Payback is a

Another Day Comes

U-Kiss are working hard getting ready to perform their latest song Doradora. SooHyun is pushing the guys to their limits demanding only the best and it is killing them.

“I’m tired” DongHo whines and drops on his . He tries to cool himself off by flaring his shirt. Eli walks around looking at SooHyun who chuckles at the youngest “We have to be ready”

“We are ready” Kevin mumbles lying face down on the floor and rest his head on his arms.

“Are you sure?” Soohyun crosses his arms.

“Yes” Kiseop walks over to his phone.

“Why are you always looking at your phone lately?” AJ looks over his shoulder

“Nothing” Kiseop says walking away from him. AJ looks at Hoon and the two starts following Kiseop around the room. SooHyun looks at the time “Fine take 5”

Eli, who managed to get behind SooHyun without him noticing, trips him and sends the guy falling to his back “5 minutes my ” He kneels and places his knee on SooHyun’s chest “30 minutes” He says

“10” SooHyun says.

Eli looks down and chuckles. Her shifts and sits on SooHyun’s stomach with both feet placed on his right, holding on to SooHyun’s hands “Not negotiating here but we can say 25”

“10” SooHyun smirks

Eli sighs “40”

“No” SooHyun shakes his head.

“38” Eli grins

“That’s a weird number” SooHyun chuckles “I give you 15”

“Not good enough” Eli jumps a little bumping the air out of SooHyun’s stomach.

“Yah!” SooHyun tries to push him off but Eli just grasps his hands “50 minutes”

“No! You are horrible at negotiating” SooHyun shakes his head “20”

“Nooo” Eli mocks “59”

“59?” SooHyun laughs “You are ed”

“You two do realize that you already spend like 5 minutes arguing about this” DongHo raises a brow and looks at them. Eli scowls at him “I could have kept it going for at least 15 minutes”

“Get off me” SooHyun tries to force Eli off.

“Weak” Eli smirks at him

“You have my hands!” SooHyun frowns

“Did you even hit anyone when we got in the fight with Alex?” Eli mocks

“You fought with Alex?” Kevin frowns

“Not with Alex…” SooHyun frowns

“It was actually with Alex but not with her” Eli frowns “Anyway” he chuckles “Well we were on Alex’s side”

“Oh” Kevin nods

“But yeah I did actually take part in it. It’s not like Kiseop who was too busy hugging HimChan” SooHyun teases and looks towards Kiseop who is fending off Hoon and AJ who wants to see who is he texting.

“You are writing to HimChan?” AJ snatches the phone

“No!” Kiseop pouts

“What the hell is with you two?” Eli laughs

“Uhm” Kiseop rubs his neck “HimChan is feeling left out in his group and almost getting killed together kind of made us friends”

“Killed?” DongHo frowns

“They saw a bat and their pants” Eli mocks and looks down at SooHyun who laughs as well

“We didn’t!” Kiseop crosses his arms.

“Eli had to pull them back” SooHyun mocks

“Then Alex just walked towards the calling him names and SooHyun stole his bat when he went for her. Then Alex knock the guy out with one single punch” Eli smirks and lets go of SooHyun’s hands “We did good didn’t we?” Eli grins. SooHyun nods “Yea. Unlike some” they both look at Kiseop.

“We helped!” Kiseop pouts.

“I actually think HimChan did throw one punch” SooHyun says. Eli nods “Yeah but Kiseop was just… there”

Kiseop grasps his phone from AJ and walks to the door

“Where are you going?” SooHyun yells after him

“Away from you heads” Kiseop mumbles and opens the door walking out

“We have practice!” Soohyun yells.

Eli chuckles “Just let him. He’ll be back in a second. Break is over when he comes back deal?”

SooHyun sighs “Yea yea deal” He pushes Eli off him “Find someone else to sit on”

When Kiseop hasn’t returned in 15 minutes SooHyun becomes impatient and heads out to find him. He just heard Eli commenting on how nice it is of Kiseop to stay away and give them a nice long break.

He shakes his head and looks from side to side once outside the room. He ruffles his hair deciding to walk to the right.

“Kiseop!” He calls opening every door and looks in. Mostly he gets an angry glare from people he is disturbing and he has to bow and apologize.

“Where the hell is he?” He crosses his arms and frowns turning around himself. He feels something grasps the back of his neck pulling him through a door he could have sworn was locked. A second later he is in a dark room getting pushed against the wall, face first.

“You got some nerves idol” A growling voice says making him shiver a little

“W-who are you?” He tries to reach behind him but his hands a caught and forced up on his back immobilizing him. He lets out a pained shout.

