Alex the sweetheart?

Another Day Comes

G.O. had said it was time that they all met Alex. Seungho hadn’t been sure. He felt she was still too weak but the time was running out. They were leaving for Korea 3 days later and this was the only evening with time for dinner so he had agreed.

Joon himself, Cheondung and Mir wasn’t sure what to expect. They had only seen her at the news and that wasn’t really a pretty sight so when they walked up the stairs to her place he got nervous.

Seungho had unlocked the door and walked in calling for her. She wasn’t there which made both Seungho and G.O. look extremely nervous, they started discussing if her so-called friends had decided to take her somewhere else.

Joon knew Seungho and G.O. had been having some trouble with some people claiming Seungho was entirely to blame for the state Alex was in. Ridiculous. Lee Joon huffs thinking back on it, there is no way Seungho could have had any fault in her crash

They tried calling but her phone was lying on a table. Seungho had ran out and returned shortly after saying her bike was still there. He had just started cooking with a sigh. G.O. stood at the window looking out. the three others had just looking around not sure what was going on. Seungho didn’t say a thing and G.O. never took his eyes from the window. Her place was very simple and informal, heavily dominated by her love for motorcycles. Mir had been all hyped and Seungho had to remind him that this didn’t reflect Alex anymore.

He is still quite curious to see how the new Alex will decorate. A little more feminine wouldn’t hurt.

Alex had showed up 20 minutes later. G.O. saw her through the window and everyone had gone to his side to see her. She stood at the other side of the street smoking, looking like she couldn’t be bothered to go inside. Seungho told G.O. to go get her in.

5 minutes later Joon had been standing face to face with the girl who had gotten Seungho to defy the manager to the point there was talk about taking him out of the group. Off course Seungho was already talking about quitting so he didn’t care. It had been a rough time. Seungho seemed to have lost his will to go on as a part of the group. Everything was revolving around MBLAQ and Seungho was feeling like he was losing himself while trying to be what everyone wanted him to.

Alex changed that. None of them knew Alex was a girl before the crash. They never met her. Alex was Seungho’s friend. A friend who didn’t care who he was which was exactly what Seungho needed.

Seungho would take off every time they didn’t have schedule, one time he showed up completely wasted in the middle of the night. Another time both Seungho and G.O. had taken off without letting the rest know. Everyone was worried Seungho had left for good and G.O. was trying to get him back but as it turned out they had been partying with Alex and her other friends. G.O. had insisted on meeting Alex and Seungho reluctantly brought him along. It didn’t go down well with the rest.

Joon remembers standing there looking at that girl for the first time. She, who looked so pale and fragile with her long red hair braided down her back, her blue eyes looking blank and staring at the ground in front of her, empty and defeated. G.O. was leading her with a comforting hand around her back. She had gotten a slight shock when Mir a little loud called out for Seungho. Her hand had went straight to G.O. who had taken it in his and held it close to his chest to comfort her. She had looked at him with a thankful small smile. It was very touching to see.

Seungho had come over with a smile and her hair looking her in the eyes asking how she was. She talked about the headache saying she thought some air would help. Her voice was timid and weak. Seungho stepped to her other side so she was in between him and G.O. when she was introduced to the others.

The three youngest members of MBLAQ had taken a liking to her right away. Who wouldn’t wanna care for a girl like that? It was hard to believe she had been the person Seungho only under pressure had told them about but it is almost harder to imagine that she would become a person who could knock out a guy with one punch.

Once she got over the meeting with them she slowly relaxed in their company. She had gotten so used to people wanting things from her that she couldn’t provide that she just smiled when Cheundong told her about his life without demanding anything in return. They all stayed the night at her place. Once she fell asleep Seungho and G.O. had gathered them to hear what they thought of her.

Mir, being the good guy he is, immediately said they should take her with them to Korea so they could look after her. Seungho had patted him on the head and said he would love that but she was in no state to travel and she really just needed peace.

It was written all over his face how much he hated that they had to go back. G.O. was the one saying they should call her every day to make sure she was alright.

Everyone had agreed on it.

When a few months had past Mir once again said that he wanted her to come to Korea. She had moved out of Tokyo because she couldn’t take meeting the people who thought she might at some point remember them. She was then settled in Okinawa and had begun a new life. She made new friends but she would always sound so happy when one of them had called. She happily told them about the people in her life. Sometimes she told them more than they wanted to hear.

Seungho and G.O. made it clear they wanted her to move closer but they didn’t want to force her into anything. They weren’t even gonna ask her if she would. They feared she would feel obligated to do as they wished since they had been there for her.

Joon knows Seungho still worries about how much she has done to fit their world, going along with the male thing and so on.

Then when she got shot, Seungho, who wasn’t participating in promotions because of a back injury, went over to be with her. She hates hospitals, well that might be an understatement. Seungho had called them the night he arrived. He sounded like a mess. Alex was terrified, the hospital wasn’t the same as after the accident but she kept expecting her memory to disappear. Her pulse was through the roof and she was constantly trembling and panicky to the point where they had to drug her to calm her down.

