1,2,3,4,5,6 tattoos

Another Day Comes

15 minutes later all the guys are gathered in the room talking about what happened.

When SooHyun is done telling about the events at the bar Seungho leans back and rubs his eyes “Alex for sake” he mumbles to himself and shakes his head

“Maybe someone should go check up on her” Lee Joon crosses his arms and looks towards the door.

“Yeah that went well the last time” Mir mumbles while his cheeks take on a slightly reddish taint.

The others from MBLAQ laughs “You could have knocked before walking in you know”

“I didn’t think!” Mir whines and crosses his arms “I had just woken up and normally we are just us!”

“I still prefer if you would knock before entering the bathroom” Cheundong chuckles.

“Wait rewind” Eli jumps in “Am I wrong when I say you keep saying she and her?” He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. Seungho looks at Cheundong “You go check”

Cheundong nods and gets up leaving the room. Seungho then looks at Eli “Yeah Alex is a girl”

“What?” HimChan exclaims “So that kiss with the hot girl!!!” He immediately turns pink again. YongGuk chuckles looking down. SooHyun looks at him “You knew already! That is why you were blushing when it happened!” YongGuk tries not to grin and sends a look towards Seungho who is eying him out. He keeps having that feeling that Seungho doesn’t like that he and Alex are friends.

“You spend the night at Alex’s place!” HimChan points at YongGuk. Seungho runs his tongue over his lip crossing his arms and looks away.

Eli, Kiseop and SooHyun stares at YongGuk who avoids there stares by looking at Seungho who looks like he is deep in thought.

Mir is pouting and has his arms crossed with a slight blush still lingering on his cheeks. Lee Joon takes a sip from his water and glares at G.O. who has a dreamy look on his face thinking about the kiss they’ve been talking about.

HimChan shakes YongGuk’s “Don’t ignore me!” YongGuk sighs “I didn’t know until the morning after” He mumbles and rubs his neck frowning and feeling pretty down forced to think back on the event.

Cheundong and Alex comes into the room. She is wearing sweatpants and a big loose sweater which is so big in the neck that the straps from a tank top is shown. Her hair is slicked back, still wet from the shower and she looks around with tired eyes. Cheundong has his arm around her back.

“She was sitting in the kitchen” He says to the others while guiding her to sit on a chair. She pulls her legs up on it and hugs them resting her chin on her knees, her eyes move across the floor indifferently

Seungho looks at her “So who is this girl?”

Alex smirks, eyes half open “Mei is the one whose place I’m taking over. She lived there with her boyfriend. Possessive bastard who wouldn’t let her do anything and when I came by her place a few days back to sign the contract he was in the midst of threatening her. I stepped in” She takes a deep breath and sighs. She makes it all sound boring and mundane “He stormed out and we got to talk and I promised to help her get away from him” she shrugs and looks at Seungho.

“Does she know you are a girl?” G.O. cuts in.

Alex nods “Yeah she really don’t trust men and she thought I was gonna hurt her so I told her. Men are idiots” her eyes close for a second she sticks out her bottom lip

“You think we are idiots?” Mir pouts overly dramatically and blinks his big puppy eyes.

“Not all men are idiots” Lee Joon frowns poking her leg.

“No Ani is a good man” Alex chuckles drunkenly and Seungho proudly straightens his back and grins.

“And I’m not?!” G.O. almost yells “I’m so disappointed in you Alex”

“G.O. calm down” Seungho frowns

“Easy for you to say!” G.O. crosses his arms “She thinks you are great”

“She is drunk!” Seungho laughs “You know her”

“Doesn’t make a difference you are always number one. Why are you her favorit?” G.O. complains and huffs

Seungho chuckles and tries not to look too happy but it shines out of him

“You know you always need to hear the truth from kids and drunk people” Kiseop smirks. Seungho laughs again and points at him “Not helping”


Everyone looks at Alex

“Everyone is full of . People tell you too trust them and then they screw you over” She mumbles looking like she could fall asleep at any second

Seungho frowns. He knows who she is talking about but he didn’t know it was still paining her.

“Can we change the subject?” Cheundong frowns

“I wanna hear more about that girl Mei” G.O. says with a smirk.

“She is a nice girl and a good kisser” Alex chuckles and shifts so her forehead is resting against her knees.

Seungho sighs “Alex how come no matter where you are or what you do trouble just seems to find you” He rubs his temples “Do you have any idea the worry you are causing me?”

“I don’t do it on propose” Alex mumbles.

“We know” G.O. smiles at her sweetly

“So MBLAQ has a girl living with them?” SooHyun then asks having been thinking about it for a while.

All of MBLAQ nods “Just a few days until she can move in her place” G.O. explains.

