when you showed up at their dorm?” YongGuk puts his phone away

“Uhm not much. They knew me and I couldn’t bring myself to say I had no idea who they were. Did you know SooHyun sleeps in boxers only?” Alex looks at YongGuk who laughs “Why do you know that?”

“You don’t wanna know” Alex smirks. YongGuk laughs again.

“Yo YongGuk my rock!” Zico yells. Alex frowns “So loud!” She covers her ears and frowns

YongGuk places a finger in front of his mouth and looks at Zico “Keep it down”

Zico stops and raises his brows looking confused “Who is this?” He points a finger at Alex

“Finally someone who doesn’t know me” Alex says looking up

“Oh Alex” Zico grins. Alex frowns and leans back with a sigh “Damn”

She looks at YongGuk “This is like Japan all over. Everyone knows who I am but I don’t know who the they are”

“This is Zico” YongGuk points at Zico who makes an offended face “How can you not know me? I’m ing Zico. You saw me at the battle!”

“Never seen you before” Alex smirks. YongGuk bites his lip and looks down. When she smirks like that she is messing with people. He chuckles and looks at Zico who stomps the ground “I am freaking awesome! I’m not someone you forget!”

Alex looks him up and down “I don’t know, to me you look like everyone else. I mean you Asians all look so much alike”

“You remember YongGuk!” Zico whines pointing a finger at the grinning YongGuk who looks at Alex.

Alex looks at YongGuk “Yeah well he is gorgeous so off course” she shrugs and says it like it is as obvious as if she had said shoes belong on your feet.

YongGuk starts laughing harder and almost drops onto the ground. Zico pushes him off and steps up on the bench “I’m good-looking! Girls think I’m very cute!”

Alex frowns “What girls is that? 13-year-olds?”

Zico widens his eyes again “Wh… You…” He rubs his neck “I…” He jumps down and sits where YongGuk had been sitting “You ” he mumbles and hides his face in his arms. YongGuk is rolling on the ground laughing. Alex who had managed to keep a straight face the whole time looks down and chuckles.

Zico leans back and sighs. He looks at YongGuk and frowns “Stupid YongGuk”

“Why are you offending me?!” YongGuk laughs “It’s Alex!”

Zico pouts “You are supposed to defend me!” he whines sending the older guy a glare.

YongGuk laughs hard again. Alex looks at the boy and pats him on the head “There there”

He scowls at her “Stupid foreigner” He crosses his arms and frowns.

Alex smirks “Yeah fine I do remember seeing you before” She holds out her hand to greet him properly “Nice to meet you Zico”

Zico smirks and takes it “Likewise… Somewhat”

Alex chuckles “Fair enough”

“So this is what you do on your days off?” Alex looks at YongGuk who is getting back up on his feet he brushes himself off and stands in front of the two. He nods shortly “Yeah sometimes”

Zico looks at Alex “Are you okay? You look a bit… tired”

Alex looks at him and raises a brow before looking at YongGuk “He is more polite than you about it” YongGuk chuckles “He doesn’t know you”

Alex smirks “Right” she looks at Zico “I got in a fight last night. Don’t remember but Guk there helped me out” She points at YongGuk

“I wasn’t the only one” YongGuk smiles at her

“What happened?” Zico frowns.

Alex looks at YongGuk “I can’t tell him. I don’t remember”

YongGuk grins “Well you got very drunk after some game where a guy and a girl had their hands all over you”

“That I remember” Alex chuckles. Zico looks at her with raises brows.

“Then you drank a whole bottle of alcohol on your own” YongGuk smirks

“And I’m out” Alex laughs.

“Well that’s when Mei’s boyfriend started pushing you around and told you to stay away from his girl”

“Her ex boyfriend” Alex clarifies.

“Yea yea” YongGuk chuckles “Well then you provoked him and you ended in a fight”

“Who started?” Alex frowns

YongGuk smirks “He did but you didn’t try and avert it”

“Yeah wouldn’t sound like me if I had” Alex rubs her temples and frowns.

“Then another guy joined so Eli and I stepped in and the bartender told you to take it outside” YongGuk continues “You did off course”

“Off course” Alex nods

Zico frowns “Are you crazy?” He looks at Alex.

“Yes” She nods a few times and looks at Zico with a very serious expression. Zico looks at YongGuk who nods a single time.

Zico laughs “Well at least you stand by it”

Alex looks back at YongGuk “What then?”

