B.A.P.'s dorm

Another Day Comes

At four MBLAQ, Alex and Zelo discuss what to do next. Seungho suggest that since Zelo is eating with them the rest of B.A.P might as well too, setting his and CheonDung’s plan in motion. Zelo seems excited and Alex as well. Joon sighs “All those kids?”

Zelo pouts “Nothing wrong with being a kid” Mir nods “I agree with him” he points at Zelo. G.O. chuckles “Most of them are even younger than you Mir”

“Well it’s Alex’s decision” CheonDung says. Alex nods “Sure. I have that bet with Guk so”

“Fits perfectly” G.O. claps his hands “But then we have to go home for something”

“What?” Alex frowns

“You don't have to know” Seungho grins “It’s about the bet. YongGuk gave us permission to decide what happens to the loser”

Alex laughs “Eh really?”

Seungho nods. Alex claps her hands “Great”

Zelo grins “He is gonna lose”

“We already knew he would” CheonDung grins.

Alex smirks “Well I guess Zelo and I go to invite B.A.P. and we’ll meet at my place at what?”

“5:30” Seungho says

“You have to take that long?” Alex pouts

“I have to stop by uhm the agency” Joon says

“Why?” Alex frowns

“Uhm” Joon looks at the others

“He has to…” G.O. frowns

“Talk with the…” CheonDung scratches his neck

“the manager!” Mir yells. Seungho whacks the back of his head “He said he would pick up our schedules for the USA trip and he forgot when we left so we have to go back for them”

“Oh” Alex nods “You could just have told me” She chuckles and she and Zelo leaves.

Zelo frowns and looks at her “You bought that?”

“No” She grins at him “I don’t actually care but it is fun to watch them sweat”

Zelo laughs “Wah you are like the coolest girl ever”

Alex ruffles his pink hair and they head to her bike. They drive straight to B.A.P’s dorm where JongUp spots her bike through the window. He runs out “Alex” a big grin emerges on his face. He notice the person behind her “Yah Zelo is that you?” He chuckles and runs over to them.

Zelo removes the helmet. Alex waits a bit. “Hey Hyung” Zelo grins proudly

“Ah wait you look so cool let me take a picture” JongUp finds his phone.

Zelo lights up.

“Alex your helmet” JongUp looks at her.

“If I keep it on he can show the picture to whoever if I take it off he can’t show anyone” Alex merely states.

JongUp nods “At least make a sign”

Alex chuckles and her and Zelo poses on the motorcycle. Then Zelo gets off and runs over to see the picture. Alex gets off as well. JongUp looks at her “You can take the helmet of now”

She sighs and does

“YAH!” JongUp’s narrow eyes turn huge “What happened to you?”

“I got beat up” Alex says casually “Are everyone in?”

JongUp nods “Well Guk is back in a sec”

“Good” Zelo grins and runs in “Ane come on hurry” He yells in the process.

Alex walks over and puts a hand on JongUp’s back leading him in “Come on no staring” she chuckles.

“Zelo where the hell have you been?” HimChan scolds

Zelo smirks “I was with Ane”

“Ane? Who the hell is Ane?” HimChan mumbles and frowns

“Me” Alex smirks

“What the hell?” HimChan walks over turning her face “Who beat you up?”

“I don’t know their names “Alex laughs

HimChan raises a brow “So what did you do?”

“Wrong time, wrong place” Alex sighs “get over it”

HimChan frowns but walks back to Zelo “You should have called”

“I know I know, where are Daehyun and YoungJae?”

“Uhm kitchen” HimChan gestures with his head.

“They aren’t cooking hopefully!” Zelo exclaims and runs out to the kitchen. “No” HimChan frowns “It’s only 4:30” he shakes his head.

“When is YongGuk back?” Alex looks at HimChan

“In a sec” HimChan looks after Zelo “He spend the day with you?”

Alex nods “Me and MBLAQ”

HimChan’s eyes widen “And MBLAQ?”