YongGuk frowns “What happened to the hotel?” Alex looks at him and smiles “Their manager said it was better I stayed here” She chuckles “Something about how bad it would look if MBLAQ was seen entering a hotel all the time” she waves a hand randomly in the air.

Seungho sends her a caring look and smiles slightly.

“People would just think they were seeing es or being es” Alex chuckles looking like she thinks that would be fun “When was the last time any of you got laid?” She lifts her eyes and looks around the room.

Eli clears his throat “Yeah let’s not talk about that”

Alex laughs clearly well aware that the subject would make them uncomfortable. Seungho sighs and shakes his head at her. He doesn’t like to think of the -life Alex had before she came here. He knows the old Alex always got what she wanted and he knows that the new Alex isn’t exactly shy so he doesn’t need her to tell him she hasn’t been a nun for the past 6 months. He isn’t stupid.

She suddenly grins big and looks at Lee Joon “You owe me money”

Lee Joon frowns “I do no such thing”

“Yes you do” She smirks “Remember we made a bet a week ago?”

“You didn’t!” Lee Joon frowns “Alex that is just… You didn’t!”

“Did what?” G.O. looks at Lee Joon. Seungho glares at the guy as well “You know better than betting against Alex”

YongGuk raises a brow. He has a bet with her as well.

Lee Joon is staring at her “Where?”

She grins and removes a sock “Look” She smiles proudly. On the side of her foot MBLAQ is written in block letters.

“Oh ” Eli leans forward. Seungho has started a laughing fit and Lee Joon has dropped his jaw.

“That comes off right?” Mir frowns

“Nope” Alex smirks

“You got ing MBLAQ tattooed on your foot?!” G.O. laughs. Alex just grins still looking pretty tired.

Seungho has dropped from his chair onto the floor and is still laughing his heart out.

She sticks out her tongue biting down on it and waves her foot in the air “I like it” She proudly beams “Shows I belong with my family”

Cheundong jumps up from his spot on the couch and pulls her up into a hug twirling her around “YAH OUR ALEX!” Mir is grinning big as well and points a finger at the stunned half drunk people “HAH!” He smirks victorious. Lee Joon is frowning with his mouth wide open not believing that she did that.

“Put me down!” Alex yells “I’m gonna be sick” Cheundong stops and cubs her face. He chuckles “You look pale”

“I’m ing drunk and you decide it’s a good idea to twirl me!” She covers with a hand and leans her forehead against his chest. He just gives her a kiss on her head

“Stupid boy” She mumbles

“I was just kidding!” Lee Joon then exclaims loudly and gets up.

Seungho who was getting back on his chair looks at the frustrated Lee Joon and starts laughing again.

G.O. pulls Lee Joon down again “Idiot you should know better” he hits Lee Joon over the head and chuckles.

Seungho looks at Alex “How many tattoos do you have now?”

“Uhm” Alex stumbles a bit back but Cheundong quickly walks behind her and hugs her with a proud brotherly smile on his face making sure she doesn’t fall

“Wait let me count” She frowns. She points at her foot and then her arm “Does the fox and the kanji count as one or two?”

“One” Seungho grins “It’s combined”

“Right” She mumbles to herself “Five” She rolls her eyes and mouths something “yeah five”

“Really?” G.O. smirks “Where are the other once?”

Alex smirks “Wouldn’t you like to know you bastard”

G.O. laughs “I do”

Seungho shakes his head “You two spend too much time together. G.O. don’t make Alex as erted as you”

“Too late” Lee Joon sighs

YongGuk looks at HimChan remembering what Alex had said about G.O. being more erted than him.

“Seriously I wanna know too” Mir innocently looks at Alex with big eyes. Cheundong is grinning into her hair hiding his face from the others.

“Why is he looking all flustered all at once?” Lee Joon frowns

“Maybe he is getting a for standing so close to Alex” G.O. mocks. “Am not!” Cheundong yells. Alex just laughs. Seungho laughs as well and looks down hiding his eyes with his hand.

Cheundong sends G.O. a mocking smirks “I just know where they are already” He grins. G.O. widens his eyes “You know?”

Seungho frowns as well now “Why do you know?” he suddenly don’t find it so funny anymore.

Cheundong uses Alex as a human shield to fend off the glares he is getting from the two older guys.

Lee Joon looks at Alex “Are you corrupting the boy?”

“I had to take my shirt off. I couldn’t really do it with it on” Alex pouts.

“WHAT?!” Seungho and G.O. yells at once both getting on their feet. The rest of the room stares at Cheundong who steps back dragging Alex with him “Alex formulate it in another way! Please!” He desperately pleads. She just laughs “It wasn’t his idea”

“Some explaining would help here” Seungho frowns.

“He went with me when I got the one before the foot” Alex shrugs

“How many have you gotten in Korea?” Lee Joon frowns

“Two” Alex holds up a couple of fingers

“So where are they?” Mir says so happily that if he had a tail it would be wagging like crazy.