“Then outside you insulted him like crazy and it got to another fight. Myself and the others jumped in when his friends started to join in” YongGuk nods to confirm himself.

“Who are the others?” Zico almost yells. Alex automatically pushes him off the bench “So loud” She mumbles and shakes her head.

“HEY!” Zico yells. Alex sends him an annoyed glare and YongGuk sighs and shakes his head “Both of you behave” He points a finger at them. Zico pouts and stands back up. Alex crosses her arms and looks the other way.

“Children” YongGuk softly laughs.

He looks at Zico to see if he will sit but he seems to be fine standing so he takes the seat and turns slightly towards Alex “Well let’s just say I think those guys should be glad that you were drunk” He smirks “How can you fight so well being so drunk? You actually knocked a guy out in one single punch”

“How would I know?” Alex frowns.

YongGuk shakes his head “Well we won and then that girl Mei tackled you and you two made out and then you ran away” He wanna get past the making out part quickly. He couldn’t stop thinking about it when he got back to the dorm. Well that and her practically body. Made HimChan pissed because he wasn’t listening to him, he was being very loud trying to get YongGuk to talk about that time he spent the night at her place.

“Ran away?” Zico frowns

YongGuk looks up at him “So we would follow and not be exposed as idols” He looks back at Alex “Then you scolded us for helping and decided you were gonna sleep on the road”

“And that’s why you carried me home?” Alex points at YongGuk who nods.

She rubs her neck “Thanks for that”

“Then we got scolded by MBLAQ and then you showed us all your tattoos” He chuckles and looks down slightly embarrassed. Alex sighs “yeah that” she scratches her neck “It’s nice tattoos though, right?”

“Very” he chuckles and looks at his hands

“How many you got?” Zico frowns

“6” YongGuk grins at him. Zico looks Alex up and down “You don’t look like the type to have tattoos”

“You should never judge a book by its cover boy” Alex smirks and looks around.

“Did I show Joon the one on my foot?” She looks at YongGuk who laughs and nods “Made quite a situation. I can’t believe you would get MBLAQ tattooed on your foot”

“You got MBLAQ tattooed on your foot?” Zico frowns “You really are crazy”

“Told you” Alex shrugs

“Why would you get that?” Zico continues

Alex smiles sweetly “I love them”

YongGuk huffs “You know how overly protective they are? Seungho let us know he is keeping an eye on all of us”

Alex laughs “That’s a joke right?”

“No” YongGuk chuckles

She tilts her head and scratches her neck “I would have thought he knew me better than that. No ing way I would go for an idol”

“What’s wrong with idols?” Zico frowns missing the point of it being male idols and thereby not realizing Alex isn’t a dude. Alex turns her head towards him.

YongGuk frowns thinking he felt struck by the comment. He unconsciously starts looking very unhappy but it goes unnoticed by the two others.

“Looks are way too important. I’m not saying I don’t like looking at pretty things but… And the whole having to live by a certain standard and being watched all the time. I’m sorry but it seems fake to me. If you ever meet my ex you’ll know what I mean” She says casually not realizing the reaction on YongGuk’s face.

He looks down and frowns wondering how she can have an ex with her only really being her for 6 or 7 months.

Alex frowns and stands up seeing Mei walking towards her.

“Alex!” The girl chippers and throws her arms around Alex’s neck “Mei what do you want?” Alex says looking down at her.

Zico pulls YongGuk up next to him “That is his girlfriend?”

YongGuk chuckles “Sort of”

“She is hot!” Zico whispers “Didn’t he just say he didn’t go for looks?”

“Just wait” YongGuk says frowning a tad.

“You are gonna have to help me again” Mei blinks her eyes cutely “Danny is following me and for your own sake you should play along”

Alex sighs and looks behind Mei seeing a bunch of women staring and further away the familiar figure of Mei’s ex. Alex looks at Mei “You are a snake”

“I know sweetie” Mei chippers. Alex moves a hand around Mei’s back and pulls her close moving to hers engaging in a deep-felt kiss.

“Oh snap” Zico’s eyes widen. YongGuk stares at the two. He feels a weird hint of annoyance looking at them but slightly aroused as well. It is two girls making out after all. He feels his cheek turning warm and breathes deeply trying to not let it show.

