One chapter like that isn't enough

Another Day Comes

From the second Seungho met Alex formalities were out the window and he had just gone along with it probably because he was feeling like nothing mattered. When he got to know her it never felt like it was important to be formal.

“I gotta ask. She told me about how you and G.O. found her and introduced yourself as if you had never met her” YongGuk frowns

Seungho cuts him off “Yeah that..” He looks down frowning slightly “Fact is she didn’t know my name of that I was an idol. She had met G.O. once and she didn’t know his name either. She didn’t care” He sighs “It’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t know her without sounding crazy. Alex didn’t give a about who people were basically. It was her biggest flaw and her biggest asset all in one”

YongGuk frowns “Doesn’t really sound like a good friend” he mumbles looking at Alex on Seungho’s back.

Seungho bites his lip thinking “Alex was… God how to explain this?. Alex always said that the only thing defining a person is their heart and soul. Alex isn’t her real name, I don’t even know her real name” Seungho frowns “I didn’t know Alex really” he scratches his neck.

YongGuk clears his throat “But she said you were…. Uhm crying when you found her. If you didn’t know her…”

“She told you that!” Seungho looks at him and sighs “God. Alex you little rat” He hides his eyes “Yes I cried” He sighs again “I thought I had lost her and she looked so…” He looks down searching for the words “You have no idea how painful it is to look at…” He bites his lip scratching his head “When a friend looks at and you realize that they have no idea who you are” He mumbles “When they on top of that has lost all will to live…” He shakes his head and looks down “I hope you never experience anything like that”

“Why didn’t you visit her at the hospital?” YongGuk frowns

“I didn’t know she was in a coma. As far as I knew she was dead. It wasn’t until she woke up that I found out that she didn’t die” Seungho tilts his head.

“But you didn’t visit her then either” YongGuk frowns. Seungho looks up at Cheondung who looks down to the side and frowns

He sighs “I wasn’t welcome” he looks back down and taps his fingers on his laptop “Alex and I wasn’t really on the best terms at that time and her friends blamed me for what happened”

“How can that be your fault?” YongGuk raises his voice frustrated on Seungho’s behalf.

“They think your fight had anything to do with it?” Cheondung joins in.

Seungho looks at him “It wasn’t a fight...! And how do you know about that?!”

Cheondung frowns “Well I heard you two arguing over the phone”

“You were eavesdropping?” Seungho glares at him. Cheondung looks down “No you were being loud. If it’s of any consolation I’m on your side about the subject”

YongGuk looks from one to another dying to ask what the subject was but he really don’t wanna draw any attention to himself. Seungho sighs and looks down. Cheondung crosses his arms “She should have been more careful. See what it brought her that she didn’t listen to you. If she had listened to you she wouldn’t have died in the first place!”

“Don’t start with that” Seungho glares at him again “It doesn’t matter now?” he looks down thinking back on how they ended things.

Cheondung huffs “Right, like you aren’t still considering if it was your fault”

Seungho glares at him again and Cheondung looks down at the laptop. Seungho huffs in a bitter smirk. They did have a fall-out. He isn’t quite sure if you could call it a fight since he was the only one seemingly angry. Alex was just... annoyed.

He couldn’t accept her being so reckless and she didn’t give a crap what he thought. He basically told her that if she was going to get herself killed by not being careful he wasn’t gonna be a part of it. She completely calm and indifferent told him he could blow it out his and to go back to Korea and find a sweet wife. It had pissed him off and he hung up. The last conversation he ever had with her ended with him hanging up.

He decided to move on then. She was never meant for him and he was sure when he got some distance he would look back and know that it was best to part ways.

The next thing he knew he saw her on the news. He saw her crash, and he saw her lying motionless on the ground. He felt sad off course but at the same time his bitterness over the coldness she had shown him stopped him from crying.

Only thing that went through his head was that she had it coming. Off course that made him feel so bloody guilty afterwards.

He was sure she was dead. They said it on the news. They kept talking about that bloody chase several weeks.

Then he got a call from Aki. A friend of hers he had met a few times. She was going back to her own country and wanted him to know that Alex was in a coma but that she had just woken up that very day.

He didn’t know what to say. He had come to terms with being done with her. He missed her laugh and her smile and the calming effect she had on him but he had accepted that she was gone.

Aki had called him almost every day, even though he didn’t ask her to, during the next week. She told him Alex didn’t remember anything and that she had changed. He never really said anything back but Aki seemed to need him to know. She called him when Alex had taken off a couple of days earlier, telling him they couldn’t find her. She had sounded so panicked. She was leaving later that day and she was afraid that Alex was gonna hurt herself. She said Alex had seemed like nothing mattered and she had made Seungho promise he would look for her.

