B.A.P.'s dorm

Another Day Comes

YongGuk hurries down the stairs after Alex, he finds her standing outside with a cigarette. She moves it to her lips and takes a drag looking into the air. A second later she parts her lips part just slightly letting the smoke caress her lips on its way into nothing. YongGuk stares at the smoke leaving her lips fascinated with how it twirls and disappears into the cool air.

He steps a bit closer not sure what to say or do. Alex takes another drag without looking at YongGuk. He looks at the bruised knuckles and clenches his jaw. She turns her face slightly towards him and then grasps her suitcase starting to walk. YongGuk follows her silently. Shortly after Seungho and Cheundong comes out. YongGuk turns his head seeing them exit. Seungho sends a look at them and holds up a hand shortly before turning the other way. YongGuk looks at Alex, he can see her clenching her jaw.

She lets another round of smoke out and looks at the cigarette in her hand. It’s not even half smoked when she roughly puts it out against the wall and flicks it into a bin they pass. They turn a corner to a parking-lot where a big dark red motorcycle is parked. YongGuk makes huge eyes “This is yours?” Alex starts tying her suitcase to the back “Yeah”

“Even though I don’t remember the time as a racer I’m still a fairly good” She pats the suitcase and nods satisfied that it is secure “I might not have a lot left but the things I used to be good at I still am” a playful glimpse sparkle in her eyes as she steps back “You’ll see” She throws a helmet to him “Put it on and we can get moving” she swings a leg over the motorcycle and puts on her own helmet.

YongGuk looks at the helmet in his hands and then looks at her turning on the engine. He puts the helmet on and gets on behind her, his hands grasps the sides of her jacket.

“Where is your dorm?” She turns her head. He tells her the address and she nods “I know that street”

“Haven’t you only been here like 5 days?” He frowns and mumbles

Alex chuckles and looks at him over her shoulder “I spend the first 2 just riding around getting a sense of where everything is. Hold on now” she looks back ahead and turns gasses up taking of down the street and around a corner. YongGuk holds on to the sides of Alex’s jacket. He is quite impressed with the flow in her driving. She moves smoothly in and out between cars and speeding up when there aren’t as many cars around. YongGuk can feel how confident she is in her driven by the way she never makes any small changes, every single move seems well thought out and controlled with amazing precision as if she knows what happens 2 minutes before it does.

Once they get to the street the dorm is on Alex slows down. YongGuk points to a where their van usually parks. It’s pretty secluded and out of view from the street so they Alex decides that it will be fine to park there. Alex’s parking is just as smooth as her driving but she is making an effort so YongGuk can be spared unnecessary pain. He gets off and takes of the helmet having quite a big smile plastered on his face “You really are a good driver” he takes a few steps before turning and his eyes immediately lands on Alex who is still on the back, arms crossed and head hanging.

YongGuk take a step back towards her raising a hand to put on her shoulder but he drops it again and instead just looks at her “You okay?”

Alex removes the helmet and wipes away a tear “You think Seungho is very mad at me?” her eyes fixed on the dashboard of the bike.

YongGuk is stunned. This is the first time she actually looks like she isn’t in control, he can see the knuckles holding on the helmet turning whiter. “No he is just worried” the words come out sounded less sure than he wanted them to.

“He worries too much. I’m not a child and I can take care of myself” Alex crosses her arms again and looks ahead sounding a bit harsh.

YongGuk rubs his neck “I don’t doubt that” He looks down at the pavement “But can’t you understand why he worries?” He looks back up at her.

“I know he was right, I really don’t know what I was thinking. If the three of you hadn’t been there today… God why do I have to keep doing that?” She curses and hits her forehead a few times with a closed fist.

“You really hadn’t thought of that?” YongGuk is amazed but not in a good way. Actually he is shocked that she really is that blind of dangers like that.

“No” She says shaking her head.

“Please just check into a hotel until you find a safer place” YongGuk mumbles.

