The battle

Another Day Comes

The group of rappers had quickly grasped their things and was on their way within 5 minutes.

They are all wearing disguises as they walk down the street not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves. Zico is still overly excited and YongGuk spends most of the time holding on to the back of his jacket to keep him from moving too much around. JunHyung has his hand in his pockets looking at the ground in front of him going over some perfect phrases in his head. Dari is just humming something while kicking a stone along the way. Eli gets a call from SooHyun and spends some time chatting with him in a low voice.

They are in good time but they wanted it that way. They want to get into the proper state of mind., prepare themselves mentally and beside they really would like to be there before the other group. This is their territory and they are gonna make sure the newcomers know that.

When they get to the club a few people is standing outside and a few are walking in. Zico grins and starts moving faster seeing Taeil and B-Bomb from his group standing outside chatting.

The others casually walk towards the door watching Zico greeting his friends. They are so loud they can hear them from far away.

They walk inside and are greeted by the owner of the club. Dari and he have known each other for a while and bumps shoulders with huge grins

“You guys ready?” The owner looks from Dari to the others. Zico is walking over to them still calling out to his friends and doesn’t pay attention to where he is walking so he bumps into Eli who sends him a glare.

“Sorry” Zico grins and hurries past him over to YongGuk who he has declared his saving rock.

“Off course we are ready” Dari smirks confidently and JunHyung nods looking cool and slick. “Ah I see your competition arriving” The owner nods towards the entrance and walks towards the group entering.

The 5 rappers all stare in the direction eager to see who they are up against. Day Day comes over and puts a hand on Dari’s shoulder “Let me fill you in real quick” Dari and the others looks at him with big questionmarks on their faces.

Day Day grins “Yeah I already know who they are so shut it and listen” He looks towards the group “Okay the tall white one with black hair slicked back in a tight ponytail is Pablo he is the one calling the shots, he is from 84. He might not seem like your typical rapper but do not underestimate him” Day Day looks at Dari who is looking extremely serious. He grins; it is fun seeing him like that.

“The short one with the small goatee and tattoos on his neck is called K he is sharp as hell, he is from 87. He is as scary as he looks. The one with a piercing in the lower lip and a huge grin is TaMa he is from 90, funny guy but again, don’t underestimate him. Then there is Haruto he from 92 and is the one who looks like he could be an idol but don’t let that fool you. The last one is Alex from 89 with the beanie and the facemask. Watch out for that one”

Dari gives YongGuk a small slap on the arm. YongGuk nods. He knows that is the one he is to go up against. He looks at the one pointed out as Alex. Somewhat tall, he guesses about 170 cm and is wearing loose black pants. Beside for the facemask the guy has on a black beanie which is pulled down so far it’s a wonder if the guy can see anything at all, down the neck  short dark red hair is visible

“So good luck you guys. I’m gonna go say hi” Day Day pats Dari and Eli on the back. Dari grasps his arm before he can leave “Wait, how is it chosen who goes against who?”

Day Day looks at the hand on his arm and then Dari’s face “You got any preferences?”

“Well we heard something from DongWoon who heard something from DooJoon who was told something by G.O.” JunHyung lists up slightly mumbling

“Ah you heard about Alex” Day Day grins and looks from one to the other

The rappers nod simutaniously. Day Day looks over their faces thinking about it “I shouldn’t help you but Alex will probably be the last one” He winks. Dari lets go of him and they watch him walk away.

“Well now we got faces on them” Eli puts his arm on Dari’s shoulder and looks at the group with furrowed brows. YongGuk crosses his arms and looks from one to another. Zico seems even more excited now. He is like a little happy monkey and YongGuk grasps the back of his hoodie and gives it a pull to calm him.


Day Day waves at the group as he gets closer. Pablo sends him a slick smile and the others either bow their heads or just smiles.

“You guys ready?” Day Day smirks

“Off course” Pablo smirks back at him. He looks at the huge amount of people entering the club “They got a lot of support”

“They are idols” Day Day grins as if it obvious. “Hope they won’t be mad when we win” TaMa puts an arm around Alex’s neck and gives K a nudge. K grins confidently and looks at Day Day “So who are we up against?”