“Yeah. We met 2PM as well” Alex nods. JongUp scratches his neck “Hope he was polite”

“He was a delight” Alex chuckles “Very polite”

“Good” HimChan mumbles “We don’t need our seniors to think he is a brat”

“Hey Alex” DaeHyun and YoungJae comes out with Zelo.

They send each other a look “You came to see YongGuk?” they grin.

Zelo pouts “No she came to see all of us”

Alex grins “You told them?”

“No” Zelo grins “I wanna wait till YongGuk is here” Alex nods “Fair enough”

“Wait what?” HimChan frowns “Tell me I’m sick of feeling left out!”

Alex crosses her arms “Well while we wait I’ll let you in on something then but you have to know that not many people knows this”

They all nod. HimChan seems more at ease now.

“I guess people will have to know sooner or later so here goes nothing” She takes a deep breath “I don’t know if you watch the show about the dead racer in Japan”

“We did” HimChan says.

Alex nods “Good makes it easier” She chuckles “That is me”

“Whaaaa?” They all drop their jaw. Daehyun huffs uncomfortably “Nah can’t be”

HimChan frowns “I thought the laugh sounded the same. Why do they claim you died?”

“Because I kind of did. That person did” she grins seeing the confusion in their faces “I lost all memory of my life so I kind of started fresh”

“I see” HimChan looks down “YongGuk already knows this doesn’t he?”

“Knows what?” YongGuk comes in. No one had heard the door. He freezes when he sees Alex and shoots a quick look to DaeHyun and YoungJae before frowning. He looks back at Alex realizing what state she is in “What happened to you?” he drops the bag and walks over looking closer at her face. Running a finger over the bruised cheekbone before realizing he is doing it.

“She got beat up” HimChan says. Daehyun and YoungJae looks at each other and smirks

Alex waves a hand “It’s not as bad as it seems”

“Don’t lie” Zelo frowns “When CheonDung hugged you it caused you a lot of pain and…” Alex cuts him off with a glare.

“I’m saying it’s nothing so it’s nothing alright” She says calmly

“Bull” YongGuk huffs and crosses his arms “ing bull and you know it”

Alex looks at him and chuckles “Don’t use my words against me kid”

YongGuk frowns “I’m not a kid!” He growls and shakes his head walking back to his bag picking it up and walking to his room.

YoungJae gives Daehyun a nudge and they exchanges looks.

YongGuk comes back out leaning against the wall at the other end of the room far away from Alex “So what do I know?”

“About the memory loss” Himchan says. YongGuk looks at Alex who nods and smiles. He nods as well “Yea. I wasn’t suppose to tell you guys” He mumbles and crosses his arms.

“Guys we are gonna eat dinner with Alex and MBLAQ!” Zelo yells not able to hide it anymore. Alex laughs at his excitement.

“At Alex’s place” He adds and jumps over to YongGuk “I’m sorry but you lost the bet” YongGuk looks at him “What bet?” he looks to Alex “Oh that one” he frowns “MBLAQ is coming?”

“Yeah they are picking up something for the loser now” Zelo chippers. Alex chuckles while YongGuk frowns “No fair” He sighs “Did you bribe him or something?” he looks at Alex who smiles “No I just let him in. He was sitting outside my door this morning. You guys really should be more aware” She holds on to Zelo’s arm and points a finger at YongGuk “You shouldn’t just lock yourself in the room” she looks to DaeHyun and YoungJae “You two have to stop being so damn secretive” She looks at JongUp “Couldn’t you have asked if he wanted to go with you?” She looks at HimChan about to say something and then looks at Zelo “You gotta clean up after yourself” HimChan smirks.

YongGuk is just looking at his feet and sniffs.

Zelo nods and smiles at Alex “I will”

Alex nods as well “Good. But just give me a call when you don’t know where to go. No more sitting outside, it isn’t wise when you are an idol. Deal?”

Zelo nods “Deal”

YongGuk looks up at the two. He would just have yelled at the boy not to run off. he looks to the side and sighs thinking she has to stop being so damn sweet or he’ll never get over his crush.