He took off as soon as he hung up. G.O. went with him. They took the car and drove. He wasn’t sure why he did it, he just felt he had to find her. He knew she wouldn’t remember him and the odds of him finding her anyway were slim.

He went to the pavilion. She brought him there a lot and told him that was her favorite spot because no one ever came there. They saw a motorcycle parked and the tears had started to form in his eyes. She was there, she had to be. He really didn’t realize how much he missed her until he stood there looking at the bike parked like it had been so many times. She had even placed the helmet the exact same way, it made him think maybe there was a chance she remembered something. He had ran up the stairs to and the entire way to the pavilion with G.O. calling out after him.

When he reached the pavilion and saw her through the window he stopped. He knew right away she wasn’t the same. He had opened the door slowly and stepped in. She didn’t look towards him. Closely followed by G.O. Seungho had walked over and sat down across from her. He sat silently for a moment looking at the way her eyes seemed so dead and lost. He couldn’t help but cry.

They didn’t know what they were gonna do if they found her but once they stepped in and saw her they didn’t need to talk to agree that she needed help and they were gonna be the once to help her.

When it comes to her friends blaming him he really has no clue why they all blamed him for the accident but that they blamed him made him think he was to blame. Aki had left the country and none of the remaining people would speak to him but the glares he had gotten when he brought Alex back to her place were aimed to kill. If G.O. hadn’t been there he would probably have been beaten pretty badly. Alex’s friends were quite colorful and he wouldn’t be surprised if several of them had been in conflict with the law.

After the guy had snapped and punched him G.O. had stepped in and pushed him back. Alex who was weak and in no state to help had stepped in as well told them to go themselves. That had made everyone stare at her. It sounded like something the old Alex would say but the next thing she said made it clear she wasn’t the same. She politely asked them if they wouldn’t just please leave. She never apologized for anything and she wasn’t that polite either most of the time.

Seungho frowns and rubs his eyes.

YongGuk looks at Seungho trying to guess what goes through his head

“Jui!” Cheondung exclaims “Isn’t that the female singer?”

Seungho looks at him and nods “That’s the name of a female singer yes I’m not sure that is how it’s spelled though” He sighs and then tries to focus on the current moment

Cheondung chuckles “There is a track called Bang girl” He presses play and they all try and get past the depressing moment.

YongGuk chuckles “That doesn’t sound like a girl”

Seungho laughs slightly “Nah that has to be a guy”

“Doesn’t she have any music with girls?” Cheondung keeps looking.

“Ayaka Hirahara was a girl” Seungho smirks

“Doesn’t count that was making me tired… Kalafina sounds like something girls would be in” Cheondung clicks away

“Oh I know them” Seungho pushes Cheondung back and finds the track Red moon “I don’t think it’s your type of music though”

They sit and listens “How can she have that many different things?” Cheondung frowns “What is this?”

“Classical contemporary” Seungho smirks.

“Heavy metal I might have guessed but this… Never” YongGuk grins. Seungho holds on to Alex’s hand over his shoulder “Alex is full of surprises”

“Find something else this is depressing” Cheondung frowns. Seungho shakes his head slightly and looks further down. “She has Lim Jeong Hee!” He laughs again and shakes his head.

“Para:noir… Pay money to my pain… Now that is a strange name… Sadie… Screw”

“Screw? In English like in ‘screwing’?” YongGuk chuckles. Seungho sends him a look.

“What do they play?” Cheondung looks at the screen. Seungho turns on the track Brainstorm.

“More rock” Seungho scrolls the rest of the way down. “Spiv States, SPYair, Takayuki Ohmura… Let’s try that one” Seungho presses “Ey try the one called Warrior” YongGuk points. A heavy guitar starts playing

Can you heaaar me in my maaaaadness

A very classic American sounding heavy metal vocal starts singing. The track is very guitar heavy. YongGuk nods with the music. A killer guitarsolo makes them all look at the screen.

Seungho chuckles and reads on, still mentioning the names that catches his eye “Vidoll, Vistlip, Waive, 3B*labs, Yoshida brothers… I’m gonna try this” He presses a random track and waits. It turns out to be a shimasen duo playing very traditional Japanese music.

Cheondung scratches his neck “I didn’t know she liked that kind of music too!”

“So she had Dalmation and Lim Heing Hee” the three frowns “Depressing” Cheondung drops off the table to the ground “She is friends with MBLAQ and she doesn’t have any of our music. I’m so depressed” he whines overly dramatic. YongGuk and Seungho chuckles at him and shakes their heads..

YongGuk moves and gets a pain up his spine. “” He curses and holds his up from the madras. Seungho looks at him “You okay?” he reaches out a hand to calm him but YongGuk moves back instantly.

“No” YongGuk bites his lip. He is fine as long as he has his space but just the thought of anyone touching him makes him shiver. Alex he can manage but only because she knows why he is reacting like that.