It was irrational but the doctor had said it was quite normal when someone has been through something as traumatic as she had.

She had seemed fine until then. She is a strong person, no doubt about it, but underneath she was still just the fragile girl who felt like she was all alone in the world. She was quite a figure in Japan and people would recognize her or claim they knew her and she felt hunted.

Seungho stayed there for a week before returning to Korea. He brought the good news that Alex was coming within a month and that she was gonna stay at least for a while. It was a good day.

Joon smiles and looks back at Alex who is still messing with DooJoon, hovering her face in front of his with a devilish smirk on her lips.

“Yah Alex be nice to him” he calls out sounding a bit more affectionate than he liked to. Alex looks back at him “Okay hyung” She looks back at DooJoon “You got a pretty face” With that she laughs and pats his cheek once before stepping back like nothing happened “I’m waiting for you outside” Alex grins at Joon and picks up a helmet “Don’t forget this” She throws it in his arms. Joon looks at it. It was a neko written on the bottom.

He grins and looks at Alex who heads out patting Junho on the shoulder.

Alex had said he reminded her of a cat the first time they met. He wasn’t sure how to take it back then but he felt really proud when she explained that it was because he moved so gracefully.

Junho looks at DooJoon’s blank face. He moves his hand in front of DooJoon’s face but nothing happens so he starts waving his hand back and forth “Yah DooJoon! Snap out of it”

 Joon walks over and shakes DooJoon’s shoulder “Come back to earth man”

DooJoon looks like he saw an alien or something and Joon can’t help but laugh “Now you met Alex next you learn to deal with him” He pats DooJoon on the shoulder. Junho chuckles “He didn’t actually do anything”

Joon snaps his fingers in front of DooJoon “Alex doesn’t really have to do anything to have an impact” he almost mumbles. DooJoon snaps out of his trance like state “W-what just happened?!”

“Ah you are back” Junho mocks. Joon smiles “If you get to spend some time with Alex you’ll find out that Alex likes messing with people” He steps back and starts changing into the clothes Alex left for him.

Junho is making fun of DooJoon when a crew from the show “Hi guys just wanted to say thanks for today on all our behalves”

The three bows politely. The guy looks back out but then comes in “Who knows that foreign guy?”

DooJoon points at Joon “That is his friend” He sounds like he wants nothing to do with Alex. Junho can’t help but laugh.

Joon looks confused.

“I saw him coming from in here” The man nods “Does he know the girls from Girls Generation?”

“I don’t think so” Joon rubs his neck.

The man crosses his arms “Then that guy has some balls. He is talking to them in the hallway very casually. Seemed like he knew them”

The three guys stare at him. Joon chuckles “Seriously?” He doesn’t even need to hear the answer to know that it’s probably true. Alex wouldn’t be faced to talk to idol girls. If anything were to face her it would be talking to idol guys and that isn’t happening. Not that that surprises him. Alex’s actions always made it very clear that she doesn’t care about the whole idol thing. If anything that just makes her wanna push their buttons more. The whole trying to act a certain way to fit the public view is a joke to her and Seungho in particular has to hear for it. Not that he minds.

Joon chuckles. It’s so weird to watch the two interact. They are very close and Alex loves picking on Seungho which always makes him look all hurt but Joon suspects it somewhat fake so Alex will hug him to cheer him up again.

Alex and G.O. have quite a weird relationship as well, probably the weirdest. Kind of started when G.O. one day was lying on his bed on his stomach looking in an adult magazine and Alex came in and caught him. Instead of getting all embarrassed she lay down on G.O.’s back and the two started discussing the girls. It was crazy weird when Joon himself and Mir walked in and saw them like that; G.O. on his stomach. Alex lying on his back pointing to a picture of a chick while G.O. laughed.

Since then Alex and G.O. has been talking about quite openly, something that always makes Seungho tell them to take it into another room. When they leave Seungho will frown for a while and then hurry in to them. It doesn’t happened very often but when it does it is always the same.

She spends most her time with the two elder guys, either being sickly erted with G.O. or sweet and cheeky with Seungho. With the two youngest she will be like a child playing around and laughing. She always lets Mir win when they play games something everyone except Mir knows.

Cheondung sees Alex as his extra sister and he has brought Alex to meet Sandara as well. The two girls got along quite well he has been told. Sandara is a bit off an odd ball and Alex… Well yeah.

It also gave Alex the opportunity to go out as a girl from time to time which he knows she appreciates. Alex has made it her mission to find a guy for Sandara which has made all of MBLAQ concerned.

With himself it’s more about training. Alex had been looking at him working out. He thought she was just admiring his fit body. Who would blame her but she then asked him if she could join him and since the two has been pushing each other to improve. Alex is surprisingly strong for a girl but then again all those fights she gets into do give her quite a workout.