She huffs in a smirk and looks up at him “You sound like Seungho”

He chuckles slightly “Don’t insult me”

She looks at the dashboard on the bike “That wasn’t an insult” She smiles a little and then nods “Sure I’ll find a hotel” Her eyes moves up to a window in the dorm and she waves shoftly.

YongGuk turns and looks up as well 5 blond heads disappears. He sighs and shakes his head “God they are so nosy”

“And horrible at hiding” Alex chuckles. She looks at YongGuk “If anyone asks, you helped me out okay. I was getting beat up and you came to help”

YongGuk frowns at her “What? That’s not even true”

“Oh it isn’t? Already forgotten about the strangling guy?” She smirks “We just happen to leave out that something came before that”

YongGuk looks down “But…”

“ it up will ya” She crosses her arms and frowns “My best friends are idols, I know you guys deal with plenty of crap so don’t make this more complicated than it has to be”

“Thanks” He looks down. It doesn’t feel right getting to sound like the hero when he isn’t.

She pats his arm “Don’t worry about it okay” He looks in her eyes. There is still a hint of water from her tears which makes tem sparkle. His eyes moves to her cheek “You should get something cold on that to stop the swelling”.

She pats him on his sore cheek “You are one to talk” a grin forming on her lips

YongGuk pouts and places his right hand over his cheek “That wasn’t nice”

She flashes a cocky smirk “Who said I was nice?”

He laughs and hits her over the head “Stupid girl”

She gives him a push in return “Yah bloody guy”

“HYUNG!” Zelo comes running out from a door a bit away from them. YongGuk and Alex looks at the tall boy who freezes looking at their faces “What the hell happened?!” his brows furrow and he looks from one to the other

“Don’t swear” YongGuk frowns

Alex points a finger at herself “Got in trouble” then she points at YongGuk “Helped out”

YongGuk chuckles and looks at her “Way to simplify things” She crosses her arm and shrugs with a smug smirk on her lips.

Zelo slowly steps closer kind of looking like a little cat trying to figure out if it is safe to appear. He looks at Alex and tilts his head “Isn’t that…?”

“Hi I’m Alex” Alex says with a huge grin and a happy voice. YongGuk laughs at her overly cheery greet flashing his signature gummy grin.

Zelo looks at YongGuk and blinks a few times. Alex looks at YongGuk “He is cute. Like a little doll”

“I’m not a doll” Zelo pouts. Alex chuckles “Awww”

YongGuk pushes her arm sending her stumbling a bit.

Alex grins and pulls out her phone taking a quick look at the time “I should get going. Need to find a hotel room” she is about to put her helmet back on when YongGuk takes it away from her.

“Wait a sec, you should at least come in and say hi to the others” he smirks slightly “I need your excellent explaining skills to explain that” He points at his cheek. Alex laughs softly and nods “Right”

Zelo smiles and lashes on to YongGuk’s arm “HimChan is preparing snacks so you really should come in and say hi”

“He is?” YongGuk frowns

“Yea so come on in” Zelo smiles even bigger and runs back to the door “I find an icepack for Alex Hyung”

He runs in the building.

YongGuk looks at Alex who is laughing “I’m never getting used to being called hyung but I do think it sounds better than noona”

YongGuk chuckles and looks after Zelo

“When are your birthday?” Alex asks as she gets off the motorcycle

“March 31 and I’m from 1990” YongGuk mumbles as they head to the door. Alex smirks “Hah I’m older than you”

“By how much?” YongGuk frowns

“About 8 months” She smirks

“That’s not that much but I’ll call you hyung if you want” He smiles a little shyly

 “Nah please don’t. I’m not much for being formal” Alex shrugs and walks up beside YongGuk.

“What was it you called Seungho” YongGuk stops outside the door and looks at her.

