On a Rainy day

Another Day Comes

At TS entertainment HimChan runs down the hall, he is going out to buy drinks for the group. They are working hard to get ready for their next release and he volunteered to get beverages because it would be a nice break in the excruciating hard choreography that has them all bruised up and tired.

It’s raining outside but the cold rain is soothing after having been locked up in the training room for hours. He smiles and looks up letting the rain hit his face for a moment before looking from side to side as he crosses the street and heads towards the nearest mart.

He smiles and runs a hand over his short black hair. It’s nice getting something other than the blond that made them all look so much alike. With this his stunning features are more visible. He grins to himself feeling quite happy about the change. He stops suddenly when he hears a noise behind him. He tries to figure out what made the noise without quite being able to point it out. He could have sworn there was something… Then just as he is about to turn and leave he sees Alex walking towards him. She looks pissed with her hands clenched into fists and her eyes boring holes into the ground in front of her.

“Who did you beat up now?” HimChan asks as she passes him.

She stops, turns and looks at him “What did you say?” She steps closer looking like she could smack him in an instance. HimChan stumbles back “Wah relax it’s me HimChan” He holds up his hands. Alex looks him up and down “You got new hair” She nods “Suits you” She turns and starts walking again. HimChan grins and follows her “Come on what happened now?” he frowns a little looking up at the rain which doesn’t seem to face Alex what so ever.

She digs her hands in her pockets and shrugs “Nothing”

“Come on, you are pissed, it shines out of you” HimChan frowns

She stops and looks at him opening but then closing it again. She looks up at the rain and back at HimChan. She has just been at the hospital getting checked. She had gone twice this week and it is draining her and pissing her off. Her current personality is the dominant one for sure but the old is never sleeping and that is so frustrating to know.

She could tell by the doctor’s face that it wasn’t what he was hoping. When she left the hospital she needed to cool off “Just thinking stuff over” she forces a smile

“How long have you been walking?” He frowns looking at how soaked she is

“5 hours” She shrugs and sighs “Give and take”

“Most be some heavy thinking” HimChan timidly says. Alex frowns and looks at him. A second later she laughs warmly “You can say that”

“You want a second opinion?” HimChan frowns

“No not really” Alex smirks “Don’t think about it too much it will just give you a headache” she chuckles dryly

She looks him up and down “Why are you out here?” She frowns

“ I was suppose to hurry” HimChan scratches his neck

Alex laughs “Yah what were you suppose to be doing?”

“Getting something to drink for the others” HimChan starts moving. He stops and looks back at Alex “Wanna come say hi?”

She shrugs “Sure” They go into the mart and buys some drinks and hurries back. They talk about B.A.P.’s new songs. “Have you even heard our music?” HimChan frowns. Alex nods “Yeah I actually did buy your album” She sends him a sweet smile “I like it”

“Fantastic” HimChan jumps “Remind me to get you a signed one of the new”

Alex laughs “Sure”

HimChan stop before they go in “Uhm you know we told them you were a girl right?”

“Yeah yeah Guk told me. Its fine” Alex smiles “I like that I don’t have to act like a guy all the time. I prefer being me” She hadn’t seen YongGuk lately but he called her a couple of times.

HimChan nods “Well no need to act around us” He smiles and heads to the door. He is the first to enter the dance studio where the others are still working hard

“YAH! HIMCHAN what the hell took you so long!” YongGuk growls as the door is opened. He walks towards the scared looking HimChan with long strides looking mad and sweaty. The others are looking slightly pissed as well “We said 10 minutes TOPS!” YongGuk growls again.

HimChan frowns “I got distracted” He steps back and Alex steps in putting an arm around HimChan’s shoulder “Hey guys” She smiles sweetly “Sorry I kept HimChan away”

YongGuk stops in his tracks and stares, forgetting to be mad at HimChan. HimChan looks at Alex and smirks.

Zelo grins big “Alex long time!” He jumps towards her getting a smile back “Zelo” Alex looks at his hair “You are pink”

“Yeah I know” Zelo ruffles his hair which is slightly sticking to his forehead because of the sweat. He stops right in front of her letting her pinch his cheeks “It works on you”

HimChan starts handing out the beverages.

Alex looks at YoungJae “Wah I like your hair” She grins huge “Always loved the shaved side thing”

YoungJae smiles big “I was a bit iffy about it” he the shaved side.

HimChan smirks and looks at Alex. She is a nice break for all of them.

“You two look great as well” Alex looks at DaeHyun and JongUp who nods and smiles “Thanks”

YongGuk is scratching his neck. He has on a beanie that covers his hair.