Day Day turns and gestures towards the other group “Them”. Alex and the others look past him towards the other group who is looking at them as well.

“They look like... kids” K chuckles dryly and crosses his arms “I thought we were up for a challenge”

Day Day ignores his comment “Have you guys decided who are gonna go when?” he sends Alex a look. TaMa grins “What, are they worried?”

Day Day smirks “Hell no” He sends a quick look back to Dari who is talking with the others. He is really hoping they are gonna do well but he knows these people are fierce. Pablo is like a hammer striking and TaMa and K are both very snappy and aggressive. Haruto is more refined but hard to shake and then there is Alex who can do just about whatever is needed. The clip he saw with Alex was like lightning from a blue sky. He looks at Alex who is looking completely calm and relaxed maybe even a bit bored.

“Thanks for last night by the way” He smirks. Alex and K nods “Yeah sure it was fun” K grins. Alex nods “K had the worst hangover this morning”

Day Day laughs and nods.


When the time comes for the battle to start the place is packed. Dari and the others are busy chatting with the big turnout of supporters.

The other group is keeping to themselves seemingly talking very relaxed, not seeming too worried.

“You think they are getting worried?” Dari looks to JunHyung who shrugs “They should”

Dari grins confidently and nods “You are right”

It turns out Day Day is gonna be the MC of the evening and he calls the two groups up introducing every single one and makes sure that the crowd is warmed up. Zico is having a huge grin on his face and can’t wait to go against these guys. Dari has his eyes set on the one Pablo. YongGuk has stopped looking at Alex getting worried by the I-don’t-give-a- attitude from the foreigner who is standing with the arms crossed and the eyes not really aimed at anything. JunHyung is smirking, looking cool and nonchalant and Eli is clapping with the crowd happily.

“So can we have the first two?” Day Day looks at the Japanese team where K steps out crocking his neck backwards with a cocky smirk and Dari immediately chooses JunHyung to go against him. JunHyung puts on his player grin and steps out facing the shorter male with tattoos down his neck and on his hands.

Day Day signals for the music to start and the two goes at it. Junhyung is smooth and cool and stands his ground perfectly against K who is a bit snappier and way more aggressive which kind of throws JunHyung off a bit but not enough to really shake him. The two goes at it for a while until the time is up and Day Day steps in. The winner of the match won’t be announced until the end and they were pretty equal.

Dari pats JunHyung on the back as he returns to the others and JunHyung nods back at him “They are good”

Dari frowns slightly and nods “Yea”

Next up is the Eli he is facing Haruto. Haruto is clearly dominating but Eli does get a few extremely good lines in that might turn it in his favor. Then it’s Dari against Pablo before Zico is going against TaMa. Zico and TaMa turned out to match each other in cockiness and it almost got to the point where the two was getting really pissed that the other wouldn’t budge and when the time is up Yong Guk has to pull Zico back while K pulls TaMa back.

“Last round” Day Day declares and Alex steps forward looking unaffected by what has been going on with the last two. JunHyung pats YongGuk on the shoulder as he steps forward. He turns his cap a tad and tilts his head backwards trying to look even bigger. Alex removes the face mask by pulling it a bit down so a confident smirk is seen on his lip. The guy grins and moves the beanie a bit up so YongGuk is staring right into a pair of sky blue eyes.

Then Alex bows the head, throwing YongGuk a bit off. None of the others had shown any signs of polite behavior which isn’t really expected at these places anyway. He scrunches his nose and smirks bowing his head as well. He will not let this guy have anything on him. They start. He knows his voice makes an impression on Alex by how the eyes narrows for a second but it doesn’t throw him off and he responds right away. Alex voice is hard to describe it’s like a mix of female and male with edge and a slight growling but still somewhat graceful in the pronunciation of the words.