She smiles sweetly at him “You are such a cutie” Mir smiles even bigger now

Seungho sends the boy a look and then looks back at Alex.

“Well on the neck I have Kiss me kill me love me. Then there is the fox” She quickly lifts her sleeve “The foot” Alex points to the lower part of her back “I got some writing on the this part of my back which says Just a line to ask you, how are you, doesn’t really matter to me and the plant thinghy on my back slash side” She turns “It goes from up here” She places a hand on the back of her left shoulder “And down to here” She points just at the edge of the pants “maybe a bit lower”

“You are forgetting one” Seungho rubs his neck

Alex’s frowns for a sec “Oh right the heart made by two snakes” She points a finger to a spot on the front of her hip and nods “so 6 tattoos”

Everyone looks at Seungho “How did you know about the last one?”

Seungho rubs his neck “Uhm that one is old so she must have told me about it”

G.O. smirks in his seat, he knows very well why Seungho knows about that one. He then turns his attention to Cheundong “So which one did she get when you were there?”

“Uhm the plant thinghy” Cheundong mumbles and pulls Alex more in front of him

“Oh the one that stretches over her entire side” Eli says with a clearly teasing tone. He caught on pretty fast that MBLAQ is fun to poke when it comes to the relationship the others have with Alex.

SooHyun looks at him and smirks “She can’t have been wearing much clothes when she got it” Eli bites his lip to contain his laughter.

Cheundong scowls at them “Not helping”

“Who says we wanted to help?” SooHyun crosses his arms and leans back.

Alex shakes her head “Guys are stupid”

“So girls are crazy, men are idiots and guys are stupid?” YongGuk smirks. She nods “Exactly. But I really don’t get how you can stand being guys all the time. ing pain” She crosses her arms and shakes her head

“Some of us don’t really have a choice” YongGuk smiles at her. She chuckles and points a finger to the tip of her nose “Got a point”

She then looks at Seungho, G.O. and then Lee Joon who are all scowling at Cheundong “Oh for sake” She turns walks out

“Alex! Where are you going?” G.O. yells after her. Mir jumps up and follows her returning completely a second later with a very flustered face “Uhm” He scratches his neck and then just returns to his seat getting stared at by everyone.

Alex comes back in holding her arm in front of her s wearing nothing but the loose sweatpants. She doesn’t have a big rack but just the perfect size to match her size. Her stomach is well toned but she still looks soft and curvy.

She turns her back and lifts her hair flashing the writing on her neck and lower back. The letters are feminine and soft in contrast to the message behind the words. The Sakura-like plant on her back elegantly moving up her well shaped body giving her a delicate and fragile feel. Finally she slightly lowers the edge of her pants in the left front showing the heart “Now you’ve all seen them” She shakes her head and walks back out.

Seungho is the first one to laugh.

He already knew Alex had a body like that. He has seen it before and doing something like that is really not taking him by surprise. Alex was never once to be shy and embarrassed.

Cheundong had seen them before so he snaps out pretty fast and laughs as well. The rest, however, sits stunned and stares at the spot where Alex had been standing. YongGuk opens his mouth to say something but then just shakes his head and looks at Seungho who jumps up and runs after Alex “Alex you rascal why did you do that?” they can hear him laughing “You can’t just do something like that in front of guys who rarely gets laid”

The comment makes everyone in the room get a slight pink shade on their cheeks.

YongGuk his lip and a huge smile forms on his lip. He sits back and covers his mouth with a hand not wanting the others to see. He looks at them. Eli has huge eyes, SooHyun is hiding his, Kiseop is staring at his hands with a faint blush on his cheeks. HimChan has turned bright pink and has a stupid smirk on his lips. Lee Joon is scratching his neck, Mir looks relatively normal and is chuckling slightly looking at G.O. who is looking like he has some weird pictures going before his eyes.

Cheundong is laughing looking at all of them. Seungho comes back in and sits. He looks around and chuckles before ending on Cheundong who drops right next to him “You would think they had never seen a girl before” He jokes.

Seungho looks at G.O. “Yah it’s your baby sister cut it out”

G.O. shakes his head “No way my baby sister would have that many tattoos” He grins foolishly and tilts his head “I would never let her” He chuckles but then it turns into a frown “Oh god” He hides his face in his hands and shakes it from side to side feeling like a dirty old man.

Seungho then sighs and looks at all of them “I’m keeping an eye on all of you from now on!” He points a finger “I’m her big brother and you better watch your back if you try anything with my baby sister” He looks intensely at them.

“YAH! Let me hear you understand what I’m saying” Seungho stands up and glares at everyone.

Everyone nods and Seungho sits back down. He looks to YongGuk who frowns seeing the intensity Seungho is glaring at him with.