“Anyway I gotta go. Bye” The man puts up a hand. The three bows to him as he leaves. Joon grasps the leather jacket and looks at himself in a mirror. He nods “I look good in this”

“He is talking with Girls Generation now?” Junho frowns. “What if he does something like that to them?” DooJoon’s eyes widen.

“He won’t” Joon says “Don’t be ridiculous” He grasps the helmet heading towards the door.

Junho grasps his arm “What do you mean by that?”

Lee Joon looks at him and frowns “Uhm… Alex has more respect for women’s space than guys’” He shrugs. The truth is that Alex likes guys just as much as G.O. likes girls but she hides it well. Not in the same erted way but she does seem to get a kick out of messing with guys’ heads. She is very good at figuring out what makes people blush or react in some other way.

She would get nothing from teasing a girl.

Junho laughs and looks at DooJoon who frowns “Why did he go after me anyway?”

Joon looks at him wondering if DooJoon is Alex’s type. He looks at Junho. Thinking of the friends she made in Okinawa it’s probably more bad-boy types she goes for. She is a handful and she probably needs someone who can handle that. DooJoon, as it looks, can’t. He thinks about the way she interacts with MBLAQ and wonders if it is because DooJoon is the leader of his group. Maybe Alex like taking down the once who is supposed to be the top of the group?

“Joon where is your head?”Junho snaps his fingers.

Joon looks at DooJoon “You made the comment so I guess that might be why” He looks at the time “I can’t let Alex wait any longer”

He looks at the door ready to leave

“I’m going with you I wanna know why he I was the one he went for” DooJoon grasps his jacket. Junho raises his brows “You aren’t leaving me alone here!” He grasps his jacket as well and follows the others. Joon chuckles and shakes his head leading the small group towards the door. DooJoon glances at him a few times before saying what is on his mind “How old is Alex?”

Joon looks at him shortly and smirks“12 days younger than you”

DooJoon stops for a sec “Seriously?” Lee Joon just keeps walking. Junho passes DooJoon sending him a frown “Come on!”

Outside Joon looks around to find Alex. He sees her crunching on the curve with her knees on either side of her. Her left elbow is on her knee and the hand is supporting her head. A cigarette hangs carelessly between her fingers on her left hand while her right hand is petting a stray cat. She lets the smoke seep from between her lips focusing her eyes on the cat.

“Kawaii” She smiles cutely at the cat looking ever so happy. Joon can’t help but smile. Alex is a sweetheart, the whole badass thing isn’t really her. This Alex is the one that they all care for. The one sitting on a sidewalk a cat with a big smile plastered on her face.

She puts the smoke to her lips and takes a drag tilting her head backwards and lets the smoke caress her slightly parted lips before it vanishes into the air above her head. Joon raises a brow. Well the sweet and caring Alex does come with a teasing seductive side. He isn’t even sure she is aware of how alluring her actions can be.

DooJoon is staring again and Junho shakes him to get back to reality

“Is that even the same guy?!” DooJoon calls out pointing at Alex who looks towards them and stands up. The cat runs off in the opposite.

Alex takes a drag looking directly at DooJoon who steps behind Junho. Her eyes are piercing.

“Why me?” He mumbles. Joon looks at him and chuckles before he walks over to Alex who parts her lips in a crocket smirk and lets the smoke seep out. He stops right next to her and crosses his arms sending her a serious look “Why him?”

Alex smirks “Felt like it”

Joon nods “Fair enough” He grins and they head towards the motorcycle. She takes another drag and Joon grasps the cigarette “You shouldn’t smoke”

“Come on!” Alex whines and reaches for the cigarette. He holds it up where she can’t reach “Smoking ages you”

Alex frowns “Yeah and it kills me as well but that hasn’t stopped me before” Joon stops and glares at her “That’s not funny”

She sighs and rolls her eyes “No sense of humor”

He drops the cigarette and stomps on it “I won’t hear you joke about that again” He points a finger at her making her pout “Alright”

“Yah Alex!” DooJoon comes over trying to look confident. Alex turns and looks at him “What?”

“Why are you after me only? Why not Junho?” DooJoon crosses his arms.

“Why are you dragging me into it?” Junho frowns. Alex gets on her bike and holds her helmet in her hands “Think about it” she smirks pulling her helmet on over her beanie. Joon puts his helmet on as well and gets on behind her. He takes a grip of her sides and Alex turns on the engine and gasses up, making a lot of noise before she starts in a fast jerk and she and Lee Joon takes off in high speed.

“Is he really that pissed about those fangirls?” DooJoon looks at Junho who chuckles “To be fair those girls were kind of scary. I swear the oldest once looked like they were gonna east him on the spot”

He pats DooJoon on the back and watch the motorcycle disappear into the distance..

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P