Alex looks at him “You are so silent”

He looks up “Uhm I didn’t expect you to come in” He mumbles.

“You look like you need a hug” Alex smirks and spread out her arms

YongGuk frowns and huffs “Hell no, you are soaking wet” He crosses his arms. Alex looks at HimChan who smirks “Really?” HimChan chuckles. Alex nods and the two sets after YongGuk who quickly sees what they are trying to do “Nooooooo! ” He turns and runs the opposite way, away from them.

Alex and HimChan chases YongGuk around the room to great amusement to everyone else who laughs loudly while the bear yells at the two wet people to stop it right away and curses them to a place the sun never shines.

Alex and HimChan seems to be pretty in sync and a look from Alex is enough to make HimChan understand what she is thinking and he continues as she changes direction and cuts YongGuk off.

“Yah!” YongGuk growls and tries to maneuver out of the trap but the two tackles him sending him to the floor. Alex sits on his stomach and HimChan holds his arms down “You two %#&¤#!!” He yells and kicks his legs trying to get free. Alex is surprisingly strong for a girl but he knew that already. She removes her beanie running a hand through her hair

“Don’t you dare!” YongGuk snaps as Alex with a huge smile moves the beanie in front of her and twists it so all the cold rain water pours down on his chest and face “!” He yells shaking his head from side to side “THAT’S COLD!”

HimChan lets go and moves back laughing. Alex laughs as well.

YongGuk flips Alex over and is now sitting on her stomach while he wipes his face with his shirt exposing his stomach without realizing it.

Alex chuckles and bites her lip looking at the muscular stomach in front of her. She traces a finger over it “Nice”

YongGuk freezes and his ears and cheeks turn red and he rapidly pulls his shirt down. He looks down at her under him and swallows. She tilts her head back and looks at HimChan who is laughing so hard he has his back holding on to his stomach. The others are watching from afar.

YongGuk puts his hands in his sides and shakes his head “Not cool Alex” a small smile on his lips as he watch her laughing under him looking over at the laughing HimChan.

He feels his cheeks warming up and his heart race just a tad faster.

Alex’s laugh reduces to a chuckle and she looks up at YongGuk “Sitting comfortable?”

YongGuk jumps off “No. My is getting wet” He pulls the back of his pants and looks at it in the mirror-wall.

Alex starts laughing hard again and YongGuk realizes how ridiculous it all is and starts laughing too. The whole room laughs when their manager steps in seeing HimChan on his back soaking wet laughing, Alex sitting soaking wet laughing, YongGuk standing with a shirt wet on the front and pants wet on the back laughing and finally Zelo, Daehyun, YongJae and JongUp leaning against each other laughing as there was no tomorrow,

“What happened in here?!” He asks scratching his neck.

YongGuk is about to say something but the look on the manager’s face makes him laugh harder and he has to support his hands on his knees.

HimChan takes a couple of deep breathes “Alex dropped by” He manages to say before laughing again.

“Well I’m glad to see you think you have time to joke around” The manager crosses his arms. Alex gets up and bows trying to suppress her laugh “Hi I’m Alex”

The manager nods “Oh right”

“I’m sorry to distract them from their practice” Alex bows again. YongGuk straightens up and walks over to them like all the others.

“Well I guess the guys can take a break” The manager smiles “Just don’t slack too much” he looks at YongGuk

YongGuk lifts a hand and smirks “Promise”

The manager bows at Alex and leaves.

YongGuk smacks Alex over the back of the head “That is for before” He smacks HimChan as well “That is for going along with her”

Alex pulls his beanie off.

“Hey” He raises a hand to ruffle his hair “Don’t do that!”

“Purple and black?” Alex chuckles. YongGuk scowls at her “Yeah got a problem with that?” He grasps the beanie from her and turns it in his hands secretly bummed out that she laughed.

She runs her hands into his hair messing it playfully. His eyes turn wide and he just looks at her while she plays with his hair. His heart beats faster again.

“It is different” She smiles sweetly “You can work it” She steps back as Zelo asks her something.

YongGuk moves a hand to his hair where her hands had just been. He smiles foolishly but then shakes his head getting back to reality.

He looks at HimChan who is drinking some water while looking at YoungJae who is telling him to get out of the wet jacket before he gets sick.

“Will you watch our new dance?” Zelo beams proudly. Alex claps her hands and smiles “Off course”

“It’ll be the first time someone sees it” DaeHyun frowns “I’m not sure I’m ready for that”

HimChan smirks “Aish we rock it”

“Well the rest of us will” YongGuk smirks at HimChan

“I… That’s not fair!” HimChan yells.

