How not to be smooth = ask if she has slept with her ex

Another Day Comes

You should have this track going while you read




She widens her eyes shocked and then smiles “Guk what are you doing here?”

He smiles big feeling his heart beat faster just by the sight of her smile “I have to talk to you” he calls out trying to calm his nerves.

“What?” She says not really able to hear him because of the music.

“I have to talk to you” He says a little louder and moving a little closer.

“Now?” She frowns and looks past him after Kei “Kei is getting us drinks”

YongGuk runs his tongue over his lips and frowns for a second. He looks in the direction he saw Kei go “Are you getting back together with him?

Alex stares at him. They are in the middle of the dance floor and people are dancing around them as if they weren’t even there.

“No” She says “I’m not getting back with him” She narrows her eyes eying him out

YongGuk doesn’t like her answer. Something about the way she said it, did he spot hesitation? “Alex I need to know something” He steps closer getting so close that he is afraid she’ll back off but she just eyes him out and crosses her arms “What?”. The bass and lights go on relentless.

“Have you… have you been with Kei since he came to Korea?” he clenches his jaw.

“Are you asking me if I have slept with Kei after he came here?” She frowns and smirks not looking like she believe he would really ask her that.

YongGuk nods determined “Yes I am”

“I don’t see why that is any of your business” She looks at him disbelieved.

”Tell me Alex!” YongGuk yells trying to deafen out the music which is bouncing away. His heart is racing  and he gets more and more anxious but he has to know.

“Why?” Alex frowns yelling back at him. He clenches his jaw “I have to know”

“What the hell does it matter to you whether or not I have slept with Kei since he came here” Alex snaps.

YongGuk takes a deep breath “Just tell me! I have to know” he looks her in the eyes hoping she will just humor him.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” Alex pushes him away softly, looking at him like he had asked her to reveal her most inner secret to everyone in the room “I don’t get you. Why would you ask me that? Who I sleep with doesn't concern you” She shakes her head and looks at him for a second “What the hell is going on in your head?”

YongGuk grasps her wrist as she is about to leave and pulls her back. The people around are too busy dancing and partying to pay attention to them.

“You want to know what goes on in my head?” He looks her in the eyes.

“Yes” She stares back at him “I want to know” her voice softens and she breathes a little heavier.

He looks down a second and takes a deep breath before he looks back up “I’ll show you” He places his hands on her cheeks in a shift move and leans in pressing his lips against hers. The butterflies in his stomach basking like crazy, his heart beats with the bass and time slows down. The feeling of her lips against his is taking over his mind. He never wants to part.

His eyes closed and his hands on her skin burns. He parts his lips from hers but stays an inch away. He closes his eyes tighter afraid to meet hers.

“You Alex” he says “You are what is in my head. All the time, just you” He pauses feeling a fear strikes him when she gives no reaction. Time seems to be going so slow the music seems to be in slowmotion.

“I know you think I’m just a kid…” he breaths heavier “But I’ll prove to you that I can be the man you deserves. Just give me the chance” he says louder still keeping his eyes shut and brows furrowed “Just give me the chance” He repeats. He slowly opens his eyes looking into hers. The lights blinking, turning everything black and white. The music is pounding while bodies move around them.

Her eyes stare back at his. He can’t tell what she is thinking. The lights make it all seem so unreal. He slowly removes his hands from her face. He swallows and clenches his jaw moving one back to her cheek it gently while he looks at it. He slowly moves his hand  towards the back of her head digging into her hair and leans in.

“I’ll make you mine” He says with such determination “No matter how long it takes” He gently presses his lips against hers, kissing her. In an instance her hands has a hold of the sides of his shirt and her lips parts and closes around his. He deepens the kiss pressing his lips harder against hers while his free hand moves to her face as well. He parts his lips just to feel her breath in his mouth. He smiles.

Their lips grace each other and they open their eyes. The light keeps blinking and the music pounds but it is all just a distant blur to them. Nothing really seems real and they might as well have been all alone.

He looks at her moving his thumb over her skin. Her lips curl up into a smile and her eyes get a glimpse he hadn’t seen before. She leans her head towards his and lets the tip of her tongue tease his lip just a little. YongGuk leans towards her, his parted lips gracing hers, breathing in the same air. They close in letting their tongues join in a united dance. Their bodies pressed together. Her hands slider further around him and their heartbeats starts beating as one with the music.

Not far away Seungho stands looking at the two. His heart feels like it has been ripped from his chest, his eyes are burning and his body feels limp. He looks at YongGuk and Alex united in the middle of the dance-floor. Her hands around his waist, his holding her face. They move as one, mouths linked together as if they could never be parted. He figured it would be hard to see her in another man’s arms but the pain he feels in this moment is almost unbearable. By doing this he feels like all hope for him to ever get his girl is out the window, run over by a truck and set on fire.

Seungho looks to his left. In between the dancing people he spots Kei. The expression on his face is painful. His eyes are blank, even in the blinking lights, fixed on the couple on the dance floor. Seungho knows this gotta hurt Kei as well.