They battle it out closely and gets in each other’s faces. YongGuk is getting worked up but not so much angry but just the intensity is crazy and he hasn’t really battle anyone like this. Alex is keeping it clean without using any harsh words but YongGuk got a feeling it won’t last and he is right. Once the clock is close to call it quits Alex abruptly changes the grin out for a devilish smirk and tilts his head pointing a finger at YongGuk

I know why you hate me,
how to DIS me, disrespecting me
Shabby that’s my name, you gave me a name,
well thank you now I’m free
Now I’m gonna ’em and then I will stick’em,
ing itching after all now
All I do is just to kill it

A short breath and the dishing continues

Can tell it from your sight and
your voice and your eyes that goes up and down
just like your ,

Right after the last word is uttered Alex runs the tip of his tongue up the outside of his wrist and closed fist staring Yongguk in the eyes intensely.

YongGuk bites his lip hard but masters to blurt out a response before the crowd roars and Day Day has to call it quit because of the time. Alex smirks and pulls the facemask back up turning his back to YongGuk who is frowning and frozen.

Zico pulls him back “ that was….” He looks back at the guy Alex who is being applauded by his teammates

“You did well you really did” Dari pats him on the back “That last thing was…”

Yong Guk looks at down and nods. Zico gives him a shove “Hell I’m still speechless. It wasn’t so much what he said but just how he said it and that thing...”

“I don’t think I would have mastered responding at all” Eli smiles and JunHyung nods “It was unexpected”.

Day Day comes over and puts an arm around YongGuk “ you did good. Dari nice choice letting this guy go against Alex. You actually were really good at setting your people up against them” He grins at YongGuk “Alex is all about illusion and bringing the opponent out of balance. As far as I know you are the first one who didn’t freeze up after an attack like that although you didn’t really have a good comeback you did have something” He grins again and steps back.

Yong Guk looks after him and then looks down “I think I blew it”

The others shakes their heads and tries to reassure Yong Guk when the owner of the club joins Day Day on the stage to announce the winners. “We are calling the winning names and the team with most wins, win total. We have to say this was really close and I think everyone did an awesome job but we all want to know who did best don’t we?”

The crowd cheers. YongGuk sends a look to Alex who is looking completely calm again, it annoys the hell out of him.

“The winners are K, Eli, Dari, Alex and Zico!” The owner yells out and the room is filled with cheering and applauses. The idol team jumps and celebrates while the others nods acknowledging the victory for the other team.

Day Day hurries over and pats Dari on the back congratulating him and the group. “But you guys were really close. Zico it’s was something like a hair that gave you the advantages so don’t think you were that much better” He sends them a wink and leaves. “ it we were better” Zico grins and gets tackled by his mates from Block B.

DooJoon and the rest of Beast walks over to JunHyung “You did well” Doo Joon ruffle his hair. “I thought you should have won” YoSeob pouts and JunHyung sends him a smile “Thanks”

Gi Kwang gives him a hug “You looked awesome” Dong Woon and Hyun Seung pats him on the back.

Dari walks away seeing the guys from Dalmation walking towards him. Eli grasps YongGuk’s arms and drags him along over to U-Kiss and the ones from B.A.P.

“You guys were awesome” Zelo comes jumping towards him “You looked super up there and if it hadn’t been for that thing you would have won!”

YongGuk grasps his neck “You aren’t suppose to be here!”

“Ah let him, he really worked his off all afternoon so he could come and show you support” HimChan gives him a hug. Zelo looks up at him nodding eagerly. YongGuk chuckles “I’m sorry I let you down then”

“You didn’t!” Daehyun pats him on the shoulder “How were you supposed to do anything about that thing?”

“I don’t know” YongGuk grunts and scratches his neck “Aish I didn’t see it coming” He makes an annoyed expression and Eli gives him a nudge “Dude you were awesome don’t doubt yourself”

Yong Guk nods “I’m gonna go get something to drink” He walks over to the bar and waits for the bartender to have time for him. He feels a hand on his back and turns seeing Seungho from MBLAQ “Hey, Yong Guk right?”