“She has a book called Salmonella men on planet o. She let me have it” Zelo finds the book showing it proudly. YongGuk snatches it and looks at the cover “You can’t give him that kind of book!” He shoots his eyes to Alex who laughs “Relax it isn’t erted… most of it” She grins and rubs her neck “it’s just some weird novels. I told him he couldn’t read the first and the last once yet”

“You can’t tell a kid that off course he will” HimChan laughs and walks over snatching the book “Is that around the circle sun?” the others run over as well looking at the cover. YongGuk looks at Zelo “I’m keeping this till you are older”

“No fair” Zelo pouts “You’ll just read it before me”

YongGuk looks at Alex and shakes his head cursing at her

He looks back at Zelo “You can’t read English that well yet anyway”

“I’ll learn” Zelo reaches for the book.

YongGuk sighs and lets him have it “You promise to do as Alex said and not read those two yet?”

“Promise” Zelo grins “I listen to Ane”

“Ane?” YongGuk frowns ”Since when did you starts referring to her as your sister?”

“Today when she brought me along and I saw her place and went by J Tune Camp and met MBLAQ and their manager and met 2PM and and…” He blabbers about the day and YongGuk frowns and looks at Alex “You brought him along all day?”

Alex nods.

“Alex is like the boss and everyone bows to her and she is informal with managers and…” Zelo continues to blabber.

Alex looks at the time “Now will you come have dinner with me and MBLAQ or what?”

“Will Kei be there?” YoungJae asks making sure he can’t see YongGuk and the nasty look he gets. DaeHyun turns the other way as well.

“Oh God no. With the way he and Seungho talk about each other I wouldn’t let them in the same room” She says looking unhappy about it.

YongGuk smiles a little

“I’m coming and YongGuk is coming” Zelo grins. YongGuk frowns and looks at him “Why are you talking on my behalves?”

“You don’t wanna come?” Zelo pouts unhappily. YongGuk loses his cool a little and blushes slightly “No well yeah sure” he scratches his neck and looks at Alex real quick before looking down “Off course”

DaeHyun and YoungJae grins to each other.

“We would love to come” HimChan smiles charmingly. Alex smiles “Well I’ll just go and shop a bit and you can come to my place 5:30 as the latest okay?” Alex heads to the door.

“Sure” YongGuk smiles at her and they watch her leave. He breathes out and leans against the wall trying to get her heart to calm down, he bites his lip and looks at the ground. Zelo jumps to his room “We gotta change so we look nice”

HimChan chuckles and walks to his room as well. JongUp nods and follows.

DaeHyun and YoungJae stays behind looking at YongGuk “You are sure you don’t want… into it?” YoungJae says sending a look to Daehyun. YongGuk frowns and looks at them “Yes”

“Why not?” Daehyun frowns and crosses his arms.

“Did you not hear me last?” He mumbles “She doesn’t go for idols AND today she called me a kid” he crosses his arms and looks to the side.

“But people change their minds” DaeHyun tries.

“Well I’m not gonna be shot down and it’s just a little bloody crush. I’ll get over it” He sniffs and walks to his room “Where are you going?” YoungJae frowns

“To change you pricks!” He yells back. DaeHyun crosses his arms “Yah it’s gonna be though”

“I know” YoungJae sighs “But she isn’t really showing any signs. Maybe it’s only one way…”

“I don’t know” DaeHyun looks around “Something tells me there is more to it”

“We’ll see tonight” YoungJae smiles and they go to get changed.








Right now I kind of regret having set out to repost this. First of all because I don't have the same great contact with the readers and secondly because I'm dying to focus on the other story.. Why is this story so long!! *sigh* I really hope you guys are enjoying this and see that I have fixed well most of the errors. I can't garantee that everything is fixed because I seem to get blind and not notice sometimes.. Anyway *sigh* Enjoy.. I'll try to get through as much as possible as fast as possible so I can get on with the sequel.. I got 40 chapters just waiting to be updated on that one.. And I'm only just getting into the good stuff.. I mean the really good stuff..!

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P