Kei turns his face and he and Seungho locks eyes. Both seeing a familiar feeling in the other’s eyes, hurt, heartbreak, pain. Kei looks back at the couple and turns walking towards the exit. Seungho sends a look to Alex and YongGuk. Nothing has changed. They still look like they no longer exist to this world. Too wrapped up in themselves.

He turns and walks out following Kei.

Alex moves a bit back and looks at YongGuk “Why didn’t you tell me?” her hands still around him.

He caresses her cheek and looks at her eyes “I was scared”

She takes a deep breath and looks a bit disappointed.

“I thought you wouldn’t go for an idol” YongGuk looks her in the eyes “But then I decided that you don’t know what is the best for you” he smiles bigger “I am the best for you Alex”

She looks at his chest and chuckles. Her eyes moves up and meets his “You think so huh?”

“No” he shakes his head “I know so” He leans in kissing her again shortly “I’m not the only one who thinks so” he raises a brow and smirks “You can ask anyone”

“Anyone?” Alex frowns. YongGuk chuckles “Alex I have to perform tomorrow I wasn’t planning on coming here”

“Then…” Alex starts looking a bit confused narrowing her eyes “Why are you here? How did you know I was here?” Her hands hold on to his shirt a little tighter.

YongGuk smirks and turns pointing at Zico and SooHyun who sends her a thumb up. Alex looks at them and laughs. YongGuk looks at her face with a smile so big he didn’t think it was possible.

“You got many people behind you Alex” YongGuk says softly. Alex looks at him with her big blue eyes.

“We might not be able to punch as hard as you” He caresses her cheek looking at her lips “But we all care about you and want the best for you. I’m the best for you Alex” he grins confidently. Right now he feels like everything is going his way “I not gonna settle for less than being you man”

Alex smiles and just hugs him leaning her forehead against his “My man?”

He nods softly looking at her eyes.

She shrugs “Why not” YongGuk flashes his gummy grin and lifts her up hugging her extremely tight “FINALLY” He yells and twirls her around. Alex laughs and holds on tight. He places her back down looking at her face and smiles.

Alex suddenly frowns “Wait… Seungho knows?”

YongGuk nods “He is kind of the mastermind behind my appearance here” He smirks

“Kei!” Alex looks around “Where did he go?” YongGuk frowns but looks around as well.

Alex lets go of YongGuk leaving him devastated. He sees her walk away and sighs closing his eyes and lets his head drop “Right, kiss me and run of to find your ex” He shakes his head and mumbles.

“Guk!” She comes running back throwing her arms around his neck and kisses him. He was a bit taken aback but quickly regains composure and hugs her tight.

“I haven’t slept with Kei while I have been in Korea” Alex says in his ear

YongGuk hugs her tighter “Thank god” he mumbles earning a laugh.

She looks in his eyes and bites her lip “I should find him though”

YongGuk shakes his head “No not now Alex” he kisses her again “Right now you’ll stand right here… with me” he moves his arms further around her leaving no space between them. Alex digs her hands into his hair “I guess he can wait” She tilts her head and their lips meet again. YongGuk can feel his heartbeat going crazy.

He can’t believe this is happening. He got her. Alex is his. He feels how her hands move in his hair and his hands clutches on to her clothes. They part for air and look each other in the eyes. YongGuk thinks back on that day when he first saw Alex with that facemask next to those other rappers on stage where she kicked his completely. He thinks about how annoyed he was losing to this foreigner who used a very dirty trick.

Alex is softly touching his face as if making sure he is really there. YongGuk just smiles at her.

He remembers the awful things that happened outside and he remembers how much he hated finding out Alex had been the one who helped him. He smiles a little bigger. He really never thought he would get to this point. If anyone had told him the guy who floored him at that battle was gonna be his girlfriend he would have laughed at them

“Alex” he moves closer to her ear

She looks him in the eyes showing him that he has her full attention

“Please be my girlfriend” he blushes slightly feeling quite dump. He sounds like the kid is trying too hard not to be. He kind of expects her to laugh at him but she gets a slight blush herself and nods making his already wide smile widen to the point where it feels like it is gonna rip his face apart.

He hugs her tighter again and catches her lips with his own.

“I wanna dance with your girl now” Zico comes over and separates them with force. He hugs Alex and sends a cocky smile to YongGuk who chuckles. He would be pissed Zico butted in right now but he is just so damn happy that he can’t get mad.

SooHyun joins in “Me too. It’s my honey after all”. YongGuk watches his girl getting hugged by the two smiling guys. SooHyun kisses her cheek “Guess the game is over honey”

Alex chuckles “I’ll let you think that”

SooHyun glances at YongGuk who crosses his arms and laughs “It’s Alex”

Alex sends him a smile and the love just radiates from her “Thanks Guk”

Zico pushes YongGuk away “You have to perform tomorrow you go home and sleep. We will take good care off ‘it’”

Alex ruffles Zico’s hair “Little boy it’s way past your bedtime already”

SooHyun just laughs. YongGuk nods “I should probably get going” He stands for a bit looking at them as they drag Alex away. She sends him a wave just before disappearing into the crowd

YongGuk bites his lip with the biggest foolish smile ever, then he turns and walks out with a hand over his heart.






Dadadada Update xD I still love this chapter..

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P