Seungho frowns and looks at the guy moving away. He seemed fine a second ago and could even laugh now he is looking scared again. Seungho looks at Cheondung who is looking down frowning.

The outburst from YongGuk had woken Alex up but she pretends to be sleeping only opening her eyes a tad looking at YongGuk who is shaking. She wants to comfort him but she can’t be around all the time. He has to learn to deal with this.

Seungho looks at Cheondung “Would you get some water?”

Cheondung nods and gets up walking over to the kitchen.

“You know” Seungho looks at YongGuk “You already heard Alex’s story I bet so you know she was ready to die”

YongGuk nods.

Seungho looks after Cheondung “You have no idea how cold her eyes were at that time” He sighs “But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and you are a strong guy” He looks at YongGuk “You aren’t gonna let that take control of you. Not if any of us can do anything about it” He sends him a reassuring smile

YongGuk grits his teeth “It’s not that simple”

“It’s never simple” Seungho looks at Cheondung who comes back placing some water on the floor.

“I’m not saying what happened to her isn’t terrible” YongGuk hides his eyes with a hand “If I had just gotten beaten up I could handle it but I… I..” He hammers his hand into the wall and clenches his jaw.

“You know Alex might have been a bit… Well you know but if there is one thing I will always have with me it is her words that it is only your heart and soul that matters. Remember that” Seungho feels Alex moving and knows she is awake but he doesn’t say anything.

YongGuk just focuses on his breathing and the words coming from Seungho. He grits his teeth and growls “I got bloody violated!”

Seungho and Cheondung stares at him. “They me!” YongGuk’s voice cracks and he hides his face in his arms holding on to his head. He feels water starting to appear in his eyes “They tied my arms and… They laughed at me!” He hits the wall again. “How am I supposed get past that?” his husky voice growls

Seungho clenches his jaw. No wonder Alex wouldn’t tell him. He looks at YongGuk “I’m sorry”

“Yeah well so am I” YongGuk wipes his eyes trying to man up. He is quite amazed that he is feeling more pissed than anything else.

Alex moves her hand from Seungho’s stomach and move her head away from his back “He punched the guy who tried to strangle me” her lips forms a sweet smile as she looks at YongGuk who huffs at her “Only because you were so bloody stupid to piss him off” Yong Guk wipes away another tear frowning and trying to not look so pathetic.

Alex just grins and reaches out a hand patting YongGuk on the shoulder.

Seungho shakes his head “Alex you fool”

“What?” Alex looks shortly at Seungho before looking back at YongGuk “I wanted him to realize that those dickheads didn’t take anything away from him” She smirks and turns Yong Guk’s chin towards herself making sure she has his attention “You still stood your ground when needed and that even though you were in pain and scared” YongGuk first stares at her and then laughs bitterly “You really are too bloody fearless” He looks down at his hands with just a little hint of a smile

“I know” Seungho sighs “I’m gonna go prematurely old like this and I’m already bloody old” he shakes his head and fakes a sob while hiding his eyes.

Cheondung chuckles looking at Seungho. YongGuk looks back at Alex and softly nods “Thanks though”

“Any time” Alex smiles sweetly

“Preferably not” Seungho adds in looking back at Alex. She scratches her neck “I can’t promise anything”

He just sighs and shakes his head. Cheondung then straightens up “Alex why don’t you have any of our music?” He pouts overly dramatic. Alex tilts her head and pouts slightly “What was the name of your group again?”

Seungho and Cheondung glares at her “You are kidding right?”

She shrugs “I got a bad memory”

“No you don’t I’m not falling for that again!” Cheondung points a finger at her.

She grins teasingly ”Yah relax” She gets up and walks over to her suitcase “That laptop is I’m only using that because this place is such a dumb if I have anything of value it would get stolen”

“So you do have our music?” Cheondung walks over behind her.

“Yeah off course . We even talked about several of your albums on skype” She sends him a look. Seungho smirks “So if this is all the old stuff what do you actually listen to these days?”

She looks back and tilts her head from side to side “Well Dir en grey is always good, Pay money to my pain, Roach, Sadie, Outrage, Acid Black cherry, Spiv State has a huge star with me these days. Actually I listen to most of what is on that one” She nods at the laptop in Seungho’s lab. One side of her girls up into a smirks “Mir sends me a lot of kpop but I’m not much for the female groups. Just not my thing”

“You heard of B.A.P.?” Cheondung asks taking a seat on the table again. YongGuk looks to Alex ith curiousity. She narrows her eyes and pouts slightly thinking it over “Uhm I think so, Warrior right?”

YongGuk smiles “Yes” he sounds a bit over excited

“Is that your group?” Alex looks at YongGuk who nods smiling a gummy smile.

“I quite liked that song” She smirks.

YongGuk looks down grinning proudly.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P