Seungho sniffs glaring at YongGuk a bit longer. Ever since that day YongGuk got to know Alex’s secret Seungho has felt a need to keep an eye on him. Alex has gotten very defensive about her past but was quick to trust YongGuk enough to tell him everything. It annoys the hell out of him.

He got jealous when he saw Alex on YongGuk’s back sleeping so sweetly. He wants to be her number one guy, even if it is just as her brother. That actually gives him an advantage which he kind of likes and he is allowed to be overly protective and possessive.

Alex comes back in “I’m tired” She pouts and closes her eyes leaning against the wall.

“We should probably get going” SooHyun looks at Eli who nods “Yeah I need time to digest what happened here the last few hours” He rubs his temples.

“Home and ?” Kiseop smirks

Eli just glares at him

Everyone starts moving towards the door out of the dorm. Alex moves to the couch as soon as it is vacant and hugs a pillow curling up into a ball. The guy’s all sends her a look and chuckles

“Bye Alex” YongGuk says cutely while everyone looks at her

“Baiiiii” She grins and snuggles her nose into the pillow.

“2 hours ago that right there was using a guy as a punching bag” HimChan chuckles and shakes his head walking out.

 “Thanks for getting her here” Seungho says with a polite smile.

“No problem” Eli waves a hand as he walks out the door. YongGuk feels a pat on his shoulder and a sharp look from G.O. makes him frown. It is really starting to freak him out.

Outside SooHyun grins “Wah I didn’t see that coming” He puts an arm around YongGuk “And you knew”

YongGuk nods

HimChan punches him “You didn’t tell me!”

“I wasn’t suppose to tell anyone” YongGuk scowls at him

“Oh so you couldn’t tell one of your closest friends that a guy who has been to our dorm is not really a guy but a ing hot girl!” HimChan complains.

“Yeah sorry about that” YongGuk shrugs and grins slightly digging his hands in his pockets.

“That’s all you have to say?” HimChan whines “Aish” he rubs his neck and looks at the three from U-kiss “What a friend huh”

Eli chuckles. SooHyun steps over and walks next to YongGuk “So what is her story?”

YongGuk frowns and looks at him “What?”

“Her story? You know, her background” SooHyun smirks

“I don’t know” YongGuk tries to sound convincing

“You knew she was a girl, you know more than you let on” Eli chippers in.

“You owe me for not telling me she was a girl in the first place” HimChan frowns and crosses his arms

YongGuk looks from one to another “No I don’t. It’s not my place to tell you anything”

“So you do know something” Eli smirks. YongGuk sighs and looks to the side “Drop it” He moves past the 4 and waves a taxi in. He looks at Eli “You think she seems nice?”

“I think she is freaking fresh” Eli grins

YongGuk nods “Then does anything else matter?” He grins and pulls HimChan into the taxi leaving SooHyun, Eli and Kiseop at the sidewalk watching them drive off.

“Oh snap” SooHyun grins “Let’s get home”

In the taxi HimChan looks at the driver who is humming along with some weird music. He turns to look at YongGuk whose eyes are scanning the scenery passing by the windows.

“Dude” Himchan talks in a low voice. YongGuk turns slightly “What?”

“How did you find out she wasn’t a guy?” HimChan almost whispers. YongGuk looks to the driver who isn’t paying attention to them and looks back at HimChan “She just told me”

“But why?” HimChan continues

YongGuk sighs “She wanted me to know I could trust her by showing she trusted me enough to tell me something not a lot of people here know”

“You know what struk me?” HimChan moves a bit closer getting a frown from YongGuk.

“Her laugh… It kind of reminded me of that driver who died and we know she drives motorcycles. I know it’s far fetched but I just couldn’t help but think…” HimChan shakes his head “But Alex seems like a fun and happy person where the driver was kind of depressing”

YongGuk curses “I forgot to ask” He hits his forehead with his palm “Damn”

“Ask what?” HimChan frowns and forgot he didn’t want the driver to hear

“We’ll be there in 10 minutes” The driver announces.

“Thanks” YongGuk answers and leans back crossing his arms. HimChan punches his arm and widens his eyes at YongGuk trying to get an answer from him.

YongGuk scratches his neck “Uh uhm yeah just that she had said something about uhm some… band which I had promised to hear and uhm I forgot the name” He looks out the window, he wanted to talk to Seungho about Alex dropping out of her last race.

“Oh was she the one who bought you that cd? Pay what was it money to my gain?”

“Pay money to my pain” YongGuk corrects “And yeah that was her” He looks out the window again

“Why did she give you that?”

“She felt like it” YongGuk mumbles.

“But why that one?” HimChan frowns

YongGuk looks back at him. He just looks at him for a bit and then looks down “I think she identifies a lot with that group”

“I see” HimChan nods and looks out the other window giving up getting anything useful out of his friend.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P