A breath closes in on his ear “Your worst nightmare” followed by a laugh

He pushes out his jaw “Alex!” he tries to turn his head but it so dark he wouldn’t see a thing anyway.

“You are no fun” Alex‘s voice then sounds. The lights get turned back on “What gave me away?” She frowns

“Your laugh” He looks at her over his shoulder “Could you let go of me?” She is still holding his arms on his back

“No” she says shortly

“No?” He frowns “Why not?”

“Because you deserve it” Alex chuckles

“What?” He tries to turn but it hurts his arms and he grunts painfully “It hurts you know!” He snaps

“It’s not suppose to be pleasant” Alex mocks

SooHyun tries to get free but to no use. He is not a weak guy so it bothers the hell out of him that he is so helpless against her “Why the are you that strong?!” He yells

Alex laughs again “I work out”

“You are a freak” he sneers

“Yea yea” Alex chuckles “But I’m fine with it”

“What kind of fitness regime are you following to be this strong?” he whines and bangs his head softly against the door.

Alex laughs and leans against his back without giving him an answer. She can’t very well tell him she works out at a boxing club down town where she spends most of her time putting aggressive guys in their place.

“Why are you doing this to me again?” SooHyun tries looking back at her again.

She is holding his arms with one, way too strong, hand. She turns on the lights and lets her free hand travel around his stomach “Why do you think?”

He swallows when her hand moves under his shirt feeling his abs

“How would I know” He manages to say sounding somewhat collected.

She moves her hand up to his chest laughing “I was wondering if you felt as good as you looked” she teases. She removes her hand and pats him on the outside of his shirt on his stomach “You do”

He laughs “ you Alex” She moves to his cheek giving him a peck “I like our game honey”

“Yea yea” he chuckles.

“Can I let him go now?” Alex asks

SooHyun frowns and tenses a bit realizing that they aren’t alone

“Yeah I got what I wanted” Kiseop’s voice is heard.

“Kiseop!” SooHyun yells “You set her up for this?!”

“Yes I did” Kiseop grins. SooHyun tries to get loose again this time he almost succeeds. Alex has to use both hands to hold his.

“Uhm could you hold him till he calms down” Kiseop says sounding a little scared

“He isn’t going anywhere till I let him” Alex chuckles

“Why?!” SooHyun glares at Kiseop

“You made fun of me!” Kiseop pouts.

Alex smirks “I was here to meet your CEO and ran into a very unhappy Kiseop. He told me what you and Eli said and I agreed to help him get revenge”

“Revenge?” SooHyun jerks his arms

“Yeah show him” Alex chuckles. Kiseop finds his phone and shows SooHyun a picture of him being forced up against the wall with Alex’s holding him there and her hand far up under his shirt.

“You can’t keep that!” SooHyun yells

“I’m keeping it so if you ever feel like taunting me about that thing again I will show this to everyone who would find it fun” Kiseop smirks feeling quite confident. Alex leans in “And don’t think about erasing it from his phone because he is gonna send a copy to me”

SooHyun sighs and hammers his forehead into the wall “Why me?” he fakes a sob “It’s always me”

Alex lets go of his arms and he lets them drop and turns sideways looking at her. She crosses her arms and smiles “You are the leader. Makes it fun for me”

“What about Eli?” SooHyun frowns “He was in on it” He sends Kiseop a look.

“I’ll get him next” Alex smirks

Kiseop chuckles and looks at her “You have a fun job”

“sometimes” Alex grins. She points a finger at Kiseop “But remember if you use that for anything other than stopping him from teasing you I’ll be coming after you”

Kiseop nods.

“So he can’t use it to get out of chores?” SooHyun looks at Alex who shakes her head “It has to be fair”

SooHyun nods a bit relieved “Okay good” He looks at Kiseop “Some stunt to pull”

Kiseop grins “It wasn’t my idea I was just pissed”

“Yea sorry about that” SooHyun rubs his neck “We were just fooling around”

Alex claps her hands “Now next target” She looks at Kiseop “Are you ready?”

“What are you gonna do?” SooHyun frowns. Alex turns and gets a bucket with green slime “This is gonna be fun”

SooHyun laughs “He is in the dance studio”

“Let’s go” Alex grins.

Kiseop opens the door and they head out. Alex walks behind them.

“You’ll help?” Kiseop looks at SooHyun “Are you kidding me?” SooHyun chuckles “I wouldn’t miss this for the world”

Kiseop chuckles “Great then you can help distract them”

“How?” SooHyun frowns

“Pretend you are pissed at Kiseop and drag him to the other side of the room so they have their backs to me” Alex says shortly sounding completely in control.