“I refer to him as Seungho oppa unless I’m being the guy then I call him hyung but I call him Ani mostly which is the informal way to say older brother in Japanese. G.O. oppa I mostly call Oniisan which is the formal way to refer to an older brother. They act like my big brothers. Well Seungho does G.O. is more like a erted brother but it is all fun and games. Joon Hyung I only call Hyung or nothing. I’m not formal with the youngest but they like calling me Ane from time to time which is informal for older sister”

“Sounds a bit confusing” YongGuk opens the door scratching his neck

She shrugs “If being informal is strange to you I can be formal though”

YongGuk chuckles “Yeah after last night it would be weird if you were formal towards me” She laughs and follows him in. As soon as they enter the dorm Zelo comes over with an icepack handing it to Alex. She looks up at him and bows her head quickly “Thanks” He smiles and moves over to the couch taking a seat.

“Yah Zelo get up and greet the guest probably” HimChan snaps at him

“No need for that I greeted him outside” Alex politely says. YongGuk sends her a sarcastic look, Zelo didn’t introduce himself at all. She just smirks “Beside I’m European where I come from we just nods and exchange names”

“Oh okay” HimChan frowns.

“I’m JungUp” JungUp smiles. Daehyun raises a hand “I’m Daehyun”

“I’m YongJae” YoungJae bows

“And I’m HimChan” HimChan bows his head with a sly smile.

“Right I’m not gonna be able to remember that but I’ll try” She chuckles. YongGuk smiles and looks at her “We’ll help you”

“Which one was it Seungho met?” Alex frowns and scans the blond heads

“Right you fell asleep” YongGuk chuckles remembering her sleeping face resting on Seungho’s back

“That was me” YoungJae lifts a hand. Alex looks at him and nods.

YongGuk crosses his arms and smirks “I heard you mixed with a few guys”

“How do you know you weren’t to be found anywhere?” YoungJae frowns.

“People come sit!” Zelo yells. HimChan sends him a look and Zelo smiles “Pleaaaaaaase”

Everyone walks over and takes a seat in the couch or on a chair. YongGuk feels a pain as he sits and Alex clears to distract the others “Well Seungho hyung is a friend of mine and he and Cheundong dropped by my place earlier today. Your leader had been kind enough to keep an eye on me after I got beat up and spend the night at my place”

She leans back and crosses her arms. YongGuk stares at her and frowns. He can’t figure her out. It is like she is several people in one. He shakes his head and huffs which doesn’t go unnoticed by Alex but she just sends him a glance

“So that explains the bruises” HimChan walks over turning YongGuk’s face. YongGuk slaps his hands away “It’s nothing”

“Looks like something” Daehyun says looking at the table in front of him.

“It’s not, okay” YongGuk mumbles and moves to the side suppressing a painful noise.

“Did you know JunHyung, Dari, Doo Joon and those call you bear” YoungJae grins.

Alex chuckles in her seat. YongGuk frowns “What? No I didn’t know that. Why? And why were they looking for me by the way?”

“I don’t think they knew. They just wanted to find you” YoungJae scratches his neck.

“I’m sorry I didn’t give you guys a call” YongGuk frowns. HimChan waves a hand “You send a text that’s enough” YongGuk frowns not remembering that. He then looks at Alex who is looking around remembering that Alex had sent a text from his phone to HimChan.

He smiles faintly and looks back “So you had a good time?”

“Yeah” Zelo grins. The others nod except for YoungJae who is frowning. He looks at YongGuk and then Alex “There was a point where Seungho was standing out front with G.O. making a call. He looked really worried and he and the rest of MBLAQ left right after. Did that have anything to do with you?”

Alex looks at him “I don’t think so” a quick look is sent to YongGuk who is eying her out trying to figure out what she is thinking.

YongGuk looks back at YoungJae. “It’s nothing don’t worry about it” He smiles reassuring sending a quick look to Alex who looks at the icepack in her hand before moving it back to her cheek.

“Wait now I’m confused” Zelo jumps in his seat moving further out on the seat.