Yong Guk nods and frowns a tad looking at the panda leader from the chic idol group. He has never talked to him before.

Seungho smiles a confident and charming smile “You were really good up there” he nods towards the stage

“Thanks” YongGuk grunts and eyes him out. Seungho raises a brow and YongGuk quickly bows his head slightly, he almost forgot this guy is his senior. Seungho orders a drink and takes a seat next to YongGuk sending him a look.

“You are friends with the guy?” YongGuk sits as well and glances at Seungho who grins and nods on his lower lip. YongGuk looks at the lip. Seungho is probably one of the few idols with lips seeming more luscious than his own.

“Yeah” Seungho sends a quick look over to Alex who is standing next to a group of people talking in calmly. G.O and Alex are probably discussing the tail in the club. It seems to be the thing that bonds the two. Ironically really “Alex is a good friend actually, of all of MBLAQ in fact”

YongGuk looks at Alex and back to Seungho who is observing the guy who is right now making a woman’s shape with his white hands. G.O. is grinning foolishly and gives the guy a whack over the back of his head.

YongGuk looks back at Seungho wondering why this guy suddenly felt the need to talk to him. B.A.P. hasn’t been promoting that long and he is quite sure none of the guys from MBLAQ ever seemed interested in knowing them.

Seungho sighs and shakes his head “Typically” He grins and looks at the bartender who sends him a questioning look. Seungho chuckles and scratches his neck “Ah sorry it’s nothing” He waves a hand and the bartender moves on. Seungho shakes his head and looks at YongGuk who is staring at him.

Seungho sits frozen for a sec and then moves his eyes to the side without moving his head. “Ah right, I remember why I went over here” Seungho grins and turns so he is facing YongGuk “I wanted to tell you that you were about this close to getting Alex. It’s the only reason he did that last thing”

YongGuk just looks at him. Seungho tilts his head and grins “It’s not easy getting under Alex’s…”

“Clothes!” G.O is suddenly standing next to Seungho who hits him over the head “Yah! Be less erted I was gonna say skin!”

“Well it is true isn’t it?” G.O chuckles. Seungho laughs and hides his eyes with a hand “Idiot”. G.O looks at YongGuk who is staring at him “Ah, hey I’m G.O. Congratulations to you and the other rappers aaaaaand I’m out” He takes the drink being placed in front of Seungho who yells after him but then gives up and turns, ordering a new drink. YongGuk gets his drink and takes a sip. He places the glass back on the table with a little more force than usually. He is really annoyed that he lost. He is better than that Alex guy.

Seungho looks at him and seems to know what he is thinking “The third time I met Alex in Japan he showed up with a concussion and stitches” He points to his cheek right next to his right eye “Idiot didn’t back down when a so-called friend with a nasty temper turned violent and punched him in the face before throwing him down some stairs” Seungho runs his tongue over his lip receiving the new drink. YongGuk frowns and looks at him “Seriously?” his low husky voice almost grunts.

Seungho takes a sip and nods casually “Uh this is good” He looks at the drink in his hand. “Alex didn’t even fight back... never did” Seungho adds to the previous statement and places the drink on the counter frowning slightly almost looking sad. He shakes his head “Off course Alex doesn’t remember that anymore” He mumbles the last part and looks a bit concerned for a sec.

“Anyway I just wanted to congratulate you” Seungho grins and pats Yong Guk on the shoulder before walking away.

Yong Guk takes his drink and moves back towards the others getting stopped by SungKyu and DongWoo from infinite who also congratulates him on the victory and tells him it was a shame that he had to go against Alex. He would surely have won against any of the others. YongGuk sends them a cocky smile and thanks them but as he walks past them his expression becomes annoyed again. He is actually getting a bit pissed about the whole thing. It wasn’t really fair that Alex waited so long with throwing his bomb like that. The whole the hand was just rude. He stops and empties the glass. * it! It was a brilliant move and I'm is just pissed I didn’t handle it better* His pride took a hit there. Eli won his round so why couldn’t he? He places his glass on the nearest table and walks out to get some air.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P