Alex moves a hand to the girl’s face it tenderly with her white fingers while her bruised lips opens around the girl’s and their heads tilts. They part slightly and Alex opens her eyes looking at the girl “Ouch”

Mei opens hers as well and grins. She tenderly closes her lips around Alex’s bruise making Alex chuckle. “Done now?” Alex looks at Mei.

“Yes” Mei chuckles and Alex lets her hands fall “Then let go of me” Alex looks the girl in the eyes

“You are a lousy boyfriend” Mei pouts

Alec chuckles “An hour ago I was the perfect one”

Mei tilts her head “Well I said you would be the perfect boyfriend”

“Ah I see” Alex looks over at YongGuk “I would be” YongGuk chuckles and rubs his neck feeling a bit by the kiss. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way Alex looked last night when she showed her tattoos and the put that together with that kiss and that girl… He shakes his head and looks at Zico who looks at him like he has gone insane “That turned you on?” Zico mumbles and raises a brow “You are stranger than I thought”

YongGuk frowns

Alex looks at Mei “Please let go of me now”

Mei sighs “Fine” She smirks at Alex “Why aren’t you a guy? You kiss better than any guy I have kissed”

Alex chuckle “Sorry Mei”

“Don’t apologize but it kind of makes me want Danny to keep stalking me for a while” Mei winks and gives Alex a quick peck on the lips and then runs off “Bye friends of Alex”

Alex chuckles and looks down with her hands in her sides.

Zico is frowning looking like a fool pointing after Mei and back at Alex “Did she ask why you weren’t a guy?”

YongGuk looks at Zico and then Alex not sure what to say. Alex looks at YongGuk and then Zico “I’m a girl” She snaps her fingers “Just like that you are turning pink” Alex points at Zico who just realize what he witnessed.

YongGuk observes Alex making fun of Zico. He looks after Mei and then back at Alex. Alex looks like a dude. Mei looks like the cutest girl, he can’t quite figure out if he should be worried that he’d rather look at Alex. He sighs and looks down thinking about how Seungho had been glaring at him last night.

Alex is poking Zico in the stomach “Come back to life boy”

Zico pouts and looks at YongGuk “You knew it was a girl?”

“It?” Alex frowns “I’m not a thing”

“Could have fooled me” Zico smirks at her. Alex laughs and pats him on the head “You know boy, there are some children flying kites over there maybe you should join them. I think it’s about the same age”

Zico slaps her hand away “You better watch it!” He tries to look big and intimidating. Alex just grins “You can’t scare me boy. You have any idea who I am?”

Zico scratches his neck “You are Alex”

“But what do you really know?” Alex smirks crossing her arms “I could be a killer or a ninja, a ganster, a banker, a lawyer, a motorcycle driver, a hairdresser” Alex keeps listing up random things while laughing. Zico can’t help but laugh as well “YAH! You lost your mind!”

“You might be right” Alex nods .YongGuk looks at the two “I think you both lost your minds”

Alex and Zico looks at him. Alex frowns and looks back at Zico “Doesn’t he look a little serious?”

“He does” Zico frowns.

“What should we do about it?” Alex asks. YongGuk looks from one to the other.

“You could give him a kiss” Zico shrugs “Did wonders for the girl”

Alex laughs “You are a strange little one”

“I’m taller than you!” Zico tries and makes himself look bigger than he already is

YongGuk chuckles “I don’t even wanna listen to you two”

“EY! You over there wanna play again?” A guy comes over. Zico grins “I’m in” He jumps up and runs over. YongGuk nods “Me too” He looks at Alex “You should join”

“With a hangover?” Alex frowns. YongGuk chuckles “Right”

“Go ahead” Alex turns and walks away. YongGuk his lips and watch her for a sec before turning and running back out to Zico who pats him on the shoulder “So that is your new friend”

YongGuk frowns “What?”

“Never mind” Zico grins and walks away backwards bumping into a guy who pushes him away “Look where you are walking!” The guy snaps

“Relax he hardly touched you” YongGuk pulls Zico towards him and glares at the guy. Zico sticks out his tongue making the guy scowl at him. YongGuk hits him over the head “Behave”

The guy walks away. YongGuk looks at Zico “You are almost as bad as Alex” he chuckles

“How?” Zico frowns

“At least you know how to back off. Alex would probably have made him even madder” YongGuk chuckles

“It’s a girl” Zico crosses his arms

“Haven’t stopped her before” YongGuk grins and moves past him running after the ball.



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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P