Alex crosses her arms “I can come back another time if you guys are afraid you too badly” She smirks at YongGuk.

“Oh snap” JongUp grins and looks at DaeHyun who grins “He won’t be able to resist” Zelo chuckles “Don’t let her win Hyung!”

YongGuk steps closer to Alex with a smirk “Are you daring us?”

She gets in his face with an equally challenging smirk “Yeah I am. I think you are gonna fall flat”

“Oh so that is how we are playing?” YongGuk tilts his head back with that gummy confident smirk all over his face. Alex bites her lip teasingly “Only if you think you are man enough”

“Ohhh” HimChan bites his knuckle and chuckles. YongGuk looks down and laughs. Zelo is standing next to the two looking from one to the other “Hyung you can’t let her off that easy” He grins at YongGuk who nods “Fine” He steps back “I’m gonna make you bow for me” He points a finger at Alex who grins

“Earn it” She steps back to the wall and lets B.A.P. line up.

The music starts and they perform the choreography.

Alex nods her head with the music looking at them throughout the performance. When done she claps and the panting guys move towards her. YongGuk smirks and spread out his arms “So?”

She tilts her head “Fine” She bows deeply and stands up straight smiling big “You win this one YongGuk”

YongGuk grins victoriously.

Alex looks at the time “I really got to get back”

“Back where?” YongGuk frowns. Alex put her beanie back on “I gotta go home and change before I pick up Kei at the airport” She smirks at him

“Who is Kei?” Zelo calls out.

“Uhm” Alex bites her lip in a grin “My ex boyfriend” She waves a hand “Bye” She heads towards the door

YongGuk frowns “Ex boyfriend?” He mumbles looking at her back feeling a throb in his chest.

HimChan runs after her “Wait!” He yells catching her just before she goes out “Your ex? Really? What is he doing here?”

“He is gonna help me move into my new place” Alex says and heads out

HimChan runs after her again while DaeHyun and YoungJae stands and looks at YongGuk who is frowning and looks far off in thought. DaeHyun gives YoungJae an elbow in the side “You think…”

“Noo…” YoungJae frowns but then looks at DaeHyun “Can’t be…”

“Maybe…” DaeHyun frowns “Is it really…?

“Far fetched?” YoungJae shrugs “Could be…”

The two points at each other and keep making unfinished sentences.

“You two make no sense” Zelo stares at them with a big question mark on his face.

“Don’t worry…” DaeHyun grins and looks at YoungJae who finishes “… About it”

Zelo frowns and shakes his head walking away.

“Nice” YoungJae chuckles and he and DaeHyun highfives.

HimChan comes back in looking like he is thinking something over

“So?” JongUp looks at HimChan who walks over and puts his hands in his sides “Oh yeah he is gonna help her move into her new place. Staying here about a week or so at a hotel. She is with the CEO now, he wanted to talk to her. Some secretary has gone to pick the guy up so we get a chance to meet him”

Daehyun looks to YongGuk “I know I’m not that experienced with ex’s… Is it normal for a guy to fly in from another country to help his ex move into a new place?”

“Would you do that?” YongGuk looks at him

“I don’t think so” Daehyun frowns

“There is your answer” YongGuk mumbles looking at HimChan

“I would if I still had feelings for her” HimChan says looking like he is in deep thought.

YongGuk sighs and walks back to the middle of the room “Back to practice!” He growls in his low voice

HimChan frowns “We aren’t gonna talk about this?”

“No” YongGuk mumbles looking down.

“I bet he is big” Zelo smirks “I think Alex should be with a big guy”

The others join in. HimChan nods “Well would make sense. She probably goes for guys who are big and strong”

“Or maybe she goes for someone sweet and caring who can make her feel like a girl” YoungJae says thoughtfully “I mean she has so much going on maybe she just wants someone who she can relax with”

“Nah she is a strong woman she would need a strong man to match her” DaeHyun grins

“What do you think he does for a living?” JongUp grins

“BACK TO PRACTISE!” YongGuk yells.

HimChan gives him an elbow in the side “You think she goes for deep voices or high once?”

YongGuk glares at him making HimChan shrink and hurry to his spot.

“I think it’s safe to say….” YoungJae looks at DaeHyun and both nods “Definitely”

“YAH!” YongGuk yells again making everyone hurry to their places.

Alex comes back in 20 minutes later and takes a seat quietly by the door not being noticed by the group.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P