“Wait” She stops just before they reach the door “Which one is Eli again?”

The two laughs “You don’t know?”

“My memory isn’t that good and you all look the same to me” She throws up a hand.

“Who do you remember?” SooHyun frowns

“Well I remember you” she shrugs “But that is probably mostly because I’ve seen you practically ”

SooHyun looks down embarrassed “Could we not talk about that?” He frowns and glares at Kiseop who chuckles.

“We have the same hair color so I made sure to remember you” She smirks at Kiseop who smiles proudly.

SooHyun rolls his eyes “So in your head he is redhead and I’m ?”

Alex starts laughing and has to take a second looking away, shaking her head.

Kiseop looks at SooHyun “You do realize what you just said right?”

SooHyun frowns and then turns a dark shade of pink and his eyes widen “NOOOO!” He looks at Alex waving a hand “I didn’t mean it like that

Alex stands up straight and chuckles “That was a good one” She nods “From now on you will be” She chuckles and SooHyun hits his forehead “I don’t like you” he points a finger at her “You me up”

Alex laughs again and SooHyun throws his hands up and shakes his head “This is hopeless”

“Every time you say anything to her it comes out rather oriented hyung” Kiseop frowns and looks at him rather seriously. SooHyun sniffs and scowls at him. He looks at Alex “I’m done talking to you”

Alex takes a deep breath controlling herself “Oh honey you can’t keep that”

SooHyun pushes out his jaw and then just shake his head. Kiseop chuckles he looks at Alex “Eli is the blond one”

Alex clears the throat “Now you two get mad or I will have to leave this unfinished”

SooHyun and Kiseop looks at each other.

Kiseop shows him the picture again “I could send this to MBLAQ. How do you think they’ll react?”

SooHyun clenches his jaw and looks at Kiseop “You are dead” He grasps the others neck and kicks the door open forcing him in.

“What the hell where you thinking staying away for so long!” SooHyun sneers.

Kiseop moves back through the room “I just needed time” he holds up his hands defensively.

“Is that so?” SooHyun crosses his arms walking towards him “You were gone for 20 minutes we have to comeback with our new song in a matter of days” SooHyun growls.

Kiseop’s back hit the wall “Sorry” he looks down frowning.

“SooHyun calm down it’s not that serious” Hoon places a hand on SooHyun’s shoulder but gets pushed back. DongHo and the others move towards them. Eli huffs “Soo it’s not the end of the world we are al…..” He words gets gut off when a bucket full of green slimy stuff hits his head and starts moving down his face. Kiseop snaps a picture and he and SooHyun starts laughing. The others, a bit slow to catch up, burst out into laughter as well.

“What the hell?!” Eli yells and turns facing Alex who shakes her head “Aish green is not your color” Eli frowns “You little…!” He yells as her with no end calling her names and throwing his arms around. Kiseop gives SooHyun a nudge in the side “You were very convincing”

SooHyun smirks “Thank you”

Hoon frowns “You planned this?”

“Don’t look at me” SooHyun holds up his hands and looks at Kiseop who scratches his neck.

“You!” Eli yells and sets after Kiseop who jolts and runs away hiding behind Alex.

“Get out of the way!” Eli demands but Alex stands her ground “Now be nice to him or I won’t be so nice next time”

Eli frowns “You did this for him?” He moves some green slime from his face and throws it at her. She chuckles but doesn’t move letting it hit her jacket “Yes”

She waves at the others “Hey guys”

DongHo, AJ and Hoon waves back. Kevin moves towards her “Where did you get green slime?”

“Oh I know people” Alex smirks and crosses her arms “Well I should let you people get back to whatever it is you were suppose to do” She looks at SooHyun and then Eli “Kiseop has my number. If you bug him about the fight again I will come bite you in the ”

Hoon laughs. SooHyun sends him a serious look making him frown. “It wouldn’t surprise me if she did” SooHyun says in a low voice.

Kiseop looks at Alex “You would?”

She chuckles “What the hell do you think of me?”

“That nothing is crossing a line with you” Eli tries to get the slime out of his hair.

She laughs “Well then maybe I should” She taps with a finger thinking it over. “Hmm”

SooHyun moves his hands to his . She grouped him before with no hesitation. He wouldn’t be shocked if she actually has the guts to bite someone in the .

“Bye” She sends them a peace sign and heads out. Eli scowls at Kiseop who is laughing silently to himself.

SooHyun claps his hands “Now people back to training”


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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P