JungUp chuckles “fancy that”

Zelo pouts at him and looks at Alex “You said you had to go find a hotel but didn’t you have a place?”

“Not anymore I got kicked out” Alex sighs “Someone made my landlord mad” she pushes YongGuk who scowls at her “Your landlord was a erted prick” he growls in a low voice.

“He got you thrown out of your place” Daehyun frowns.

“No…! Well Seungho and Thunder played a big part as well” YongGuk rubs his neck.

Alex huffs and then chuckles before looking towards the door “I should really get moving”

“We can find a hotel from here” YoungJae says “We can book a room online. It’s the least we can do when YongGuk got you thrown out of your place”

“It wasn’t just me!” YongGuk complains. Alex shakes her head “I shouldn’t have been living there in the first place and I don’t wanna be any trouble so don’t bother”

JungUp jumps up and heads over to a table where a laptop is placed. “It’s not a problem we have nothing to do” HimChan flashes a charming smile. YongGuk smiles to himself. HimChan always has an ability to charm people.

YoungJae turns on the laptop and looks at Alex “So you have any requests?”

She shakes her head “As long as there is something to sleep on”

YongGuk looks at her “Anything will be an upgrade from that dump you lived in”

She scowls at him “I wasn’t gonna stay forever”

“But you had nothing. And not just as in a poor persons place but as in a junky who sold everything for drugs. If that is your style you might actually be better of letting Mir decorate your next place” He smirks

“Oh is that so?” Alex sends him a challenging look with a raised brow “You don’t think I can decorate a nice place?”

YongGuk grins bigger “I don’t actually. I bet your new place won’t hold a candle to our dorm”

“Is that a challenge?” Alex smirks. YongGuk smirks back “Yeah it’s a challenge but then you have to do it all yourself”

“Deal” Alex holds out her hand. YongGuk takes it with a confident smirk.

“What are you gonna bet about?” Zelo grins

Alex and YongGuk looks at him.

“Something embarrassing” HimChan smirks. “Like what?” YongGuk looks at him.

“I don’t know yet but it gotta be good” HimChan smirks again. Alex chuckles “Fine you think that over”

YongGuk looks at her “Don’t make him choose he is erted like hell”

Alex laughs and HimChan scowls at YongGuk “Right make me sound like a freak in front of guests” YongGuk laughs and looks down. Alex looks at HimChan “I don’t think you can beat G.O. on that front anyway”

She leans back and crosses her arms. “Oh I wouldn’t be so sure” YongGuk smirks.

Alex looks at HimChan running her eyes all over him making him feel a bit uncomfortable “Don’t stare at me like that”

Alex chuckles and looks at the others just as intensely. YongGuk covers her eyes “Why are you staring at them?” Alex removes his hand and looks at him with a mischievous glimpse in her eyes “Just for kicks”

He frowns and hits her over the head with the one side of his mouth curled up into a crocket smile. Alex puts a foot on the chair and looks around “Well if I’m supposed to top this I might as well look around. Is someone gonna show me around or do I go on my own” She smirks and then points a finger at YongGuk “Not you” He frowns trying to act like he is offended but a short smile shows that he is thankful she isn’t making him stand up again.

“I’ll do it!” Zelo jumps up. Alex sends him a smile “Lead the way” She follows him out the living-area and stop in front of the first door “This is YongGuk and HimChan’s bedroom”

“Does he really have to see our bedrooms?” HimChan steps in front of the door. The others are there as well except for YongGuk in the living-room relaxing and mending his sore . She looks up at every single one. They are all taller than her. Not much but still enough to make her feel small.

“What you got something to hide?” Alex raises a brow and smirk a cocky smile.

“No” He frowns and looks away scratching his neck. Alex chuckles “That’s a yes”

“Then come see mine and JungUp’s room” Zelo says sending glares at HimChan. Alex grins “Fine we’ll give the others a chance to hide what should be hidden” She follows Zelo further down the hall sending a look back at HimChan who quickly disappears into his bedroom

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P